path: root/examples/example3a_spi_wasm
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/example3a_spi_wasm')
3 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/example3a_spi_wasm/Makefile b/examples/example3a_spi_wasm/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eff969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/example3a_spi_wasm/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+FLASH_DATA = data.txt
+include ../../Makefile.example
diff --git a/examples/example3a_spi_wasm/data.txt b/examples/example3a_spi_wasm/data.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2200f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/example3a_spi_wasm/data.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+WebAssembly or Wasm standard developed by W3C Community Group defines a bytecode
+format for executable programs, as well as its text representation. The goal of the bytecode is to
+enable efficient interpretation and keep the size of the binary small. Although it has been created
+mainly for use on web pages, it is suited for other environments as well, including embedded
+targets. Programming languages, even those with manual memory management and pointer
+arithmetics, can be compiled to Wasm bytecode. Hence, a standard-conforming WebAssembly
+interpreter is capable of running code written in any of the languages, for which a compiler
+exists. This currently includes C, C++, C#, Rust and others. Wasm bytecode runs on a virtual
+stack machine. Most existing environments either interpret it directly or use JIT compilation.
+The goal of this thesis is to create a laboratory station for execution of WebAssembly on a
+programmable logic device. The client is a person responsible for the equipment of a laboratory.
+Project’s codename is WMC - WebAssembly Machine in Circuitry.
+WebAsm interpretation could possibly be made faster with hardware designed specifically for
+this task 1. Such hardware would also benefit from already existing tools for generating and
+working with the bytecode. The entire range of languages, that can be compiled to the bytecode,
+would be immediately available for use on such platform.
+Although a WebAssembly processor would be unique in some sense, it could still be used in a
+fashion similar to other soft processors for programmable logic, enabling sequential execution.
+The processor could be integrated with hardware modules. Such a combination would allow for
+implementing peripheral devices operated by Wasm software. If such WebAssembly processor
+proves speed-efficient, it can be implemented in application-specific integrated circuit.
+In terms of this thesis a laboratory station for execution of WebAssembly in a programmable
+logic device is going to be created. It will consist of a selected FPGA board with a dedicated
+programmer. Means of communication with the device, for example a VGA display or wired
+connection to a computer, are also going to be ensured.
+Wasm machine is going to be implemented in a hardware description language. Included will
+be: the code, tools to generate bitstream and load it to the board, a test program in WebAssembly binary format, means of transfering it to the device and documentation for the product.
+The client will be a person responsible for equipment of a research laboratory. Aside from
+allowing researchers to evaluate Wasm bytecode execution on the FPGA board, the resulting
+product should allow modification of the logic design, for example to add a peripheral module
+or a custom instruction to the processor and perform experiments with it.
+The designed Wasm machine is going to be a stack machine. Its distinguishable parts will be
+control unit, arithmetic logic unit and peripheral interfaces. An in-circuit stack (as opposed to
+stack fully contained in RAM) and floating-point unit might also be added. The machine shall
+make use of memory module residing on the development board. It shall communicate with
+devices external to FPGA chip through peripherals (e.g. VGA module, serial interface module).
diff --git a/examples/example3a_spi_wasm/instructions.wat b/examples/example3a_spi_wasm/instructions.wat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f09e080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/example3a_spi_wasm/instructions.wat
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+;; See instructions.wat of soc_print_number test. A lot has been taken from
+;; there.
+;; Relevant addresses are VGA text memory (0xFFC00), VGA regs (0x100600),
+;; lower half of timer reg (0x1BFC08), SPI memory (0x13FC00),
+;; SPI bytes_to_output reg (0x13FE00), SPI bytes_to_receive reg (0x13FE02)
+;; and SPI operating reg (0x13FE04).
+ (memory 0 2)
+ (func $main
+ (local $transfers i32)
+ (local $offset i32)
+ (local $address i32)
+ (local $index i32)
+ ;; power up flash chip
+ ;; set bytes_to_output to 1
+ (i32.store16 offset=0 align=2
+ (i32.const 0x13FE00) (i32.const 1))
+ ;; set bytes_to_receive to 0
+ (i32.store16 offset=0 align=2
+ (i32.const 0x13FE02) (i32.const 0))
+ ;; release power-down SPI command
+ (i32.store8 offset=0 align=1
+ (i32.const 0x13FC00) (i32.const 0xAB))
+ ;; start SPI operation
+ (i32.store16 offset=0 align=2
+ (i32.const 0x13FE04) (i32.const 0x1))
+ ;; wait for at least 3000 ns after command gets sent
+ ;; reset the timer
+ (i32.store16 offset=0x0 align=2
+ (i32.const 0x1BFC08) (i32.const 0x0))
+ ;; loop until 45 ticks pass; 45 ticks is 3600 ns; additional 600ns
+ ;; is enough for power-up command to be sent
+ (loop $again
+ (br_if $again (i32.lt_u
+ (i32.load16_u offset=0x0 align=2
+ (i32.const 0x1BFC08))
+ (i32.const 45))))
+ ;; we'll transfer 2400 bytes by making 5 transfers of 480 bytes;
+ ;; our SPI peripheral can transfer at most 511 bytes in one SPI command
+ (set_local $transfers (i32.const 0))
+ (loop $outer
+ ;; set bytes_to_output to 5
+ (i32.store16 offset=0 align=2
+ (i32.const 0x13FE00) (i32.const 5))
+ ;; set bytes_to_receive to 480
+ (i32.store16 offset=0 align=2
+ (i32.const 0x13FE02) (i32.const 480))
+ ;; fast read SPI command
+ (i32.store8 offset=0 align=1
+ (i32.const 0x13FC00) (i32.const 0x0B))
+ ;; prepare address - first, compute current offset
+ (set_local $offset (i32.mul (get_local $transfers)
+ (i32.const 480)))
+ ;; then, add computed offset to base address of 135100
+ (set_local $address (i32.add (get_local $offset)
+ (i32.const 135100)))
+ ;; store the address in big endian
+ (i32.store16 offset=0 align=2
+ (i32.const 0x13FC02)
+ (i32.div_u (get_local $address)
+ (i32.const 256)))
+ (i32.store8 offset=0 align=1
+ (i32.const 0x13FC03) (get_local $address))
+ (i32.store8 offset=0 align=1
+ (i32.const 0x13FC01)
+ (i32.div_u (get_local $address)
+ (i32.const 65536)))
+ ;; start SPI operation
+ (i32.store16 offset=0 align=2
+ (i32.const 0x13FE04) (i32.const 0x1))
+ ;; force wait for operation completion
+ (i32.store16 offset=0 align=2
+ (i32.const 0x13FE00) (i32.const 0))
+ ;; assume transferred data to be ascii text and print it to screen
+ ;; initialize index to 0
+ (set_local $index (i32.const 0))
+ ;; copy characters in a loop
+ (loop $inner
+ ;; copy 4 characters to VGA memory
+ (i32.store offset=0xFFC00 align=4
+ (i32.add (get_local $index)
+ (get_local $offset))
+ (i32.load offset=0x13FC00 align=4
+ (get_local $index)))
+ ;; increase index
+ (set_local $index (i32.add (get_local $index)
+ (i32.const 4)))
+ ;; loop condition
+ (br_if $inner (i32.lt_u
+ (get_local $index)
+ (i32.const 480))))
+ ;; increase transfers count
+ (set_local $transfers (i32.add (get_local $transfers)
+ (i32.const 1)))
+ ;; switch LED2
+ (i32.store16 offset=0x0 align=2
+ (i32.const 0x1BFC06)
+ (i32.rem_u (get_local $transfers) (i32.const 2)))
+ ;; if less than 5 transfers were done, continue with another one
+ (br_if $outer (i32.lt_u (get_local $transfers) (i32.const 5))))
+ ;; write a non-zero value to the VGA power-on reg at 0x100600 (0x100A00)
+ (i32.store16 offset=0x0 align=2
+ (i32.const 0x100600) (i32.const 0x1)))
+ (export "main" (func $main)))