diff options
authorWojciech Kosior <kwojtus@protonmail.com>2020-09-07 21:24:51 +0200
committerWojciech Kosior <kwojtus@protonmail.com>2020-09-07 21:24:51 +0200
commit16d285dac3271becd7a20ccd434c8f4deceeec4a (patch)
parentbf735fa64184033131c17b13d457a1313c2846e2 (diff)
remove old version of stack machine from the project
36 files changed, 1 insertions, 1342 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 081a20e..a4c7b69 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -19,19 +19,6 @@ MACROASM_FLAGS := -Iinclude/ -E
# It made sense to just list all of those in this variable
# and then prepend stack_machine_ to each element
- store \
- load_store \
- multiinstructions_load_store \
- add \
- sub \
- div \
- mul \
- jump \
- tee \
- swap \
- cond_jump
store \
load_store \
@@ -59,7 +46,6 @@ TESTS := \
intercon \
slave_dispatcher \
master_arbiter \
- $(addprefix stack_machine_old_,$(STACK_MACHINE_OLD_TESTS)) \
$(addprefix stack_machine_,$(STACK_MACHINE_TESTS))
# For each of these Makefile will attempt to generate VGAdump.ppm
@@ -126,7 +112,7 @@ quicktest : $(NO_VGA_TEST_TARGETS) # VGA tests take loooong time
tests/%.mem : tests/%.memv
$(IV) $(MACROASM_FLAGS) $^ -o $@
-%.mem : %.s.tcl tclasm_old.tcl tclasm.tcl
+%.mem : %.s.tcl tclasm.tcl
$< > $@
tests/self/test.vvp : tests/self/operations.mem tests/self/test.v \
@@ -221,16 +207,6 @@ tests/wrapped_stack_machine_%/test.vvp : \
$(filter %.v,$^) -o $@
-tests/stack_machine_old_%/test.vvp : \
- tests/stack_machine_old_%/words_to_verify.mem \
- tests/stack_machine_old_%/instructions.mem \
- tests/stack_machine_old_%/test.v models/slave.v \
- design/stack_machine_old.v design/div.v include/messages.vh
- $(IV) $(IVFLAGS) -s stack_machine_test \
- -DINSTRUCTIONS_COUNT=$(call FILE_LINES,$(filter %ions.mem,$^)) \
- $(filter %.v,$^) -o $@
tests/soc_simple_display/test.vvp : tests/soc_simple_display/instructions.mem \
tests/soc_simple_display/test.v models/sram.v \
models/vga_display.v design/*.v include/messages.vh
diff --git a/design/stack_machine_old.v b/design/stack_machine_old.v
deleted file mode 100644
index d466cc8..0000000
--- a/design/stack_machine_old.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-`default_nettype none
-module stack_machine
- (
- input wire ACK_I,
- input wire CLK_I,
- output reg [19:0] ADR_O,
- input wire [15:0] DAT_I,
- output reg [15:0] DAT_O,
- input wire RST_I,
- output reg STB_O,
- output reg CYC_O,
- output reg WE_O,
- input wire STALL_I,
- /* non-wishbone */
- output wire finished
- );
- reg [19:0] pc;
- reg [19:0] sp;
- reg [15:0] instr;
- reg [31:0] r0;
- reg [31:0] r1;
- reg [31:0] im;
- parameter STEP_START = 0;
- parameter STEP_LOAD_OR_STORE = 3;
- reg [2:0] step;
- reg [15:0] DAT_I_latched;
- reg [15:0] instruction_latched;
- reg instruction_just_received;
- wire [15:0] instruction;
- assign instruction = instruction_just_received ?
- DAT_I_latched : instruction_latched;
- /* Results of instruction parsing */
- wire shift_immediate; /* only if modify_immediate is true */
- assign shift_immediate = instruction[11];
- /* only if shift_immediate is true */
- wire [10:0] immediate_bits_to_shift;
- assign immediate_bits_to_shift = instruction[10:0];
- /* only if shift_immediate is false */
- wire set_immediate;
- assign set_immediate = instruction[10];
- /* only if (set_immediate && !shift_immediate) is true */
- wire [31:0] immediate_value_to_set;
- assign immediate_value_to_set = {{22{instruction[9]}}, instruction[9:0]};
- /* only if (!set_immediate && !shift_immediate) is true */
- wire add_immediate;
- assign add_immediate = instruction[9];
- /* only if (add_immediate && !set_immediate && !shift_immediate) is true */
- wire [9:0] immediate_value_to_add;
- assign immediate_value_to_add = instruction[8:0];
- wire [31:0] new_im;
- assign new_im = shift_immediate ? {im[20:0], immediate_bits_to_shift} :
- set_immediate ? immediate_value_to_set :
- add_immediate ? im + immediate_value_to_add : im;
- wire shift_regs;
- assign shift_regs = instruction[12];
- wire load_or_store;
- assign load_or_store = instruction[15];
- wire [19:0] addr_to_use; /* only if load_or_store is true */
- /* The implementation is currently unable to make non-aligned accesses */
- assign addr_to_use = new_im / 2 + (immediate_addressing ? 0 : sp);
- wire load; /* only if load_or_store is true */
- assign load = instruction[14];
- wire store; /* only if load_or_store is true */
- assign store = !load;
- wire immediate_addressing; /* only if load_or_store is true */
- assign immediate_addressing = instruction[13];
- wire sp_addressing; /* only if load_or_store is true */
- assign sp_addressing = !immediate_addressing;
- wire load_or_store_r0; /* only if load_or_store is true */
- assign load_or_store_r0 = instruction[12];
- wire load_or_store_r1; /* only if load_or_store is true */
- assign load_or_store_r1 = !load_or_store_r0;
- /* only if load_or_store is false */
- wire cond_jump;
- assign cond_jump = instruction[14:13] == 2'b11;
- /* only if load_or_store is false */
- wire jump;
- assign jump = instruction[14:13] == 2'b10;
- /* only if load_or_store is false */
- wire exchange_r1_im;
- assign exchange_r1_im = instruction[14:13] == 2'b01;
- /* only if load_or_store is false */
- wire immediate_modification;
- assign immediate_modification
- = instruction[14:13] == 0 &&
- (shift_immediate || set_immediate || add_immediate);
- wire extended_instruction; /* only if load_or_store is false */
- assign extended_instruction = instruction[14:13] == 0 && ! shift_immediate &&
- !set_immediate && !add_immediate;
- /* only if (!load_or_store && extended_instruction) is true */
- wire [8:0] extended_instruction_bits;
- assign extended_instruction_bits = instruction[8:0];
- /* extended instructions */
- parameter INSTR_TEE = 9'd7;
- parameter INSTR_MUL = 9'd6;
- parameter INSTR_DIV = 9'd5;
- parameter INSTR_SUB = 9'd4;
- parameter INSTR_ADD = 9'd3;
- parameter INSTR_SET_SP = 9'd2;
- parameter INSTR_HALT = 9'd1;
- parameter INSTR_NOP = 9'd0;
- /* module for division */
- wire [31:0] div_quotient;
- wire [31:0] div_remainder;
- wire div_done;
- div
- #(
- .WIDTH(32)
- ) div
- (
- .clock(CLK_I),
- .dividend(r0),
- .divisor(r1),
- .quotient(div_quotient),
- .remainder(div_remainder),
- .done(div_done)
- );
- assign finished = !load_or_store && extended_instruction &&
- extended_instruction_bits == INSTR_HALT;
- reg [15:0] second_word_to_store;
- /*
- * Variables necessary to know where we are when transferring
- * a sequence of words through wishbone
- */
- reg first_command_sent;
- reg first_ack_received;
- /* Informs us, that DAT_I_latched should be moved to r0 or r1 */
- reg load_half_of_r0;
- reg load_half_of_r1;
- /*
- * RST should still be used when powering up, even in benches;
- * this is just to avoid undefined values
- */
- initial begin
- ADR_O <= 0;
- STB_O <= 0;
- CYC_O <= 0;
- WE_O <= 0;
- r0 <= 0;
- r1 <= 0;
- im <= 0;
- pc <= 0;
- sp <= 20'h40000;
- step <= STEP_START;
- instruction_latched <= 0;
- instruction_just_received <= 0;
- end
- always @ (posedge CLK_I) begin
- DAT_I_latched <= DAT_I;
- /*
- * Later part of this always block sets them to 1 under certain
- * conditions, which takes precedence over this assignment
- */
- load_half_of_r0 <= 0;
- load_half_of_r1 <= 0;
- instruction_just_received <= 0;
- if (RST_I) begin
- STB_O <= 0;
- CYC_O <= 0;
- pc <= 0;
- sp <= 20'h40000;
- step <= STEP_START;
- end else begin
- case (step)
- STEP_START : begin
- ADR_O <= pc;
- STB_O <= 1;
- CYC_O <= 1;
- WE_O <= 0;
- pc <= pc + 1;
- end
- if (!STALL_I)
- STB_O <= 0;
- if (ACK_I) begin
- instruction_just_received <= 1;
- CYC_O <= 0;
- end
- im <= new_im;
- instruction_latched <= instruction;
- first_command_sent <= 0;
- first_ack_received <= 0;
- if (shift_regs)
- {r0, r1} <= {r1, r0}; /* magic! */
- if (load_or_store) begin
- CYC_O <= 1;
- STB_O <= 1;
- WE_O <= store;
- ADR_O <= addr_to_use;
- /* Even if not a store, setting these won't break anything */
- DAT_O <= load_or_store_r0 ? r0[15:0] : r1[15:0];
- second_word_to_store <= load_or_store_r0 ?
- r0[31:16] : r1[31:16];
- if (load_or_store_r0)
- sp <= sp + (load ? 2 : -2);
- end else begin // if (load_or_store)
- if (immediate_modification) begin
- step <= STEP_START;
- end else if (exchange_r1_im || extended_instruction) begin
- end else if (jump) begin
- pc <= new_im / 2;
- step <= STEP_START;
- end else if (cond_jump) begin
- if (r1 != 0)
- pc <= new_im / 2;
- step <= STEP_START;
- end else begin
- $display("operation not implemented yet");
- step <= STEP_START;
- end
- end // else: !if(load_or_store)
- if (!STALL_I) begin
- ADR_O <= ADR_O + 1;
- DAT_O <= second_word_to_store;
- if (!first_command_sent)
- first_command_sent <= 1;
- else
- STB_O <= 0;
- end // if (!STALL_I)
- if (ACK_I) begin
- if (load) begin
- if (load_or_store_r0)
- load_half_of_r0 <= 1;
- else
- load_half_of_r1 <= 1;
- end
- if (!first_ack_received)
- first_ack_received <= 1;
- else
- step <= STEP_START;
- end // if (ACK_I)
- end // case: STEP_LOAD_OR_STORE
- step <= STEP_START; /* unless overwritten in case block below */
- if (extended_instruction) begin
- case (extended_instruction_bits)
- ;
- step <= step; /* stay in this step forever */
- sp <= im / 2;
- r0 <= r0 + r1;
- r0 <= r0 - r1;
- INSTR_DIV : begin
- {r0, r1} <= {div_quotient, div_remainder};
- if (!div_done)
- step <= step;
- end
- r0 <= r0 * r1;
- r1 <= r0;
- default : begin
- $display("operation not implemented yet");
- end
- endcase // case (extended_instruction_bits)
- end else if (exchange_r1_im) begin
- {r1, im} <= {im, r1};
- end else begin
- $display("operation not implemented yet");
- end
- endcase // case (step)
- end // else: !if(RST_I)
- if (load_half_of_r0)
- r0 <= {DAT_I_latched, r0[31:16]};
- if (load_half_of_r1)
- r1 <= {DAT_I_latched, r1[31:16]};
- end // always @ (posedge CLK_I)
-endmodule // stack_machine
diff --git a/tclasm_old.tcl b/tclasm_old.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 99b01a1..0000000
--- a/tclasm_old.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/grep this[ ]script
-# this script is to be sourced, not executed by itself
-# procedures starting with "__" are internal and not to be used in asm code;
-# procedures starting with "_" are generalized procedures, that are not meant
-# to be directly used for code translated from webasm;
-# the rest are typical procedures webasm code will be mapped to
-proc __parse_binary {binary} {
- set value 0
- for {set bits_remaining $binary} \
- {"$bits_remaining" != ""} \
- {set bits_remaining [string range $bits_remaining 1 end]} {
- set value [expr $value * 2]
- if [string match 1* $bits_remaining] {
- incr value
- } elseif [string match 0* $bits_remaining] {
- # nothing
- } else {
- error "'$binary' cannot be parsed as a binary number"
- }
- }
- return $value
-proc __parse_number {number} {
- if [string match h?* $number] {
- set value 0x[string range $number 1 end]
- } elseif [string match b?* $number] {
- set value [__parse_binary [string range $number 1 end]]
- } elseif [string match {d[0123456789]?*} $number] {
- set value [string range $number 1 end]
- } elseif [string match {-[0123456789]*} $number] {
- set value $number
- } elseif [string match {[0123456789]*} $number] {
- set value $number
- } else {
- error "'$number' is not a properly formatted number"
- }
- return $value
-proc __to_binary {number length {can_be_negative -neg_ok}} {
- if [string equal $can_be_negative -neg_ok] {
- set can_be_negative 1
- } elseif [string equal $can_be_negative -no_neg] {
- set can_be_negative 0
- } else {
- error "'$can_be_negative' is not a valid value for the\
- 'can_be_negative' argument"
- }
- set value [__parse_number $number]
- if {$value < 0 && !$can_be_negative} {
- error "value '$number' provided where negative values are not allowed"
- }
- if {($can_be_negative && $value >= 2 ** ($length - 1)) ||
- $value >= 2 ** $length ||
- $value < -(2 ** ($length - 1))} {
- error "value '$number' doesn't fit into $length\
- bits[expr $can_be_negative ? "{ with sign}" : "{}"]"
- }
- for {set result ""} {$length > 0} {incr length -1} {
- set result [expr $value % 2]$result
- set value [expr $value >> 1]
- }
- return $result
-# example: __encode_immediate im+=213
-# __encode_immediate im<<=hAB
-# __encode_immediate im=im
-# __encode_immediate im=-33 # negative value only allowed for im=
-# __encode_immediate im<<=b1101101
-proc __encode_immediate {im_modification} {
- if [string equal $im_modification im=im] {
- return 000000000000
- } elseif [string match im<<=?* $im_modification] {
- return 1[__to_binary [string range $im_modification 5 end] 11 -no_neg]
- } elseif [string match im=?* $im_modification] {
- return 01[__to_binary [string range $im_modification 3 end] 10]
- } elseif [string match im+=?* $im_modification] {
- return 001[__to_binary [string range $im_modification 4 end] 9 -no_neg]
- } else {
- error "'$im_modification' is not a valid im modification"
- }
-# example: __encode_access_type load
-# __encode_access_type store
-proc __encode_access_type {type} {
- if {"$type" == "load"} {
- return 1
- } elseif {"$type" == "store"} {
- return 0
- } else {
- error "'$type' is not a valid memory access type"
- }
-# example: __encode_addressing @im
-# __encode_addressing @im+sp
-proc __encode_addressing {address} {
- if {"$address" == "@im"} {
- return 1
- } elseif {"$address" == "@im+sp"} {
- return 0
- } else {
- error "'$address' is not a valid addressing"
- }
-# example: __encode_reg r0
-# __encode_reg r1
-proc __encode_reg {register} {
- if {"$register" == "r0"} {
- return 1
- } elseif {"$register" == "r1"} {
- return 0
- } else {
- error "'$register' is not a valid register"
- }
-# example: __encode_memory_access load r0 @im im=d1840
-# __encode_memory_access store r1 @im+sp im<<=b1100011
-proc __encode_memory_access {type register address {im_modification im=im}} {
- set type [__encode_access_type $type]
- set address [__encode_addressing $address]
- set register [__encode_reg $register]
- set im_modification [__encode_immediate $im_modification]
- return 1$type$address$register$im_modification
-# example: __encode_swap swap
-# __encode_swap no_swap
-proc __encode_swap {swap_regs} {
- if {"$swap_regs" == "swap"} {
- return 1
- } elseif {"$swap_regs" == "no_swap"} {
- return 0
- } else {
- error "got '$swap_regs' where 'swap' or 'no_swap' was expected"
- }
-# example: __encode_swap swap
-# __encode_swap no_swap
-proc __encode_cond {cond} {
- if {"$cond" == "cond"} {
- return 1
- } elseif {"$cond" == "non-cond"} {
- return 0
- } else {
- error "got '$cond' where 'cond' or 'non-cond' was expected"
- }
-# example: __encode_extended_instruction halt
-# __encode_extended_instruction nop
-proc __encode_extended_instruction {instruction} {
- if {"$instruction" == "nop"} {
- return [__to_binary 0 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "halt"} {
- return [__to_binary 1 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "set_sp"} {
- return [__to_binary 2 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "add"} {
- return [__to_binary 3 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "sub"} {
- return [__to_binary 4 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "div"} {
- return [__to_binary 5 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "mul"} {
- return [__to_binary 6 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "tee"} {
- return [__to_binary 7 9]
- } else {
- error "no such extended instruction: '$instruction'"
- }
-# example: _load r0 @im im+=2 # negative values are *not* allowed for im+=
-# _load r1 @im im=im
-# _load r0 @im+sp # im=im is the default if not specified
-# _load r0 @im im<<=12 # 12 is the value shifted, shift is always by 11
-# _load r1 @im im=-9 # negative values are only allowed for im=
-# _load r0 @im+sp im=0 # this results in using only sp for addressing
-proc _load {register address {im_modification im=im}} {
- puts [__encode_memory_access load $register $address $im_modification]
-# example: _store r0 @im im+=2 # same semantics as _load
-# _store r1 @im im=im
-# _store r0 @im+sp
-# _store r0 @im im<<=12
-# _store r1 @im im=-9
-# _store r0 @im+sp im=0
-proc _store {register address {im_modification im=im}} {
- puts [__encode_memory_access store $register $address $im_modification]
-# example: _jump im<<=b1101011 cond swap
-# _jump im=im non-cond
-proc _jump {{im_modification im=im} {cond non-cond} {swap_regs no_swap}} {
- set swap_regs [__encode_swap $swap_regs]
- set cond [__encode_cond $cond]
- puts 01$cond$swap_regs[__encode_immediate $im_modification]
-# example: _cond_jump im=h16A swap
-proc _cond_jump {{im_modification im=im} {swap_regs no_swap}} {
- _jump $im_modification cond $swap_regs
-# example: _extended_instruction nop swap # it's really no longer a true nop...
-# _extended_instruction halt
-proc _extended_instruction {instruction {swap_regs no_swap}} {
- set swap_regs [__encode_swap $swap_regs]
- set no_im_modification 000
- set instruction [__encode_extended_instruction $instruction]
- puts 000$swap_regs$no_im_modification$instruction
-# example: _immediate im+=4 swap
-# _immediate im<<=hFF
-# _immediate im=im # this one gives the same bit result as 'nop'
-proc _immediate {im_modification {swap_regs no_swap}} {
- set swap_regs [__encode_swap $swap_regs]
- set im_modification [__encode_immediate $im_modification]
- puts 000$swap_regs$im_modification
-# example: _exchange_im im<<=b10101010101 swap
-proc _exchange_im {{im_modification im=im} {swap_regs no_swap}} {
- set swap_regs [__encode_swap $swap_regs]
- set im_modification [__encode_immediate $im_modification]
- puts 001$swap_regs$im_modification
-proc _const {command number} {
- set value [expr [__parse_number $number] + 0]
- if {$value < 2 ** 9 && $value >= -(2 ** 9)} {
- $command im=$value
- } elseif {$value < 2 ** 20 && $value >= -(2 ** 20)} {
- _immediate im=[expr $value >> 11]
- $command im<<=[expr $value & 0x7ff]
- } elseif {$value < 2 ** 32 && $value >= -(2 ** 31)} {
- # remove sign
- set value [expr $value & (2 ** 32 - 1)]
- _immediate im<<=[expr $value >> 22]
- _immediate im<<=[expr ($value >> 11) & 0x7ff]
- $command im<<=[expr $value & 0x7ff]
- } else {
- error "number '$number' doesn't fit in 32 bits"
- }
-# example: stack up
-# stack down
-proc stack {direction} {
- if {"$direction" == "up"} {
- _load r0 @im+sp im=4
- } elseif {"$direction" == "down"} {
- _store r0 @im+sp im=0
- } else {
- error "bad opcode: stack $direction"
- }
-# example: store im<<=00000000000
-proc store {{im_modification im=im}} {
- _store r1 @im $im_modification
-# example: load im=hDD
-proc load {{im_modification im=im}} {
- _load r1 @im $im_modification
-# example: jump # if no address is given - im is used
-# jump h4FFFE
-proc jump {{address im_address}} {
- if {"$address" == "im_address"} {
- _jump im=im
- } else {
- _const _jump $address
- }
-# example: cond_jump
-# cond_jump b100100110100111101 # same semantics as 'jump'
-proc cond_jump {{address im_address}} {
- if {"$address" == "im_address"} {
- _jump im=im cond
- } else {
- _const _cond_jump $address
- }
-foreach instruction {halt nop swap add sub div mul tee} {
- proc $instruction {} "
- _extended_instruction $instruction
- "
-proc swap {} {
- _extended_instruction nop swap
-# example: exchange_im im+=15
-proc exchange_im {{im_modification im=im}} {
- _exchange_im $im_modification
-# example: const -100249
-# const hDEADBEEF # automatically translates to multiple instructions
-proc const {number} {
- _const _exchange_im $number
-# example: immediate b11101101010000010100010 # analogous to 'const' above
-proc immediate {number} {
- _const _immediate $number
-# example: set_sp h2FFFE # analogous to 'const' and 'immediate' above
-proc set_sp {number} {
- immediate $number
- _extended_instruction set_sp
-# example: store@ h57574
-proc store@ {address_number} {
- _const store $address_number
-# example: load@ h20000
-proc load@ {address_number} {
- _const load $address_number
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_add/instructions.s.tcl b/tests/stack_machine_old_add/instructions.s.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 6894ecc..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_add/instructions.s.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-source tclasm_old.tcl
-### store 2 values to memory, load them back, add them and store the result
-set_sp h7FFFC
-const 12345678
-store@ h1EEE0
-const 40302010
-store@ h1EEE4
-load@ h1EEE0
-stack down
-load@ h1EEE4
-# adding 40302010 to 12345678 should yield 52647688
-stack up
-store@ h1EEE8
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_add/test.v b/tests/stack_machine_old_add/test.v
deleted file mode 120000
index f0c3cf9..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_add/test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../stack_machine_old_store/test.v \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_add/words_to_verify.mem b/tests/stack_machine_old_add/words_to_verify.mem
deleted file mode 100644
index db077bc..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_add/words_to_verify.mem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// address value
- 1EEE0 614E // 12345678 in hex is BC614E
- 1EEE2 BC
- 1EEE4 F5BA // 40302010 in hex is 266F5BA
- 1EEE6 266
- 1EEE8 5708 // 52647688 in hex is 3235708
- 1EEEA 323
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_cond_jump/instructions.s.tcl b/tests/stack_machine_old_cond_jump/instructions.s.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 2cce62f..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_cond_jump/instructions.s.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-source tclasm_old.tcl
-## also look at stack_machine_jump test
-## we're going to write numbers from 0 to 7 to addresses h400 - h41C
-# this will translate to 3 16-bit instructions
-set_sp h7FFFC
-## set up the counter
-# each of those 2 will translate to 1 16-bit instruction
-const 0
-stack down
-## this is the point we later jump to, address 10
-## compute address: counter * 4 + h400
-stack down
-const 4
-const h400
-stack up
-## load computed address to im
-## save value of counter at address pointed by im
-## increase counter by 1
-const 1
-## compare value of counter to 8
-stack down
-const 8
-stack up
-## loop if counter != 8
-cond_jump 10
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_cond_jump/test.v b/tests/stack_machine_old_cond_jump/test.v
deleted file mode 120000
index f0c3cf9..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_cond_jump/test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../stack_machine_old_store/test.v \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_cond_jump/words_to_verify.mem b/tests/stack_machine_old_cond_jump/words_to_verify.mem
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b77b8a..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_cond_jump/words_to_verify.mem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// address value
- 00400 0 // verify the first number written
- 00402 0
- 00408 2 // verify a number in the middle
- 0040A 0
- 0041C 7 // verify the last number
- 0041E 0
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_div/instructions.s.tcl b/tests/stack_machine_old_div/instructions.s.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 8a5f5df..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_div/instructions.s.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-source tclasm_old.tcl
-### store 2 values to memory, load them back, divide one by another and store
-### the result (both quotient and remainder); this is analogous to addition
-### and substraction tests
-set_sp h7FFFC
-const 777681520
-store@ h1EEE0
-const 3721
-store@ h1EEE4
-load@ h1EEE0
-stack down
-load@ h1EEE4
-# dividing 777681520 by 3721 should yield 208997 r 3683
-store@ h1EEE8
-stack up
-store@ h1EEEC
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_div/test.v b/tests/stack_machine_old_div/test.v
deleted file mode 120000
index f0c3cf9..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_div/test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../stack_machine_old_store/test.v \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_div/words_to_verify.mem b/tests/stack_machine_old_div/words_to_verify.mem
deleted file mode 100644
index 8543226..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_div/words_to_verify.mem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// address value
- 1EEE0 7A70 // 777681520 in hex is 2E5A7A70
- 1EEE2 2E5A
- 1EEE4 E89 // 3721 in hex is E89
- 1EEE6 0
- 1EEE8 E63 // 3683 in hex is E63
- 1EEEA 0
- 1EEEC 3065 // 208997 in hex is 33065
- 1EEEE 3
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_jump/instructions.s.tcl b/tests/stack_machine_old_jump/instructions.s.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 359da35..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_jump/instructions.s.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-source tclasm_old.tcl
-## Let there be 2 pieces of code - each one storing a different value in memory
-## and halting afterwards. Jump instruction should cause the second piece of
-## code to execute instead of the first. We'll verify that by checking, which
-## value got written.
-## Ufortunately, our assembly currently doesn't compute label addresses for us.
-# Each of those 4 instructions should get encoded into 1 16-bit word, so they
-# will take 8 bytes total. Hence jump to address 8 is needed to skip them.
-jump 8
-const h12
-store@ h00100
-# address 8 here
-const h34
-store@ h00100
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_jump/test.v b/tests/stack_machine_old_jump/test.v
deleted file mode 120000
index f0c3cf9..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_jump/test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../stack_machine_old_store/test.v \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_jump/words_to_verify.mem b/tests/stack_machine_old_jump/words_to_verify.mem
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fded2b..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_jump/words_to_verify.mem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-// address value
- 00100 34
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_load_store/instructions.s.tcl b/tests/stack_machine_old_load_store/instructions.s.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 40a657e..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_load_store/instructions.s.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-source tclasm_old.tcl
-### another simple test - set stack to h7FFFC, store 4 numbers on stack (only 2
-### will really get written to memory, other 2 will remain in r0 and r1),
-### then pop all the numbers and write them to h57574
-## set sp to h7FFFC (actually, lowest bit is assumed 0 and not stored there)
-# 7777 FFFF F
-# bits 19:11 of h7FFFC are 0111 1111 1
-_immediate im=b011111111
-# bits 10:0 of h7FFFC are 111 1111 1100
-_immediate im<<=b11111111100
-_extended_instruction set_sp
-## get value h01010202 into r1
-# 0000 1111 00
-# bits 31:22 of h01010202 are 0000 0001 00
-_immediate im<<=b0000000100
-# 00 1111 0000 2
-# bits 21:11 of h01010202 are 00 0001 0000 0
-_immediate im<<=b00000100000
-# 222 0000 2222
-# bits 10:0 of h01010202 are 010 0000 0010
-_exchange_im im<<=b01000000010
-## get value h03030404 into r1
-stack down
-# 0000 3333 00
-# bits 31:22 of h03030404 are 0000 0011 00
-_immediate im<<=b0000001100
-# 00 3333 0000 4
-# bits 21:11 of h03030404 are 00 0011 0000 0
-_immediate im<<=b00001100000
-# 444 0000 4444
-# bits 10:0 of h03030404 are 100 0000 0100
-_exchange_im im<<=b10000000100
-## get value h05050606 into r1
-stack down
-# 0000 5555 00
-# bits 31:22 of h05050606 are 0000 0101 00
-_immediate im<<=b0000010100
-# 00 5555 0000 6
-# bits 21:11 of h05050606 are 00 0101 0000 0
-_immediate im<<=b00010100000
-# 666 0000 6666
-# bits 10:0 of h05050606 are 110 0000 0110
-_exchange_im im<<=b11000000110
-## get value h07070808 into r1
-stack down
-# 0000 7777 00
-# bits 31:22 of h07070808 are 0000 0111 00
-_immediate im<<=b0000011100
-# 00 7777 0000 8
-# bits 21:11 of h07070808 are 00 0111 0000 1
-_immediate im<<=b00011100001
-# 888 0000 8888
-# bits 10:0 of h07070808 are 000 0000 1000
-_exchange_im im<<=b00000001000
-## get address h57574 into im and write r1 to that address
-# 5555 7777 5
-# bits 19:11 of h57574 are 0101 0111 0
-_immediate im=b010101110
-# 555 7777 4444
-# bits 10:0 of h57574 are 101 0111 0100
-store im<<=b10101110100
-# get r0 to r1
-stack up
-## get address h57578 into im and write r1 to that address
-# 5555 7777 5
-# bits 19:11 of h57578 are 0101 0111 0
-_immediate im=b010101110
-# 555 7777 8888
-# bits 10:0 of h57578 are 101 0111 1000
-store im<<=b10101111000
-# get r0 to r1
-stack up
-## get address h5757C into im and write r1 to that address
-# 5555 7777 5
-# bits 19:11 of h5757C are 0101 0111 0
-_immediate im=b010101110
-# 555 7777 CCCC
-# bits 10:0 of h5757C are 101 0111 1100
-store im<<=b10101111100
-# get r0 to r1
-stack up
-## get address h57580 into im and write r1 to that address
-# 5555 7777 5
-# bits 19:11 of h57580 are 0101 0111 0
-_immediate im=b010101110
-# 555 8888 0000
-# bits 10:0 of h57580 are 101 1000 0000
-store im<<=b10110000000
-## finish test
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_load_store/test.v b/tests/stack_machine_old_load_store/test.v
deleted file mode 120000
index f0c3cf9..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_load_store/test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../stack_machine_old_store/test.v \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_load_store/words_to_verify.mem b/tests/stack_machine_old_load_store/words_to_verify.mem
deleted file mode 100644
index 349b213..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_load_store/words_to_verify.mem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// address value
- 57574 0808
- 57576 0707
- 57578 0606
- 5757A 0505
- 5757C 0404
- 5757E 0303
- 57580 0202
- 57582 0101
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_mul/instructions.s.tcl b/tests/stack_machine_old_mul/instructions.s.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 969b19a..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_mul/instructions.s.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-source tclasm_old.tcl
-### store 4 values to memory; load 2 of them back, multiply them and store the
-### result; load another 2, multiply them and store the result;
-### this is similar to addition and substraction tests
-set_sp h7FFFC
-## store first 2 factors
-const 483091365
-store@ h1EEE0
-const 74683203
-store@ h1EEE4
-## store other 2 factors
-const 8436
-store@ h1EEEC
-const -14020
-store@ h1EEF0
-## perform the first multiplication
-load@ h1EEE0
-stack down
-load@ h1EEE4
-# multiplying 483091365 by 74683203 should yield 36078810479842095
-# if we take lowest 32 bits of 36078810479842095 we get 2861683503
-stack up
-store@ h1EEE8
-## perform the second multiplication
-load@ h1EEEC
-stack down
-load@ h1EEF0
-# multiplying 8436 by -14020 should yield -118272720 (which fits in 32 bits)
-stack up
-store@ h1EEF4
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_mul/test.v b/tests/stack_machine_old_mul/test.v
deleted file mode 120000
index f0c3cf9..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_mul/test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../stack_machine_old_store/test.v \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_mul/words_to_verify.mem b/tests/stack_machine_old_mul/words_to_verify.mem
deleted file mode 100644
index 3095d6e..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_mul/words_to_verify.mem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// address value
- 1EEE0 63A5 // 483091365 in hex is 1CCB63A5
- 1EEE2 1CCB
- 1EEE4 9343 // 74683203 in hex is 4739343
- 1EEE6 473
- 1EEE8 D32F // 2861683503 in hex is AA91D32F
- 1EEEA AA91
- 1EEEC 20F4 // 8436 in hex is 20F4
- 1EEEE 0
- 1EEF0 C93C // -14020 in hex is FFFFC93C
- 1EEF4 4D30 // -118272720 in hex is F8F34D30
- 1EEF6 F8F3
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_multiinstructions_load_store/instructions.s.tcl b/tests/stack_machine_old_multiinstructions_load_store/instructions.s.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index a6316a3..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_multiinstructions_load_store/instructions.s.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-source tclasm_old.tcl
-### do the same as in stack_machine_2 test, but use higher level instructions
-## set sp to h7FFFC
-set_sp h7FFFC
-## get value h01010202 into r1
-const h01010202
-## get value h03030404 into r1
-stack down
-const h03030404
-## get value h05050606 into r1
-stack down
-const h05050606
-## get value h07070808 into r1
-stack down
-const h07070808
-## write r1 to address h57574
-store@ h57574
-stack up
-## write r1 to address h57578
-store@ h57578
-stack up
-## write r1 to address h5757C
-store@ h5757C
-stack up
-## write r1 to address h57580
-store@ h57580
-## finish test
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_multiinstructions_load_store/test.v b/tests/stack_machine_old_multiinstructions_load_store/test.v
deleted file mode 120000
index f0c3cf9..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_multiinstructions_load_store/test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../stack_machine_old_store/test.v \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_multiinstructions_load_store/words_to_verify.mem b/tests/stack_machine_old_multiinstructions_load_store/words_to_verify.mem
deleted file mode 120000
index e82687e..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_multiinstructions_load_store/words_to_verify.mem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../stack_machine_old_load_store/words_to_verify.mem \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_store/instructions.s.tcl b/tests/stack_machine_old_store/instructions.s.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index d7e26b0..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_store/instructions.s.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-source tclasm_old.tcl
-### simple test - write value hDEADBEEF to address h3ABCD
-## get value hDEADBEEF into r1
-# bits 31:22 of hDEADBEEF are 1101 1110 10
-_immediate im<<=b1101111010
-# bits 21:11 of hDEADBEEF are 10 1101 1011 1
-_immediate im<<=b10110110111
-# bits 10:0 of hDEADBEEF are 110 1110 1111
-_exchange_im im<<=b11011101111
-## get address h7579A into im
-# 7777 5555 7
-# bits 19:11 of h7579A are 0111 0101 0
-_immediate im=b011101010
-# 777 9999 AAAA
-# bits 10:0 of h7579A are 111 1001 1010
-store im<<=b11110011010
-## finish test
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_store/test.v b/tests/stack_machine_old_store/test.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e7429f..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_store/test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-`default_nettype none
-`include "messages.vh"
- `error_SIMULATION_not_defined
-; /* Cause syntax error */
- `error_INSTRUCTIONS_COUNT_must_be_defined
-; /* Cause syntax error */
- `error_WORDS_TO_VERIFY_COUNT_must_be_defined
-; /* Cause syntax error */
-module stack_machine_test();
- wire M_ACK_I;
- wire M_CLK_I;
- wire [19:0] M_ADR_O;
- wire [15:0] M_DAT_I;
- wire [15:0] M_DAT_O;
- wire M_RST_I;
- wire M_STB_O;
- wire M_CYC_O;
- wire M_WE_O;
- wire M_STALL_I;
- wire S_ACK_O;
- wire S_CLK_I;
- wire [17:0] S_ADR_I;
- wire [15:0] S_DAT_I;
- wire [15:0] S_DAT_O;
- wire S_RST_I;
- wire S_STB_I;
- wire S_WE_I;
- wire S_STALL_O;
- /* Non-wishbone */
- wire M_finished;
- stack_machine stack_machine
- (
- .ACK_I(M_ACK_I),
- .CLK_I(M_CLK_I),
- .ADR_O(M_ADR_O),
- .DAT_I(M_DAT_I),
- .DAT_O(M_DAT_O),
- .RST_I(M_RST_I),
- .STB_O(M_STB_O),
- .CYC_O(M_CYC_O),
- .WE_O(M_WE_O),
- .finished(M_finished)
- );
- memory_slave_model
- #(
- .SLAVE_NR(0),
- .INITIAL_CONTENTS_FILE("instructions.mem")
- ) slave
- (
- .ACK_O(S_ACK_O),
- .CLK_I(S_CLK_I),
- .ADR_I(S_ADR_I),
- .DAT_I(S_DAT_I),
- .DAT_O(S_DAT_O),
- .RST_I(S_RST_I),
- .STB_I(S_STB_I),
- .WE_I(S_WE_I),
- );
- reg CLK;
- reg RST;
- assign M_ACK_I = S_ACK_O;
- assign M_CLK_I = CLK;
- assign M_DAT_I = S_DAT_O;
- assign M_RST_I = RST;
- assign M_STALL_I = S_STALL_O;
- assign S_CLK_I = CLK;
- assign S_ADR_I = M_ADR_O[17:0]; /* Ignore 2 topmost bits */
- assign S_DAT_I = M_DAT_O;
- assign S_RST_I = RST;
- assign S_STB_I = M_STB_O && M_CYC_O;
- assign S_WE_I = M_WE_O;
- integer i, j;
- reg [17:0] address;
- reg [15:0] expected_value;
- reg [19:0] words_to_verify[`WORDS_TO_VERIFY_COUNT * 2 - 1 : 0];
- initial begin
- CLK <= 0;
- RST <= 1;
- for (i = 0; i < 3500; i++) begin
- #1;
- CLK <= ~CLK;
- if (CLK)
- RST <= 0;
- if (M_finished) begin
- $readmemh("words_to_verify.mem", words_to_verify,
- 0, `WORDS_TO_VERIFY_COUNT * 2 - 1);
- for (j = 0; j < `WORDS_TO_VERIFY_COUNT; j++) begin
- /*
- * Byte-grained addresses are used in CPU, and we also use
- * them in tclasm opcodes and in files with words for
- * verification. Slaves and wishbone address 16-bit words, not
- * single bytes. We need to drop the lowest bit here.
- */
- address = words_to_verify[2 * j][19:1];
- expected_value = words_to_verify[2 * j + 1];
- if (slave.memory[address] !== expected_value) begin
- `MSG(("error: expected h%x at h%x, but got h%x",
- expected_value, address, slave.memory[address]));
- end
- end
- $finish;
- end // if (M_finished)
- end // for (i = 0; i < 3500; i++)
- $display("error: cpu hasn't finished its operations in 1750 ticks");
- $finish;
- end // initial begin
-endmodule // stack_machine_test
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_store/words_to_verify.mem b/tests/stack_machine_old_store/words_to_verify.mem
deleted file mode 100644
index 9056a1b..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_store/words_to_verify.mem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-// address value
- 7579A BEEF
- 7579C DEAD
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_sub/instructions.s.tcl b/tests/stack_machine_old_sub/instructions.s.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 33873ef..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_sub/instructions.s.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-source tclasm_old.tcl
-### store 2 values to memory, load them back, substract them and store the
-### result; this is analogous to addition test
-set_sp h7FFFC
-const 68996288
-store@ h1EEE0
-const 540904416
-store@ h1EEE4
-load@ h1EEE0
-stack down
-load@ h1EEE4
-# substracting 540904416 from 68996288 should yield -471908128
-stack up
-store@ h1EEE8
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_sub/test.v b/tests/stack_machine_old_sub/test.v
deleted file mode 120000
index f0c3cf9..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_sub/test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../stack_machine_old_store/test.v \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_sub/words_to_verify.mem b/tests/stack_machine_old_sub/words_to_verify.mem
deleted file mode 100644
index cc666fa..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_sub/words_to_verify.mem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// address value
- 1EEE0 CCC0 // 68996288 in hex is 41CCCC0
- 1EEE2 41C
- 1EEE4 8BE0 // 540904416 in hex is 203D8BE0
- 1EEE6 203D
- 1EEE8 40E0 // -471908128 in hex is E3DF40E0
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_swap/instructions.s.tcl b/tests/stack_machine_old_swap/instructions.s.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 536a921..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_swap/instructions.s.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-source tclasm_old.tcl
-set_sp h7FFFC
-const h00AD00DE
-stack down
-const h00EF00BE
-## Because values were swapped, h00AD00DE should get written, first, at lower
-## address (h100) and h00EF00BE should be written next (at h104)
-store@ h00100
-stack down
-store@ h00104
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_swap/test.v b/tests/stack_machine_old_swap/test.v
deleted file mode 120000
index f0c3cf9..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_swap/test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../stack_machine_old_store/test.v \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_swap/words_to_verify.mem b/tests/stack_machine_old_swap/words_to_verify.mem
deleted file mode 100644
index 669219d..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_swap/words_to_verify.mem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-// address value
- 00100 DE
- 00102 AD
- 00104 BE
- 00106 EF
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_tee/instructions.s.tcl b/tests/stack_machine_old_tee/instructions.s.tcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 7fccd6f..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_tee/instructions.s.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-source tclasm_old.tcl
-set_sp h7FFFC
-const hABCDEF
-stack down
-const hA98765
-## hA98765 should now be replaced with hABCDEF - we should have
-## two hABCDEF's on stack - let's store them for verification
-store@ h00100
-stack up
-store@ h00104
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_tee/test.v b/tests/stack_machine_old_tee/test.v
deleted file mode 120000
index f0c3cf9..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_tee/test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../stack_machine_old_store/test.v \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/stack_machine_old_tee/words_to_verify.mem b/tests/stack_machine_old_tee/words_to_verify.mem
deleted file mode 100644
index 961f9dc..0000000
--- a/tests/stack_machine_old_tee/words_to_verify.mem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-// address value
- 00100 CDEF
- 00102 AB
- 00104 CDEF
- 00106 AB