path: root/tests/wrapped_stack_machine_cond_jump
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/wrapped_stack_machine_cond_jump')
3 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/wrapped_stack_machine_cond_jump/instructions.s.tcl b/tests/wrapped_stack_machine_cond_jump/instructions.s.tcl
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..6338556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wrapped_stack_machine_cond_jump/instructions.s.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../stack_machine_cond_jump/instructions.s.tcl \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/wrapped_stack_machine_cond_jump/test.v b/tests/wrapped_stack_machine_cond_jump/test.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dff60c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wrapped_stack_machine_cond_jump/test.v
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+`default_nettype none
+`include "messages.vh"
+ `error_SIMULATION_not_defined
+; /* Cause syntax error */
+ `error_INSTRUCTIONS_COUNT_must_be_defined
+; /* Cause syntax error */
+ `error_WORDS_TO_VERIFY_COUNT_must_be_defined
+; /* Cause syntax error */
+module wrapped_stack_machine_test();
+ reg CLK;
+ reg RST;
+ wire MI_ACK_I;
+ wire [19:0] MI_ADR_O;
+ wire [15:0] MI_DAT_I;
+ wire [15:0] MI_DAT_O;
+ wire MI_STB_O;
+ wire MI_CYC_O;
+ wire MI_WE_O;
+ wire MI_STALL_I;
+ wire MD_ACK_I;
+ wire [19:0] MD_ADR_O;
+ wire [15:0] MD_DAT_I;
+ wire [15:0] MD_DAT_O;
+ wire MD_STB_O;
+ wire MD_CYC_O;
+ wire MD_WE_O;
+ wire MD_STALL_I;
+ /* For simple tests we'll use separate slaves for instructions and data */
+ wire SI_ACK_O;
+ wire [19:0] SI_ADR_I;
+ wire [15:0] SI_DAT_I;
+ wire [15:0] SI_DAT_O;
+ wire SI_STB_I;
+ wire SI_WE_I;
+ wire SI_STALL_O;
+ wire SD_ACK_O;
+ wire [19:0] SD_ADR_I;
+ wire [15:0] SD_DAT_I;
+ wire [15:0] SD_DAT_O;
+ wire SD_STB_I;
+ wire SD_WE_I;
+ wire SD_STALL_O;
+ /* Non-wishbone */
+ wire M_finished;
+ wrapped_stack_machine stack_machine
+ (
+ .CLK_I(CLK),
+ .RST_I(RST),
+ /* Instruction reading interface */
+ .I_WE_O(MI_WE_O),
+ /* Data interface */
+ .D_WE_O(MD_WE_O),
+ .finished(M_finished)
+ );
+ memory_slave_model
+ #(
+ .SLAVE_NR(0),
+ .WORD_SIZE(2),
+ .ADR_BITS(20),
+ .INITIAL_CONTENTS_FILE("instructions.mem")
+ ) slave_I
+ (
+ .CLK_I(CLK),
+ .RST_I(RST),
+ .WE_I(SI_WE_I),
+ );
+ memory_slave_model
+ #(
+ .SLAVE_NR(1),
+ .WORD_SIZE(2),
+ .ADR_BITS(20),
+ ) slave_D
+ (
+ .CLK_I(CLK),
+ .RST_I(RST),
+ .WE_I(SD_WE_I),
+ );
+ assign MI_ACK_I = SI_ACK_O;
+ assign MI_DAT_I = SI_DAT_O;
+ assign MI_STALL_I = SI_STALL_O;
+ assign MD_ACK_I = SD_ACK_O;
+ assign MD_DAT_I = SD_DAT_O;
+ assign MD_STALL_I = SD_STALL_O;
+ assign SI_ADR_I = MI_ADR_O;
+ assign SI_DAT_I = MI_DAT_O;
+ assign SI_STB_I = MI_STB_O && MI_CYC_O;
+ assign SI_WE_I = MI_WE_O;
+ assign SD_ADR_I = MD_ADR_O;
+ assign SD_DAT_I = MD_DAT_O;
+ assign SD_STB_I = MD_STB_O && MD_CYC_O;
+ assign SD_WE_I = MD_WE_O;
+ integer i, j;
+ reg [19:0] address;
+ reg [15:0] expected_value;
+ reg [20:0] words_to_verify[`WORDS_TO_VERIFY_COUNT * 2 - 1 : 0];
+ initial begin
+ CLK <= 0;
+ RST <= 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3500; i++) begin
+ #1;
+ CLK <= ~CLK;
+ if (CLK)
+ RST <= 0;
+ if (M_finished) begin
+ $readmemh("words_to_verify.mem", words_to_verify,
+ 0, `WORDS_TO_VERIFY_COUNT * 2 - 1);
+ for (j = 0; j < `WORDS_TO_VERIFY_COUNT; j++) begin
+ /* Keep in mind we haven't implemented byte-grained access yet */
+ address = words_to_verify[2 * j][20:1];
+ expected_value = words_to_verify[2 * j + 1];
+ if (slave_D.memory[address] !== expected_value) begin
+ `MSG(("error: expected h%x at h%x, but got h%x",
+ expected_value, address, slave_D.memory[address]));
+ end
+ end
+ $finish;
+ end // if (M_finished)
+ end // for (i = 0; i < 3500; i++)
+ $display("error: cpu hasn't finished its operations in 1750 ticks");
+ $finish;
+ end // initial begin
+endmodule // wrapped_stack_machine_test
diff --git a/tests/wrapped_stack_machine_cond_jump/words_to_verify.mem b/tests/wrapped_stack_machine_cond_jump/words_to_verify.mem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b77b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wrapped_stack_machine_cond_jump/words_to_verify.mem
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// address value
+ 00400 0 // verify the first number written
+ 00402 0
+ 00408 2 // verify a number in the middle
+ 0040A 0
+ 0041C 7 // verify the last number
+ 0041E 0