path: root/tclasm.tcl
diff options
authorWojciech Kosior <kwojtus@protonmail.com>2020-09-03 20:29:45 +0200
committerWojciech Kosior <kwojtus@protonmail.com>2020-09-03 20:29:45 +0200
commit99025b9d34ccad778f11258e186b0bd8dc9c71a4 (patch)
tree4d0720d4c8833610a974913186e9c2fbe5254678 /tclasm.tcl
parent9d76f0b02695c341a0d734b21b4eb8726bbc06fa (diff)
rename tclasm.tcl to tclasm_old.tcl (prepare for redesign of the stack machine)
Diffstat (limited to 'tclasm.tcl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 352 deletions
diff --git a/tclasm.tcl b/tclasm.tcl
index 99b01a1..e69de29 100755..100644
--- a/tclasm.tcl
+++ b/tclasm.tcl
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/grep this[ ]script
-# this script is to be sourced, not executed by itself
-# procedures starting with "__" are internal and not to be used in asm code;
-# procedures starting with "_" are generalized procedures, that are not meant
-# to be directly used for code translated from webasm;
-# the rest are typical procedures webasm code will be mapped to
-proc __parse_binary {binary} {
- set value 0
- for {set bits_remaining $binary} \
- {"$bits_remaining" != ""} \
- {set bits_remaining [string range $bits_remaining 1 end]} {
- set value [expr $value * 2]
- if [string match 1* $bits_remaining] {
- incr value
- } elseif [string match 0* $bits_remaining] {
- # nothing
- } else {
- error "'$binary' cannot be parsed as a binary number"
- }
- }
- return $value
-proc __parse_number {number} {
- if [string match h?* $number] {
- set value 0x[string range $number 1 end]
- } elseif [string match b?* $number] {
- set value [__parse_binary [string range $number 1 end]]
- } elseif [string match {d[0123456789]?*} $number] {
- set value [string range $number 1 end]
- } elseif [string match {-[0123456789]*} $number] {
- set value $number
- } elseif [string match {[0123456789]*} $number] {
- set value $number
- } else {
- error "'$number' is not a properly formatted number"
- }
- return $value
-proc __to_binary {number length {can_be_negative -neg_ok}} {
- if [string equal $can_be_negative -neg_ok] {
- set can_be_negative 1
- } elseif [string equal $can_be_negative -no_neg] {
- set can_be_negative 0
- } else {
- error "'$can_be_negative' is not a valid value for the\
- 'can_be_negative' argument"
- }
- set value [__parse_number $number]
- if {$value < 0 && !$can_be_negative} {
- error "value '$number' provided where negative values are not allowed"
- }
- if {($can_be_negative && $value >= 2 ** ($length - 1)) ||
- $value >= 2 ** $length ||
- $value < -(2 ** ($length - 1))} {
- error "value '$number' doesn't fit into $length\
- bits[expr $can_be_negative ? "{ with sign}" : "{}"]"
- }
- for {set result ""} {$length > 0} {incr length -1} {
- set result [expr $value % 2]$result
- set value [expr $value >> 1]
- }
- return $result
-# example: __encode_immediate im+=213
-# __encode_immediate im<<=hAB
-# __encode_immediate im=im
-# __encode_immediate im=-33 # negative value only allowed for im=
-# __encode_immediate im<<=b1101101
-proc __encode_immediate {im_modification} {
- if [string equal $im_modification im=im] {
- return 000000000000
- } elseif [string match im<<=?* $im_modification] {
- return 1[__to_binary [string range $im_modification 5 end] 11 -no_neg]
- } elseif [string match im=?* $im_modification] {
- return 01[__to_binary [string range $im_modification 3 end] 10]
- } elseif [string match im+=?* $im_modification] {
- return 001[__to_binary [string range $im_modification 4 end] 9 -no_neg]
- } else {
- error "'$im_modification' is not a valid im modification"
- }
-# example: __encode_access_type load
-# __encode_access_type store
-proc __encode_access_type {type} {
- if {"$type" == "load"} {
- return 1
- } elseif {"$type" == "store"} {
- return 0
- } else {
- error "'$type' is not a valid memory access type"
- }
-# example: __encode_addressing @im
-# __encode_addressing @im+sp
-proc __encode_addressing {address} {
- if {"$address" == "@im"} {
- return 1
- } elseif {"$address" == "@im+sp"} {
- return 0
- } else {
- error "'$address' is not a valid addressing"
- }
-# example: __encode_reg r0
-# __encode_reg r1
-proc __encode_reg {register} {
- if {"$register" == "r0"} {
- return 1
- } elseif {"$register" == "r1"} {
- return 0
- } else {
- error "'$register' is not a valid register"
- }
-# example: __encode_memory_access load r0 @im im=d1840
-# __encode_memory_access store r1 @im+sp im<<=b1100011
-proc __encode_memory_access {type register address {im_modification im=im}} {
- set type [__encode_access_type $type]
- set address [__encode_addressing $address]
- set register [__encode_reg $register]
- set im_modification [__encode_immediate $im_modification]
- return 1$type$address$register$im_modification
-# example: __encode_swap swap
-# __encode_swap no_swap
-proc __encode_swap {swap_regs} {
- if {"$swap_regs" == "swap"} {
- return 1
- } elseif {"$swap_regs" == "no_swap"} {
- return 0
- } else {
- error "got '$swap_regs' where 'swap' or 'no_swap' was expected"
- }
-# example: __encode_swap swap
-# __encode_swap no_swap
-proc __encode_cond {cond} {
- if {"$cond" == "cond"} {
- return 1
- } elseif {"$cond" == "non-cond"} {
- return 0
- } else {
- error "got '$cond' where 'cond' or 'non-cond' was expected"
- }
-# example: __encode_extended_instruction halt
-# __encode_extended_instruction nop
-proc __encode_extended_instruction {instruction} {
- if {"$instruction" == "nop"} {
- return [__to_binary 0 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "halt"} {
- return [__to_binary 1 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "set_sp"} {
- return [__to_binary 2 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "add"} {
- return [__to_binary 3 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "sub"} {
- return [__to_binary 4 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "div"} {
- return [__to_binary 5 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "mul"} {
- return [__to_binary 6 9]
- } elseif {"$instruction" == "tee"} {
- return [__to_binary 7 9]
- } else {
- error "no such extended instruction: '$instruction'"
- }
-# example: _load r0 @im im+=2 # negative values are *not* allowed for im+=
-# _load r1 @im im=im
-# _load r0 @im+sp # im=im is the default if not specified
-# _load r0 @im im<<=12 # 12 is the value shifted, shift is always by 11
-# _load r1 @im im=-9 # negative values are only allowed for im=
-# _load r0 @im+sp im=0 # this results in using only sp for addressing
-proc _load {register address {im_modification im=im}} {
- puts [__encode_memory_access load $register $address $im_modification]
-# example: _store r0 @im im+=2 # same semantics as _load
-# _store r1 @im im=im
-# _store r0 @im+sp
-# _store r0 @im im<<=12
-# _store r1 @im im=-9
-# _store r0 @im+sp im=0
-proc _store {register address {im_modification im=im}} {
- puts [__encode_memory_access store $register $address $im_modification]
-# example: _jump im<<=b1101011 cond swap
-# _jump im=im non-cond
-proc _jump {{im_modification im=im} {cond non-cond} {swap_regs no_swap}} {
- set swap_regs [__encode_swap $swap_regs]
- set cond [__encode_cond $cond]
- puts 01$cond$swap_regs[__encode_immediate $im_modification]
-# example: _cond_jump im=h16A swap
-proc _cond_jump {{im_modification im=im} {swap_regs no_swap}} {
- _jump $im_modification cond $swap_regs
-# example: _extended_instruction nop swap # it's really no longer a true nop...
-# _extended_instruction halt
-proc _extended_instruction {instruction {swap_regs no_swap}} {
- set swap_regs [__encode_swap $swap_regs]
- set no_im_modification 000
- set instruction [__encode_extended_instruction $instruction]
- puts 000$swap_regs$no_im_modification$instruction
-# example: _immediate im+=4 swap
-# _immediate im<<=hFF
-# _immediate im=im # this one gives the same bit result as 'nop'
-proc _immediate {im_modification {swap_regs no_swap}} {
- set swap_regs [__encode_swap $swap_regs]
- set im_modification [__encode_immediate $im_modification]
- puts 000$swap_regs$im_modification
-# example: _exchange_im im<<=b10101010101 swap
-proc _exchange_im {{im_modification im=im} {swap_regs no_swap}} {
- set swap_regs [__encode_swap $swap_regs]
- set im_modification [__encode_immediate $im_modification]
- puts 001$swap_regs$im_modification
-proc _const {command number} {
- set value [expr [__parse_number $number] + 0]
- if {$value < 2 ** 9 && $value >= -(2 ** 9)} {
- $command im=$value
- } elseif {$value < 2 ** 20 && $value >= -(2 ** 20)} {
- _immediate im=[expr $value >> 11]
- $command im<<=[expr $value & 0x7ff]
- } elseif {$value < 2 ** 32 && $value >= -(2 ** 31)} {
- # remove sign
- set value [expr $value & (2 ** 32 - 1)]
- _immediate im<<=[expr $value >> 22]
- _immediate im<<=[expr ($value >> 11) & 0x7ff]
- $command im<<=[expr $value & 0x7ff]
- } else {
- error "number '$number' doesn't fit in 32 bits"
- }
-# example: stack up
-# stack down
-proc stack {direction} {
- if {"$direction" == "up"} {
- _load r0 @im+sp im=4
- } elseif {"$direction" == "down"} {
- _store r0 @im+sp im=0
- } else {
- error "bad opcode: stack $direction"
- }
-# example: store im<<=00000000000
-proc store {{im_modification im=im}} {
- _store r1 @im $im_modification
-# example: load im=hDD
-proc load {{im_modification im=im}} {
- _load r1 @im $im_modification
-# example: jump # if no address is given - im is used
-# jump h4FFFE
-proc jump {{address im_address}} {
- if {"$address" == "im_address"} {
- _jump im=im
- } else {
- _const _jump $address
- }
-# example: cond_jump
-# cond_jump b100100110100111101 # same semantics as 'jump'
-proc cond_jump {{address im_address}} {
- if {"$address" == "im_address"} {
- _jump im=im cond
- } else {
- _const _cond_jump $address
- }
-foreach instruction {halt nop swap add sub div mul tee} {
- proc $instruction {} "
- _extended_instruction $instruction
- "
-proc swap {} {
- _extended_instruction nop swap
-# example: exchange_im im+=15
-proc exchange_im {{im_modification im=im}} {
- _exchange_im $im_modification
-# example: const -100249
-# const hDEADBEEF # automatically translates to multiple instructions
-proc const {number} {
- _const _exchange_im $number
-# example: immediate b11101101010000010100010 # analogous to 'const' above
-proc immediate {number} {
- _const _immediate $number
-# example: set_sp h2FFFE # analogous to 'const' and 'immediate' above
-proc set_sp {number} {
- immediate $number
- _extended_instruction set_sp
-# example: store@ h57574
-proc store@ {address_number} {
- _const store $address_number
-# example: load@ h20000
-proc load@ {address_number} {
- _const load $address_number