`include "macroasm.vh" // look into macroasm.vh for more info

// The beginning copied from self test, only slave 0 is being accessed.
`WRITE(00000, abcd)
`READ (00000, abcd)
`WRITE(00001, 1234)
`READ (00000, abcd)
`READ (00001, 1234)
`WRITE(01010, a2a2)
`WRITE(00001, 4321)
`READ (01010, a2a2)
`READ(00001, 4321)
// Here, instructions targetting other slaves start appearing.
// Go through all the slaves
`WRITE(40040, efef)
`WRITE(80002, 1f1f)
`WRITE(c00c0, 1d1d)
`WRITE(a0002, aaea)
`WRITE(e00c0, cc4d)
`READ (80002, 1f1f)
`READ (c00c0, 1d1d)
`READ (40040, efef)
`READ (a0002, aaea)
`READ (e00c0, cc4d)
// Make a sequence of commands to slave 4 (addresses c0000 - dffff)
`READ (c00c0, 1d1d)
`WRITE(c1111, 0022)
`READ (c00c0, 1d1d)
`WRITE(c00c0, 0111)
`WRITE(c0001, 0001)
`WRITE(c0002, 0002)
`READ (c0001, 0001)
`READ (c0002, 0002)
`READ (c0001, 0001)
`READ (c00c0, 0111)
`WRITE(c0003, 0003)
`WRITE(c0002, 2222)
`READ (c0002, 2222)
`READ (c0003, 0003)
`WRITE(dffff, 5555)
`READ (c1111, 0022)
// Put a single command to another slave in-between commands to slave 4
`WRITE(4ffff, b6b6)
`READ (dffff, 5555)
`WRITE(deeee, aaaa)
`READ (deeee, aaaa)
// Let slave 4 take a breath now
`READ (4ffff, b6b6)
// We made writes to c0002, c0001 and c00c0, make sure corresponding
// addreses in other slaves were not overwritten by mistake
`READ (80002, 1f1f)
`READ (a0002, aaea)
`READ (00001, 4321)
`READ (e00c0, cc4d)