 * Topmost module in synthesis. It instantiates the intercon together with
 * stack machine as master and 3 slaves:
 *   slave 0 - embedded RAM (256x16) with memory initialized from file
 *   slave 1 - SRAM
 *   slave 2 - VGA text-mode controller
 *   slave 3 - SPI master controller
 *   slave 4 - UART controller (yet to be added)
 *   slave 5 - miscellaneous registers
 * The memory map from stack machine's viewpoint is as follows:
 *   h000000 - h0001FF - embedded RAM
 *   h000200 - h07FFFF - undefined (actually, repetitions of embedded RAM)
 *   h080000 - h0FFFFF - SRAM
 *   h100000 - h1009FF - VGA text memory
 *   h100A00 - h100A01 - VGA power-on register
 *   h100A02 - h100FFF - undefined (actually, repetitions of VGA power-on reg)
 *   h101000 - h13FFFF - undefined (actually, repetitions of VGA memory & regs)
 *   h140000 - h1401FF - SPI data transfer memory
 *   h140200 - h140201 - SPI bytes_to_output reg
 *   h140202 - h140203 - SPI bytes_to_receive reg
 *   h140204 - h140207 - SPI operating reg
 *   h140208 - h1403FF - undefined (actually, repetitions of SPI regs)
 *   h140400 - h17FFFF - undefined (actually, repetitions of SPI memory & regs)
 *   h180000 - h1BFFFF - UART (not implemented yet)
 *   h1C0000 - h1C000F - miscellaneous peripherals
 *   h1C000F - h1FFFFF - undefined (actually, repetitions misc. peripherals)
`default_nettype none

; /* Cause syntax error */
 `define ROM_WORDS_COUNT "whatever"

`ifndef FONT_FILE
 `define FONT_FILE "design/font.mem"

 `define EMBEDDED_ROM_FILE "design/rom.mem"

module soc
    parameter FONT_FILE = `FONT_FILE,
    input wire 	       clock_100mhz,

    output wire [17:0] sram_addr,
    inout wire [15:0]  sram_io,

    output wire        sram_cs_n,
    output wire        sram_oe_n,
    output wire        sram_we_n,

    output wire        vga_hs,
    output wire        vga_vs,
    output wire [2:0]  vga_red,
    output wire [2:0]  vga_green,
    output wire [2:0]  vga_blue,

    output wire        spi_sdo,
    input wire 	       spi_sdi,
    output wire        spi_sck,
    output wire        spi_ss_n,

    input wire 	       button1,
    input wire 	       button2,

    output wire        led1,
    output wire        led2

    * Master 0 is stack machine's wrapped data interface.
    * Master 1 is stack machine's instructions interface.
   wire        M0_ACK_I,   M1_ACK_I;
   wire [19:0] M0_ADR_O,   M1_ADR_O;
   wire [15:0] M0_DAT_I,   M1_DAT_I;
   wire [15:0] M0_DAT_O,   M1_DAT_O;
   wire        M0_STB_O,   M1_STB_O;
   wire        M0_CYC_O,   M1_CYC_O;
   wire        M0_WE_O,    M1_WE_O;
   wire        M0_STALL_I, M1_STALL_I;

   wire 	       S0_ACK_O,   S1_ACK_O,   S2_ACK_O,
		       S3_ACK_O,   S4_ACK_O,   S5_ACK_O;
   wire [17:0] 	       S0_ADR_I,   S1_ADR_I;
   wire [16:0] 	       S2_ADR_I,   S3_ADR_I,   S4_ADR_I,   S5_ADR_I;
   wire [15:0] 	       S0_DAT_I,   S1_DAT_I,   S2_DAT_I,
		       S3_DAT_I,   S4_DAT_I,   S5_DAT_I;
   wire [15:0] 	       S0_DAT_O,   S1_DAT_O,   S2_DAT_O,
		       S3_DAT_O,   S4_DAT_O,   S5_DAT_O;
   wire 	       S0_STB_I,   S1_STB_I,   S2_STB_I,
		       S3_STB_I,   S4_STB_I,   S5_STB_I;
   wire 	       S0_WE_I,    S1_WE_I,    S2_WE_I,
		       S3_WE_I,    S4_WE_I,    S5_WE_I;
   wire 	       S0_STALL_O, S1_STALL_O, S2_STALL_O,
		       S3_STALL_O, S4_STALL_O, S5_STALL_O;

   wire 	       CLK;
   wire 	       RST;

   /* Non-wishbone */
   wire 	       M_finished;
   wire 	       clock_25mhz;

   wrapped_stack_machine stack_machine

      /* Instruction reading interface */

      /* Data interface */


       ) slave0

   sram_slave slave1


       ) slave2

	/* Non-wishbone */

       ) slave3

	/* Non-wishbone */

   miscellaneous_slave slave5

      /* Non-wishbone */

   /* Slaves 4 will be UART controller but for now - it's omitted */
   assign S4_ACK_O = 1;
   assign S4_DAT_O = 0;
   assign S4_STALL_O = 0;

   intercon intercon









   reg [2:0] 	       clock_divider;
   always @ (posedge clock_100mhz)
     clock_divider <= clock_divider + 1;

   assign clock_25mhz = clock_divider[1];
   /* We might later raise it up to even as high as 50 MHz */
   assign CLK = clock_divider[2];

   reg 		       reset;
   always @ (posedge CLK)
     reset <= !button1;

   assign RST = reset;

   assign led1 = !M_finished;

   /* avoid undefined values */
   initial begin
      clock_divider <= 0;
      reset <= 1;
endmodule // soc