path: root/mariadb-connector-c-v_2.3.7/libmariadb/hash.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mariadb-connector-c-v_2.3.7/libmariadb/hash.c')
1 files changed, 644 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mariadb-connector-c-v_2.3.7/libmariadb/hash.c b/mariadb-connector-c-v_2.3.7/libmariadb/hash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8436ef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mariadb-connector-c-v_2.3.7/libmariadb/hash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2000, 2012 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB,
+ Monty Program AB
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ License along with this library; if not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>
+ or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin St., Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
+ Part of this code includes code from the PHP project which
+ is freely available from http://www.php.net
+/* The hash functions used for saveing keys */
+/* One of key_length or key_length_offset must be given */
+/* Key length of 0 isn't allowed */
+#include "mysys_priv.h"
+#include <m_string.h>
+#include <m_ctype.h>
+#include "hash.h"
+#define NO_RECORD ((uint) -1)
+#define LOWFIND 1
+#define LOWUSED 2
+#define HIGHFIND 4
+#define HIGHUSED 8
+static uint hash_mask(uint hashnr,uint buffmax,uint maxlength);
+static void movelink(HASH_LINK *array,uint pos,uint next_link,uint newlink);
+static uint calc_hashnr(const uchar *key,uint length);
+static uint calc_hashnr_caseup(const uchar *key,uint length);
+static int hashcmp(HASH *hash,HASH_LINK *pos,const uchar *key,uint length);
+my_bool _hash_init(HASH *hash,uint size,uint key_offset,uint key_length,
+ hash_get_key get_key,
+ void (*free_element)(void*),uint flags CALLER_INFO_PROTO)
+ DBUG_ENTER("hash_init");
+ DBUG_PRINT("enter",("hash: %lx size: %d",hash,size));
+ hash->records=0;
+ if (my_init_dynamic_array_ci(&hash->array,sizeof(HASH_LINK),size,0))
+ {
+ hash->free=0; /* Allow call to hash_free */
+ }
+ hash->key_offset=key_offset;
+ hash->key_length=key_length;
+ hash->blength=1;
+ hash->current_record= NO_RECORD; /* For the future */
+ hash->get_key=get_key;
+ hash->free=free_element;
+ hash->flags=flags;
+ hash->calc_hashnr=calc_hashnr_caseup;
+ else
+ hash->calc_hashnr=calc_hashnr;
+void hash_free(HASH *hash)
+ DBUG_ENTER("hash_free");
+ if (hash->free)
+ {
+ uint i,records;
+ HASH_LINK *data=dynamic_element(&hash->array,0,HASH_LINK*);
+ for (i=0,records=hash->records ; i < records ; i++)
+ (*hash->free)(data[i].data);
+ hash->free=0;
+ }
+ delete_dynamic(&hash->array);
+ hash->records=0;
+ /* some helper functions */
+ This function is char* instead of uchar* as HPUX11 compiler can't
+ handle inline functions that are not defined as native types
+static inline char*
+hash_key(HASH *hash,const uchar *record,uint *length,my_bool first)
+ if (hash->get_key)
+ return (*hash->get_key)(record,(uint *)length,first);
+ *length=hash->key_length;
+ return (uchar*) record+hash->key_offset;
+ /* Calculate pos according to keys */
+static uint hash_mask(uint hashnr,uint buffmax,uint maxlength)
+ if ((hashnr & (buffmax-1)) < maxlength) return (hashnr & (buffmax-1));
+ return (hashnr & ((buffmax >> 1) -1));
+static uint hash_rec_mask(HASH *hash,HASH_LINK *pos,uint buffmax,
+ uint maxlength)
+ uint length;
+ uchar *key= (uchar*) hash_key(hash,pos->data,&length,0);
+ return hash_mask((*hash->calc_hashnr)(key,length),buffmax,maxlength);
+ /* Calc hashvalue for a key */
+static uint calc_hashnr(const uchar *key,uint length)
+ register uint nr=1, nr2=4;
+ while (length--)
+ {
+ nr^= (((nr & 63)+nr2)*((uint) (uchar) *key++))+ (nr << 8);
+ nr2+=3;
+ }
+ return((uint) nr);
+ /* Calc hashvalue for a key, case indepenently */
+static uint calc_hashnr_caseup(const uchar *key,uint length)
+ register uint nr=1, nr2=4;
+ while (length--)
+ {
+ nr^= (((nr & 63)+nr2)*((uint) (uchar) toupper(*key++)))+ (nr << 8);
+ nr2+=3;
+ }
+ return((uint) nr);
+ * Fowler/Noll/Vo hash
+ *
+ * The basis of the hash algorithm was taken from an idea sent by email to the
+ * IEEE Posix P1003.2 mailing list from Phong Vo (kpv@research.att.com) and
+ * Glenn Fowler (gsf@research.att.com). Landon Curt Noll (chongo@toad.com)
+ * later improved on their algorithm.
+ *
+ * The magic is in the interesting relationship between the special prime
+ * 16777619 (2^24 + 403) and 2^32 and 2^8.
+ *
+ * This hash produces the fewest collisions of any function that we've seen so
+ * far, and works well on both numbers and strings.
+ */
+uint calc_hashnr(const uchar *key, uint len)
+ const uchar *end=key+len;
+ uint hash;
+ for (hash = 0; key < end; key++)
+ {
+ hash *= 16777619;
+ hash ^= (uint) *(uchar*) key;
+ }
+ return (hash);
+uint calc_hashnr_caseup(const uchar *key, uint len)
+ const uchar *end=key+len;
+ uint hash;
+ for (hash = 0; key < end; key++)
+ {
+ hash *= 16777619;
+ hash ^= (uint) (uchar) toupper(*key);
+ }
+ return (hash);
+#ifndef __SUNPRO_C /* SUNPRO can't handle this */
+static inline
+unsigned int rec_hashnr(HASH *hash,const uchar *record)
+ uint length;
+ uchar *key= (uchar*) hash_key(hash,record,&length,0);
+ return (*hash->calc_hashnr)(key,length);
+ /* Search after a record based on a key */
+ /* Sets info->current_ptr to found record */
+gptr hash_search(HASH *hash,const uchar *key,uint length)
+ HASH_LINK *pos;
+ uint flag,idx;
+ DBUG_ENTER("hash_search");
+ flag=1;
+ if (hash->records)
+ {
+ idx=hash_mask((*hash->calc_hashnr)(key,length ? length :
+ hash->key_length),
+ hash->blength,hash->records);
+ do
+ {
+ pos= dynamic_element(&hash->array,idx,HASH_LINK*);
+ if (!hashcmp(hash,pos,key,length))
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("exit",("found key at %d",idx));
+ hash->current_record= idx;
+ DBUG_RETURN (pos->data);
+ }
+ if (flag)
+ {
+ flag=0; /* Reset flag */
+ if (hash_rec_mask(hash,pos,hash->blength,hash->records) != idx)
+ break; /* Wrong link */
+ }
+ }
+ while ((idx=pos->next) != NO_RECORD);
+ }
+ hash->current_record= NO_RECORD;
+ /* Get next record with identical key */
+ /* Can only be called if previous calls was hash_search */
+gptr hash_next(HASH *hash,const uchar *key,uint length)
+ HASH_LINK *pos;
+ uint idx;
+ if (hash->current_record != NO_RECORD)
+ {
+ HASH_LINK *data=dynamic_element(&hash->array,0,HASH_LINK*);
+ for (idx=data[hash->current_record].next; idx != NO_RECORD ; idx=pos->next)
+ {
+ pos=data+idx;
+ if (!hashcmp(hash,pos,key,length))
+ {
+ hash->current_record= idx;
+ return pos->data;
+ }
+ }
+ hash->current_record=NO_RECORD;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ /* Change link from pos to new_link */
+static void movelink(HASH_LINK *array,uint find,uint next_link,uint newlink)
+ HASH_LINK *old_link;
+ do
+ {
+ old_link=array+next_link;
+ }
+ while ((next_link=old_link->next) != find);
+ old_link->next= newlink;
+ return;
+ /* Compare a key in a record to a whole key. Return 0 if identical */
+static int hashcmp(HASH *hash,HASH_LINK *pos,const uchar *key,uint length)
+ uint rec_keylength;
+ uchar *rec_key= (uchar*) hash_key(hash,pos->data,&rec_keylength,1);
+ return (length && length != rec_keylength) ||
+ memcmp(rec_key,key,rec_keylength);
+ /* Write a hash-key to the hash-index */
+my_bool hash_insert(HASH *info,const uchar *record)
+ int flag;
+ uint halfbuff,hash_nr,first_index,idx;
+ uchar *ptr_to_rec,*ptr_to_rec2;
+ HASH_LINK *data,*empty,*gpos,*gpos2,*pos;
+ LINT_INIT(gpos); LINT_INIT(gpos2);
+ LINT_INIT(ptr_to_rec); LINT_INIT(ptr_to_rec2);
+ flag=0;
+ if (!(empty=(HASH_LINK*) alloc_dynamic(&info->array)))
+ return(TRUE); /* No more memory */
+ info->current_record= NO_RECORD;
+ data=dynamic_element(&info->array,0,HASH_LINK*);
+ halfbuff= info->blength >> 1;
+ idx=first_index=info->records-halfbuff;
+ if (idx != info->records) /* If some records */
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ pos=data+idx;
+ hash_nr=rec_hashnr(info,pos->data);
+ if (flag == 0) /* First loop; Check if ok */
+ if (hash_mask(hash_nr,info->blength,info->records) != first_index)
+ break;
+ if (!(hash_nr & halfbuff))
+ { /* Key will not move */
+ if (!(flag & LOWFIND))
+ {
+ if (flag & HIGHFIND)
+ {
+ /* key shall be moved to the current empty position */
+ gpos=empty;
+ ptr_to_rec=pos->data;
+ empty=pos; /* This place is now free */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ flag=LOWFIND | LOWUSED; /* key isn't changed */
+ gpos=pos;
+ ptr_to_rec=pos->data;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!(flag & LOWUSED))
+ {
+ /* Change link of previous LOW-key */
+ gpos->data=ptr_to_rec;
+ gpos->next=(uint) (pos-data);
+ flag= (flag & HIGHFIND) | (LOWFIND | LOWUSED);
+ }
+ gpos=pos;
+ ptr_to_rec=pos->data;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* key will be moved */
+ if (!(flag & HIGHFIND))
+ {
+ flag= (flag & LOWFIND) | HIGHFIND;
+ /* key shall be moved to the last (empty) position */
+ gpos2 = empty; empty=pos;
+ ptr_to_rec2=pos->data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!(flag & HIGHUSED))
+ {
+ /* Change link of previous hash-key and save */
+ gpos2->data=ptr_to_rec2;
+ gpos2->next=(uint) (pos-data);
+ flag= (flag & LOWFIND) | (HIGHFIND | HIGHUSED);
+ }
+ gpos2=pos;
+ ptr_to_rec2=pos->data;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while ((idx=pos->next) != NO_RECORD);
+ if ((flag & (LOWFIND | LOWUSED)) == LOWFIND)
+ {
+ gpos->data=ptr_to_rec;
+ gpos->next=NO_RECORD;
+ }
+ if ((flag & (HIGHFIND | HIGHUSED)) == HIGHFIND)
+ {
+ gpos2->data=ptr_to_rec2;
+ gpos2->next=NO_RECORD;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check if we are at the empty position */
+ idx=hash_mask(rec_hashnr(info,record),info->blength,info->records+1);
+ pos=data+idx;
+ if (pos == empty)
+ {
+ pos->data=(uchar*) record;
+ pos->next=NO_RECORD;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Check if more records in same hash-nr family */
+ empty[0]=pos[0];
+ gpos=data+hash_rec_mask(info,pos,info->blength,info->records+1);
+ if (pos == gpos)
+ {
+ pos->data=(uchar*) record;
+ pos->next=(uint) (empty - data);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pos->data=(uchar*) record;
+ pos->next=NO_RECORD;
+ movelink(data,(uint) (pos-data),(uint) (gpos-data),(uint) (empty-data));
+ }
+ }
+ if (++info->records == info->blength)
+ info->blength+= info->blength;
+ return(0);
+** Remove one record from hash-table. The record with the same record
+** ptr is removed.
+** if there is a free-function it's called for record if found
+my_bool hash_delete(HASH *hash,uchar *record)
+ uint blength,pos2,pos_hashnr,lastpos_hashnr,idx,empty_index;
+ HASH_LINK *data,*lastpos,*gpos,*pos,*pos3,*empty;
+ DBUG_ENTER("hash_delete");
+ if (!hash->records)
+ blength=hash->blength;
+ data=dynamic_element(&hash->array,0,HASH_LINK*);
+ /* Search after record with key */
+ pos=data+ hash_mask(rec_hashnr(hash,record),blength,hash->records);
+ gpos = 0;
+ while (pos->data != record)
+ {
+ gpos=pos;
+ if (pos->next == NO_RECORD)
+ DBUG_RETURN(1); /* Key not found */
+ pos=data+pos->next;
+ }
+ if ( --(hash->records) < hash->blength >> 1) hash->blength>>=1;
+ hash->current_record= NO_RECORD;
+ lastpos=data+hash->records;
+ /* Remove link to record */
+ empty=pos; empty_index=(uint) (empty-data);
+ if (gpos)
+ gpos->next=pos->next; /* unlink current ptr */
+ else if (pos->next != NO_RECORD)
+ {
+ empty=data+(empty_index=pos->next);
+ pos->data=empty->data;
+ pos->next=empty->next;
+ }
+ if (empty == lastpos) /* last key at wrong pos or no next link */
+ goto exit;
+ /* Move the last key (lastpos) */
+ lastpos_hashnr=rec_hashnr(hash,lastpos->data);
+ /* pos is where lastpos should be */
+ pos=data+hash_mask(lastpos_hashnr,hash->blength,hash->records);
+ if (pos == empty) /* Move to empty position. */
+ {
+ empty[0]=lastpos[0];
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ pos_hashnr=rec_hashnr(hash,pos->data);
+ /* pos3 is where the pos should be */
+ pos3= data+hash_mask(pos_hashnr,hash->blength,hash->records);
+ if (pos != pos3)
+ { /* pos is on wrong posit */
+ empty[0]=pos[0]; /* Save it here */
+ pos[0]=lastpos[0]; /* This should be here */
+ movelink(data,(uint) (pos-data),(uint) (pos3-data),empty_index);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ pos2= hash_mask(lastpos_hashnr,blength,hash->records+1);
+ if (pos2 == hash_mask(pos_hashnr,blength,hash->records+1))
+ { /* Identical key-positions */
+ if (pos2 != hash->records)
+ {
+ empty[0]=lastpos[0];
+ movelink(data,(uint) (lastpos-data),(uint) (pos-data),empty_index);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ idx= (uint) (pos-data); /* Link pos->next after lastpos */
+ }
+ else idx= NO_RECORD; /* Different positions merge */
+ empty[0]=lastpos[0];
+ movelink(data,idx,empty_index,pos->next);
+ pos->next=empty_index;
+ VOID(pop_dynamic(&hash->array));
+ if (hash->free)
+ (*hash->free)((uchar*) record);
+ /*
+ Update keys when record has changed.
+ This is much more efficent than using a delete & insert.
+ */
+my_bool hash_update(HASH *hash,uchar *record,uchar *old_key,uint old_key_length)
+ uint idx,new_index,new_pos_index,blength,records,empty;
+ HASH_LINK org_link,*data,*previous,*pos;
+ DBUG_ENTER("hash_update");
+ data=dynamic_element(&hash->array,0,HASH_LINK*);
+ blength=hash->blength; records=hash->records;
+ /* Search after record with key */
+ idx=hash_mask((*hash->calc_hashnr)(old_key,(old_key_length ?
+ old_key_length :
+ hash->key_length)),
+ blength,records);
+ new_index=hash_mask(rec_hashnr(hash,record),blength,records);
+ if (idx == new_index)
+ DBUG_RETURN(0); /* Nothing to do (No record check) */
+ previous=0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if ((pos= data+idx)->data == record)
+ break;
+ previous=pos;
+ if ((idx=pos->next) == NO_RECORD)
+ DBUG_RETURN(1); /* Not found in links */
+ }
+ hash->current_record= NO_RECORD;
+ org_link= *pos;
+ empty=idx;
+ /* Relink record from current chain */
+ if (!previous)
+ {
+ if (pos->next != NO_RECORD)
+ {
+ empty=pos->next;
+ *pos= data[pos->next];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ previous->next=pos->next; /* unlink pos */
+ /* Move data to correct position */
+ pos=data+new_index;
+ new_pos_index=hash_rec_mask(hash,pos,blength,records);
+ if (new_index != new_pos_index)
+ { /* Other record in wrong position */
+ data[empty] = *pos;
+ movelink(data,new_index,new_pos_index,empty);
+ org_link.next=NO_RECORD;
+ data[new_index]= org_link;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Link in chain at right position */
+ org_link.next=data[new_index].next;
+ data[empty]=org_link;
+ data[new_index].next=empty;
+ }
+uchar *hash_element(HASH *hash,uint idx)
+ if (idx < hash->records)
+ return dynamic_element(&hash->array,idx,HASH_LINK*)->data;
+ return 0;
+#ifndef DBUG_OFF
+my_bool hash_check(HASH *hash)
+ int error;
+ uint i,rec_link,found,max_links,seek,links,idx;
+ uint records,blength;
+ HASH_LINK *data,*hash_info;
+ records=hash->records; blength=hash->blength;
+ data=dynamic_element(&hash->array,0,HASH_LINK*);
+ error=0;
+ for (i=found=max_links=seek=0 ; i < records ; i++)
+ {
+ if (hash_rec_mask(hash,data+i,blength,records) == i)
+ {
+ found++; seek++; links=1;
+ for (idx=data[i].next ;
+ idx != NO_RECORD && found < records + 1;
+ idx=hash_info->next)
+ {
+ if (idx >= records)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("error",
+ ("Found pointer outside array to %d from link starting at %d",
+ idx,i));
+ error=1;
+ }
+ hash_info=data+idx;
+ seek+= ++links;
+ if ((rec_link=hash_rec_mask(hash,hash_info,blength,records)) != i)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("error",
+ ("Record in wrong link at %d: Start %d Record: %lx Record-link %d", idx,i,hash_info->data,rec_link));
+ error=1;
+ }
+ else
+ found++;
+ }
+ if (links > max_links) max_links=links;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found != records)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("error",("Found %ld of %ld records"));
+ error=1;
+ }
+ if (records)
+ DBUG_PRINT("info",
+ ("records: %ld seeks: %d max links: %d hitrate: %.2f",
+ records,seek,max_links,(float) seek / (float) records));
+ return error;