path: root/test
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-07-23unescape surrogate pairs only (#2246)...fixes #2242Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-15reject malformed CLI parameters (#2239)...fixes #2237Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-15ensure `ie8` works with mangled properties (#2238)...fixes #2234Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-15drop `unused` builtin globals under `unsafe` (#2236)...fixes #2233Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-14fix `unsafe` `evaluate` of `Object` static methods (#2232)...fixes #2231Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-14drop `unused` compound assignments (#2230)...fixes #2226Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-13enhance `passes` (#2229)...- remove hardcoded upper limit - continue based on node count reduction - emit verbose statistics fixes #2226Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-12fix gzip stream in `test/benchmark.js` (#2228)Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-11enhance source mapping on IIFEs (#2224)...fixes #2213Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-09benchmark gzipped output (#2220)Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-08handle duplicate argument names in `collapse_vars` (#2215)Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-07inlining of static methods & constants (#2211)...- guard by `unsafe` - support `Array`, `Math`, `Number`, `Object` & `String` fixes #2207Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-06inline property access of object literal (#2209)...- only if property value is side-effect-free - guard by `unsafe` fixes #2208Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-06suppress `collapse_vars` of `this` as call argument (#2204)...fixes #2203Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-05improve `compress` granularity through `typeofs` (#2201)...fixes #2198Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-03improve parenthesis emission (#2196)...- eliminate `throw` usages - suppress extraneous parenthesis - `new function() {foo.bar()}.baz` - `for (function() { "foo" in bar; };;);`Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-02drop argument value after `collapse_vars` (#2190)Alex Lam S.L
2017-07-02improve `inline` efficiency (#2188)...... by teaching `collapse_vars` some new tricks. fixes #2187Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-29improve usability of name cache under `minify()` (#2176)...fixes #2174Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-27improve `unsafe_Func` (#2171)...- minimise disturbance to `compute_char_frequency()` - remove extraneous quotation marksAlex Lam S.L
2017-06-27parse `@global_defs` as expressions (#2169)...- let parser rejects non-conformant input - eliminate need for extraneous parenthesisAlex Lam S.L
2017-06-25more tests for #2158 (#2160)Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-24fix `cascade` & `collapse` on property access of constants (#2158)Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-23synchronise `mangle.properties` for `minify()` & `test/compress` (#2151)Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-23fix `reduce_vars` on `this` (#2145)...fixes #2140Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-23fix for-in loop parsing (#2144)Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-20ensure mangling works if catch reuses a scope variable (#2123)...fixes #2120Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-17make defensive copies when `inline` (#2116)...fixes #2114Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-16fix loss of context in `collapse_vars` & `cascade` (#2112)...fixes #2110Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-16correctly determine scope of `AST_This` (#2109)...fixes #2107Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-16enforce `inline` scope restriction (#2106)...fixes #2105Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-15suppress `inline` of `this` (#2103)...fixes #2101Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-15avoid intermittent test time-out failures (#2100)Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-15compute `uses_arguments` correctly in `figure_out_scope()` (#2099)...fixes #2097Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-15fix parsing of `expect_stdout` (#2096)...fixes #2095Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-14cache web assets between CI runs (#2089)...- skip `test/jetstream.js` for `node@0.12` Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-13fix CLI parsing of `--source-map content` (#2088)...fixes #2082Ziad El Khoury Hanna
2017-06-13add Node.js 8 to Travis CI (#2086)...- explicitly terminate `test/jetstream.js` upon completion - log verbose output from `test/benchmark.js` & `test/jetstream.js` - remove obsolete workaround for Travis CIAlex Lam S.L
2017-06-13allow `expect_stdout` to specify `Error` (#2087)Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-13fix variable accounting in `inline` (#2085)...fixes #2084Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-10suppress false positives for-in loops (#2080)...fixes #2079Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-10fix portability of `sandbox.run_code()` on Node.js 0.1x (#2078)Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-10fix non-string parameters (#2076)...`Stream.write()` is not as versatile as `console.log()`Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-09report `test/ufuzz.js` failures in `process.stderr` (#2074)Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-09marshal `mangle[.properties].reserved` from non-Array values (#2072)Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-08fix iteration over object with inherited properties (#2068)...fixes #2055Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-07fix `cascade` on multi-branch evaluations (#2067)...Partially reverts #2059 as this has better coverage and performance. fixes #2062Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-07fix CLI output corruption (#2061)...Using `console.error()` & `console.log()` result in inconsistent formatting across Node.js versions. Avoid this issue by directly writing to `process.stderr` & `process.stdout` instead. Miscellaneous - prettify invalid option listingAlex Lam S.L
2017-06-06fix `inline` handling of `AST_Call.args` (#2059)Alex Lam S.L
2017-06-06implement `test/jetstream.js --debug` (#2058)Alex Lam S.L