path: root/test/compress/reduce_vars.js
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-04-20enhance `unsafe` `evaluate` (#3370)Alex Lam S.L
2019-03-20enhance `unsafe` for `Array` (#3349)Alex Lam S.L
2019-03-15fix corner case in `reduce_vars` (#3341)Alex Lam S.L
2019-03-13fix corner case in `reduce_vars` (#3332)...fixes #3267Alex Lam S.L
2019-03-13make tests compatible with Node.js 12 (#3304)...In Node.js 12, the formatting of console arguments will change slightly. Previously, a string other than the first argument was formatted using single quotes if the first argument was non-string. Now, quotes are never added regardless of position of a string argument. To make test compatible in all Node.js versions, I work around by ensuring the first argument to console.log is a string which prevents the quotes from being added on older versions of Node.js. Ref: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/23162silverwind
2018-08-29fix corner case in `reduce_vars` (#3241)...fixes #3240Alex Lam S.L
2018-07-19fix corner case in `ie8` (#3216)...fixes #3215Alex Lam S.L
2018-07-01fix corner case in `unused`alexlamsl
2018-06-06general clean-ups (#3175)Alex Lam S.L
2018-05-26fix corner case in `reduce_vars` (#3151)Alex Lam S.L
2018-05-21fix corner case in `reduce_vars` (#3141)...fixes #3140Alex Lam S.L
2018-05-10fix corner case in `reduce_vars` (#3129)Alex Lam S.L
2018-05-07fix various corner cases (#3126)...- augment ufuzz/reminify test options fixes #3125Alex Lam S.L
2018-05-06fix corner case in `reduce_vars` (#3124)Alex Lam S.L
2018-05-05fix various corner cases (#3123)Alex Lam S.L
2018-05-04fix `reduce_vars` on nested invocations (#3118)Alex Lam S.L
2018-05-03better fix for #3113 (#3115)Alex Lam S.L
2018-05-03fix `TreeWalker` scan order (#3114)...fixes #3113Alex Lam S.L
2018-05-02improve `reduce_vars` (#3112)...fixes #3110Alex Lam S.L
2018-04-10handle flow control in loops with `reduce_vars` (#3069)...fixes #3068Alex Lam S.L
2018-03-31fix escape analysis on `AST_New` (#3043)...fixes #3042Alex Lam S.L
2018-03-16improve truthy compression (#3009)Alex Lam S.L
2018-03-11handle `case` correctly under `reduce_vars` (#2993)...fixes #2992Alex Lam S.L
2018-02-16fix `unsafe` `evaluate` of `AST_Function` (#2920)...fixes #2919Alex Lam S.L
2018-02-12simplify `do-while` into `for` (#2907)...fixes #2904Alex Lam S.L
2018-02-03fix assignment logic in `reduce_vars` (#2872)...fixes #2869Alex Lam S.L
2018-02-01avoid `evaluate` of compound assignment after `dead_code` transform (#2861)...fixes #2860Alex Lam S.L
2018-01-29improve symbol replacement heuristic (#2851)Alex Lam S.L
2018-01-29compress chained compound assignments (#2850)Alex Lam S.L
2018-01-23handle duplicate function declarations correctly (#2837)...fixes #2836Alex Lam S.L
2018-01-17fix `AST_Scope.clone()` (#2803)...fixes #2799Alex Lam S.L
2018-01-13fix `reduce_vars` on `AST_Accessor` (#2776)...fixes #2774Alex Lam S.L
2018-01-04drop `unused` assignment based on `reduce_vars` (#2709)Alex Lam S.L
2018-01-03fix `reduce_vars` on `AST_Defun` (#2708)Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-31reduce hoisting declarations (#2687)Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-26replace single-use recursive functions (#2659)...fixes #2628Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-24fix escape analysis on `AST_PropAccess` (#2636)Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-15fix escape analysis on `||` and `&&` (#2600)...fixes #2598Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-15fix `reduce_vars` on `do...while` (#2596)Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-15handle `inline` of function arguments (#2590)...fixes #2476Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-14fix `reduce_vars` on single `AST_Defun` reference across loop (#2593)Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-14improve `reduce_vars` (#2592)...- account for hoisting nature of `var`Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-14fold `cascade` functionality into `collapse_vars` (#2586)Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-11rename tests (#2575)Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-08fix escape analysis for `AST_Throw` (#2564)Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-08fix escape analysis for `AST_Conditional` & `AST_Sequence` (#2563)...fixes #2560Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-01convert to number under boolean context (#2545)Alex Lam S.L
2017-12-01improve compression of loop conditions (#2543)Alex Lam S.L
2017-11-29backport test from #2526 (#2534)Alex Lam S.L
2017-11-28improve synergy between `collapse_vars` & `unused` (#2521)Alex Lam S.L