diff options
authorPeter van der Zee <qfox@users.noreply.github.com>2017-03-31 11:23:50 +0200
committerAlex Lam S.L <alexlamsl@gmail.com>2017-03-31 17:23:50 +0800
commite6b76a48790cc3659c53673d0cc2a962acec3379 (patch)
parenta0c3836ba0e3baca8d758d9855144ac15ec0ac8d (diff)
Massive extension of the fuzzer (#1697)
Fix bug where a `throw` was generated without expression Reenable try/catch/finally and fix them up Skip serialization errors Allow function decl in other funcs but not in blocks etc Rename function to be more appropriate Fix global functions not getting certain names Make the canaries more likely to appear as expressions Add a silly rounding edge case Add a new canary, `c`, which should only ever be incremented Refactoring Fix (another) iife not actually being invoked When a statement hits recursion max return an expression instead of `;` When a expression hits recursion max also inc `c` Generate global code as well as function code Also fixes some argument juggling related bugs. No longer reduces the recursion max when generating sub functions. Generates a function arg. Add used names to var name pool while in that scope This is a little wonky, possibly a hack, but since it's synchronous code I think it's alright to do this. The alternative is to slice the varnames array and juggle them through almost all the generator functions and there are various reasons why this patch is a better alternative. Minify generated code, not beautified code. Prevents beautifier bias. Prevent unnecessary duplication Remove serialization protection because I think it got handled elsewhere Abstract toplevel code generation Add example line of running test case Add poor man options parser, and some options Reindent to 4 spaces Lower chance of `default` generation Comment example of testing a case and output improvement Enable `default` clause appearing at any clause index Removing some training wheels; dont add parens where we dont absolutely need them Support `-s1` and `-s2` to force specific statements being generated at that recursion level Add round number to output when failing. For stats and fun and profit. Solidify statement depth counting. The argument juggling is real. Renamed option to something long. -scf was ugly and probably confusing. Fix missing arguments causing `canThrow` to be truthy, generating crashing code Generate more binary nested expressions Add black and white list cli options for statement generation Allows you to explicitly require or forbid certain statements from/to being made. ``` node test/ufuzz.js --without-stmt switch,try -t 5 -r 5 -V ``` ``` node test/ufuzz.js --only-stmt ifelse,expr -t 5 -r 5 -V ``` Similar granularity for expression may be added later. There can be no comma between names; it just does a split on that arg. Trim down the binary expression generator Prevent scoping issues in nodejs by preventing certain names in global space Oh this list was incomplete? Allow bin-expr to generate assignments too. More vigilant with storing and reusing vars. Add more global builtin names Update wrapper code Also patch Function valueOf
1 files changed, 580 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/test/ufuzz.js b/test/ufuzz.js
index c1ac8f4c..c1866175 100644
--- a/test/ufuzz.js
+++ b/test/ufuzz.js
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
// derived from https://github.com/qfox/uglyfuzzer by Peter van der Zee
"use strict";
+// check both cli and file modes of nodejs (!). See #1695 for details. and the various settings of uglify.
+// bin/uglifyjs s.js -c && bin/uglifyjs s.js -c passes=3 && bin/uglifyjs s.js -c passes=3 -m
+// cat s.js | node && node s.js && bin/uglifyjs s.js -c | node && bin/uglifyjs s.js -c passes=3 | node && bin/uglifyjs s.js -c passes=3 -m | node
// workaround for tty output truncation upon process.exit()
[process.stdout, process.stderr].forEach(function(stream){
if (stream._handle && stream._handle.setBlocking)
@@ -11,118 +15,264 @@
var vm = require("vm");
var minify = require("..").minify;
+var STMT_BLOCK = 0;
+var STMT_IF_ELSE = 1;
+var STMT_DO_WHILE = 2;
+var STMT_WHILE = 3;
+var STMT_FOR_LOOP = 4;
+var STMT_SEMI = 5;
+var STMT_EXPR = 6;
+var STMT_SWITCH = 7;
+var STMT_VAR = 8;
+var STMT_FUNC_EXPR = 10;
+var STMT_TRY = 11;
+var STMT_C = 12;
+var STMTS_TO_USE = [
+var STMT_ARG_TO_ID = {
+ block: STMT_BLOCK,
+ ifelse: STMT_IF_ELSE,
+ dowhile: STMT_DO_WHILE,
+ while: STMT_WHILE,
+ forloop: STMT_FOR_LOOP,
+ semi: STMT_SEMI,
+ expr: STMT_EXPR,
+ switch: STMT_SWITCH,
+ var: STMT_VAR,
+ funcexpr: STMT_FUNC_EXPR,
+ try: STMT_TRY,
+ c: STMT_C,
+var STMT_COUNT_FROM_GLOBAL = true; // count statement depth from nearest function scope or just global scope?
+var num_iterations = +process.argv[2] || 1/0;
+var verbose = false; // log every generated test
+var verbose_interval = false; // log every 100 generated tests
+var enable_beautifier = false; // run beautifier as well?
+for (var i = 2; i < process.argv.length; ++i) {
+ switch (process.argv[i]) {
+ case '-v':
+ verbose = true;
+ break;
+ case '-V':
+ verbose_interval = true;
+ break;
+ case '-b':
+ enable_beautifier = true;
+ break;
+ case '-t':
+ MAX_GENERATED_TOPLEVELS_PER_RUN = +process.argv[++i];
+ if (!MAX_GENERATED_TOPLEVELS_PER_RUN) throw new Error('Must generate at least one toplevel per run');
+ break;
+ case '-r':
+ MAX_GENERATION_RECURSION_DEPTH = +process.argv[++i];
+ if (!MAX_GENERATION_RECURSION_DEPTH) throw new Error('Recursion depth must be at least 1');
+ break;
+ case '-s1':
+ var name = process.argv[++i];
+ if (!(STMT_FIRST_LEVEL_OVERRIDE >= 0)) throw new Error('Unknown statement name; use -? to get a list');
+ break;
+ case '-s2':
+ var name = process.argv[++i];
+ if (!(STMT_SECOND_LEVEL_OVERRIDE >= 0)) throw new Error('Unknown statement name; use -? to get a list');
+ break;
+ case '--stmt-depth-from-func':
+ break;
+ case '--only-stmt':
+ STMTS_TO_USE = process.argv[++i].split(',').map(function(name){ return STMT_ARG_TO_ID[name]; });
+ break;
+ case '--without-stmt':
+ // meh. it runs once it's fine.
+ process.argv[++i].split(',').forEach(function(name){
+ var omit = STMT_ARG_TO_ID[name];
+ STMTS_TO_USE = STMTS_TO_USE.filter(function(id){ return id !== omit; })
+ });
+ break;
+ case '-?':
+ console.log('** UglifyJS fuzzer help **');
+ console.log('Valid options (optional):');
+ console.log('<number>: generate this many cases (if used must be first arg)');
+ console.log('-v: print every generated test case');
+ console.log('-V: print every 100th generated test case');
+ console.log('-b: also run beautifier');
+ console.log('-t <int>: generate this many toplevels per run (more take longer)');
+ console.log('-r <int>: maximum recursion depth for generator (higher takes longer)');
+ console.log('-s1 <statement name>: force the first level statement to be this one (see list below)');
+ console.log('-s2 <statement name>: force the second level statement to be this one (see list below)');
+ console.log('--stmt-depth-from-func: reset statement depth counter at each function, counts from global otherwise');
+ console.log('--only-stmt <statement names>: a comma delimited white list of statements that may be generated');
+ console.log('--without-stmt <statement names>: a comma delimited black list of statements never to generate');
+ console.log('List of accepted statement names: ' + Object.keys(STMT_ARG_TO_ID));
+ console.log('** UglifyJS fuzzer exiting **');
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ // first arg may be a number.
+ if (i > 2 || !parseInt(process.argv[i], 10)) throw new Error('Unknown argument[' + process.argv[i] + ']; see -? for help');
+ }
var VALUES = [
- 'true',
- 'false',
- '22',
- '0',
- '-0', // 0/-0 !== 0
- '23..toString()',
- '24 .toString()',
- '25. ',
- '0x26.toString()',
- '(-1)',
- 'NaN',
- 'undefined',
- 'Infinity',
- 'null',
- '[]',
- '[,0][1]', // an array with elisions... but this is always false
- '([,0].length === 2)', // an array with elisions... this is always true
- '({})', // wrapped the object causes too many syntax errors in statements
- '"foo"',
- '"bar"' ];
+ 'true',
+ 'false',
+ '22',
+ '0',
+ '-0', // 0/-0 !== 0
+ '23..toString()',
+ '24 .toString()',
+ '25. ',
+ '0x26.toString()',
+ '(-1)',
+ 'NaN',
+ 'undefined',
+ 'Infinity',
+ 'null',
+ '[]',
+ '[,0][1]', // an array with elisions... but this is always false
+ '([,0].length === 2)', // an array with elisions... this is always true
+ '({})', // wrapped the object causes too many syntax errors in statements
+ '"foo"',
+ '"bar"' ];
- ' + ', // spaces needed to disambiguate with ++ cases (could otherwise cause syntax errors)
- ' - ',
- '/',
- '*',
- '&',
- '|',
- '^',
- '<<',
- '>>',
- '>>>',
- '%',
- '&&',
- '||',
- '^' ];
+ ' + ', // spaces needed to disambiguate with ++ cases (could otherwise cause syntax errors)
+ ' - ',
+ '/',
+ '*',
+ '&',
+ '|',
+ '^',
+ '<',
+ '<=',
+ '>',
+ '>=',
+ '==',
+ '===',
+ '!=',
+ '!==',
+ '<<',
+ '>>',
+ '>>>',
+ '%',
+ '&&',
+ '||',
+ '^' ];
var BINARY_OPS = [','].concat(BINARY_OPS_NO_COMMA);
- '=',
- '=',
- '=',
- '=',
- '=',
- '=',
- '==',
- '!=',
- '===',
- '!==',
- '+=',
- '-=',
- '*=',
- '/=',
- '&=',
- '|=',
- '^=',
- '<<=',
- '>>=',
- '>>>=',
- '%=' ];
+ '=',
+ '=',
+ '=',
+ '=',
+ '=',
+ '=',
+ '==',
+ '!=',
+ '===',
+ '!==',
+ '+=',
+ '-=',
+ '*=',
+ '/=',
+ '&=',
+ '|=',
+ '^=',
+ '<<=',
+ '>>=',
+ '>>>=',
+ '%=' ];
var UNARY_OPS = [
- '--',
- '++',
- '~',
- '!',
- 'void ',
- 'delete ', // should be safe, even `delete foo` and `delete f()` shouldn't crash
- ' - ',
- ' + ' ];
+ '--',
+ '++',
+ '~',
+ '!',
+ 'void ',
+ 'delete ', // should be safe, even `delete foo` and `delete f()` shouldn't crash
+ ' - ',
+ ' + ' ];
var NO_COMMA = true;
+var COMMA_OK = false;
var MAYBE = true;
-var NESTED = true;
+var MANDATORY = false;
var CAN_THROW = true;
var CANNOT_THROW = false;
var CAN_BREAK = true;
+var CANNOT_BREAK = false;
var CAN_CONTINUE = true;
+var CANNOT_CONTINUE = false;
+var CAN_RETURN = false;
+var CANNOT_RETURN = true;
+var NOT_GLOBAL = true;
+var IN_GLOBAL = true;
+var ANY_TYPE = false;
+var NO_DECL = true;
+var DONT_STORE = true;
var VAR_NAMES = [
- 'foo',
- 'bar',
- 'a',
- 'b',
- 'undefined', // fun!
- 'eval', // mmmm, ok, also fun!
- 'NaN', // mmmm, ok, also fun!
- 'Infinity', // the fun never ends!
- 'arguments', // this one is just creepy
- 'Math', // since Math is assumed to be a non-constructor/function it may trip certain cases
- 'let' ]; // maybe omit this, it's more a parser problem than minifier
+ 'foo',
+ 'bar',
+ 'a',
+ 'b',
+ 'c', // prevent redeclaring this, avoid assigning to this
+ 'undefined', // fun!
+ 'eval', // mmmm, ok, also fun!
+ 'NaN', // mmmm, ok, also fun!
+ 'Infinity', // the fun never ends!
+ 'arguments', // this one is just creepy
+ 'Math', // since Math is assumed to be a non-constructor/function it may trip certain cases
+ 'parseInt',
+ 'parseFloat',
+ 'isNaN',
+ 'isFinite',
+ 'decodeURI',
+ 'decodeURIComponent',
+ 'encodeURI',
+ 'encodeURIComponent',
+ 'Object',
+ 'let' ]; // maybe omit this, it's more a parser problem than minifier
- 'undefined',
- 'string',
- 'number',
- 'object',
- 'boolean',
- 'special',
- 'unknown',
- 'symbol',
- 'crap' ];
+ 'undefined',
+ 'string',
+ 'number',
+ 'object',
+ 'boolean',
+ 'special',
+ 'unknown',
+ 'symbol',
+ 'crap' ];
- "Function.prototype.toString = function() {",
+ "Function.prototype.toString = Function.prototype.valueOf = function() {",
" var ids = [];",
" return function() {",
" var i = ids.indexOf(this);",
@@ -135,6 +285,8 @@ var FUNC_TOSTRING = [
+var loops = 0;
+var funcs = 0;
function run_code(code) {
var stdout = "";
@@ -147,11 +299,11 @@ function run_code(code) {
console: {
log: function() {
return console.log.apply(console, [].map.call(arguments, function(arg) {
- return typeof arg == "function" ? "[Function]" : arg;
+ return typeof arg == "function" ? arg.toString() : arg;
- }, { timeout: 5000 });
+ }, { timeout: 30000 });
return stdout;
} catch (ex) {
return ex;
@@ -161,254 +313,357 @@ function run_code(code) {
function rng(max) {
- return Math.floor(max * Math.random());
+ return Math.floor(max * Math.random());
-function createFunctionDecls(n, recurmax, nested) {
- if (--recurmax < 0) { return ';'; }
- var s = '';
- while (n-- > 0) {
- s += createFunctionDecl(recurmax, nested) + '\n';
- }
- return s;
+function createTopLevelCodes(n) {
+ var s = '';
+ while (n-- > 0) {
+ s += createTopLevelCode() + '\n\n//$$$$$$$$$$$$$$\n\n';
+ }
+ return s;
-var funcs = 0;
-function createFunctionDecl(recurmax, nested) {
- if (--recurmax < 0) { return ';'; }
- var func = funcs++;
- var name = rng(5) > 0 ? 'f' + func : createVarName();
- if (name === 'a' || name === 'b') name = 'f' + func; // quick hack to prevent assignment to func names of being called
- if (!nested && name === 'undefined' || name === 'NaN' || name === 'Infinity') name = 'f' + func; // cant redefine these in global space
- var s = '';
- if (rng(5) === 1) {
- // functions with functions. lower the recursion to prevent a mess.
- s = 'function ' + name + '(){' + createFunctionDecls(rng(5) + 1, Math.ceil(recurmax / 2), NESTED) + '}\n';
- } else {
- // functions with statements
- s = 'function ' + name + '(){' + createStatements(3, recurmax) + '}\n';
- }
- if (nested) s = '!' + nested; // avoid "function statements" (decl inside statements)
- else s += name + '();'
- return s;
+function createTopLevelCode() {
+ var r = rng(3);
-function createStatements(n, recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue) {
- if (--recurmax < 0) { return ';'; }
- var s = '';
- while (--n > 0) {
- s += createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue);
- }
- return s;
+function createFunctions(n, recurmax, inGlobal, noDecl, canThrow, stmtDepth) {
+ if (--recurmax < 0) { return ';'; }
+ var s = '';
+ while (n-- > 0) {
+ s += createFunction(recurmax, inGlobal, noDecl, canThrow, stmtDepth) + '\n';
+ }
+ return s;
-var loops = 0;
-function createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue) {
- var loop = ++loops;
- if (--recurmax < 0) { return ';'; }
- switch (rng(16)) {
- case 0:
- return '{' + createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue) + '}';
- case 1:
- return 'if (' + createExpression(recurmax) + ')' + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue) + (rng(2) === 1 ? ' else ' + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue) : '');
- case 2:
- return '{var brake' + loop + ' = 5; do {' + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, CAN_BREAK, CAN_CONTINUE) + '} while ((' + createExpression(recurmax) + ') && --brake' + loop + ' > 0);}';
- case 3:
- return '{var brake' + loop + ' = 5; while ((' + createExpression(recurmax) + ') && --brake' + loop + ' > 0)' + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, CAN_BREAK, CAN_CONTINUE) + '}';
- case 4:
- return 'for (var brake' + loop + ' = 5; (' + createExpression(recurmax) + ') && brake' + loop + ' > 0; --brake' + loop + ')' + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, CAN_BREAK, CAN_CONTINUE);
- case 5:
- return ';';
- case 6:
- return createExpression(recurmax) + ';';
- case 7:
- // note: case args are actual expressions
- // note: default does not _need_ to be last
- return 'switch (' + createExpression(recurmax) + ') { ' + createSwitchParts(recurmax, 4) + '}';
- case 8:
- return 'var ' + createVarName() + ';';
- case 9:
- // initializer can only have one expression
- return 'var ' + createVarName() + ' = ' + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA) + ';';
- case 10:
- // initializer can only have one expression
- return 'var ' + createVarName() + ' = ' + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA) + ', ' + createVarName() + ' = ' + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA) + ';';
- case 11:
- if (canBreak && rng(5) === 0) return 'break;';
- if (canContinue && rng(5) === 0) return 'continue;';
- return 'return;';
- case 12:
- // must wrap in curlies to prevent orphaned `else` statement
- if (canThrow && rng(5) === 0) return '{ throw ' + createExpression(recurmax) + '}';
- return '{ return ' + createExpression(recurmax) + '}';
- case 13:
- // this is actually more like a parser test, but perhaps it hits some dead code elimination traps
- // must wrap in curlies to prevent orphaned `else` statement
- if (canThrow && rng(5) === 0) return '{ throw\n' + createExpression(recurmax) + '}';
- return '{ return\n' + createExpression(recurmax) + '}';
- case 14:
- // "In non-strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level, inside a block, or ..."
- // (dont both with func decls in `if`; it's only a parser thing because you cant call them without a block)
- return '{' + createFunctionDecl(recurmax, NESTED) + '}';
- case 15:
- return ';';
- // catch var could cause some problems
- // note: the "blocks" are syntactically mandatory for try/catch/finally
- var s = 'try {' + createStatement(recurmax, CAN_THROW, canBreak, canContinue) + ' }';
- var n = rng(3); // 0=only catch, 1=only finally, 2=catch+finally
- if (n !== 1) s += ' catch (' + createVarName() + ') { ' + createStatements(3, recurmax, canBreak, canContinue) + ' }';
- if (n !== 0) s += ' finally { ' + createStatements(3, recurmax, canBreak, canContinue) + ' }';
- return s;
- }
+function createFunction(recurmax, inGlobal, noDecl, canThrow, stmtDepth) {
+ if (--recurmax < 0) { return ';'; }
+ if (!STMT_COUNT_FROM_GLOBAL) stmtDepth = 0;
+ var func = funcs++;
+ var namesLenBefore = VAR_NAMES.length;
+ var name = (inGlobal || rng(5) > 0) ? 'f' + func : createVarName(MANDATORY, inGlobal, noDecl);
+ if (name === 'a' || name === 'b' || name === 'c') name = 'f' + func; // quick hack to prevent assignment to func names of being called
+ var s = '';
+ if (rng(5) === 1) {
+ // functions with functions. lower the recursion to prevent a mess.
+ s = 'function ' + name + '(' + createVarName(MANDATORY, inGlobal) + '){' + createFunctions(rng(5) + 1, Math.ceil(recurmax * 0.7), NOT_GLOBAL, ANY_TYPE, canThrow, stmtDepth) + '}\n';
+ } else {
+ // functions with statements
+ s = 'function ' + name + '(' + createVarName(MANDATORY, inGlobal) + '){' + createStatements(3, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_THROW, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth, inGlobal, NOT_GLOBAL) + '}\n';
+ }
+ VAR_NAMES.length = namesLenBefore;
+ if (noDecl) s = '!' + s + '(' + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ')';
+ // avoid "function statements" (decl inside statements)
+ else if (inGlobal || rng(10) > 0) s += name + '();'
+ return s;
-function createSwitchParts(recurmax, n) {
- var hadDefault = false;
- var s = '';
- while (n-- > 0) {
- hadDefault = n > 0;
- if (hadDefault || rng(4) > 0) {
- s += '' +
- 'case ' + createExpression(recurmax) + ':\n' +
- createStatements(rng(3) + 1, recurmax, CANNOT_THROW, CAN_BREAK) +
- '\n' +
- (rng(10) > 0 ? ' break;' : '/* fall-through */') +
- '\n';
- } else {
- hadDefault = true;
- s += '' +
- 'default:\n' +
- createStatements(rng(3) + 1, recurmax, CANNOT_THROW, CAN_BREAK) +
- '\n';
+function createStatements(n, recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) {
+ if (--recurmax < 0) { return ';'; }
+ var s = '';
+ while (--n > 0) {
+ s += createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) + '\n';
+ }
+ return s;
+function createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) {
+ ++stmtDepth;
+ var loop = ++loops;
+ if (--recurmax < 0) {
+ return createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ';';
+ }
+ // allow to forcefully generate certain structures at first or second recursion level
+ var target = 0;
+ if (stmtDepth === 1 && STMT_FIRST_LEVEL_OVERRIDE >= 0) target = STMT_FIRST_LEVEL_OVERRIDE;
+ else if (stmtDepth === 2 && STMT_SECOND_LEVEL_OVERRIDE >= 0) target = STMT_SECOND_LEVEL_OVERRIDE;
+ else target = STMTS_TO_USE[rng(STMTS_TO_USE.length)];
+ switch (target) {
+ case STMT_BLOCK:
+ return '{' + createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) + '}';
+ case STMT_IF_ELSE:
+ return 'if (' + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ')' + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) + (rng(2) === 1 ? ' else ' + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) : '');
+ return '{var brake' + loop + ' = 5; do {' + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, CAN_BREAK, CAN_CONTINUE, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) + '} while ((' + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ') && --brake' + loop + ' > 0);}';
+ case STMT_WHILE:
+ return '{var brake' + loop + ' = 5; while ((' + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ') && --brake' + loop + ' > 0)' + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, CAN_BREAK, CAN_CONTINUE, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) + '}';
+ return 'for (var brake' + loop + ' = 5; (' + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ') && brake' + loop + ' > 0; --brake' + loop + ')' + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, CAN_BREAK, CAN_CONTINUE, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal);
+ case STMT_SEMI:
+ return ';';
+ case STMT_EXPR:
+ return createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ';';
+ // note: case args are actual expressions
+ // note: default does not _need_ to be last
+ return 'switch (' + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ') { ' + createSwitchParts(recurmax, 4, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) + '}';
+ case STMT_VAR:
+ switch (rng(3)) {
+ case 0:
+ var name = createVarName(MANDATORY, inGlobal);
+ if (name === 'c') name = 'a';
+ return 'var ' + name + ';';
+ case 1:
+ // initializer can only have one expression
+ var name = createVarName(MANDATORY, inGlobal);
+ if (name === 'c') name = 'b';
+ return 'var ' + name + ' = ' + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ';';
+ default:
+ // initializer can only have one expression
+ var n1 = createVarName(MANDATORY, inGlobal);
+ if (n1 === 'c') n1 = 'b';
+ var n2 = createVarName(MANDATORY, inGlobal);
+ if (n2 === 'c') n2 = 'b';
+ return 'var ' + n1 + ' = ' + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ', ' + n2 + ' = ' + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ';';
+ }
+ switch (rng(3)) {
+ case 1:
+ if (canBreak && rng(5) === 0) return 'break;';
+ if (canContinue && rng(5) === 0) return 'continue;';
+ if (cannotReturn) return createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ';';
+ return '/*3*/return;';
+ case 2:
+ // must wrap in curlies to prevent orphaned `else` statement
+ if (canThrow && rng(5) === 0) return '{ throw ' + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + '}';
+ if (cannotReturn) return createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ';';
+ return '{ /*1*/ return ' + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + '}';
+ default:
+ // this is actually more like a parser test, but perhaps it hits some dead code elimination traps
+ // must wrap in curlies to prevent orphaned `else` statement
+ // note: you can't `throw` without an expression so don't put a `throw` option in this case
+ if (cannotReturn) return createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ';';
+ return '{ /*2*/ return\n' + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + '}';
+ }
+ // "In non-strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level, inside a block, or ..."
+ // (dont both with func decls in `if`; it's only a parser thing because you cant call them without a block)
+ return '{' + createFunction(recurmax, NOT_GLOBAL, NO_DECL, canThrow, stmtDepth) + '}';
+ case STMT_TRY:
+ // catch var could cause some problems
+ // note: the "blocks" are syntactically mandatory for try/catch/finally
+ var n = rng(3); // 0=only catch, 1=only finally, 2=catch+finally
+ var s = 'try {' + createStatement(recurmax, n === 1 ? CANNOT_THROW : CAN_THROW, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) + ' }';
+ if (n !== 1) {
+ // the catch var should only be accessible in the catch clause...
+ // we have to do go through some trouble here to prevent leaking it
+ var nameLenBefore = VAR_NAMES.length;
+ var catchName = createVarName(MANDATORY);
+ var freshCatchName = VAR_NAMES.length !== nameLenBefore;
+ s += ' catch (' + catchName + ') { ' + createStatements(3, recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) + ' }';
+ if (freshCatchName) VAR_NAMES.splice(nameLenBefore, 1); // remove catch name
+ }
+ if (n !== 0) s += ' finally { ' + createStatements(3, recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) + ' }';
+ return s;
+ case STMT_C:
+ return 'c = c + 1;';
+ default:
+ throw 'no';
+ }
+function createSwitchParts(recurmax, n, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) {
+ var hadDefault = false;
+ var s = '';
+ while (n-- > 0) {
+ //hadDefault = n > 0; // disables weird `default` clause positioning (use when handling destabilizes)
+ if (hadDefault || rng(5) > 0) {
+ s += '' +
+ 'case ' + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ':\n' +
+ createStatements(rng(3) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, CAN_BREAK, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) +
+ '\n' +
+ (rng(10) > 0 ? ' break;' : '/* fall-through */') +
+ '\n';
+ } else {
+ hadDefault = true;
+ s += '' +
+ 'default:\n' +
+ createStatements(rng(3) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, CAN_BREAK, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, inGlobal) +
+ '\n';
+ }
- }
- return s;
+ return s;
-function createExpression(recurmax, noComma) {
- if (--recurmax < 0) {
- return createValue(); // note: should return a simple non-recursing expression value!
- }
- switch (rng(12)) {
- case 0:
- return '(' + createUnaryOp() + (rng(2) === 1 ? 'a' : 'b') + ')';
- case 1:
- return '(a' + (rng(2) == 1 ? '++' : '--') + ')';
- case 2:
- return '(b ' + createAssignment() + ' a)';
- case 3:
- return '(' + rng(2) + ' === 1 ? a : b)';
- case 4:
- return createExpression(recurmax, noComma) + createBinaryOp(noComma) + createExpression(recurmax, noComma);
- case 5:
- return createValue();
- case 6:
- return '(' + createExpression(recurmax) + ')';
- case 7:
- return createExpression(recurmax, noComma) + '?(' + createExpression(recurmax) + '):(' + createExpression(recurmax) + ')';
- case 8:
- switch(rng(4)) {
+function createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) {
+ if (--recurmax < 0) {
+ return '(c = 1 + c, ' + createNestedBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma) + ')'; // note: should return a simple non-recursing expression value!
+ }
+ // since `a` and `b` are our canaries we want them more frequently than other expressions (1/3rd chance of a canary)
+ var r = rng(6);
+ if (r < 1) return 'a++ + ' + _createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow);
+ if (r < 2) return '(--b) + ' + _createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow);
+ if (r < 3) return '(c = c + 1) + ' + _createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow); // c only gets incremented
+ return _createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow);
+function _createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) {
+ switch (rng(13)) {
case 0:
- return '(function ' + createVarName(MAYBE) + '(){' + createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax) + '})()';
+ return createUnaryOp() + (rng(2) === 1 ? 'a' : 'b');
case 1:
- return '+function ' + createVarName(MAYBE) + '(){' + createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax) + '}';
+ return 'a' + (rng(2) == 1 ? '++' : '--');
case 2:
- return '!function ' + createVarName(MAYBE) + '(){' + createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax) + '}';
+ // parens needed because assignments aren't valid unless they're the left-most op(s) in an expression
+ return '(b ' + createAssignment() + ' a)';
case 3:
- return 'void function ' + createVarName(MAYBE) + '(){' + createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax) + '}';
- default:
- return 'void function ' + createVarName(MAYBE) + '(){' + createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax) + '}';
- }
- case 9:
- return createTypeofExpr(recurmax);
- case 10:
- // you could statically infer that this is just `Math`, regardless of the other expression
- // I don't think Uglify does this at this time...
- return ''+
- 'new function(){ \n' +
- (rng(2) === 1 ? createExpression(recurmax) + '\n' : '') +
- 'return Math;\n' +
- '}';
- case 11:
- // more like a parser test but perhaps comment nodes mess up the analysis?
- switch (rng(5)) {
+ return rng(2) + ' === 1 ? a : b';
+ case 4:
+ return createNestedBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma) + createBinaryOp(noComma) + createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow);
+ case 5:
+ return createValue();
+ case 6:
+ return '(' + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ')';
+ case 7:
+ return createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + '?' + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ':' + createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow);
+ case 8:
+ var nameLenBefore = VAR_NAMES.length;
+ var name = createVarName(MAYBE, NOT_GLOBAL); // note: this name is only accessible from _within_ the function. and immutable at that.
+ if (name === 'c') name = 'a';
+ var s = '';
+ switch(rng(4)) {
+ case 0:
+ s = '(function ' + name + '(){' + createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth, NOT_GLOBAL) + '})()';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ s = '+function ' + name + '(){' + createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth, NOT_GLOBAL) + '}()';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ s = '!function ' + name + '(){' + createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth, NOT_GLOBAL) + '}()';
+ break;
+ default:
+ s = 'void function ' + name + '(){' + createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth, NOT_GLOBAL) + '}()';
+ break;
+ }
+ VAR_NAMES.length = nameLenBefore;
+ return s;
+ case 9:
+ return createTypeofExpr();
+ case 10:
+ // you could statically infer that this is just `Math`, regardless of the other expression
+ // I don't think Uglify does this at this time...
+ return ''+
+ 'new function(){ \n' +
+ (rng(2) === 1 ? createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + '\n' : '') +
+ 'return Math;\n' +
+ '}';
+ case 11:
+ // more like a parser test but perhaps comment nodes mess up the analysis?
+ // note: parens not needed for post-fix (since that's the default when ambiguous)
+ // for prefix ops we need parens to prevent accidental syntax errors.
+ switch (rng(6)) {
+ case 0:
+ return 'a/* ignore */++';
+ case 1:
+ return 'b/* ignore */--';
+ case 2:
+ return '(++/* ignore */a)';
+ case 3:
+ return '(--/* ignore */b)';
+ case 4:
+ // only groups that wrap a single variable return a "Reference", so this is still valid.
+ // may just be a parser edge case that is invisible to uglify...
+ return '(--(b))';
+ case 5:
+ // classic 0.3-0.1 case; 1-0.1-0.1-0.1 is not 0.7 :)
+ return 'b + 1-0.1-0.1-0.1';
+ default:
+ return '(--/* ignore */b)';
+ }
+ case 12:
+ return createNestedBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma);
+ }
+function createNestedBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma) {
+ recurmax = 3; // note that this generates 2^recurmax expression parts... make sure to cap it
+ return _createSimpleBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma);
+function _createSimpleBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma) {
+ // intentionally generate more hardcore ops
+ if (--recurmax < 0) return createValue();
+ var r = rng(30);
+ if (r === 0) return '(c = c + 1, ' + _createSimpleBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma) + ')'
+ var s = _createSimpleBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma) + createBinaryOp(noComma) + _createSimpleBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma);
+ if (r === 1) {
+ // try to get a generated name reachable from current scope. default to just `a`
+ var assignee = VAR_NAMES[INITIAL_NAMES_LEN + rng(VAR_NAMES.length - INITIAL_NAMES_LEN)] || 'a';
+ return '( ' + assignee + createAssignment() + s + ')';
+ }
+ return s;
+function createTypeofExpr() {
+ switch (rng(5)) {
case 0:
- return '(a/* ignore */++)';
+ return 'typeof ' + createVarName(MANDATORY, NOT_GLOBAL, DONT_STORE) + ' === "' + TYPEOF_OUTCOMES[rng(TYPEOF_OUTCOMES.length)] + '"';
case 1:
- return '(b/* ignore */--)';
+ return 'typeof ' + createVarName(MANDATORY, NOT_GLOBAL, DONT_STORE) + ' !== "' + TYPEOF_OUTCOMES[rng(TYPEOF_OUTCOMES.length)] + '"';
case 2:
- return '(++/* ignore */a)';
+ return 'typeof ' + createVarName(MANDATORY, NOT_GLOBAL, DONT_STORE) + ' == "' + TYPEOF_OUTCOMES[rng(TYPEOF_OUTCOMES.length)] + '"';
case 3:
- return '(--/* ignore */b)';
+ return 'typeof ' + createVarName(MANDATORY, NOT_GLOBAL, DONT_STORE) + ' != "' + TYPEOF_OUTCOMES[rng(TYPEOF_OUTCOMES.length)] + '"';
case 4:
- // only groups that wrap a single variable return a "Reference", so this is still valid.
- // may just be a parser edge case that is invisible to uglify...
- return '(--(b))';
- default:
- return '(--/* ignore */b)';
- }
- }
-function createTypeofExpr(recurmax) {
- if (--recurmax < 0) {
- return 'typeof undefined === "undefined"';
- }
- switch (rng(5)) {
- case 0:
- return '(typeof ' + createVarName() + ' === "' + TYPEOF_OUTCOMES[rng(TYPEOF_OUTCOMES.length)] + '")';
- case 1:
- return '(typeof ' + createVarName() + ' !== "' + TYPEOF_OUTCOMES[rng(TYPEOF_OUTCOMES.length)] + '")';
- case 2:
- return '(typeof ' + createVarName() + ' == "' + TYPEOF_OUTCOMES[rng(TYPEOF_OUTCOMES.length)] + '")';
- case 3:
- return '(typeof ' + createVarName() + ' != "' + TYPEOF_OUTCOMES[rng(TYPEOF_OUTCOMES.length)] + '")';
- case 4:
- return '(typeof ' + createVarName() + ')';
- }
+ return 'typeof ' + createVarName(MANDATORY, NOT_GLOBAL, DONT_STORE);
+ }
function createValue() {
- return VALUES[rng(VALUES.length)];
+ return VALUES[rng(VALUES.length)];
function createBinaryOp(noComma) {
- if (noComma) return BINARY_OPS_NO_COMMA[rng(BINARY_OPS_NO_COMMA.length)];
- return BINARY_OPS[rng(BINARY_OPS.length)];
+ if (noComma) return BINARY_OPS_NO_COMMA[rng(BINARY_OPS_NO_COMMA.length)];
+ return BINARY_OPS[rng(BINARY_OPS.length)];
function createAssignment() {
- return ASSIGNMENTS[rng(ASSIGNMENTS.length)];
+ return ASSIGNMENTS[rng(ASSIGNMENTS.length)];
function createUnaryOp() {
- return UNARY_OPS[rng(UNARY_OPS.length)];
+ return UNARY_OPS[rng(UNARY_OPS.length)];
-function createVarName(maybe) {
- if (!maybe || rng(2) === 1) {
- return VAR_NAMES[rng(VAR_NAMES.length)] + (rng(5) > 0 ? ++loops : '');
- }
- return '';
+function createVarName(maybe, inGlobal, dontStore) {
+ if (!maybe || rng(2) === 1) {
+ do {
+ var r = rng(VAR_NAMES.length);
+ var suffixed = rng(5) > 0;
+ var name = VAR_NAMES[r] + (suffixed ? '_' + (++loops) : '');
+ } while (inGlobal && (name === 'NaN' || name === 'undefined' || name === 'Infinity')); // prevent nodejs module strict mode problems
+ if (!dontStore && suffixed) VAR_NAMES.push(name);
+ return name;
+ }
+ return '';
function log(ok) {
+ if (!ok) console.log('\n\n\n\n\n\n!!!!!!!!!!\n\n\n');
- if (!ok) console.log("// !!!!!! Failed...");
+ if (!ok) console.log("// !!!!!! Failed... round", round);
console.log("// original code");
- console.log("//-------------------------------------------------------------");
- console.log("// original code (beautify'd)");
- console.log("//");
- console.log(beautify_code);
- console.log();
- console.log();
+ if (enable_beautifier) {
+ console.log("//-------------------------------------------------------------");
+ console.log("// original code (beautify'd)");
+ console.log("//");
+ console.log(beautify_code);
+ console.log();
+ console.log();
+ }
console.log("// uglified code");
@@ -417,43 +672,51 @@ function log(ok) {
console.log("original result:");
- console.log("beautified result:");
- console.log(beautify_result);
+ if (enable_beautifier) {
+ console.log("beautified result:");
+ console.log(beautify_result);
+ }
console.log("uglified result:");
- if (!ok) console.log("!!!!!! Failed...");
+ if (!ok) console.log("!!!!!! Failed... round", round);
-var num_iterations = +process.argv[2] || 1/0;
-var verbose = process.argv[3] === 'v' || process.argv[2] === 'v';
-var verbose_interval = process.argv[3] === 'V' || process.argv[2] === 'V';
for (var round = 0; round < num_iterations; round++) {
var parse_error = false;
process.stdout.write(round + " of " + num_iterations + "\r");
+ VAR_NAMES.length = INITIAL_NAMES_LEN; // prune any previous names still in the list
+ loops = 0;
+ funcs = 0;
var original_code = [
- "var a = 100, b = 10;",
- "console.log(a, b);"
+ "var a = 100, b = 10, c = 0;",
+ createTopLevelCodes(rng(MAX_GENERATED_TOPLEVELS_PER_RUN) + 1) +
+ "console.log(null, a, b, c);" // the array makes for a cleaner output (empty string still shows up etc)
var original_result = run_code(original_code);
- try {
- var beautify_code = minify(original_code, {
- fromString: true,
- mangle: false,
- compress: false,
- output: {
- beautify: true,
- bracketize: true,
- },
- }).code;
- } catch(e) {
- parse_error = 1;
+ if (enable_beautifier) {
+ try {
+ var beautify_code = minify(original_code, {
+ fromString: true,
+ mangle: false,
+ compress: false,
+ output: {
+ beautify: true,
+ bracketize: true,
+ },
+ }).code;
+ } catch(e) {
+ parse_error = 1;
+ }
+ var beautify_result = run_code(beautify_code);
+ } else {
+ var beautify_result = original_result;
- var beautify_result = run_code(beautify_code);
try {
- var uglify_code = minify(beautify_code, {
+ var uglify_code = minify(original_code, {
fromString: true,
mangle: true,
compress: {
@@ -470,6 +733,7 @@ for (var round = 0; round < num_iterations; round++) {
var uglify_result = run_code(uglify_code);
var ok = !parse_error && original_result == beautify_result && original_result == uglify_result;
+ //if (!ok && typeof original_result === 'string' && original_result.indexOf('[Function:') >= 0) ok = true;
if (verbose || (verbose_interval && !(round % INTERVAL_COUNT)) || !ok) log(ok);
if (parse_error === 1) console.log('Parse error while beautifying');
if (parse_error === 2) console.log('Parse error while uglifying');