path: root/vmime-master/tests/parser/textTest.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'vmime-master/tests/parser/textTest.cpp')
1 files changed, 918 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vmime-master/tests/parser/textTest.cpp b/vmime-master/tests/parser/textTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9ddc26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vmime-master/tests/parser/textTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+// VMime library (http://www.vmime.org)
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Vincent Richard <vincent@vmime.org>
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
+// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making
+// a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of
+// the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
+#include "tests/testUtils.hpp"
+#include <locale>
+#include <clocale>
+ VMIME_TEST(testConstructors)
+ VMIME_TEST(testCopy)
+ VMIME_TEST(testNewFromString)
+ VMIME_TEST(testDisplayForm)
+ VMIME_TEST(testParse)
+ VMIME_TEST(testGenerate)
+ VMIME_TEST(testWordConstructors)
+ VMIME_TEST(testWordParse)
+ VMIME_TEST(testWordGenerate)
+ VMIME_TEST(testWordGenerateSpace)
+ VMIME_TEST(testWordGenerateSpace2)
+ VMIME_TEST(testWordGenerateMultiBytes)
+ VMIME_TEST(testWordGenerateQuote)
+ VMIME_TEST(testWordGenerateSpecialCharsets)
+ VMIME_TEST(testWordGenerateSpecials)
+ VMIME_TEST(testWhitespace)
+ VMIME_TEST(testWhitespaceMBox)
+ VMIME_TEST(testFoldingAscii)
+ VMIME_TEST(testForcedNonEncoding)
+ VMIME_TEST(testBugFix20110511)
+ VMIME_TEST(testInternationalizedEmail_specialChars)
+ VMIME_TEST(testInternationalizedEmail_UTF8)
+ VMIME_TEST(testInternationalizedEmail_nonUTF8)
+ VMIME_TEST(testInternationalizedEmail_folding)
+ VMIME_TEST(testInternationalizedEmail_whitespace)
+ VMIME_TEST(testWronglyPaddedB64Words)
+ VMIME_TEST(testFixBrokenWords)
+ VMIME_TEST(testUnknownCharset)
+ static const vmime::string getDisplayText(const vmime::text& t) {
+ return t.getWholeBuffer();
+ }
+ static const vmime::string cleanGeneratedWords(const std::string& str) {
+ std::istringstream iss(str);
+ std::string res;
+ std::string x;
+ while (std::getline(iss, x)) {
+ res += vmime::utility::stringUtils::trim(x);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ void setUp() {
+ // Set the global C and C++ locale to the user-configured locale.
+ // The locale should use UTF-8 encoding for these tests to run successfully.
+ try {
+ std::locale::global(std::locale(""));
+ } catch (std::exception &) {
+ std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+ }
+ }
+ void tearDown() {
+ // Restore default locale
+ std::locale::global(std::locale("C"));
+ }
+ void testConstructors() {
+ vmime::text t1;
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.1", 0, t1.getWordCount());
+ vmime::text t2("Test\xa9\xc3");
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.1", 1, t2.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.2", "Test\xa9\xc3", t2.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.3", vmime::charset::getLocalCharset(), t2.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ vmime::text t3("Test\xa9\xc3", vmime::charset(vmime::charsets::ISO8859_13));
+ VASSERT_EQ("3.1", 1, t3.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("3.2", "Test\xa9\xc3", t3.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("3.3", vmime::charset(vmime::charsets::ISO8859_13), t3.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ vmime::word w1("Test", vmime::charset(vmime::charsets::UTF_8));
+ vmime::text t4(w1);
+ VASSERT_EQ("4.1", 1, t4.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("4.2", w1.getBuffer(), t4.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("4.3", w1.getCharset(), t4.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ vmime::word w2("Other", vmime::charset(vmime::charsets::US_ASCII));
+ t4.appendWord(vmime::make_shared <vmime::word>(w2));
+ vmime::text t5(t4);
+ VASSERT_EQ("5.1", 2, t5.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("5.2", w1.getBuffer(), t5.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("5.3", w1.getCharset(), t5.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("5.4", w2.getBuffer(), t5.getWordAt(1)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("5.5", w2.getCharset(), t5.getWordAt(1)->getCharset());
+ }
+ void testCopy() {
+ vmime::text t1("Test: \xa9\xc3");
+ VASSERT("operator==", t1 == t1);
+ VASSERT("clone", *vmime::clone(t1) == t1);
+ vmime::text t2;
+ t2.copyFrom(t1);
+ VASSERT("copyFrom", t1 == t2);
+ }
+ void testNewFromString() {
+ vmime::string s1 = "only ASCII characters";
+ vmime::charset c1("test");
+ vmime::text t1;
+ t1.createFromString(s1, c1);
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.1", 1, t1.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.2", s1, t1.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.3", vmime::charset(vmime::charsets::US_ASCII), t1.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ vmime::string s2_1 = "some ASCII characters and special chars: ";
+ vmime::string s2_2 = "\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4 ";
+ vmime::string s2_3 = "and then more ASCII chars.";
+ vmime::string s2 = s2_1 + s2_2 + s2_3;
+ vmime::charset c2("test");
+ vmime::text t2;
+ t2.createFromString(s2, c2);
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.1", 3, t2.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.2", "some ASCII characters and special chars: ", t2.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.3", vmime::charset(vmime::charsets::US_ASCII), t2.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.4", "\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4", t2.getWordAt(1)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.5", c2, t2.getWordAt(1)->getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.6", "and then more ASCII chars.", t2.getWordAt(2)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.7", vmime::charset(vmime::charsets::US_ASCII), t2.getWordAt(2)->getCharset());
+ }
+ static const vmime::string parseText(const vmime::string& buffer) {
+ vmime::text t;
+ t.parse(buffer);
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << t;
+ return oss.str();
+ }
+ void testParse() {
+ // From RFC-2047
+ "1",
+ "[text: [[word: charset=US-ASCII, buffer=Keith Moore]]]",
+ parseText("=?US-ASCII?Q?Keith_Moore?=")
+ );
+ "2",
+ "[text: [[word: charset=ISO-8859-1, buffer=Keld J\xf8rn Simonsen]]]",
+ parseText("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Keld_J=F8rn_Simonsen?=")
+ );
+ "3",
+ "[text: [[word: charset=ISO-8859-1, buffer=Andr\xe9]," \
+ "[word: charset=us-ascii, buffer= Pirard]]]",
+ parseText("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9?= Pirard")
+ );
+ "4",
+ "[text: [[word: charset=ISO-8859-1, buffer=If you can read this yo]," \
+ "[word: charset=ISO-8859-2, buffer=u understand the example.]]]",
+ parseText(
+ "=?ISO-8859-1?B?SWYgeW91IGNhbiByZWFkIHRoaXMgeW8=?=\r\n " \
+ "=?ISO-8859-2?B?dSB1bmRlcnN0YW5kIHRoZSBleGFtcGxlLg==?="
+ )
+ );
+ // Bugfix: in "=?charset?q?=XX=YY?=", the "?=" finish
+ // sequence was not correctly found (should be the one
+ // after '=YY' and not the one after '?q').
+ "5",
+ "[text: [[word: charset=abc, buffer=\xe9\xe9]]]",
+ parseText("=?abc?q?=E9=E9?=")
+ );
+ // Question marks (?) in the middle of the string
+ "6",
+ "[text: [[word: charset=iso-8859-1, buffer=Know wh\xe4t? It works!]]]",
+ parseText("=?iso-8859-1?Q?Know_wh=E4t?_It_works!?=")
+ );
+ // With language specifier
+ "7",
+ "[text: [[word: charset=US-ASCII, buffer=Keith Moore, lang=EN]]]",
+ parseText("=?US-ASCII*EN?Q?Keith_Moore?=")
+ );
+ }
+ void testGenerate() {
+ // TODO
+ // With language specifier
+ vmime::word wlang1("Émeline", vmime::charset("UTF-8"), "FR");
+ VASSERT_EQ("lang1", "=?UTF-8*FR?Q?=C3=89meline?=", wlang1.generate());
+ vmime::word wlang2("Keith Moore", vmime::charset("US-ASCII"), "EN");
+ VASSERT_EQ("lang2", "=?US-ASCII*EN?Q?Keith_Moore?=", wlang2.generate());
+ }
+ void testDisplayForm() {
+#define DISPLAY_FORM(x) getDisplayText(*vmime::text::decodeAndUnfold(x))
+ // From RFC-2047
+ VASSERT_EQ("1", "a", DISPLAY_FORM("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?="));
+ VASSERT_EQ("2", "a b", DISPLAY_FORM("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?= b"));
+ VASSERT_EQ("3", "ab", DISPLAY_FORM("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?="));
+ VASSERT_EQ("4", "ab", DISPLAY_FORM("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?= \t =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?="));
+ VASSERT_EQ("5", "ab", DISPLAY_FORM("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?= \r\n \t =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?="));
+ VASSERT_EQ("6", "a b", DISPLAY_FORM("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a_b?="));
+ VASSERT_EQ("7", "a b", DISPLAY_FORM("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?= =?ISO-8859-2?Q?_b?="));
+ // Some more tests...
+ VASSERT_EQ("8", "a b", DISPLAY_FORM(" a =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?= "));
+ VASSERT_EQ("9", "a b ", DISPLAY_FORM(" \t =?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?= b "));
+ VASSERT_EQ("10", "a b", DISPLAY_FORM(" a\r\n\t b"));
+ VASSERT_EQ("11", "a b c", DISPLAY_FORM("a =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?= c"));
+ VASSERT_EQ("12", "a b c ", DISPLAY_FORM("a =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?= c "));
+ VASSERT_EQ("13", "a b c ", DISPLAY_FORM(" a =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?= c "));
+ VASSERT_EQ("14", "a b c d", DISPLAY_FORM("a =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?= c =?ISO-8859-1?Q?d?= "));
+ VASSERT_EQ("15", "a b c d e", DISPLAY_FORM("a =?ISO-8859-1?Q?b?= c =?ISO-8859-1?Q?d?= e"));
+ // Whitespaces and multiline
+ VASSERT_EQ("16", "a b c d e", DISPLAY_FORM("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a_b_?=c\n\t=?ISO-8859-1?Q?d_?=e"));
+ // Ignored newlines
+ VASSERT_EQ("17", "ab", DISPLAY_FORM("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?=\r\nb"));
+ VASSERT_EQ("18", "a b", DISPLAY_FORM("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?a?= \r\nb"));
+ }
+ void testWordConstructors() {
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.1", vmime::charset::getLocalCharset(), vmime::word().getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.2", "", vmime::word().getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.1", vmime::charset::getLocalCharset(), vmime::word("foo").getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.2", "foo", vmime::word("foo").getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("3.1", "bar", vmime::word("foo", vmime::charset("bar")).getCharset().getName());
+ VASSERT_EQ("3.2", "foo", vmime::word("foo", vmime::charset("bar")).getBuffer());
+ }
+ void testWordParse() {
+ // Simple encoded word
+ vmime::word w1;
+ w1.parse("=?foo?q?bar=E9 baz?=");
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.1", "foo", w1.getCharset().getName());
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.2", "bar\xe9 baz", w1.getBuffer());
+ // Unencoded text
+ vmime::word w2;
+ w2.parse(" foo bar \tbaz...");
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.1", vmime::charset(vmime::charsets::US_ASCII), w2.getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.2", " foo bar \tbaz...", w2.getBuffer());
+ // Malformed word
+ vmime::word w3;
+ w3.parse("=?foo bar");
+ VASSERT_EQ("3.1", vmime::charset(vmime::charsets::US_ASCII), w3.getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("3.2", "=?foo bar", w3.getBuffer());
+ // Unknown encoding
+ vmime::word w4;
+ w4.parse("=?whatever?not_q_or_b?whatever?=");
+ VASSERT_EQ("4.1", vmime::charset(vmime::charsets::US_ASCII), w4.getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("4.2", "=?whatever?not_q_or_b?whatever?=", w4.getBuffer());
+ }
+ void testWordGenerate() {
+ "1",
+ "=?foo?Q?bar=E9_baz?=",
+ vmime::word("bar\xe9 baz", vmime::charset("foo")).generate()
+ );
+ "2",
+ "=?foo?B?8fLz9PU=?=",
+ vmime::word("\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5", vmime::charset("foo")).generate()
+ );
+ }
+ void testWordGenerateSpace() {
+ // No white-space between an unencoded word and a encoded one
+ "1",
+ "Bonjour =?utf-8?Q?Fran=C3=A7ois?=",
+ vmime::text::newFromString(
+ "Bonjour Fran\xc3\xa7ois",
+ vmime::charset("utf-8")
+ )->generate()
+ );
+ // White-space between two encoded words
+ vmime::text txt;
+ txt.appendWord(vmime::make_shared <vmime::word>("\xc3\x89t\xc3\xa9", "utf-8"));
+ txt.appendWord(vmime::make_shared <vmime::word>("Fran\xc3\xa7ois", "utf-8"));
+ const vmime::string decoded = "\xc3\x89t\xc3\xa9""Fran\xc3\xa7ois";
+ const vmime::string encoded = "=?utf-8?B?w4l0w6k=?= =?utf-8?Q?Fran=C3=A7ois?=";
+ // -- test encoding
+ VASSERT_EQ("2", encoded, txt.generate());
+ // -- ensure no space is added when decoding
+ vmime::text txt2;
+ txt2.parse(encoded, 0, encoded.length());
+ VASSERT_EQ("3", decoded, txt2.getWholeBuffer());
+ // -- test rencoding
+ VASSERT_EQ("4", encoded, txt2.generate());
+ }
+ void testWordGenerateSpace2() {
+ // White-space between two encoded words (#2)
+ vmime::text txt;
+ txt.appendWord(vmime::make_shared <vmime::word>("Facture ", "utf-8"));
+ txt.appendWord(vmime::make_shared <vmime::word>("\xc3\xa0", "utf-8"));
+ txt.appendWord(vmime::make_shared <vmime::word>(" envoyer ", "utf-8"));
+ txt.appendWord(vmime::make_shared <vmime::word>("\xc3\xa0", "utf-8"));
+ txt.appendWord(vmime::make_shared <vmime::word>(" Martine", "utf-8"));
+ const vmime::string decoded = "Facture ""\xc3\xa0"" envoyer ""\xc3\xa0"" Martine";
+ const vmime::string encoded = "Facture =?utf-8?B?w6A=?= envoyer =?utf-8?B?w6A=?= Martine";
+ // -- test encoding
+ VASSERT_EQ("1", encoded, txt.generate());
+ // -- ensure no space is added when decoding
+ vmime::text txt2;
+ txt2.parse(encoded, 0, encoded.length());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2", decoded, txt2.getWholeBuffer());
+ // -- test rencoding
+ VASSERT_EQ("3", encoded, txt2.generate());
+ }
+ void testWordGenerateMultiBytes() {
+ // Ensure we don't encode a non-integral number of characters
+ "1",
+ "=?utf-8?Q?aaa?==?utf-8?Q?=C3=A9?==?utf-8?Q?zzz?=",
+ cleanGeneratedWords(
+ vmime::word("aaa\xc3\xa9zzz", vmime::charset("utf-8")).generate(16)
+ )
+ );
+ "2",
+ "=?utf-8?Q?aaa=C3=A9?==?utf-8?Q?zzz?=",
+ cleanGeneratedWords(
+ vmime::word("aaa\xc3\xa9zzz", vmime::charset("utf-8")).generate(17)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ void testWordGenerateQuote() {
+ std::string str;
+ vmime::utility::outputStreamStringAdapter os(str);
+ vmime::generationContext ctx;
+ ctx.setMaxLineLength(1000);
+ // ASCII-only text is quotable
+ str.clear();
+ vmime::word("Quoted text")
+ .generate(ctx, os, 0, NULL, vmime::text::QUOTE_IF_POSSIBLE, NULL);
+ VASSERT_EQ("1", "\"Quoted text\"", cleanGeneratedWords(str));
+ // Text with CR/LF is not quotable
+ str.clear();
+ vmime::word("Non-quotable\ntext", "us-ascii")
+ .generate(ctx, os, 0, NULL, vmime::text::QUOTE_IF_POSSIBLE, NULL);
+ VASSERT_EQ("2", "=?us-ascii?Q?Non-quotable=0Atext?=", cleanGeneratedWords(str));
+ // Text with non-ASCII chars is not quotable
+ str.clear();
+ vmime::word("Non-quotable text \xc3\xa9")
+ .generate(ctx, os, 0, NULL, vmime::text::QUOTE_IF_POSSIBLE, NULL);
+ VASSERT_EQ("3", "=?UTF-8?Q?Non-quotable_text_=C3=A9?=", cleanGeneratedWords(str));
+ }
+ void testWordGenerateSpecialCharsets() {
+ // ISO-2022-JP only uses 7-bit chars but should be encoded in Base64
+ "1",
+ "=?iso-2022-jp?B?XlskQiVRITwlPSVKJWshJiU9JVUlSCUmJSclIl5bKEI=?=",
+ cleanGeneratedWords(
+ vmime::word(
+ "^[$B%Q!<%=%J%k!&%=%U%H%&%'%\"^[(B",
+ vmime::charset("iso-2022-jp")
+ ).generate(100)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ void testWordGenerateSpecials() {
+ // In RFC-2047, quotation marks (ASCII 22h) should be encoded
+ "1",
+ "=?UTF-8?Q?=22=C3=9Cml=C3=A4ute=22?=",
+ vmime::word(
+ "\x22\xC3\x9Cml\xC3\xA4ute\x22",
+ vmime::charset("UTF-8")
+ ).generate()
+ );
+ }
+ void testWhitespace() {
+ // Create
+ vmime::text text;
+ text.createFromString("Achim Br\xc3\xa4ndt", vmime::charsets::UTF_8);
+ VASSERT_EQ("1", 2, text.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2", "Achim ", text.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("3", "us-ascii", text.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("4", "Br\xc3\xa4ndt", text.getWordAt(1)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("5", "utf-8", text.getWordAt(1)->getCharset());
+ // Generate
+ VASSERT_EQ("6", "Achim =?utf-8?Q?Br=C3=A4ndt?=", text.generate());
+ // Parse
+ text.parse("=?us-ascii?Q?Achim_?= =?utf-8?Q?Br=C3=A4ndt?=");
+ VASSERT_EQ("7", 2, text.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("8", "Achim ", text.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("9", "us-ascii", text.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("10", "Br\xc3\xa4ndt", text.getWordAt(1)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("11", "utf-8", text.getWordAt(1)->getCharset());
+ }
+ void testWhitespaceMBox() {
+ // Space MUST be encoded inside a word
+ vmime::mailbox mbox(vmime::text("Achim Br\xc3\xa4ndt", vmime::charsets::UTF_8), "me@vmime.org");
+ VASSERT_EQ("generate1", "=?us-ascii?Q?Achim_?= =?utf-8?Q?Br=C3=A4ndt?= <me@vmime.org>", mbox.generate());
+ vmime::text txt;
+ txt.appendWord(vmime::make_shared <vmime::word>("Achim ", "us-ascii"));
+ txt.appendWord(vmime::make_shared <vmime::word>("Br\xc3\xa4ndt", "utf-8"));
+ mbox = vmime::mailbox(txt, "me@vmime.org");
+ VASSERT_EQ("generate2", "=?us-ascii?Q?Achim_?= =?utf-8?Q?Br=C3=A4ndt?= <me@vmime.org>", mbox.generate());
+ mbox.parse("=?us-ascii?Q?Achim?= =?utf-8?Q?Br=C3=A4ndt?= <me@vmime.org>");
+ VASSERT_EQ("parse.name.count", 2, mbox.getName().getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("parse.name.word1.buffer", "Achim", mbox.getName().getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("parse.name.word1.charset", "us-ascii", mbox.getName().getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("parse.name.word2.buffer", "Br\xc3\xa4ndt", mbox.getName().getWordAt(1)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("parse.name.word2.charset", "utf-8", mbox.getName().getWordAt(1)->getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("parse.email", "me@vmime.org", mbox.getEmail());
+ }
+ void testFoldingAscii() {
+ // In this test, no encoding is needed, but line should be folded anyway
+ vmime::word w("01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
+ "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789", vmime::charset("us-ascii"));
+ "fold.ascii",
+ "=?us-ascii?Q?01234567890123456789012345678901234?=\r\n"
+ " =?us-ascii?Q?5678901234567890123456789012345678?=\r\n"
+ " =?us-ascii?Q?9012345678901234567890123456789?=", w.generate(50)
+ );
+ }
+ void testForcedNonEncoding() {
+ // Testing long unbreakable and unencodable header
+ vmime::relay r;
+ r.parse(
+ " from User (Ee9GMqZQ8t7IQwftfAFHd2KyScCYRrFSJ50tKEoXv2bVCG4HcPU80GGWiFabAvG77FekpGgF1h@[]) by servername.hostname.com\n\t"
+ "with esmtp id 1NGTS9-2C0sqG0; Fri, 4 Dec 2009 09:23:49 +0100"
+ );
+ "received.long",
+ "from User\r\n (Ee9GMqZQ8t7IQwftfAFHd2KyScCYRrFSJ50tKEoXv2bVCG4HcPU80GGWiFabAvG77FekpGgF1h@[])\r\n by servername.hostname.com with esmtp id 1NGTS9-2C0sqG0; Fri, 4 Dec 2009\r\n 09:23:49 +0100",
+ r.generate(78)
+ );
+ }
+ void testBugFix20110511() {
+ /*
+ Using the latest version of vmime (0.9.1), encoding the following string: Jean
+ Gwenaël Dutourd will result in:
+ Jean =?utf-8?Q?Gwena=C3=ABl_?= Dutourd
+ However, decoding this will result in Jean Gwenaël Dutourd (notice two spaces
+ between the last 2 words). The encoder adds a _ after the second word, but
+ since the last word is not encoded, the space between them is not ignored, and
+ is decoded into an additional space.
+ See: http://sourceforge.net/projects/vmime/forums/forum/237357/topic/4531365
+ */
+ const std::string DECODED_TEXT = "Jean Gwenaël Dutourd";
+ const std::string ENCODED_TEXT = "Jean =?utf-8?Q?Gwena=C3=ABl?= Dutourd";
+ // Encode
+ "encode",
+ vmime::text::newFromString(DECODED_TEXT, vmime::charset("utf-8"))->generate()
+ );
+ // Decode
+ vmime::text t;
+ t.parse(ENCODED_TEXT);
+ // -- words
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << t;
+ "decode1",
+ "[text: [[word: charset=us-ascii, buffer=Jean ],"
+ "[word: charset=utf-8, buffer=Gwenaël],"
+ "[word: charset=us-ascii, buffer= Dutourd]]]",
+ oss.str()
+ );
+ // -- getWholeBuffer
+ VASSERT_EQ("decode2", DECODED_TEXT, t.getWholeBuffer());
+ }
+ void testInternationalizedEmail_specialChars() {
+ vmime::generationContext ctx(vmime::generationContext::getDefaultContext());
+ ctx.setInternationalizedEmailSupport(true);
+ vmime::generationContext::switcher <vmime::generationContext> contextSwitcher(ctx);
+ // Special sequence/chars should still be encoded
+ "1",
+ "=?us-ascii?Q?Test=3D=3Frfc2047_sequence?=",
+ vmime::word("Test=?rfc2047 sequence", vmime::charset("us-ascii")).generate()
+ );
+ "2",
+ "=?us-ascii?Q?Line_One=0ALine_Two?=",
+ vmime::word("Line One\nLine Two", vmime::charset("us-ascii")).generate()
+ );
+ }
+ void testInternationalizedEmail_UTF8() {
+ vmime::generationContext ctx(vmime::generationContext::getDefaultContext());
+ ctx.setInternationalizedEmailSupport(true);
+ vmime::generationContext::switcher <vmime::generationContext> contextSwitcher(ctx);
+ // Already UTF-8 encoded text should be left as is
+ "1", "Achim Br\xc3\xa4ndt",
+ vmime::word("Achim Br\xc3\xa4ndt", vmime::charset("utf-8")).generate()
+ );
+ }
+ void testInternationalizedEmail_nonUTF8() {
+ vmime::generationContext ctx(vmime::generationContext::getDefaultContext());
+ ctx.setInternationalizedEmailSupport(true);
+ vmime::generationContext::switcher <vmime::generationContext> contextSwitcher(ctx);
+ // Non UTF-8 encoded text should first be converted to UTF-8
+ "1", "Achim Br\xc3\xa4ndt",
+ vmime::word("Achim Br\xe4ndt", vmime::charset("iso-8859-1")).generate()
+ );
+ }
+ void testInternationalizedEmail_folding() {
+ vmime::generationContext ctx(vmime::generationContext::getDefaultContext());
+ ctx.setInternationalizedEmailSupport(true);
+ vmime::generationContext::switcher <vmime::generationContext> contextSwitcher(ctx);
+ // RFC-2047 encoding must be performed, as line folding is needed
+ vmime::word w1("01234567890123456789\xc3\xa0x012345678901234567890123456789"
+ "01234567890123456789\xc3\xa0x012345678901234567890123456789", vmime::charset("utf-8"));
+ "1",
+ "=?utf-8?Q?01234567890123456789=C3=A0x01234567890?=\r\n"
+ " =?utf-8?Q?1234567890123456789012345678901234567?=\r\n"
+ " =?utf-8?Q?89=C3=A0x0123456789012345678901234567?=\r\n"
+ " =?utf-8?Q?89?=",
+ w1.generate(50)
+ );
+ // RFC-2047 encoding will not be forced, as words can be wrapped in a new line
+ vmime::word w2("bla bla bla This is some '\xc3\xa0\xc3\xa7' UTF-8 encoded text", vmime::charset("utf-8"));
+ "2",
+ "bla bla bla This is\r\n"
+ " some '\xc3\xa0\xc3\xa7' UTF-8\r\n"
+ " encoded text",
+ w2.generate(20)
+ );
+ }
+ void testInternationalizedEmail_whitespace() {
+ // Sanity checks for running this test
+ {
+ vmime::text t;
+ t.parse("=?utf-8?Q?Adquisi=C3=B3n?= de Laptop y celular");
+ VASSERT_EQ("parse", "Adquisión de Laptop y celular", t.getWholeBuffer());
+ }
+ {
+ vmime::text t("Adquisi\xc3\xb3n de Laptop y celular", vmime::charset("UTF-8"));
+ VASSERT_EQ("generate", "=?UTF-8?Q?Adquisi=C3=B3n?= de Laptop y celular", t.generate());
+ }
+ // Ensure a whitespace is added between encoded words in intl email support enabled
+ {
+ vmime::text t;
+ t.parse("=?utf-8?Q?Adquisi=C3=B3n?= de Laptop y celular");
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ vmime::utility::outputStreamAdapter ossAdapter(oss);
+ vmime::generationContext gctx(vmime::generationContext::getDefaultContext());
+ gctx.setInternationalizedEmailSupport(true);
+ t.generate(gctx, ossAdapter);
+ VASSERT_EQ("generate", "Adquisi\xc3\xb3n de Laptop y celular", oss.str());
+ }
+ {
+ vmime::text t;
+ t.parse("=?utf-8?Q?Adquisi=C3=B3n?= de Laptop =?utf-8?Q?y?= celular");
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ vmime::utility::outputStreamAdapter ossAdapter(oss);
+ vmime::generationContext gctx(vmime::generationContext::getDefaultContext());
+ gctx.setInternationalizedEmailSupport(true);
+ t.generate(gctx, ossAdapter);
+ VASSERT_EQ("generate", "Adquisi\xc3\xb3n de Laptop y celular", oss.str());
+ }
+ {
+ vmime::text t;
+ t.parse("=?utf-8?Q?Adquisi=C3=B3n?= de Laptop =?utf-8?Q?y_celular?=");
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ vmime::utility::outputStreamAdapter ossAdapter(oss);
+ vmime::generationContext gctx(vmime::generationContext::getDefaultContext());
+ gctx.setInternationalizedEmailSupport(true);
+ t.generate(gctx, ossAdapter);
+ VASSERT_EQ("generate", "Adquisi\xc3\xb3n de Laptop y celular", oss.str());
+ }
+ // Ensure no whitespace is added with non-encoded words
+ {
+ vmime::text t;
+ t.parse("Laptop y celular");
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ vmime::utility::outputStreamAdapter ossAdapter(oss);
+ vmime::generationContext gctx(vmime::generationContext::getDefaultContext());
+ gctx.setInternationalizedEmailSupport(true);
+ t.generate(gctx, ossAdapter);
+ VASSERT_EQ("generate", "Laptop y celular", oss.str());
+ }
+ {
+ vmime::text t;
+ t.parse("=?utf-8?Q?Laptop_y_celular?=");
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ vmime::utility::outputStreamAdapter ossAdapter(oss);
+ vmime::generationContext gctx(vmime::generationContext::getDefaultContext());
+ gctx.setInternationalizedEmailSupport(true);
+ t.generate(gctx, ossAdapter);
+ VASSERT_EQ("generate", "Laptop y celular", oss.str());
+ }
+ }
+ void testWronglyPaddedB64Words() {
+ vmime::text outText;
+ vmime::text::decodeAndUnfold("=?utf-8?B?5Lit5?=\n =?utf-8?B?paH?=", &outText);
+ "1",
+ "\xe4\xb8\xad\xe6\x96\x87",
+ outText.getConvertedText(vmime::charset("utf-8"))
+ );
+ vmime::text::decodeAndUnfold("=?utf-8?B?5Lit5p?=\n =?utf-8?B?aH?=", &outText);
+ "2",
+ "\xe4\xb8\xad\xe6\x96\x87",
+ outText.getConvertedText(vmime::charset("utf-8"))
+ );
+ vmime::text::decodeAndUnfold("=?utf-8?B?5Lit5pa?=\n =?utf-8?B?H?=", &outText);
+ "3",
+ "\xe4\xb8\xad\xe6\x96\x87",
+ outText.getConvertedText(vmime::charset("utf-8"))
+ );
+ }
+ // Ensure that words which encode a non-integral number of characters
+ // are correctly decoded.
+ void testFixBrokenWords() {
+ vmime::text outText;
+ vmime::charsetConverterOptions opts;
+ opts.silentlyReplaceInvalidSequences = false; // just to be sure that broken words are actually fixed
+ // Test case 1
+ vmime::text::decodeAndUnfold(
+ "=?utf-8?Q?Gwena=C3?="
+ "=?utf-8?Q?=ABl?=",
+ &outText
+ );
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.1", 1, outText.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.2", "Gwena\xc3\xabl", outText.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.3", vmime::charset("utf-8"), outText.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ // Test case 2
+ vmime::text::decodeAndUnfold(
+ "=?utf-8?B?5Lit6Yu85qmf5qKw6JGj5LqL5pyDMTAz5bm056ysMDXlsYbn?="
+ "=?utf-8?B?rKwwN+asoeitsOeoiw==?=",
+ &outText
+ );
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.1", 1, outText.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.2", "\xe4\xb8\xad\xe9\x8b\xbc\xe6\xa9\x9f\xe6\xa2\xb0"
+ "\xe8\x91\xa3\xe4\xba\x8b\xe6\x9c\x83\x31\x30\x33\xe5\xb9\xb4"
+ "\xe7\xac\xac\x30\x35\xe5\xb1\x86\xe7\xac\xac\x30\x37\xe6\xac"
+ "\xa1\xe8\xad\xb0\xe7\xa8\x8b", outText.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.3", vmime::charset("utf-8"), outText.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ // Test case 3 (a character spanning over 3 words: 'を' = E3 82 92)
+ vmime::text::decodeAndUnfold(
+ "=?utf-8?Q?abc=E3?="
+ "=?utf-8?Q?=82?="
+ "=?utf-8?Q?=92xyz?=",
+ &outText
+ );
+ VASSERT_EQ("3.1", 1, outText.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("3.2", "abc\xe3\x82\x92xyz", outText.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("3.3", vmime::charset("utf-8"), outText.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ // Test case 4 (remains invalid)
+ vmime::text::decodeAndUnfold(
+ "=?utf-8?Q?abc=E3?="
+ "=?utf-8?Q?=82?="
+ "=?utf-8?Q?xy?="
+ "=?utf-8?Q?z?=",
+ &outText
+ );
+ VASSERT_EQ("4.1", 2, outText.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("4.2", "abc", outText.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("4.3", vmime::charset("utf-8"), outText.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("4.4", "\xe3\x82xyz", outText.getWordAt(1)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("4.5", vmime::charset("utf-8"), outText.getWordAt(1)->getCharset());
+ // Test case 5 (remains partially invalid)
+ vmime::text::decodeAndUnfold(
+ "=?utf-8?Q?abc=E3?="
+ "=?utf-8?Q?=82?="
+ "=?utf-8?Q?\x92xy?="
+ "=?utf-8?Q?z\xc3?=",
+ &outText
+ );
+ VASSERT_EQ("5.1", 2, outText.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("5.2", "abc\xe3\x82\x92xyz", outText.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("5.3", vmime::charset("utf-8"), outText.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("5.4", "\xc3", outText.getWordAt(1)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("5.5", vmime::charset("utf-8"), outText.getWordAt(1)->getCharset());
+ }
+ void testUnknownCharset() {
+ vmime::text t;
+ vmime::text::decodeAndUnfold("=?gb2312?B?wdaRY8PA?=", &t);
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.1", 1, t.getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.2", "\xc1\xd6\x91\x63\xc3\xc0", t.getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("1.3", vmime::charset("gb2312"), t.getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ vmime::parsingContext ctx;
+ const vmime::string hfieldBuffer = "From: '=?gb2312?B?wdaRY8PA?=' <a.b@c.de>";
+ vmime::shared_ptr <vmime::headerField> hfield =
+ vmime::headerField::parseNext(ctx, hfieldBuffer, 0, hfieldBuffer.size());
+ vmime::shared_ptr <vmime::mailbox> hvalue =
+ hfield->getValue <vmime::mailbox>();
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.1", 3, hvalue->getName().getWordCount());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.2", "'", hvalue->getName().getWordAt(0)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.3", vmime::charset("us-ascii"), hvalue->getName().getWordAt(0)->getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.4", "\xc1\xd6\x91\x63\xc3\xc0", hvalue->getName().getWordAt(1)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.5", vmime::charset("gb2312"), hvalue->getName().getWordAt(1)->getCharset());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.6", "'", hvalue->getName().getWordAt(2)->getBuffer());
+ VASSERT_EQ("2.7", vmime::charset("us-ascii"), hvalue->getName().getWordAt(2)->getCharset());
+ }