path: root/openssl-1.1.0h/demos/certs/apps/mkacerts.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'openssl-1.1.0h/demos/certs/apps/mkacerts.sh')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/demos/certs/apps/mkacerts.sh b/openssl-1.1.0h/demos/certs/apps/mkacerts.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7098496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/demos/certs/apps/mkacerts.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Recreate the demo certificates in the apps directory.
+# Root CA: create certificate directly
+CN="OpenSSL Test Root CA" $OPENSSL req -config apps.cnf -x509 -nodes \
+ -keyout root.pem -out root.pem -key rootkey.pem -new -days 3650
+# Intermediate CA: request first
+CN="OpenSSL Test Intermediate CA" $OPENSSL req -config apps.cnf -nodes \
+ -key intkey.pem -out intreq.pem -new
+# Sign request: CA extensions
+$OPENSSL x509 -req -in intreq.pem -CA root.pem -CAkey rootkey.pem -days 3630 \
+ -extfile apps.cnf -extensions v3_ca -CAcreateserial -out intca.pem
+# Client certificate: request first
+CN="Test Client Cert" $OPENSSL req -config apps.cnf -nodes \
+ -key ckey.pem -out creq.pem -new
+# Sign using intermediate CA
+$OPENSSL x509 -req -in creq.pem -CA intca.pem -CAkey intkey.pem -days 3600 \
+ -extfile apps.cnf -extensions usr_cert -CAcreateserial | \
+ $OPENSSL x509 -nameopt oneline -subject -issuer >client.pem
+# Server certificate: request first
+CN="Test Server Cert" $OPENSSL req -config apps.cnf -nodes \
+ -key skey.pem -out sreq.pem -new
+# Sign using intermediate CA
+$OPENSSL x509 -req -in sreq.pem -CA intca.pem -CAkey intkey.pem -days 3600 \
+ -extfile apps.cnf -extensions usr_cert -CAcreateserial | \
+ $OPENSSL x509 -nameopt oneline -subject -issuer >server.pem
+# Server certificate #2: request first
+CN="Test Server Cert #2" $OPENSSL req -config apps.cnf -nodes \
+ -key skey2.pem -out sreq2.pem -new
+# Sign using intermediate CA
+$OPENSSL x509 -req -in sreq2.pem -CA intca.pem -CAkey intkey.pem -days 3600 \
+ -extfile apps.cnf -extensions usr_cert -CAcreateserial | \
+ $OPENSSL x509 -nameopt oneline -subject -issuer >server2.pem
+# Append keys to file.
+cat skey.pem >>server.pem
+cat skey2.pem >>server2.pem
+cat ckey.pem >>client.pem
+$OPENSSL verify -CAfile root.pem -untrusted intca.pem \
+ server2.pem server.pem client.pem