path: root/src/boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/boot')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 599 deletions
diff --git a/src/boot/kernel_stage1.S b/src/boot/kernel_stage1.S
deleted file mode 100644
index e770513..0000000
--- a/src/boot/kernel_stage1.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-/* arm mode, cortex-a7 compatibility
- *
- * _boot is entry point for the kernel.
- *
- * Kernel copies it's embedded stage 2 to address 0x0 and jumps to
- * it (to the reset handler). Registers r0 - r2 are arguments for
- * the kernel, but we're not using them for now.
- *
- * This file is based on (and almost identical with) loader_stage1.S
- */
-.global _boot
- // Only let the first core execute
- mrc p15, 0, r3, c0, c0, 5
- and r3, r3, #3
- cmp r3, #0
- beq proceed
- // this is a kind of blef - races can theoretically still
- // occur when the main core overwrites this part of memory
- wfe
- // we'll use the size of stage1 to determine where we have free
- // space after it. We'll then copy our atags/fdt there, so
- // it doesn't get overwritten by stage2 we deploy at 0x0
- .word 0x54410001
- // load the second word of structure passed to us through r2;
- // if it's atags, it's second word should be the magic number
- // Btw, location of ATAGS is always 0x100.
- ldr r3, [r2, #4]
- adr r4, atags_magic
- ldr r4, [r4]
- // compare second word of assumed atags with magic number
- // to see, if it's really atags and not sth else (i.e. fdt)
- cmp r3, r4
- // normally at start r0 contains value 0;
- // value 3 in r0 would tell stage2 code, we found no atags :(
- movne r0, #3
- bne stage2_blob_copying
- // if atags was found, copying of it takes place here
- // the following loop finds, where atags ends
- // r3 shall point to currently looked-at tag
- mov r3, r2
- // load first word of tag header to r4 (it contains tag size)
- ldr r4, [r3]
- // make r3 point at the next tag (by adding 4*tag_size to it)
- add r3, r4, lsl #2
- // load second word of tag header to r5 (it contains tag type)
- ldr r5, [r3, #4]
- // if tag value is 0, it is the last tag
- cmp r5, #0
- bne find_end_of_atags_loop
- add r3, #8 // make r3 point at the end of last tag
- sub r3, r2 // get atags size in r3
- // at this pont r2 and r3 point at start and size of atags,
- // respectively; now we'll compute, where we're going to have
- // free space to put atags in; we want to put atags either
- // right after our blob or, if if it doesn't fit between
- // blob end and the address stage1 is loaded at, after stage1
- // get blob size to r5
- adr r5, blob_size
- ldr r5, [r5]
- // we could only copy atags to a 4-aligned address
- mov r6, #4
- bl aling_r5_to_r6
- // compute where atags copied right after blob would end
- add r6, r5, r3
- // we can only overwrite stuff before the copying loop
- adr r7, copy_atags_loop
- cmp r6, r7
- ble copy_atags
- // atags wouldn't fit - use memory after stage1 as destination
- adr r5, _boot
- adr r6, stage1_size
- ldr r6, [r6]
- add r5, r6
- mov r6, #4
- bl aling_r5_to_r6
- // now copy atags (r2 - atags start; r3 - atags size;
- // r5 - destination; r4 - iterator; r6 - buffor)
- mov r4, #0
- ldr r6, [r2, r4]
- str r6, [r5, r4]
- add r4, #4
- cmp r4, r3
- blo copy_atags_loop
- mov r2, r5 // place the new atags address in r2
- b stage2_blob_copying // atags stuff done; proceed
-// mini-function, that does what the label says; clobbers r7
- sub r5, #1
- sub r7, r6, #1
- bic r5, r7
- add r5, r6
- mov pc, lr
-stage2_blob_copying: // copy stage2 of the kernel to address 0x0
- // first, load address of stage2_start to r3 (a PIC way)
- adr r3, stage2_start
- // load destination address for stage2 code to r4
- mov r4, #0
- // load blob size to r5
- // The size might get too big for an immediate value, so
- // we load it from memory.
- adr r5, blob_size
- ldr r5, [r5]
- // r6 is the counter - counts the bytes copied
- mov r6, #0
- // This initial piece of code might get overwritten when we
- // copy stage2, so the actual copying loop shall be after
- // stage2 blob. We want this asm code to be PIC, so we're
- // computing address of stage2_end into r7.
- add r7, r3, r5
- bx r7
- .word stage2_end - stage2_start
- .word stage1_end - _boot
-.align 4
- .incbin "kernel_stage2.img"
- // each word of the blob is loaded to r7 and stored
- // from r7 to it's destination in a loop
- ldr r7, [r3, r6]
- str r7, [r4, r6]
- add r6, r6, #4
- cmp r6, r5
- blo loop
- // Call stage2 of the kernel (branch to 0x0,
- // which is the reset handler).
- bx r4
diff --git a/src/boot/kernel_stage1.ld b/src/boot/kernel_stage1.ld
deleted file mode 100644
index 3130634..0000000
--- a/src/boot/kernel_stage1.ld
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-ENTRY(_boot) /* defined in boot.S; qemu needs it to run elf file */
-/* Code starts at 0x8000 - that's where RPis in 32-bit mode load
- * kernel at. My experiments do, however, show, that qemu emulating
- * RPi2 loads the kernel at 0x10000! (took some pain to find out).
- * rpi-open-firmware, on the other hand, loads kernel at 0x2000000!
- * This is not really a problem, since:
- * 1. We can use our bootloader to load the kernel at 0x8000
- * 2. We've rewritten stage 1 of both bootloader and kernel in
- * careful assembly, so that they should work regardless of
- * where they are loaded.
- * 3. In qemu, we can load kernel.elf instead of raw binary
- * (qemu will do the right thing then)
- */
- . = 0x8000;
- __start = .;
- .kernel_stage1 :
- {
- KEEP(kernel_stage1.o)
- }
- __end = .;
diff --git a/src/boot/kernel_stage2.ld b/src/boot/kernel_stage2.ld
deleted file mode 100644
index 9411ca2..0000000
--- a/src/boot/kernel_stage2.ld
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-/* This sesond stage of the kernel is run from address 0x0 */
-MMU_SECTION_SIZE = 1 << 20;
- . = 0x0;
- __start = .;
- .interrupt_vector :
- {
- KEEP(interrupt_vector.o)
- }
- . = ALIGN(4);
- .embedded_ramfs :
- {
- ramfs_embeddable.o
- }
- .rest_of_kernel :
- {
- *(.text)
- *(.data)
- *(.rodata)
- *(.bss)
- *(/COMMON/)
- *(*)
- }
- __end = .;
- . = ALIGN(1 << 14);
- .translation_table (NOLOAD) :
- {
- _translation_table_start = .;
- _translation_table_end = .;
- }
- .sections_list (NOLOAD) :
- {
- _sections_list_start = .;
- _sections_list_end = .;
- }
- . = ALIGN(1 << 20);
- .stack (NOLOAD) :
- {
- _stack_start = .;
- _fiq_stack_start = .;
- . = . + (1 << 18);
- _fiq_stack_top = .;
- _irq_stack_start = .;
- . = . + (1 << 18);
- _irq_stack_top = .;
- _supervisor_stack_start = .;
- . = . + (1 << 19);
- _supervisor_stack_top = .;
- _stack_end = .;
- }
diff --git a/src/boot/loader_stage1.S b/src/boot/loader_stage1.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 69d78c5..0000000
--- a/src/boot/loader_stage1.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* arm mode, cortex-a7 compatibility
- *
- * _boot is entry point for the loader.
- *
- * Loader copies it's embedded stage 2 to address 0x4000
- * and jumps to it. Registers r0 - r2 are arguments for the kernel
- * and should be left intact.
- */
-.global _boot
- // Only let the first core execute
- mrc p15, 0, r3, c0, c0, 5
- and r3, r3, #3
- cmp r3, #0
- beq proceed
- // this is a kind of blef - races can theoretically still occur
- // when the main core overwrites this part of memory
- wfe
- // copy stage2 of the loader to address 0x4000
- // first, load address of stage2_start to r3 (a PIC way)
- adr r3, stage2_start
- // load destination address for stage2 code to r4
- mov r4, #0x4000
- // load blob size to r5
- mov r5, #(stage2_end - stage2_start)
- // r6 is the counter - counts the bytes copied
- mov r6, #0
- // each word of the blob is loaded to r7 and stored
- // from r7 to it's destination in a loop
- ldr r7, [r3, r6]
- str r7, [r4, r6]
- add r6, r6, #4
- cmp r6, r5
- blo loop
- // Initialize the stack
- // _stack_top is defined in loader_stage1_linker.ld
- ldr sp, =_stack_top
- // Call stage2 of the loader (branch to 0x4000)
- bx r4
-.align 4
- .incbin "loader_stage2.img"
diff --git a/src/boot/loader_stage1_linker.ld b/src/boot/loader_stage1_linker.ld
deleted file mode 100644
index 711fcbf..0000000
--- a/src/boot/loader_stage1_linker.ld
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- /* see linker.ld for details */
- . = 0x2000000;
- __start = .;
- loader_stage1 :
- {
- KEEP(loader_stage1.o)
- }
- __end = .;
- _stack_top = 0x8000;
diff --git a/src/boot/loader_stage2.c b/src/boot/loader_stage2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e08756b..0000000
--- a/src/boot/loader_stage2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "../utils/uart.h"
-#include "../utils/io.h"
-#include "../global.h"
-void *const kernel_load_addr = ((void*) 0x8000);
-void _stage2_main(uint32_t r0, uint32_t r1, uint32_t atags)
- uart_init();
- // get kernel size via uart (little endian)
- uint32_t b0, b1, b2, b3;
- b0 = getchar();
- b1 = getchar();
- b2 = getchar();
- b3 = getchar();
- uint32_t kernel_size = b0 | (b1 << 8) | (b2 << 16) | (b3 << 24);
- // load kernel at kernel_load_addr
- char *dst = kernel_load_addr, *end = dst + kernel_size;
- while (dst < end)
- *(dst++) = getchar();
- // jump to kernel
- ((void(*)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t)) kernel_load_addr)
- (r0, r1, atags);
diff --git a/src/boot/loader_stage2_linker.ld b/src/boot/loader_stage2_linker.ld
deleted file mode 100644
index 33e79e9..0000000
--- a/src/boot/loader_stage2_linker.ld
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- /* see loader_stage1.S for details */
- . = 0x4000;
- __start = .;
- loader_stage2 :
- {
- KEEP(loader_stage2.o(.text))
- loader_stage2.o
- uart.o
- }
- __end = .;
diff --git a/src/boot/psr.h b/src/boot/psr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f300a7a..0000000
--- a/src/boot/psr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PSR_H
-#define PSR_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-enum execution_mode {
- MODE_USER = 0b10000,
- MODE_FIQ = 0b10001,
- MODE_IRQ = 0b10010,
- MODE_SUPERVISOR = 0b10011,
- MODE_MONITOR = 0b10110,
- MODE_ABORT = 0b10111,
- MODE_HYPERVISOR = 0b11010,
- MODE_UNDEFINED = 0b11011,
- MODE_SYSTEM = 0b11111,
-typedef union
- uint32_t raw;
- struct
- {
- uint32_t M_4_0 : 5; // bits 4:0
- uint32_t T : 1; // bit 5
- uint32_t F : 1; // bit 6
- uint32_t I : 1; // bit 7
- uint32_t A : 1; // bit 8
- uint32_t E : 1; // bit 9
- uint32_t IT_7_2 : 6; // bits 15:10
- uint32_t GE_3_0 : 4; // bits 19:16
- uint32_t Bits_23_20 : 4; // bits 23:20
- uint32_t J : 1; // bit 24
- uint32_t IT_1_0 : 2; // bits 26:25
- uint32_t Q : 1; // bit 27
- uint32_t V : 1; // bit 28
- uint32_t C : 1; // bit 29
- uint32_t Z : 1; // bit 30
- uint32_t N : 1; // bit 31
-#define PSR_MODE_4_0 M_4_0
-#define PSR_THUMB_BIT T
-#define PSR_IF_THEN_STATE_7_2 IT_7_2
- // bits 23:20 are reserved
-#define PSR_IF_THEN_STATE_1_0 IT_1_0
- } fields;
-} PSR_t;
-inline static PSR_t read_CPSR(void)
- // get content of current program status register
- asm("mrs %0, cpsr" : "=r" (CPSR.raw) :: "memory");
- return CPSR;
-inline static void write_CPSR(PSR_t CPSR)
- // set content of current program status register
- asm("msr cpsr, %0" :: "r" (CPSR.raw) : "memory");
-inline static PSR_t read_SPSR(void)
- // get content of saved program status register
- asm("mrs %0, spsr" : "=r" (SPSR.raw) :: "memory");
- return SPSR;
-inline static void write_SPSR(PSR_t SPSR)
- // set content of saved program status register
- asm("msr spsr, %0" :: "r" (SPSR.raw));
-#endif // PSR_H
diff --git a/src/boot/setup.c b/src/boot/setup.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f74e64..0000000
--- a/src/boot/setup.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-#include "../utils/uart.h"
-#include "../utils/io.h"
-#include "../demo/demo_functionality.h"
-#include "../memory/paging.h"
-#include "../atags/atags.h"
-// for POWER_OF_2() macro... perhaps the macro should be moved
-#include "../memory/memory.h"
-#include "../clock/armclock.h"
-#include "../scheduler.h"
-void setup(uint32_t r0, uint32_t machine_type,
- struct atag_header *atags)
- uart_init();
- // When we attach screen session after loading kernel with socat
- // we miss kernel's greeting... So we'll make the kernel wait for
- // one char we're going to send from within screen
- getchar();
- puts("Hello, kernel World!");
- prints("ARM machine type: 0x"); printhext(machine_type); puts("");
- uint32_t memory_size = 0;
- // value 3 introduced by stage1 code means no atags was found
- if (r0 == 3)
- {
- puts ("No ATAGS was found!");
- }
- else
- {
- prints("ATAGS copied to 0x");
- printhex((uint32_t) atags); puts("");
- puts("__ ATAGS contents __");
- print_atags(atags);
- puts("__ end of ATAGS contents __");
- memory_size = find_memory_size(atags);
- }
- if (memory_size)
- {
- char *unit;
- uint32_t size_in_unit;
- if (memory_size % POWER_OF_2(10))
- {
- unit = "B";
- size_in_unit = memory_size;
- }
- else if (memory_size % POWER_OF_2(20))
- {
- unit = "KB";
- size_in_unit = memory_size / POWER_OF_2(10);
- }
- else if (memory_size % POWER_OF_2(30))
- {
- unit = "MB";
- size_in_unit = memory_size / POWER_OF_2(20);
- }
- else
- {
- unit = "GB";
- size_in_unit = memory_size / POWER_OF_2(30);
- }
- prints ("memory available: ");
- printdect (size_in_unit);
- puts (unit);
- }
- else
- {
- // Most Pis have more, but qemu might give us little
- puts("Couldn't determine available memory - assuming 192MB");
- memory_size = 192 * POWER_OF_2(20);
- }
- // assume we need at least one section for PL0
- {
- puts("Not enough memory to continue");
- while (1);
- }
- // prints some info
- demo_paging_support();
- // prints some info
- demo_current_mode();
- setup_pager_structures(memory_size);
- // prints some info and sets upp translation table, turns on MMU
- setup_flat_map();
- puts("Initializing clock");
- // sets some general settings for arm timer
- armclk_init();
- puts("Setting up scheduler's internal structures");
- setup_scheduler_structures();
- puts("Switching uart to use irqs");
- // note, that kernel's puts() is still going to use blocking io
- uart_irq_enable();
- // prints some info and sets up a section for PL0 code, loads a blob
- // there, then runs scheduler... never, ever, ever returns
- demo_setup_PL0();