path: root/src/hydrilla/builder/build.py
diff options
authorWojtek Kosior <koszko@koszko.org>2022-06-13 11:06:49 +0200
committerWojtek Kosior <koszko@koszko.org>2022-07-16 16:31:44 +0200
commit52d12a4fa124daa1595529e3e7008276a7986d95 (patch)
tree9b56fe2d28ff0242f8511aca570be455112ad3df /src/hydrilla/builder/build.py
parent9dcbfdfe8620cc417438d1727aa1e0c89846e9bf (diff)
unfinished partial work
Diffstat (limited to 'src/hydrilla/builder/build.py')
1 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/hydrilla/builder/build.py b/src/hydrilla/builder/build.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acc6576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hydrilla/builder/build.py
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+# Building Hydrilla packages.
+# This file is part of Hydrilla
+# Copyright (C) 2022 Wojtek Kosior
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this
+# file's license. Although I request that you do not make use this code
+# in a proprietary program, I am not going to enforce this in court.
+# Enable using with Python 3.7.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import re
+import zipfile
+import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
+from hashlib import sha256
+from sys import stderr
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory, TemporaryFile
+from typing import Optional, Iterable, Iterator, Union
+import jsonschema # type: ignore
+import click
+from .. import _version, json_instances, versions
+from ..translations import smart_gettext as _
+from . import local_apt
+from .piggybacking import Piggybacked
+from .common_errors import *
+here = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
+schemas_root = 'https://hydrilla.koszko.org/schemas'
+generated_by = {
+ 'name': 'hydrilla.builder',
+ 'version': _version.version
+class ReuseError(SubprocessError):
+ """
+ Exception used to report various problems when calling the REUSE tool.
+ """
+def generate_spdx_report(root: Path) -> bytes:
+ """
+ Use REUSE tool to generate an SPDX report for sources under 'root' and
+ return the report's contents as 'bytes'.
+ In case the directory tree under 'root' does not constitute a
+ REUSE-compliant package, as exception is raised with linting report
+ included in it.
+ In case the reuse tool is not installed, an exception is also raised.
+ """
+ for command in [
+ ['reuse', '--root', str(root), 'lint'],
+ ['reuse', '--root', str(root), 'spdx']
+ ]:
+ try:
+ cp = subprocess.run(command, capture_output=True, text=True)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ msg = _('couldnt_execute_{}_is_it_installed').format('reuse')
+ raise ReuseError(msg)
+ if cp.returncode != 0:
+ msg = _('command_{}_failed').format(' '.join(command))
+ raise ReuseError(msg, cp)
+ return cp.stdout.encode()
+class FileRef:
+ """Represent reference to a file in the package."""
+ def __init__(self, path: PurePosixPath, contents: bytes) -> None:
+ """Initialize FileRef."""
+ self.include_in_distribution = False
+ self.include_in_source_archive = True
+ self.path = path
+ self.contents = contents
+ self.contents_hash = sha256(contents).digest().hex()
+ def make_ref_dict(self) -> dict[str, str]:
+ """
+ Represent the file reference through a dict that can be included in JSON
+ defintions.
+ """
+ return {
+ 'file': str(self.path),
+ 'sha256': self.contents_hash
+ }
+def piggybacked_system(piggyback_def: Optional[dict],
+ piggyback_files: Optional[Path]) \
+ -> Iterator[Piggybacked]:
+ """
+ Resolve resources from a foreign software packaging system. Optionally, use
+ package files (.deb's, etc.) from a specified directory instead of resolving
+ and downloading them.
+ """
+ if piggyback_def is None:
+ yield Piggybacked()
+ else:
+ # apt is the only supported system right now
+ assert piggyback_def['system'] == 'apt'
+ with local_apt.piggybacked_system(piggyback_def, piggyback_files) \
+ as piggybacked:
+ yield piggybacked
+class Build:
+ """
+ Build a Hydrilla package.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, srcdir: Path, index_json_path: Path,
+ piggyback_files: Optional[Path]=None):
+ """
+ Initialize a build. All files to be included in a distribution package
+ are loaded into memory, all data gets validated and all necessary
+ computations (e.g. preparing of hashes) are performed.
+ """
+ self.srcdir = srcdir.resolve()
+ self.piggyback_files = piggyback_files
+ if piggyback_files is None:
+ piggyback_default_path = \
+ srcdir.parent / f'{srcdir.name}.foreign-packages'
+ if piggyback_default_path.exists():
+ self.piggyback_files = piggyback_default_path
+ self.files_by_path: dict[PurePosixPath, FileRef] = {}
+ self.resource_list: list[dict] = []
+ self.mapping_list: list[dict] = []
+ if not index_json_path.is_absolute():
+ index_json_path = (self.srcdir / index_json_path)
+ index_obj = json_instances.read_instance(index_json_path)
+ schema_fmt = 'package_source-{}.schema.json'
+ major = json_instances.validate_instance(index_obj, schema_fmt)
+ index_desired_path = PurePosixPath('index.json')
+ self.files_by_path[index_desired_path] = \
+ FileRef(index_desired_path, index_json_path.read_bytes())
+ self._process_index_json(index_obj, major)
+ def _process_file(self, filename: Union[str, PurePosixPath],
+ piggybacked: Piggybacked,
+ include_in_distribution: bool=True):
+ """
+ Resolve 'filename' relative to srcdir, load it to memory (if not loaded
+ before), compute its hash and store its information in
+ 'self.files_by_path'.
+ 'filename' shall represent a relative path withing package directory.
+ if 'include_in_distribution' is True it shall cause the file to not only
+ be included in the source package's zipfile, but also written as one of
+ built package's files.
+ For each file an attempt is made to resolve it using 'piggybacked'
+ object. If a file is found and pulled from foreign software packaging
+ system this way, it gets automatically excluded from inclusion in
+ Hydrilla source package's zipfile.
+ Return file's reference object that can be included in JSON defintions
+ of various kinds.
+ """
+ include_in_source_archive = True
+ desired_path = PurePosixPath(filename)
+ if '..' in desired_path.parts:
+ msg = _('path_contains_double_dot_{}').format(filename)
+ raise FileReferenceError(msg)
+ path = piggybacked.resolve_file(desired_path)
+ if path is None:
+ path = (self.srcdir / desired_path).resolve()
+ if not path.is_relative_to(self.srcdir):
+ raise FileReferenceError(_('loading_{}_outside_package_dir')
+ .format(filename))
+ if str(path.relative_to(self.srcdir)) == 'index.json':
+ raise FileReferenceError(_('loading_reserved_index_json'))
+ else:
+ include_in_source_archive = False
+ file_ref = self.files_by_path.get(desired_path)
+ if file_ref is None:
+ if not path.is_file():
+ msg = _('referenced_file_{}_missing').format(desired_path)
+ raise FileReferenceError(msg)
+ file_ref = FileRef(desired_path, path.read_bytes())
+ self.files_by_path[desired_path] = file_ref
+ if include_in_distribution:
+ file_ref.include_in_distribution = True
+ if not include_in_source_archive:
+ file_ref.include_in_source_archive = False
+ return file_ref.make_ref_dict()
+ def _prepare_source_package_zip(self, source_name: str,
+ piggybacked: Piggybacked) -> str:
+ """
+ Create and store in memory a .zip archive containing files needed to
+ build this source package.
+ 'src_dir_name' shall not contain any slashes ('/').
+ Return zipfile's sha256 sum's hexstring.
+ """
+ tf = TemporaryFile()
+ source_dir_path = PurePosixPath(source_name)
+ piggybacked_dir_path = PurePosixPath(f'{source_name}.foreign-packages')
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(tf, 'w') as zf:
+ for file_ref in self.files_by_path.values():
+ if file_ref.include_in_source_archive:
+ zf.writestr(str(source_dir_path / file_ref.path),
+ file_ref.contents)
+ for desired_path, real_path in piggybacked.archive_files():
+ zf.writestr(str(piggybacked_dir_path / desired_path),
+ real_path.read_bytes())
+ tf.seek(0)
+ self.source_zip_contents = tf.read()
+ return sha256(self.source_zip_contents).digest().hex()
+ def _process_item(self, as_what: str, item_def: dict,
+ piggybacked: Piggybacked):
+ """
+ Process 'item_def' as definition of a resource or mapping (determined by
+ 'as_what' param) and store in memory its processed form and files used
+ by it.
+ Return a minimal item reference suitable for using in source
+ description.
+ """
+ resulting_schema_version = [1]
+ copy_props = ['identifier', 'long_name', 'description',
+ *filter(lambda p: p in item_def, ('comment', 'uuid'))]
+ new_item_obj: dict = {}
+ if as_what == 'resource':
+ item_list = self.resource_list
+ copy_props.append('revision')
+ script_file_refs = [self._process_file(f['file'], piggybacked)
+ for f in item_def.get('scripts', [])]
+ deps = [{'identifier': res_ref['identifier']}
+ for res_ref in item_def.get('dependencies', [])]
+ new_item_obj['dependencies'] = \
+ [*piggybacked.resource_must_depend, *deps]
+ new_item_obj['scripts'] = script_file_refs
+ else:
+ item_list = self.mapping_list
+ payloads = {}
+ for pat, res_ref in item_def.get('payloads', {}).items():
+ payloads[pat] = {'identifier': res_ref['identifier']}
+ new_item_obj['payloads'] = payloads
+ new_item_obj['version'] = \
+ versions.normalize_version(item_def['version'])
+ if as_what == 'mapping' and item_def['type'] == "mapping_and_resource":
+ new_item_obj['version'].append(item_def['revision'])
+ if self.source_schema_ver >= [2]:
+ # handle 'required_mappings' field
+ required = [{'identifier': map_ref['identifier']}
+ for map_ref in item_def.get('required_mappings', [])]
+ if required:
+ resulting_schema_version = max(resulting_schema_version, [2])
+ new_item_obj['required_mappings'] = required
+ # handle 'permissions' field
+ permissions = item_def.get('permissions', {})
+ processed_permissions = {}
+ if permissions.get('cors_bypass'):
+ processed_permissions['cors_bypass'] = True
+ if permissions.get('eval'):
+ processed_permissions['eval'] = True
+ if processed_permissions:
+ new_item_obj['permissions'] = processed_permissions
+ resulting_schema_version = max(resulting_schema_version, [2])
+ # handle '{min,max}_haketilo_version' fields
+ for minmax, default in ('min', [1]), ('max', [65536]):
+ constraint = item_def.get(f'{minmax}_haketilo_version')
+ if constraint in (None, default):
+ continue
+ copy_props.append(f'{minmax}_haketilo_version')
+ resulting_schema_version = max(resulting_schema_version, [2])
+ new_item_obj.update((p, item_def[p]) for p in copy_props)
+ new_item_obj['$schema'] = ''.join([
+ schemas_root,
+ f'/api_{as_what}_description',
+ '-',
+ versions.version_string(resulting_schema_version),
+ '.schema.json'
+ ])
+ new_item_obj['type'] = as_what
+ new_item_obj['source_copyright'] = self.copyright_file_refs
+ new_item_obj['source_name'] = self.source_name
+ new_item_obj['generated_by'] = generated_by
+ item_list.append(new_item_obj)
+ props_in_ref = ('type', 'identifier', 'version', 'long_name')
+ return dict([(prop, new_item_obj[prop]) for prop in props_in_ref])
+ def _process_index_json(self, index_obj: dict,
+ major_schema_version: int) -> None:
+ """
+ Process 'index_obj' as contents of source package's index.json and store
+ in memory this source package's zipfile as well as package's individual
+ files and computed definitions of the source package and items defined
+ in it.
+ """
+ self.source_schema_ver = \
+ versions.normalize_version(get_schema_version(index_obj))
+ out_schema = f'{schemas_root}/api_source_description-1.schema.json'
+ self.source_name = index_obj['source_name']
+ generate_spdx = index_obj.get('reuse_generate_spdx_report', False)
+ if generate_spdx:
+ contents = generate_spdx_report(self.srcdir)
+ spdx_path = PurePosixPath('report.spdx')
+ spdx_ref = FileRef(spdx_path, contents)
+ spdx_ref.include_in_source_archive = False
+ self.files_by_path[spdx_path] = spdx_ref
+ piggyback_def = None
+ if self.source_schema_ver >= [2] and 'piggyback_on' in index_obj:
+ piggyback_def = index_obj['piggyback_on']
+ with piggybacked_system(piggyback_def, self.piggyback_files) \
+ as piggybacked:
+ copyright_to_process = [
+ *(file_ref['file'] for file_ref in index_obj['copyright']),
+ *piggybacked.package_license_files
+ ]
+ self.copyright_file_refs = [self._process_file(f, piggybacked)
+ for f in copyright_to_process]
+ if generate_spdx and not spdx_ref.include_in_distribution:
+ raise FileReferenceError(_('report_spdx_not_in_copyright_list'))
+ item_refs = []
+ for item_def in index_obj['definitions']:
+ if 'mapping' in item_def['type']:
+ ref = self._process_item('mapping', item_def, piggybacked)
+ item_refs.append(ref)
+ if 'resource' in item_def['type']:
+ ref = self._process_item('resource', item_def, piggybacked)
+ item_refs.append(ref)
+ for file_ref in index_obj.get('additional_files', []):
+ self._process_file(file_ref['file'], piggybacked,
+ include_in_distribution=False)
+ zipfile_sha256 = self._prepare_source_package_zip\
+ (self.source_name, piggybacked)
+ source_archives_obj = {'zip' : {'sha256': zipfile_sha256}}
+ self.source_description = {
+ '$schema': out_schema,
+ 'source_name': self.source_name,
+ 'source_copyright': self.copyright_file_refs,
+ 'upstream_url': index_obj['upstream_url'],
+ 'definitions': item_refs,
+ 'source_archives': source_archives_obj,
+ 'generated_by': generated_by
+ }
+ if 'comment' in index_obj:
+ self.source_description['comment'] = index_obj['comment']
+ def write_source_package_zip(self, dstpath: Path):
+ """
+ Create a .zip archive containing files needed to build this source
+ package and write it at 'dstpath'.
+ """
+ with open(dstpath, 'wb') as output:
+ output.write(self.source_zip_contents)
+ def write_package_files(self, dstpath: Path):
+ """Write package files under 'dstpath' for distribution."""
+ file_dir_path = (dstpath / 'file' / 'sha256').resolve()
+ file_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ for file_ref in self.files_by_path.values():
+ if file_ref.include_in_distribution:
+ file_path = file_dir_path / file_ref.contents_hash
+ file_path.write_bytes(file_ref.contents)
+ source_dir_path = (dstpath / 'source').resolve()
+ source_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ source_name = self.source_description["source_name"]
+ with open(source_dir_path / f'{source_name}.json', 'wt') as out_str:
+ json.dump(self.source_description, out_str)
+ with open(source_dir_path / f'{source_name}.zip', 'wb') as out_bin:
+ out_bin.write(self.source_zip_contents)
+ for item_type, item_list in [
+ ('resource', self.resource_list),
+ ('mapping', self.mapping_list)
+ ]:
+ item_type_dir_path = (dstpath / item_type).resolve()
+ for item_def in item_list:
+ item_dir_path = item_type_dir_path / item_def['identifier']
+ item_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ version = '.'.join([str(n) for n in item_def['version']])
+ with open(item_dir_path / version, 'wt') as output:
+ json.dump(item_def, output)
+dir_type = click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, resolve_path=True)
+@click.option('-s', '--srcdir', default='./', type=dir_type, show_default=True,
+ help=_('source_directory_to_build_from'))
+@click.option('-i', '--index-json', default='index.json', type=click.Path(),
+ help=_('path_instead_of_index_json'))
+@click.option('-p', '--piggyback-files', type=click.Path(),
+ help=_('path_instead_for_piggyback_files'))
+@click.option('-d', '--dstdir', type=dir_type, required=True,
+ help=_('built_package_files_destination'))
+@click.version_option(version=_version.version, prog_name='Hydrilla builder',
+ message=_('%(prog)s_%(version)s_license'),
+ help=_('version_printing'))
+def perform(srcdir, index_json, piggyback_files, dstdir):
+ """
+ Execute Hydrilla builder to turn source package into a distributable one.
+ This command is meant to be the entry point of hydrilla-builder command
+ exported by this package.
+ """
+ build = Build(Path(srcdir), Path(index_json),
+ piggyback_files and Path(piggyback_files))
+ build.write_package_files(Path(dstdir))