path: root/gnu/packages/tls.scm
diff options
authorTobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>2020-12-18 18:24:37 +0100
committerTobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>2020-12-18 22:39:23 +0100
commit1b66116d131cd1abdf0a33d781031cde28e59eb5 (patch)
tree07c91d638fdb35803d37505a7611737e7bcfb83f /gnu/packages/tls.scm
parent62fb0680a28d890d5d2c0ba3d89354c8b606c476 (diff)
gnu: kexec-tools: Update to 2.0.21.
* gnu/packages/linux.scm (kexec-tools): Update to 2.0.21.
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/packages/tls.scm')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
@contextmanager def piggybacked_system( piggyback_def: t.Optional[dict], piggyback_files: t.Optional[Path] )-> t.Iterator[Piggybacked]: """ Resolve resources from a foreign software packaging system. Optionally, use package files (.deb's, etc.) from a specified directory instead of resolving and downloading them. """ if piggyback_def is None: yield Piggybacked() else: # apt is the only supported system right now assert piggyback_def['system'] == 'apt' with local_apt.piggybacked_system(piggyback_def, piggyback_files) \ as piggybacked: yield piggybacked class Build: """ Build a Hydrilla package. """ def __init__( self, srcdir: Path, index_json_path: Path, piggyback_files: t.Optional[Path] = None ) -> None: """ Initialize a build. All files to be included in a distribution package are loaded into memory, all data gets validated and all necessary computations (e.g. preparing of hashes) are performed. """ self.srcdir = srcdir.resolve() self.piggyback_files = piggyback_files if piggyback_files is None: piggyback_default_path = \ srcdir.parent / f'{srcdir.name}.foreign-packages' if piggyback_default_path.exists(): self.piggyback_files = piggyback_default_path self.files_by_path: t.Dict[PurePosixPath, FileRef] = {} self.resource_list: t.List[dict] = [] self.mapping_list: t.List[dict] = [] if not index_json_path.is_absolute(): index_json_path = (self.srcdir / index_json_path) index_obj = json_instances.read_instance(index_json_path) schema_fmt = 'package_source-{}.schema.json' json_instances.validate_instance(index_obj, schema_fmt) index_desired_path = PurePosixPath('index.json') self.files_by_path[index_desired_path] = \ FileRef(index_desired_path, index_json_path.read_bytes()) # We know from successful validation that instance is a dict. self._process_index_json(t.cast('t.Dict[str, t.Any]', index_obj)) def _process_file( self, filename: t.Union[str, PurePosixPath], piggybacked: Piggybacked, include_in_distribution: bool = True ) -> t.Dict[str, str]: """ Resolve 'filename' relative to srcdir, load it to memory (if not loaded before), compute its hash and store its information in 'self.files_by_path'. 'filename' shall represent a relative path withing package directory. if 'include_in_distribution' is True it shall cause the file to not only be included in the source package's zipfile, but also written as one of built package's files. For each file an attempt is made to resolve it using 'piggybacked' object. If a file is found and pulled from foreign software packaging system this way, it gets automatically excluded from inclusion in Hydrilla source package's zipfile. Return value is file's reference object that can be included in JSON defintions of various kinds. """ include_in_source_archive = True desired_path = PurePosixPath(filename) if '..' in desired_path.parts: msg = _('path_contains_double_dot_{}').format(filename) raise FileReferenceError(msg) path = piggybacked.resolve_file(desired_path) if path is None: path = (self.srcdir / desired_path).resolve() try: path.relative_to(self.srcdir) except ValueError: raise FileReferenceError(_('loading_{}_outside_package_dir') .format(filename)) if str(path.relative_to(self.srcdir)) == 'index.json': raise FileReferenceError(_('loading_reserved_index_json')) else: include_in_source_archive = False file_ref = self.files_by_path.get(desired_path) if file_ref is None: if not path.is_file(): msg = _('referenced_file_{}_missing').format(desired_path) raise FileReferenceError(msg) file_ref = FileRef(desired_path, path.read_bytes()) self.files_by_path[desired_path] = file_ref if include_in_distribution: file_ref.include_in_distribution = True if not include_in_source_archive: file_ref.include_in_source_archive = False return file_ref.make_ref_dict() def _prepare_source_package_zip( self, source_name: str, piggybacked: Piggybacked ) -> str: """ Create and store in memory a .zip archive containing files needed to build this source package. 'src_dir_name' shall not contain any slashes ('/'). Return zipfile's sha256 sum's hexstring. """ tf = TemporaryFile() source_dir_path = PurePosixPath(source_name) piggybacked_dir_path = PurePosixPath(f'{source_name}.foreign-packages') with zipfile.ZipFile(tf, 'w') as zf: for file_ref in self.files_by_path.values(): if file_ref.include_in_source_archive: zf.writestr(str(source_dir_path / file_ref.path), file_ref.contents) for desired_path, real_path in piggybacked.archive_files(): zf.writestr(str(piggybacked_dir_path / desired_path), real_path.read_bytes()) tf.seek(0) self.source_zip_contents = tf.read() return sha256(self.source_zip_contents).digest().hex() def _process_item( self, as_what: str, item_def: dict, piggybacked: Piggybacked ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]: """ Process 'item_def' as definition of a resource or mapping (determined by 'as_what' param) and store in memory its processed form and files used by it. Return a minimal item reference suitable for using in source description. """ resulting_schema_version = versions.normalize([1]) copy_props = ['identifier', 'long_name', 'description', *filter(lambda p: p in item_def, ('comment', 'uuid'))] new_item_obj: dict = {} if as_what == 'resource': item_list = self.resource_list copy_props.append('revision') script_file_refs = [self._process_file(f['file'], piggybacked) for f in item_def.get('scripts', [])] deps = [{'identifier': res_ref['identifier']} for res_ref in item_def.get('dependencies', [])] new_item_obj['dependencies'] = \ [*piggybacked.resource_must_depend, *deps] new_item_obj['scripts'] = script_file_refs else: item_list = self.mapping_list payloads = {} for pat, res_ref in item_def.get('payloads', {}).items(): payloads[pat] = {'identifier': res_ref['identifier']} new_item_obj['payloads'] = payloads version = [*item_def['version']] if as_what == 'mapping' and item_def['type'] == "mapping_and_resource": version.append(item_def['revision']) new_item_obj['version'] = versions.normalize(version) if self.source_schema_ver >= (2,): # handle 'required_mappings' field required = [{'identifier': map_ref['identifier']} for map_ref in item_def.get('required_mappings', [])] if required: resulting_schema_version = max( resulting_schema_version, versions.normalize([2]) ) new_item_obj['required_mappings'] = required # handle 'permissions' field permissions = item_def.get('permissions', {}) processed_permissions = {} if permissions.get('cors_bypass'): processed_permissions['cors_bypass'] = True if permissions.get('eval'): processed_permissions['eval'] = True if processed_permissions: new_item_obj['permissions'] = processed_permissions resulting_schema_version = max( resulting_schema_version, versions.normalize([2]) ) # handle '{min,max}_haketilo_version' fields for minmax, default in ('min', [1]), ('max', [65536]): constraint = item_def.get(f'{minmax}_haketilo_version') if constraint in (None, default): continue copy_props.append(f'{minmax}_haketilo_version') resulting_schema_version = max( resulting_schema_version, versions.normalize([2]) ) new_item_obj.update((p, item_def[p]) for p in copy_props) new_item_obj['$schema'] = ''.join([ schemas_root, f'/api_{as_what}_description', '-', versions.version_string(resulting_schema_version), '.schema.json' ]) new_item_obj['type'] = as_what new_item_obj['source_copyright'] = self.copyright_file_refs new_item_obj['source_name'] = self.source_name new_item_obj['generated_by'] = generated_by item_list.append(new_item_obj) props_in_ref = ('type', 'identifier', 'version', 'long_name') return dict([(prop, new_item_obj[prop]) for prop in props_in_ref]) def _process_index_json(self, index_obj: dict) -> None: """ Process 'index_obj' as contents of source package's index.json and store in memory this source package's zipfile as well as package's individual files and computed definitions of the source package and items defined in it. """ self.source_schema_ver = json_instances.get_schema_version(index_obj) out_schema = f'{schemas_root}/api_source_description-1.schema.json' self.source_name = index_obj['source_name'] generate_spdx = index_obj.get('reuse_generate_spdx_report', False) if generate_spdx: contents = generate_spdx_report(self.srcdir) spdx_path = PurePosixPath('report.spdx') spdx_ref = FileRef(spdx_path, contents) spdx_ref.include_in_source_archive = False self.files_by_path[spdx_path] = spdx_ref piggyback_def = None if self.source_schema_ver >= (2,) and 'piggyback_on' in index_obj: piggyback_def = index_obj['piggyback_on'] with piggybacked_system(piggyback_def, self.piggyback_files) \ as piggybacked: copyright_to_process = [ *(file_ref['file'] for file_ref in index_obj['copyright']), *piggybacked.package_license_files ] self.copyright_file_refs = [self._process_file(f, piggybacked) for f in copyright_to_process] if generate_spdx and not spdx_ref.include_in_distribution: raise FileReferenceError(_('report_spdx_not_in_copyright_list')) item_refs = [] for item_def in index_obj['definitions']: if 'mapping' in item_def['type']: ref = self._process_item('mapping', item_def, piggybacked) item_refs.append(ref) if 'resource' in item_def['type']: ref = self._process_item('resource', item_def, piggybacked) item_refs.append(ref) for file_ref in index_obj.get('additional_files', []): self._process_file(file_ref['file'], piggybacked, include_in_distribution=False) zipfile_sha256 = self._prepare_source_package_zip\ (self.source_name, piggybacked) source_archives_obj = {'zip' : {'sha256': zipfile_sha256}} self.source_description = { '$schema': out_schema, 'source_name': self.source_name, 'source_copyright': self.copyright_file_refs, 'upstream_url': index_obj['upstream_url'], 'definitions': item_refs, 'source_archives': source_archives_obj, 'generated_by': generated_by } if 'comment' in index_obj: self.source_description['comment'] = index_obj['comment'] def write_source_package_zip(self, dstpath: Path) -> None: """ Create a .zip archive containing files needed to build this source package and write it at 'dstpath'. """ with open(dstpath, 'wb') as output: output.write(self.source_zip_contents) def write_package_files(self, dstpath: Path) -> None: """Write package files under 'dstpath' for distribution.""" file_dir_path = (dstpath / 'file' / 'sha256').resolve() file_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for file_ref in self.files_by_path.values(): if file_ref.include_in_distribution: file_path = file_dir_path / file_ref.contents_hash file_path.write_bytes(file_ref.contents) source_dir_path = (dstpath / 'source').resolve() source_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) source_name = self.source_description["source_name"] with open(source_dir_path / f'{source_name}.json', 'wt') as out_str: json.dump(self.source_description, out_str) with open(source_dir_path / f'{source_name}.zip', 'wb') as out_bin: out_bin.write(self.source_zip_contents) for item_type, item_list in [ ('resource', self.resource_list), ('mapping', self.mapping_list) ]: item_type_dir_path = (dstpath / item_type).resolve() for item_def in item_list: item_dir_path = item_type_dir_path / item_def['identifier'] item_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) version = '.'.join([str(n) for n in item_def['version']]) with open(item_dir_path / version, 'wt') as output: json.dump(item_def, output) dir_type = click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, resolve_path=True) @click.command(help=_('build_package_from_srcdir_to_dstdir')) @click.option('-s', '--srcdir', default='./', type=dir_type, show_default=True, help=_('source_directory_to_build_from')) @click.option('-i', '--index-json', default='index.json', type=click.Path(), help=_('path_instead_of_index_json')) @click.option('-p', '--piggyback-files', type=click.Path(), help=_('path_instead_for_piggyback_files')) @click.option('-d', '--dstdir', type=dir_type, required=True, help=_('built_package_files_destination')) @click.version_option(version=_version.version, prog_name='Hydrilla builder', message=_('%(prog)s_%(version)s_license'), help=_('version_printing')) def perform(srcdir, index_json, piggyback_files, dstdir) -> None: """ Execute Hydrilla builder to turn source package into a distributable one. This command is meant to be the entry point of hydrilla-builder command exported by this package. """ build = Build(Path(srcdir), Path(index_json), piggyback_files and Path(piggyback_files)) build.write_package_files(Path(dstdir))