path: root/html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'html')
-rw-r--r--html/display-panel.js (renamed from html/display-panel.mjs)8
5 files changed, 412 insertions, 403 deletions
diff --git a/html/display-panel.html b/html/display-panel.html
index 9c8de5e..4adeb53 100644
--- a/html/display-panel.html
+++ b/html/display-panel.html
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
<button id="settings_but" type="button">Settings</button>
- <script src="./display-panel.mjs" type="module"></script>
+ <script src="/common/browser.js"></script>
+ <script src="./display-panel.js"></script>
diff --git a/html/display-panel.mjs b/html/display-panel.js
index 38f2a42..91b0df7 100644
--- a/html/display-panel.mjs
+++ b/html/display-panel.js
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
"use strict";
-import browser from '/common/browser.mjs';
+(() => {
+ const browser = window.browser;
- .addEventListener("click", (e) => browser.runtime.openOptionsPage());
+ document.getElementById("settings_but")
+ .addEventListener("click", (e) => browser.runtime.openOptionsPage());
diff --git a/html/options.html b/html/options.html
index 921b423..0bce6fc 100644
--- a/html/options.html
+++ b/html/options.html
@@ -170,6 +170,11 @@
- <script src="./options_main.mjs" type="module"></script>
+ <script src="/common/connection_types.js"></script>
+ <script src="/common/stored_types.js"></script>
+ <script src="/common/once.js"></script>
+ <script src="/common/browser.js"></script>
+ <script src="/common/storage_client.js"></script>
+ <script src="./options_main.js"></script>
diff --git a/html/options_main.js b/html/options_main.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..979fb44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/options_main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+ * Myext HTML options page main script
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Wojtek Kosior
+ *
+ * Dual-licensed under:
+ * - 0BSD license
+ * - GPLv3 or (at your option) any later version
+ */
+"use strict";
+(() => {
+ const get_storage = window.get_storage;
+ const TYPE_PREFIX = window.TYPE_PREFIX;
+ const TYPE_NAME = window.TYPE_NAME;
+ const list_prefixes = window.list_prefixes;
+ var storage;
+ function by_id(id)
+ {
+ return document.getElementById(id);
+ }
+ const item_li_template = by_id("item_li_template");
+ const component_li_template = by_id("component_li_template");
+ const selectable_component_li_template =
+ by_id("selectable_component_li_template");
+ /* Make sure they are later cloned without id. */
+ item_li_template.removeAttribute("id");
+ component_li_template.removeAttribute("id");
+ selectable_component_li_template.removeAttribute("id");
+ function item_li_id(prefix, item)
+ {
+ return `li_${prefix}_${item}`;
+ }
+ function add_li(prefix, item, at_the_end=false)
+ {
+ let ul = ul_by_prefix[prefix];
+ let li = item_li_template.cloneNode(true);
+ li.id = item_li_id(prefix, item);
+ let span = li.firstElementChild;
+ span.textContent = item;
+ let edit_button = span.nextElementSibling;
+ edit_button.addEventListener("click", () => edit_item(prefix, item));
+ let remove_button = edit_button.nextElementSibling;
+ remove_button.addEventListener("click",
+ () => storage.remove(prefix, item));
+ if (!at_the_end) {
+ for (let element of ul.ul.children) {
+ if (element.id < li.id || element.id.startsWith("work_"))
+ continue;
+ ul.ul.insertBefore(li, element);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ul.ul.appendChild(li);
+ }
+ const selectable_components_ul = by_id("selectable_components_ul");
+ function selectable_li_id(prefix, item)
+ {
+ return `sli_${prefix}_${item}`;
+ }
+ function add_selectable(prefix, name)
+ {
+ if (prefix === TYPE_PREFIX.PAGE)
+ return;
+ let li = selectable_component_li_template.cloneNode(true);
+ li.id = selectable_li_id(prefix, name);
+ li.setAttribute("data-prefix", prefix);
+ li.setAttribute("data-name", name);
+ let chbx = li.firstElementChild;
+ let span = chbx.nextElementSibling;
+ span.textContent = `${name} (${TYPE_NAME[prefix]})`;
+ selectable_components_ul.appendChild(li);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Used to construct and update components list of edited
+ * bundle as well as edited page.
+ */
+ function add_components(ul, components)
+ {
+ let components_ul = ul.work_name_input.nextElementSibling;
+ for (let component of components) {
+ let [prefix, name] = component;
+ let li = component_li_template.cloneNode(true);
+ li.setAttribute("data-prefix", prefix);
+ li.setAttribute("data-name", name);
+ let span = li.firstElementChild;
+ span.textContent = `${name} (${TYPE_NAME[prefix]})`;
+ let remove_but = span.nextElementSibling;
+ remove_but.addEventListener("click", () =>
+ components_ul.removeChild(li));
+ components_ul.appendChild(li);
+ }
+ components_ul.appendChild(ul.work_empty_component_li);
+ }
+ /* Used to reset edited bundle as well as edited page. */
+ function generic_reset_work_li(ul, item, components)
+ {
+ if (item === undefined) {
+ item = "";
+ components = [];
+ };
+ ul.work_name_input.value = item;
+ let old_components_ul = ul.work_name_input.nextElementSibling;
+ let components_ul = old_components_ul.cloneNode(false);
+ ul.work_li.insertBefore(components_ul, old_components_ul);
+ ul.work_li.removeChild(old_components_ul);
+ add_components(ul, components);
+ }
+ function reset_work_page_li(ul, item, settings)
+ {
+ ul.work_page_allow_chbx.checked = !!settings?.allow;
+ generic_reset_work_li(ul, item, settings?.components);
+ }
+ /* Used to get edited bundle as well as edited page data for saving. */
+ function generic_work_li_data(ul)
+ {
+ let components_ul = ul.work_name_input.nextElementSibling;
+ let component_li = components_ul.firstElementChild;
+ let components = [];
+ /* Last list element is empty li with id set. */
+ while (component_li.id === '') {
+ components.push([component_li.getAttribute("data-prefix"),
+ component_li.getAttribute("data-name")]);
+ component_li = component_li.nextElementSibling;
+ }
+ return [ul.work_name_input.value, components];
+ }
+ function work_page_li_data(ul)
+ {
+ let [url, components] = generic_work_li_data(ul);
+ let settings = {components, allow : !!ul.work_page_allow_chbx.checked};
+ return [url, settings];
+ }
+ const script_url_input = by_id("script_url_field");
+ const script_sha256_input = by_id("script_sha256_field");
+ const script_contents_field = by_id("script_contents_field");
+ function maybe_string(maybe_defined)
+ {
+ return maybe_defined === undefined ? "" : maybe_defined + "";
+ }
+ function reset_work_script_li(ul, name, data)
+ {
+ ul.work_name_input.value = maybe_string(name);
+ script_url_input.value = maybe_string(data?.url);
+ script_sha256_input.value = maybe_string(data?.hash);
+ script_contents_field.value = maybe_string(data?.text);
+ }
+ function work_script_li_data(ul)
+ {
+ return [ul.work_name_input.value, {
+ url : script_url_input.value,
+ hash : script_sha256_input.value,
+ text : script_contents_field.value
+ }];
+ }
+ function cancel_work(prefix)
+ {
+ let ul = ul_by_prefix[prefix];
+ if (ul.state === UL_STATE.IDLE)
+ return;
+ if (ul.state === UL_STATE.EDITING_ENTRY) {
+ add_li(prefix, ul.edited_item);
+ }
+ ul.work_li.classList.add("hide");
+ ul.state = UL_STATE.IDLE;
+ }
+ function save_work(prefix)
+ {
+ let ul = ul_by_prefix[prefix];
+ if (ul.state === UL_STATE.IDLE)
+ return;
+ let [item, data] = ul.get_work_li_data(ul);
+ if (prefix == TYPE_PREFIX.PAGE)
+ /* Here we fire promises and return without waiting. */
+ if (ul.state === UL_STATE.EDITING_ENTRY)
+ storage.replace(prefix, ul.edited_item, item, data);
+ if (ul.state === UL_STATE.ADDING_ENTRY)
+ storage.set(prefix, item, data);
+ cancel_work(prefix);
+ }
+ function edit_item(prefix, item)
+ {
+ cancel_work(prefix);
+ let ul = ul_by_prefix[prefix];
+ let li = by_id(item_li_id(prefix, item));
+ ul.reset_work_li(ul, item, storage.get(prefix, item));
+ ul.ul.insertBefore(ul.work_li, li);
+ ul.ul.removeChild(li);
+ ul.work_li.classList.remove("hide");
+ ul.edited_item = item;
+ }
+ function add_new_item(prefix)
+ {
+ cancel_work(prefix);
+ let ul = ul_by_prefix[prefix];
+ ul.reset_work_li(ul);
+ ul.work_li.classList.remove("hide");
+ ul.ul.appendChild(ul.work_li);
+ }
+ const select_components_window = by_id("select_components_window");
+ var select_prefix;
+ function select_components(prefix)
+ {
+ select_prefix = prefix;
+ select_components_window.classList.remove("hide");
+ for (let li of selectable_components_ul.children) {
+ let chbx = li.firstElementChild;
+ chbx.checked = false;
+ }
+ }
+ function commit_components()
+ {
+ let selected = [];
+ for (let li of selectable_components_ul.children) {
+ let chbx = li.firstElementChild;
+ if (!chbx.checked)
+ continue;
+ selected.push([li.getAttribute("data-prefix"),
+ li.getAttribute("data-name")]);
+ }
+ add_components(ul_by_prefix[select_prefix], selected);
+ cancel_components();
+ }
+ function cancel_components()
+ {
+ select_components_window.classList.add("hide");
+ }
+ const UL_STATE = {
+ IDLE : 2
+ };
+ const ul_by_prefix = {
+ ul : by_id("pages_ul"),
+ work_li : by_id("work_page_li"),
+ work_name_input : by_id("page_url_field"),
+ work_empty_component_li : by_id("empty_page_component_li"),
+ work_page_allow_chbx : by_id("page_allow_chbx"),
+ reset_work_li : reset_work_page_li,
+ get_work_li_data : work_page_li_data,
+ state : UL_STATE.IDLE,
+ edited_item : undefined,
+ },
+ ul : by_id("bundles_ul"),
+ work_li : by_id("work_bundle_li"),
+ work_name_input : by_id("bundle_name_field"),
+ work_empty_component_li : by_id("empty_bundle_component_li"),
+ reset_work_li : generic_reset_work_li,
+ get_work_li_data : generic_work_li_data,
+ state : UL_STATE.IDLE,
+ edited_item : undefined,
+ },
+ ul : by_id("scripts_ul"),
+ work_li : by_id("work_script_li"),
+ work_name_input : by_id("script_name_field"),
+ reset_work_li : reset_work_script_li,
+ get_work_li_data : work_script_li_data,
+ state : UL_STATE.IDLE,
+ edited_item : undefined,
+ }
+ }
+ async function main()
+ {
+ storage = await get_storage();
+ for (let prefix of list_prefixes) {
+ for (let item of storage.get_all_names(prefix).sort()) {
+ add_li(prefix, item, true);
+ add_selectable(prefix, item);
+ }
+ }
+ storage.add_change_listener(handle_change);
+ let commit_components_but = by_id("commit_components_but");
+ let cancel_components_but = by_id("cancel_components_but");
+ commit_components_but.addEventListener("click", commit_components);
+ cancel_components_but.addEventListener("click", cancel_components);
+ for (let prefix of list_prefixes) {
+ let add_but = by_id(`add_${TYPE_NAME[prefix]}_but`);
+ let discard_but = by_id(`${TYPE_NAME[prefix]}_discard_but`);
+ let save_but = by_id(`${TYPE_NAME[prefix]}_save_but`);
+ let select_components_but =
+ by_id(`${TYPE_NAME[prefix]}_select_components_but`);
+ add_but.addEventListener("click", () => add_new_item(prefix));
+ discard_but.addEventListener("click", () => cancel_work(prefix));
+ save_but.addEventListener("click", () => save_work(prefix));
+ if (select_components_but === null)
+ continue;
+ select_components_but.addEventListener(
+ "click",
+ () => select_components(prefix)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function handle_change(change)
+ {
+ if (change.old_val === undefined) {
+ add_li(change.prefix, change.item);
+ add_selectable(change.prefix, change.item);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (change.new_val !== undefined)
+ return;
+ let ul = ul_by_prefix[change.prefix];
+ if (ul.state === UL_STATE.EDITING_ENTRY &&
+ ul.edited_item === change.item) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let li = by_id(item_li_id(change.prefix, change.item));
+ ul.ul.removeChild(li);
+ if (change.prefix === TYPE_PREFIX.PAGE)
+ return;
+ let sli = by_id(selectable_li_id(change.prefix, change.item));
+ selectable_components_ul.removeChild(sli);
+ }
+ main();
diff --git a/html/options_main.mjs b/html/options_main.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index f288971..0000000
--- a/html/options_main.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-* Myext HTML options page main script
-* Copyright (C) 2021 Wojtek Kosior
-* Dual-licensed under:
-* - 0BSD license
-* - GPLv3 or (at your option) any later version
-"use strict";
-import get_storage from '/common/storage_client.mjs';
-import {TYPE_PREFIX, TYPE_NAME, list_prefixes} from '/common/stored_types.mjs';
-var storage;
-const item_li_template = document.getElementById("item_li_template");
-const component_li_template = document.getElementById("component_li_template");
-const selectable_component_li_template =
- document.getElementById("selectable_component_li_template");
-/* Make sure they are later cloned without id. */
-function item_li_id(prefix, item)
- return `li_${prefix}_${item}`;
-function add_li(prefix, item, at_the_end=false)
- let ul = ul_by_prefix[prefix];
- let li = item_li_template.cloneNode(true);
- li.id = item_li_id(prefix, item);
- let span = li.firstElementChild;
- span.textContent = item;
- let edit_button = span.nextElementSibling;
- edit_button.addEventListener("click", () => edit_item(prefix, item));
- let remove_button = edit_button.nextElementSibling;
- remove_button.addEventListener("click", () => storage.remove(prefix, item));
- if (!at_the_end) {
- for (let element of ul.ul.children) {
- if (element.id < li.id || element.id.startsWith("work_"))
- continue;
- ul.ul.insertBefore(li, element);
- return;
- }
- }
- ul.ul.appendChild(li);
-const selectable_components_ul =
- document.getElementById("selectable_components_ul");
-function selectable_li_id(prefix, item)
- return `sli_${prefix}_${item}`;
-function add_selectable(prefix, name)
- if (prefix === TYPE_PREFIX.PAGE)
- return;
- let li = selectable_component_li_template.cloneNode(true);
- li.id = selectable_li_id(prefix, name);
- li.setAttribute("data-prefix", prefix);
- li.setAttribute("data-name", name);
- let chbx = li.firstElementChild;
- let span = chbx.nextElementSibling;
- span.textContent = `${name} (${TYPE_NAME[prefix]})`;
- selectable_components_ul.appendChild(li);
- * Used to construct and update components list of edited
- * bundle as well as edited page.
- */
-function add_components(ul, components)
- let components_ul = ul.work_name_input.nextElementSibling;
- for (let component of components) {
- let [prefix, name] = component;
- let li = component_li_template.cloneNode(true);
- li.setAttribute("data-prefix", prefix);
- li.setAttribute("data-name", name);
- let span = li.firstElementChild;
- span.textContent = `${name} (${TYPE_NAME[prefix]})`;
- let remove_but = span.nextElementSibling;
- remove_but.addEventListener("click", () =>
- components_ul.removeChild(li));
- components_ul.appendChild(li);
- }
- components_ul.appendChild(ul.work_empty_component_li);
-/* Used to reset edited bundle as well as edited page. */
-function generic_reset_work_li(ul, item, components)
- if (item === undefined) {
- item = "";
- components = [];
- };
- ul.work_name_input.value = item;
- let old_components_ul = ul.work_name_input.nextElementSibling;
- let components_ul = old_components_ul.cloneNode(false);
- ul.work_li.insertBefore(components_ul, old_components_ul);
- ul.work_li.removeChild(old_components_ul);
- add_components(ul, components);
-function reset_work_page_li(ul, item, settings)
- ul.work_page_allow_chbx.checked = !!settings?.allow;
- generic_reset_work_li(ul, item, settings?.components);
-/* Used to get edited bundle as well as edited page data for saving. */
-function generic_work_li_data(ul)
- let components_ul = ul.work_name_input.nextElementSibling;
- let component_li = components_ul.firstElementChild;
- let components = [];
- /* Last list element is empty li with id set. */
- while (component_li.id === '') {
- components.push([component_li.getAttribute("data-prefix"),
- component_li.getAttribute("data-name")]);
- component_li = component_li.nextElementSibling;
- }
- return [ul.work_name_input.value, components];
-function work_page_li_data(ul)
- let [url, components] = generic_work_li_data(ul);
- let settings = {components, allow : !!ul.work_page_allow_chbx.checked};
- return [url, settings];
-const script_url_input = document.getElementById("script_url_field");
-const script_sha256_input = document.getElementById("script_sha256_field");
-const script_contents_field = document.getElementById("script_contents_field");
-function maybe_string(maybe_defined)
- return maybe_defined === undefined ? "" : maybe_defined + "";
-function reset_work_script_li(ul, name, data)
- ul.work_name_input.value = maybe_string(name);
- script_url_input.value = maybe_string(data?.url);
- script_sha256_input.value = maybe_string(data?.hash);
- script_contents_field.value = maybe_string(data?.text);
-function work_script_li_data(ul)
- return [ul.work_name_input.value, {
- url : script_url_input.value,
- hash : script_sha256_input.value,
- text : script_contents_field.value
- }];
-function cancel_work(prefix)
- let ul = ul_by_prefix[prefix];
- if (ul.state === UL_STATE.IDLE)
- return;
- if (ul.state === UL_STATE.EDITING_ENTRY) {
- add_li(prefix, ul.edited_item);
- }
- ul.work_li.classList.add("hide");
- ul.state = UL_STATE.IDLE;
-function save_work(prefix)
- let ul = ul_by_prefix[prefix];
- if (ul.state === UL_STATE.IDLE)
- return;
- let [item, data] = ul.get_work_li_data(ul);
- if (prefix == TYPE_PREFIX.PAGE)
- /* Here we fire promises and return without waiting. */
- if (ul.state === UL_STATE.EDITING_ENTRY)
- storage.replace(prefix, ul.edited_item, item, data);
- if (ul.state === UL_STATE.ADDING_ENTRY)
- storage.set(prefix, item, data);
- cancel_work(prefix);
-function edit_item(prefix, item)
- cancel_work(prefix);
- let ul = ul_by_prefix[prefix];
- let li = document.getElementById(item_li_id(prefix, item));
- ul.reset_work_li(ul, item, storage.get(prefix, item));
- ul.ul.insertBefore(ul.work_li, li);
- ul.ul.removeChild(li);
- ul.work_li.classList.remove("hide");
- ul.edited_item = item;
-function add_new_item(prefix)
- cancel_work(prefix);
- let ul = ul_by_prefix[prefix];
- ul.reset_work_li(ul);
- ul.work_li.classList.remove("hide");
- ul.ul.appendChild(ul.work_li);
-const select_components_window =
- document.getElementById("select_components_window");
-var select_prefix;
-function select_components(prefix)
- select_prefix = prefix;
- select_components_window.classList.remove("hide");
- for (let li of selectable_components_ul.children) {
- let chbx = li.firstElementChild;
- chbx.checked = false;
- }
-function commit_components()
- let selected = [];
- for (let li of selectable_components_ul.children) {
- let chbx = li.firstElementChild;
- if (!chbx.checked)
- continue;
- selected.push([li.getAttribute("data-prefix"),
- li.getAttribute("data-name")]);
- }
- add_components(ul_by_prefix[select_prefix], selected);
- cancel_components();
-function cancel_components()
- select_components_window.classList.add("hide");
-const UL_STATE = {
- IDLE : 2
-const ul_by_prefix = {
- ul : document.getElementById("pages_ul"),
- work_li : document.getElementById("work_page_li"),
- work_name_input : document.getElementById("page_url_field"),
- work_empty_component_li :
- document.getElementById("empty_page_component_li"),
- work_page_allow_chbx : document.getElementById("page_allow_chbx"),
- reset_work_li : reset_work_page_li,
- get_work_li_data : work_page_li_data,
- state : UL_STATE.IDLE,
- edited_item : undefined,
- },
- ul : document.getElementById("bundles_ul"),
- work_li : document.getElementById("work_bundle_li"),
- work_name_input : document.getElementById("bundle_name_field"),
- work_empty_component_li :
- document.getElementById("empty_bundle_component_li"),
- reset_work_li : generic_reset_work_li,
- get_work_li_data : generic_work_li_data,
- state : UL_STATE.IDLE,
- edited_item : undefined,
- },
- ul : document.getElementById("scripts_ul"),
- work_li : document.getElementById("work_script_li"),
- work_name_input : document.getElementById("script_name_field"),
- reset_work_li : reset_work_script_li,
- get_work_li_data : work_script_li_data,
- state : UL_STATE.IDLE,
- edited_item : undefined,
- }
-async function main()
- storage = await get_storage();
- for (let prefix of list_prefixes) {
- for (let item of storage.get_all_names(prefix).sort()) {
- add_li(prefix, item, true);
- add_selectable(prefix, item);
- }
- }
- storage.add_change_listener(handle_change);
- let commit_components_but =
- document.getElementById("commit_components_but");
- let cancel_components_but =
- document.getElementById("cancel_components_but");
- commit_components_but.addEventListener("click", commit_components);
- cancel_components_but.addEventListener("click", cancel_components);
- for (let prefix of list_prefixes) {
- let add_but = document.getElementById(`add_${TYPE_NAME[prefix]}_but`);
- let discard_but =
- document.getElementById(`${TYPE_NAME[prefix]}_discard_but`);
- let save_but = document.getElementById(`${TYPE_NAME[prefix]}_save_but`);
- let select_components_but = document.getElementById(
- `${TYPE_NAME[prefix]}_select_components_but`
- );
- add_but.addEventListener("click", () => add_new_item(prefix));
- discard_but.addEventListener("click", () => cancel_work(prefix));
- save_but.addEventListener("click", () => save_work(prefix));
- if (select_components_but === null)
- continue;
- select_components_but.addEventListener(
- "click",
- () => select_components(prefix)
- );
- }
-function handle_change(change)
- if (change.old_val === undefined) {
- add_li(change.prefix, change.item);
- add_selectable(change.prefix, change.item);
- return;
- }
- if (change.new_val !== undefined)
- return;
- let ul = ul_by_prefix[change.prefix];
- if (ul.state === UL_STATE.EDITING_ENTRY && ul.edited_item === change.item) {
- return;
- }
- let li = document.getElementById(item_li_id(change.prefix, change.item));
- ul.ul.removeChild(li);
- if (change.prefix === TYPE_PREFIX.PAGE)
- return;
- let sli = document.getElementById(selectable_li_id(change.prefix,
- change.item));
- selectable_components_ul.removeChild(sli);