# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0

Haketilo unit tests - main content script

# This file is part of Haketilo
# Copyright (C) 2022 Wojtek Kosior <koszko@koszko.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the CC0 1.0 Universal License as published by
# the Creative Commons Corporation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# CC0 1.0 Universal License for more details.

import pytest
import json
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait

from ..script_loader import load_script

# From:
# https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/contentScripts/register
# it is unclear whether the dynamically-registered content script is guaranteed
# to be always executed after statically-registered ones. We want to test both
# cases, so we'll make the mocked dynamic content script execute before
# content.js on http:// pages and after it on https:// pages.
dynamic_script = \
    this.haketilo_secret        = "abracadabra";
    this.haketilo_pattern_tree  = {};
    this.haketilo_default_allow = false;

    if (this.haketilo_content_script_main)

content_script = \
    /* Mock dynamic content script - case 'before'. */
    if (/dynamic_before/.test(document.URL)) {

    /* Place amalgamated content.js here. */

    /* Rest of mocks */

    function mock_decide_policy() {
        nonce = "12345";
        return {
            allow: false,
            mapping: "what-is-programmers-favorite-drinking-place",
            payload: {identifier: "foo-bar"},
            csp: "prefetch-src 'none'; script-src-attr 'none'; script-src 'nonce-12345'; script-src-elem 'nonce-12345';"

    async function mock_payload_error([type, res_id]) {
        if (type === "indexeddb_files")
            return {error: {haketilo_error_type: "missing", id: res_id}};

    async function mock_payload_ok([type, res_id]) {
        if (type === "indexeddb_files")
            return {files: [1, 2].map(n => `window.hak_injected_${n} = ${n};`)};

    if (/payload_error/.test(document.URL)) {
        browser.runtime.sendMessage = mock_payload_error;
        decide_policy = mock_decide_policy;
    } else if (/payload_ok/.test(document.URL)) {
        browser.runtime.sendMessage = mock_payload_ok;
        decide_policy = mock_decide_policy;
    /* Otherwise, script blocking policy without payload to inject is used. */

    const data_to_verify = {};
    function data_set(prop, val) {
        data_to_verify[prop] = val;
        window.wrappedJSObject.data_to_verify = JSON.stringify(data_to_verify);

    repo_query_cacher.start = () => data_set("cacher_started", true);
    haketilo_apis.start     = () => data_set("apis_started", true);

    enforce_blocking = policy => data_set("enforcing", policy);

    browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener = async function (listener_cb) {
        await new Promise(cb => setTimeout(cb, 10));

        /* Mock a good request. */
        const set_good = val => data_set("good_request_result", val);
                 !!listener_cb(["page_info"], {}, val => set_good(val)));

        /* Mock a bad request. */
        const set_bad = val => data_set("bad_request_result", val);
                 !!listener_cb(["???"], {}, val => set_bad(val)));

    /* main() call - normally present in content.js, inside '#IF !UNIT_TEST'. */

    /* Mock dynamic content script - case 'after'. */
    if (/#dynamic_after/.test(document.URL)) {

    data_set("script_run_without_errors", true);
    ''' % (dynamic_script, load_script('content/content.js'), dynamic_script)

@pytest.mark.ext_data({'content_script': content_script})
@pytest.mark.parametrize('target1', ['dynamic_before', 'dynamic_after'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('target2', [
def test_content_unprivileged_page(driver, execute_in_page, target1, target2):
    Test functioning of content.js on an page using unprivileged schema (e.g.
    'https://' and not 'about:').

    def get_data(driver):
        data = driver.execute_script('return window.data_to_verify;')
        return data if 'good_request_result' in data else False

    data = json.loads(WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(get_data))

    assert 'gotmyowndoma.in' in data['good_request_result']['url']
    assert 'bad_request_result' not in data

    assert data['good_request_returned'] == True
    assert data['bad_request_returned'] == False

    assert data['cacher_started'] == True
    assert data.get('apis_started', False) == (target2 == 'payload_ok')

    for obj in (data['good_request_result'], data['enforcing']):
        assert obj['allow'] == False

    assert 'error' not in data['enforcing']

    if target2.startswith('payload'):
        for obj in (data['good_request_result'], data['enforcing']):
            assert obj['payload']['identifier'] == 'foo-bar'
            assert 'mapping' in obj
        assert 'payload' not in data['enforcing']
        assert 'mapping' not in data['enforcing']

    assert data['script_run_without_errors'] == True

    def vars_made_by_payload(driver):
        vars_values = driver.execute_script(
            return [
                ...[1, 2].map(n => window[`hak_injected_${n}`]),
        if vars_values != [None, None, None]:
            return vars_values

    if target2 == 'payload_error':
        assert data['good_request_result']['error'] == {
            'haketilo_error_type': 'missing',
            'id': 'foo-bar'
    elif target2 == 'payload_ok':
        vars_values = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(vars_made_by_payload)
        assert vars_values[:2] == [1, 2]
        assert type(vars_values[2]) == str

@pytest.mark.ext_data({'content_script': content_script})
@pytest.mark.parametrize('target', ['dynamic_before', 'dynamic_after'])
def test_content_privileged_page(driver, execute_in_page, target):
    Test functioning of content.js on an page considered privileged (e.g. a
    directory listing at 'file:///').
    data = json.loads(driver.execute_script('return window.data_to_verify;'))

    assert data == {'script_run_without_errors': True}