Haketilo options #LOADCSS html/reset.css #LOADCSS html/base.css #LOADCSS html/grid.css #INCLUDE html/dialog.html #INCLUDE html/item_list.html #INCLUDE html/item_preview.html #INCLUDE html/text_entry_list.html #INCLUDE html/payload_create.html

Loading settings page...

Cannot display settings page.

Haketilo could not access IndexedDB. IndexedDB is an in-browser database in which Haketilo stores all its configuration. Without it, the settings page is non-operational.


The settings page could not be displayed in a private window.

Due to bug #115 it is currently impossible to access Haketilo settings when in Private Browsing mode. You can instead open this settings page in a non-private window. Changes you make there shall affect websites browsed in Private Mode as well.

  • Blocking
  • Mappings
  • Resources
  • New payload
  • Repositories

Block scripts on

Allow scripts on

#INCLUDE html/default_blocking_policy.html
#LOADJS html/settings.js