 * This file is part of Haketilo.
 * Function: Enforcing script blocking rules on a given page, working from a
 *           content script.
 * Copyright (C) 2021,2022 Wojtek Kosior
 * Copyright (C) 2021 jahoti
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you
 * may distribute forms of that code without the copy of the GNU
 * GPL normally required by section 4, provided you include this
 * license notice and, in case of non-source distribution, a URL
 * through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source.
 * If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this
 * exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not
 * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
 * exception statement from your version.
 * As a special exception to the GPL, any HTML file which merely
 * makes function calls to this code, and for that purpose
 * includes it by reference shall be deemed a separate work for
 * copyright law purposes. If you modify this code, you may extend
 * this exception to your version of the code, but you are not
 * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
 * exception statement from your version.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this file's
 * license. Although I request that you do not make use of this code in a
 * proprietary program, I am not going to enforce this in court.

#FROM common/misc.js IMPORT csp_header_regex

const html_ns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
const svg_ns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";

document.content_loaded = document.readyState === "complete";
const wait_loaded = e => e.content_loaded ? Promise.resolve() :
      new Promise(c => e.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", c, {once: true}));

wait_loaded(document).then(() => document.content_loaded = true);

 * In the case of HTML documents:
 * 1. When injecting some payload we need to sanitize <meta> CSP tags before
 *    they reach the document.
 * 2. Only <meta> tags inside <head> are considered valid by the browser and
 *    need to be considered.
 * 3. We want to detach <html> from document, wait until its <head> completes
 *    loading, sanitize it and re-attach <html>.
 * 4. We shall wait for anything to appear in or after <body> and take that as
 *    a sign <head> has finished loading.
 * 5. Otherwise, getting the `DOMContentLoaded' event on the document shall also
 *    be a sign that <head> is fully loaded.

function make_body_start_observer(DOM_element, waiting) {
    const observer = new MutationObserver(() => try_body_started(waiting));
    observer.observe(DOM_element, {childList: true});
    return observer;

function try_body_started(waiting) {
    const body = waiting.detached_html.querySelector("body");

    if ((body && (body.firstChild || body.nextSibling)) ||
	waiting.doc.documentElement.nextSibling) {
	return true;

    if (body && waiting.observers.length < 2)
	waiting.observers.push(make_body_start_observer(body, waiting));

function finish_waiting(waiting) {
    if (waiting.finished)
    waiting.finished = true;
    waiting.observers.forEach(observer => observer.disconnect());
    setTimeout(waiting.callback, 0);

function _wait_for_head(doc, detached_html, callback) {
    const waiting = {doc, detached_html, callback, observers: []};

    if (try_body_started(waiting))

    waiting.observers = [make_body_start_observer(detached_html, waiting)];

    wait_loaded(doc).then(() => finish_waiting(waiting));

function wait_for_head(doc, detached_html) {
    return new Promise(cb => _wait_for_head(doc, detached_html, cb));

const blocked_str = "blocked";

function block_attribute(node, attr, ns=null, replace_with=null) {
    const [hasa, geta, seta, rema] = ["has", "get", "set", "remove"]
	  .map(m => (n, ...args) => typeof ns === "string" ?
	       n[`${m}AttributeNS`](ns, ...args) : n[`${m}Attribute`](...args));
     * Disabling attributes by prepending `blocked-' allows them to still be
     * relatively easily accessed in case they contain some useful data.
    const construct_name = [attr];
    while (hasa(node, construct_name.join("-")))

    while (construct_name.length > 1) {
	const name = construct_name.join("-");
	seta(node, `${blocked_str}-${name}`, geta(node, name));

    rema(node, attr);
    if (replace_with !== null)
	seta(node, attr, replace_with);

 * Used to disable `<script>'s and `<meta>'s that have not yet been added to
 * live DOM (doesn't work for those already added).
function sanitize_meta(meta) {
    if (csp_header_regex.test(meta.httpEquiv) && meta.content)
	block_attribute(meta, "content");

function sanitize_script(script) {
    script.haketilo_blocked_type = script.getAttribute("type");
    script.type = "text/plain";

 * Executed after `<script>' has been connected to the DOM, when it is no longer
 * eligible for being executed by the browser.
function desanitize_script(script) {
    script.setAttribute("type", script.haketilo_blocked_type);

    if ([null, undefined].includes(script.haketilo_blocked_type))

    delete script.haketilo_blocked_type;

/* The following will only be run on pages without payload. */
function force_noscript_tag(element) {
    if (element.tagName !== "NOSCRIPT")

    let under_head = false;
    let ancestor = element;
    while (true) {
	ancestor = ancestor.parentElement;

	if (ancestor === null)

	if (ancestor === document.head) {
	    under_head = true;

    const replacement = document.createElement('haketilo-noscript');
    replacement.innerHTML = element.innerHTML;

    for (const script of [...replacement.querySelectorAll('script')])

    if (under_head) {
	for (const child of replacement.childNodes)

    } else {

 * Blocking certain attributes that might allow 'javascript:' URLs. Some of
 * these are: <iframe>'s 'src' attributes (would normally execute js in URL upon
 * frame's load), <object>'s 'data' attribute (would also execute upon load) and
 * <a>'s 'href' attribute (would execute upon link click).
const bad_url_reg = /^data:([^,;]*ml|unknown-content-type)|^javascript:/i;
function sanitize_element_urls(element) {
    if (element.haketilo_sanitized_urls)

    element.haketilo_sanitized_urls = true;

    let some_attr_blocked = false;

    const bad_attrs = [...(element.attributes || [])]
	  .filter(attr => /^(href|src|data)$/i.test(attr.localName))
	  .filter(attr => bad_url_reg.test(attr.value));

    for (const attr of bad_attrs) {
	 * Under some browsers (Mozilla) removing attributes doesn't stop their
	 * javascript from executing, but replacing them does. For 'src' and
	 * 'data' I chose to replace the attribute with a 'data:' URL and have
	 * it replace bad <iframe>'s/<object>'s contents with a "blocked"
	 * string. For 'href' (which appears on <a>'s) I chose to use a
	 * 'javascript:' URL to avoid having the page reloaded upon a link
	 * click.
	const replacement_value = /^href$/i.test(attr.localName) ?
              "javascript:void('blocked');" : "data:text/plain,blocked";
	some_attr_blocked = true;
	block_attribute(element, attr.localName, attr.namespaceURI,

     * Trial and error shows that under certain browsers additional element
     * removal and re-addition might be necessary to prevent execution of a
     * 'javascript:' URL (Parabola's Iceweasel 75 requires it for 'src' URL of
     * an <iframe>).
    if (some_attr_blocked) {
	const replacement_elem = document.createElement("a");

	/* Prevent this node from being processed by our observer. */
	replacement_elem.haketilo_trusted_node = true;


function sanitize_tree_urls(root) {
    root.querySelectorAll("*[href], *[src], *[data]")

function sanitize_element_onevent(element) {
    if (element.haketilo_sanitized_onevent)

    element.haketilo_sanitized_onevent = true;

    for (const attribute_node of [...(element.attributes || [])]) {
	const attr = attribute_node.localName, attr_lo = attr.toLowerCase();
	if (!/^on/.test(attr_lo) || !(attr_lo in element))

	 * Guard against redefined getter on DOM object property. This is a
	 * supplemental security measure since page's own scripts should be
	 * blocked and unable to redefine properties, anyway.
	if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(element.wrappedJSObject, attr)) {
	    console.error("Haketilo: Redefined property on a DOM object! The page might have bypassed our script blocking measures!");
	element.wrappedJSObject[attr] = null;
	block_attribute(element, attr, attribute_node.namespaceURI,

function sanitize_tree_onevent(root) {

 * Sanitize elements on-the-fly and force <noscript> tags visible as they appear
 * using MutationObserver.
 * Under Abrowser 97 it was observed that MutationObserver does not always work
 * as is should. When trying to observe nodes of an XMLDocument the behavior was
 * as if the "subtree" option to MutationObserver.observe() was ignored. To work
 * around this we avoid using the "subtree" option altogether and have the same
 * code work in all scenarios.
function MOSanitizer(root, payload_present) {
    this.root            = root;
    this.payload_present = payload_present;


    this.mo = new MutationObserver(ms => this.handle_mutations(ms));

MOSanitizer.prototype.observe = function() {

    let elem = this.root;
    while (elem && !elem.haketilo_trusted_node) {
	this.mo.observe(elem, {childList: true});
	elem = elem.lastElementChild;

MOSanitizer.prototype.handle_mutations = function(mutations) {
    for (const mut of mutations) {
	for (const new_node of mut.addedNodes)


MOSanitizer.prototype.recursively_sanitize = function(elem) {
    const to_process = [elem];

    while (to_process.length > 0) {
	const current_elem = to_process.pop();

	if (current_elem.haketilo_trusted_node ||
	    current_elem.nodeType !== this.root.ELEMENT_NODE)


	if (!this.payload_present)

MOSanitizer.prototype.start = function() {

MOSanitizer.prototype.stop = function() {

 * Normally, we block scripts with CSP. However, Mozilla does optimizations that
 * cause part of the DOM to be loaded when our content scripts get to run. Thus,
 * before the CSP rules we inject (for non-HTTP pages) become effective, we need
 * to somehow block the execution of `<script>'s and intrinsics that were
 * already there. Additionally, some browsers (IceCat 60) seem to have problems
 * applying this CSP to non-inline `<scripts>' in certain scenarios.
function prevent_script_execution(event) {

 * Here we block all scripts of a document which might be either an
 * HTMLDocument or an XMLDocument. Modifying an XML document might disrupt
 * Mozilla's XML preview. This is an unfortunate thing we have to accept for
 * now. XML documents *have to* be sanitized as well because they might
 * contain `<script>' tags (or on* attributes) with namespace declared as
 * "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" or "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" which allows
 * javascript execution.
async function sanitize_document(doc, policy) {
    const root = doc.documentElement;
    const substitute_doc =
	  new DOMParser().parseFromString("<!DOCTYPE html>", "text/html");

     * Blocking of scripts that are in the DOM from the beginning. Needed for
     * Mozilla.
    const listener_args = ["beforescriptexecute", prevent_script_execution];


    wait_loaded(doc).then(() => doc.removeEventListener(...listener_args));

     * Ensure our CSP rules are employed from the beginning. This CSP injection
     * method is, when possible, going to be applied together with CSP rules
     * injected using webRequest.
     * Using elements namespaced as HTML makes this CSP injection also work for
     * non-HTML documents.
    const source = `\
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="${policy.csp}"/>
    const temporary_html =
	  new DOMParser().parseFromString(source, "text/html").documentElement;

     * Root node gets hijacked now, to be re-attached after <head> is loaded
     * and sanitized.
     * To be able to handle the onbeforescriptexecute event for scripts that
     * appear under detached document.

    const sanitizer = new MOSanitizer(root, !!policy.payload);
    wait_loaded(doc).then(() => sanitizer.stop());

     * When we don't inject payload, we neither block document's CSP `<meta>'
     * tags nor wait for `<head>' to be parsed.
    if (policy.payload) {
	if (doc instanceof HTMLDocument)
	    await wait_for_head(doc, root);

	root.querySelectorAll("head meta")
	    .forEach(m => sanitize_meta(m, policy));

    const scripts = [...root.getElementsByTagNameNS(html_ns, "script"),
		     ...root.getElementsByTagNameNS(svg_ns, "script")];
    scripts.forEach(s => sanitize_script(s, policy));
    scripts.forEach(s => desanitize_script(s, policy));

async function _disable_service_workers() {
    if (!navigator.serviceWorker)

    const registrations = await navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations();
    if (registrations.length === 0)

    console.warn("Haketilo: Service Workers detected on this page! Unregistering and reloading.");

    try {
	await Promise.all(registrations.map(r => r.unregister()));
    } finally {

    /* Never actually return! */
    return new Promise(() => 0);

 * Trying to use service workers APIs might result in exceptions, for example
 * when in a non-HTML document. Because of this, we wrap the function that does
 * the actual work in a try {} block.
async function disable_service_workers() {
    try {
	await _disable_service_workers()
    } catch (e) {
	console.warn("Haketilo: Exception thrown during an attempt to detect and disable service workers.", e);

function enforce_blocking(policy) {
    if (policy.allow)

    return Promise.all([
	sanitize_document(document, policy),
#EXPORT enforce_blocking