path: root/ctftilde/src/guile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ctftilde/src/guile')
5 files changed, 831 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ctftilde/src/guile/ b/ctftilde/src/guile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e23eb70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ctftilde/src/guile/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
+# Copyright (C) 2023, 2024 Wojtek Kosior <>
+ $(PACKAGE).scm \
+ $(PACKAGE)/main-site.scm \
+ $(PACKAGE)/password.scm \
+ $(PACKAGE)/users.scm
+ $(PACKAGE)/pre-inst-config.scm
+ $(PACKAGE)/config.scm
+gobjdir = $(libdir)/guile/@GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION@/site-ccache
+nodist_gobj_DATA = $(NODIST_GUILE_SOURCE_FILES:.scm=.go)
+scmdir = $(datarootdir)/guile/site/@GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION@
+nobase_dist_scm_DATA = $(DIST_GUILE_SOURCE_FILES)
+$(PACKAGE)/pre-inst-config.scm: $(top_builddir)/gen-pre-inst-config-scm
+ mkdir $(PACKAGE) 2>/dev/null || true
+ $< $(PACKAGE) > $@
+$(PACKAGE)/config.scm: $(top_srcdir)/gen-config-scm
+ mkdir $(PACKAGE) 2>/dev/null || true
+ datarootdir="$(datarootdir)" $< $(PACKAGE) > $@
+ $(top_builddir)/pre-inst-env $(GUILD) compile --output=$@ $<
+$(GUILE_OBJECT_FILES): $(PACKAGE)/config.scm $(PACKAGE)/pre-inst-config.scm
+ rm -rf $(DESTDIR)/$(scmdir)/$(PACKAGE)
+ rm -rf $(DESTDIR)/$(gobjdir)/$(PACKAGE)
diff --git a/ctftilde/src/guile/ctftilde.scm b/ctftilde/src/guile/ctftilde.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e42fdb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ctftilde/src/guile/ctftilde.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+(define-module (ctftilde)
+ #:use-module ((srfi srfi-26) #:select (cut))
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 control) #:select (let/ec))
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 exceptions) #:select
+ (raise-exception with-exception-handler))
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 format) #:select (format))
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 getopt-long) #:select (getopt-long option-ref))
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 match) #:select (match match-lambda match-let))
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 textual-ports) #:prefix tp:)
+ #:use-module ((system repl debug) #:select (terminal-width))
+ #:use-module ((ctftilde main-site) #:select (run-website))
+ #:use-module ((ctftilde password) #:select (encrypt-password))
+ #:use-module ((ctftilde users) #:prefix cu:)
+ #:export (main))
+(define %ctftilde-exit
+ (make-parameter (lambda _
+ (raise-exception
+ "%ctftilde-exit called while not parameterized."))))
+(define (error-exit fmt . format-args)
+ (apply format (current-error-port)
+ fmt format-args)
+ ((%ctftilde-exit) EXIT_FAILURE))
+(define (require-option options option-sym)
+ (match (option-ref options option-sym #f)
+ (#f
+ (error-exit "--~a is required for this action.~%" option-sym))
+ (value
+ value)))
+(define %option-spec
+ '((site-host (single-char #\h) (value #f))
+ (user-delete (single-char #\d) (value #f))
+ (user-make (single-char #\m) (value #f))
+ (users-recreate (single-char #\r) (value #f))
+ (password-file (single-char #\p) (value #t))
+ (username (single-char #\u) (value #t))
+ (log-file (single-char #\l) (value #t))))
+(define (site-host options)
+ (match-let (((sock-child . sock-parent) (socketpair AF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0)))
+ (force-output (current-output-port))
+ (force-output (current-error-port))
+ (match (primitive-fork)
+ (0
+ (let ((user (getpwnam "ctftilde")))
+ (close-port sock-parent)
+ (setgid (passwd:gid user))
+ (setuid (passwd:uid user))
+ (run-website sock-child sock-child)
+ ;; Likely unreachable.
+ (close-port sock-child)))
+ (child-pid
+ (close-port sock-child)
+ (cu:make-users-from-port sock-parent sock-parent)
+ ;; Other side should be closed already.
+ (close-port sock-parent)
+ (let ((status (cdr (waitpid child-pid))))
+ (when (> status 0)
+ (error-exit
+ "HTTP server child process terminated with error. Stopping daemon.~%"))
+ status)))))
+(define (user-delete options)
+ (define username
+ (require-option options 'username))
+ (cu:delete-user username))
+(define (user-make options)
+ (define username
+ (require-option options 'username))
+ (define password
+ (call-with-input-file (require-option options 'password-file)
+ tp:get-string-all))
+ (define encrypted-password
+ (encrypt-password password))
+ (call-with-output-file "/dev/null"
+ (cut cu:make-user <> username encrypted-password)))
+(define (users-recreate options)
+ (cu:delete-users-from-dir)
+ (cu:make-users-from-dir))
+(define %actions
+ ;; global args
+ (map (cut append <> '(log-file))
+ ;; handler action allowed args
+ `((,site-host site-host . ())
+ (,user-delete user-delete . (username))
+ (,user-make user-make . (password-file username))
+ (,users-recreate users-recreate . ()))))
+(define (*main options)
+ (define chosen-actions
+ (filter (match-lambda ((_ action-sym . _)
+ (option-ref options action-sym #f)))
+ %actions))
+ (match chosen-actions
+ (()
+ (error-exit "You need to choose one of the following actions: ~{--~a~^, ~}.~%"
+ (map cadr %actions)))
+ (((action-handler . (and action-allowed-args
+ (action-sym . _)))
+ . _)
+ (match (filter (lambda (option-sym)
+ (and (not (memq option-sym action-allowed-args))
+ (option-ref options option-sym #f)))
+ (map car %option-spec))
+ ((illegal-option-sym . _)
+ (error-exit "You cannot use --~a with --~a.~%"
+ illegal-option-sym action-sym))
+ (()
+ (action-handler options))))))
+(define (with-log-output-file path thunk)
+ (call-with-output-file path
+ (lambda (port)
+ ;; There're some issues with log messages not going to the right fd but I
+ ;; cba to investigate in more depth.
+ (parameterize ((current-output-port port)
+ (current-error-port port))
+ (thunk)))))
+(define (call-with-logging-to-file path thunk)
+ (define logging-port
+ (open-file path "a"))
+ (setvbuf logging-port 'line)
+ (dynamic-wind
+ noop
+ (lambda _
+ (parameterize ((current-output-port logging-port)
+ (current-error-port logging-port))
+ (thunk)))
+ (cut close-port logging-port)))
+(define (main . cli-args)
+ (define options
+ (getopt-long cli-args %option-spec))
+ (define (with-log-output thunk)
+ (match (option-ref options 'log-file #f)
+ (#f
+ (thunk))
+ (path
+ (call-with-logging-to-file path thunk))))
+ (with-log-output
+ (lambda _
+ (let/ec escape
+ (start-stack 'ctftilde
+ (parameterize ((%ctftilde-exit escape))
+ (with-exception-handler (lambda (ex)
+ (terminal-width 80)
+ (let ((err (current-error-port)))
+ (display-backtrace (make-stack #t) err 2)
+ (format err "~%~a~%~%" ex)
+ (escape EXIT_FAILURE)))
+ (lambda _
+ (*main options)
+ 0))))))))
diff --git a/ctftilde/src/guile/ctftilde/main-site.scm b/ctftilde/src/guile/ctftilde/main-site.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1598ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ctftilde/src/guile/ctftilde/main-site.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+(define-module (ctftilde main-site)
+ #:use-module ((rnrs bytevectors) #:select (utf8->string))
+ #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (append-map filter-map fold last))
+ #:use-module ((srfi srfi-26) #:select (cut))
+ #:use-module ((srfi srfi-45) #:select (delay force))
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 binary-ports) #:prefix bp:)
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 match) #:select
+ (match match-lambda match-lambda* match-let))
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 regex) #:select (match:substring))
+ #:use-module ((web request) #:prefix wr:)
+ #:use-module ((web uri) #:prefix wu:)
+ #:use-module ((htmlprag) #:select (write-shtml-as-html))
+ #:use-module ((cantius) #:prefix cant:)
+ #:use-module ((ctftilde password) #:select (encrypt-password))
+ #:use-module ((ctftilde config) #:select (config))
+ #:export (run-website))
+(define %resources
+ (assq-ref config 'datarootpath))
+(define %daemon-read-port
+ (make-parameter *unspecified*))
+(define %daemon-write-port
+ (make-parameter *unspecified*))
+(define (choose-content-type filepath)
+ (cond
+ ((string-suffix? ".css" filepath)
+ '(text/css (charset . "utf-8")))
+ ((string-suffix? ".ico" filepath)
+ '(image/x-icon))
+ ((string-suffix? ".svg" filepath)
+ '(image/svg+xml (charset . "utf-8")))
+ (else
+ '(application/octet-stream))))
+;; Next time we'll spend more time and write code to issue a proper CSRF token.
+(define (referrer-legit? request)
+ (define headers
+ (wr:request-headers request))
+ (define referrer
+ (assq-ref headers 'referer))
+ (false-if-exception
+ (and (string= (wu:uri-host referrer) "")
+ (eq? (wu:uri-port referrer) #f))))
+(define (serialize-html-doc sxml)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (port)
+ (display "<!DOCTYPE html>\n" port)
+ (write-shtml-as-html sxml port))))
+(define (contents->html contents)
+ (serialize-html-doc
+ `(html
+ (head
+ (meta (@ (http-equiv "Content-Type")
+ (content "text/html; charset=UTF-8")))
+ (meta (@ (name "viewport")
+ (content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1")))
+ (link (@ (href "resources/ctftilde.css")
+ (rel "stylesheet"))))
+ (body
+ (main . ,contents)))))
+(define %endset
+ (cant:endset
+ (parameters `((,cant:%default-headers
+ . ((content-type . (text/html (charset . "utf-8")))))))))
+(cant:define-endpoint %endset main-page
+ () '()
+ (contents->html
+ '((h1 "Tildeverse on GNU\xa0Guix")
+ (p "Welcome to ctftilde, a public tilde server.")
+ (p "We provide free UNIX accounts for enthusiasts of free/libre software
+and minimalism. Besides this, you can run your own website or Gemini capsule.")
+ (p "What makes this ~ special? It is powered by GNU Guix functional
+package manager & operating system. And it lets the users benefit from this
+tooling as well!")
+ (h2 "What to do?")
+ (p "If you're not yet sure you want to join, take time to browse other
+ user's tilde websites/capsules and see how they spend time here. You might
+also want to familiarize yourself with GNU Guix. Once you're ready, jump to our
+registration page.")
+ (ul
+ (li (a (@ (href ""))
+ "GNU Guix website"))
+ (li (a (@ (href ""))
+ "Registration page")))
+ (h2 "Our users' blogs")
+ (ul
+ (li (a (@ (href "./~abdul"))
+ "~abdul"))))))
+(define query-param-regex
+ (make-regexp "^([^=]+)(=(.*))?"))
+(define (decode-x-www-form-urlencoded body)
+ (filter-map (match-lambda
+ ((= (cut regexp-exec query-param-regex <>)
+ (and (= (cut match:substring <> 1)
+ (and (not #f) param-name))
+ (= (cut match:substring <> 3)
+ param-value)))
+ (cons (wu:uri-decode param-name)
+ (or (and=> param-value wu:uri-decode) "")))
+ (_
+ #f))
+ (reverse (string-split (utf8->string body) #\&))))
+(define start-with-lowercase-regex
+ (make-regexp "^[a-z]"))
+(define allowed-username-chars-regex
+ (make-regexp "^[-a-z0-9]+$"))
+(define min-password-len
+ 14)
+;; The (marginally mistaken, btw) `\x53-\x7f' part has been replaced with
+;; `\x5b-\x7e\x7f' to make things work in Guile.
+(define email-regex
+ (make-regexp "^([a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(\\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*|\"([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]|\\\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])*\")@(([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?|\\[(((2(5[0-5]|[0-4][0-9])|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9]))\\.){3}((2(5[0-5]|[0-4][0-9])|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])|[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]:([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x5a\x5b-\x7e\x7f]|\\\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])+)\\])$"))
+(define (validate-registration form-values)
+ (define username
+ (assoc-ref form-values "username"))
+ (define password
+ (assoc-ref form-values "password"))
+ (define password-repeat
+ (assoc-ref form-values "password-repeat"))
+ (define email
+ (assoc-ref form-values "email"))
+ (fold (match-lambda*
+ (((field-name . checkers) acc)
+ (or (and=> (or-map (cut apply <> (list acc))
+ checkers)
+ (compose (cut cons <> acc)
+ (cut cons field-name <>)))
+ acc)))
+ '()
+ `(("username"
+ . (,(lambda _
+ (and (not (regexp-exec allowed-username-chars-regex username))
+ "Username must consist purely of lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens."))
+ ,(lambda _
+ (and (not (regexp-exec start-with-lowercase-regex username))
+ "Username must start with a lowercase letter."))
+ ,(lambda _
+ (and (false-if-exception (getpwnam username))
+ "This username is unavailable."))))
+ ("password"
+ . (,(lambda _
+ (and (< (string-length password) min-password-len)
+ (format #f "Password must be at least ~a characters long."
+ min-password-len)))))
+ ("password-repeat"
+ . (,(lambda (mistakes)
+ (and (not (assoc-ref mistakes "password"))
+ (not (string= password password-repeat))
+ "Passwords do not match."))))
+ ("email"
+ . (,(lambda _
+ (and (not (regexp-exec email-regex email))
+ "Provided email is not valid.")))))))
+(cant:define-endpoint %endset main-page
+ ("registration") '()
+ (define legal-POST?
+ (and (eq? 'POST (wr:request-method request))
+ (referrer-legit? request)))
+ (define params
+ (if legal-POST?
+ (decode-x-www-form-urlencoded body)
+ '()))
+ (define params-mistakes
+ (if legal-POST?
+ (validate-registration params)
+ '()))
+ (define password-to-reuse
+ (delay (and (not (assoc-ref params-mistakes "password"))
+ (not (assoc-ref params-mistakes "password-repeat"))
+ (assoc-ref params "password"))))
+ (cond
+ ((and legal-POST? (eq? '() params-mistakes))
+ (write (list (format #f "ctftilde-~a" (assoc-ref params "username"))
+ (encrypt-password (assoc-ref params "password")))
+ (%daemon-write-port))
+ (contents->html
+ (match (read (%daemon-read-port))
+ ('(ok)
+ `((h1 "Done")
+ (p ,(format #f "Try connecting via ssh to"
+ (assoc-ref params "username")))))
+ (_
+ `((h1 "Ooops!")
+ (p "Something went wrong X("))))))
+ (else
+ (contents->html
+ `((form (@ (method "POST"))
+ (h1 "ctftilde registration form")
+ ,@(append-map
+ (match-lambda
+ ((field-name label-text field)
+ `((label (@ (for ,field-name))
+ ,label-text)
+ ,@(or (and=> (assoc-ref params-mistakes field-name)
+ (lambda (mistake-text)
+ `((aside (@ (class "error"))
+ ,mistake-text))))
+ '())
+ ,field)))
+ `(("username" "Username"
+ (input (@ (name "username")
+ ,@(or (and=> (assoc-ref params "username")
+ (compose list (cut list 'value <>)))
+ '()))))
+ ("password" "Password"
+ (input (@ (name "password")
+ (type "password")
+ ,@(or (and=> (force password-to-reuse)
+ (compose list (cut list 'value <>)))
+ '()))))
+ ("password-repeat" "Repeat password"
+ (input (@ (name "password-repeat")
+ (type "password")
+ ,@(or (and=> (force password-to-reuse)
+ (compose list (cut list 'value <>)))
+ '()))))
+ ("email" "Email"
+ (input (@ (name "email")
+ ,@(or (and=> (assoc-ref params "email")
+ (compose list (cut list 'value <>)))
+ '()))))))
+ (button "Register"))
+ (ul
+ (li (a (@ (href ".."))
+ "Back to the main page"))))))))
+(cant:define-endpoint %endset debug-page
+ ("debug") '()
+ (define headers
+ (wr:request-headers request))
+ (define referrer
+ (assq-ref headers 'referer))
+ (define host
+ (assq-ref headers 'host))
+ (contents->html
+ `((style "div {margin: 20px;}")
+ (div
+ ,(format #f "~a" headers))
+ (div
+ ,(format #f "~s" (false-if-exception
+ (decode-x-www-form-urlencoded body))))
+ (div
+ ,(format #f "~s" (false-if-exception
+ (validate-registration
+ (decode-x-www-form-urlencoded body)))))
+ (div
+ ,(format #f "~s" (%daemon-read-port)))
+ (div
+ ,(format #f "host: ~s" host))
+ (div
+ ,(format #f "referrer host: ~s"
+ (false-if-exception (wu:uri-host referrer))))
+ (div
+ ,(format #f "referrer port: ~s"
+ (false-if-exception (wu:uri-port referrer))))
+ (div
+ ,(format #f "~s"
+ (equal? (cons (false-if-exception (wu:uri-host referrer))
+ (false-if-exception (wu:uri-port referrer)))
+ host)))
+ (div
+ ,(format #f "~s" (list (wr:request-method request))))
+ (div
+ ,(format #f "legal referer: ~s"
+ (false-if-exception (referrer-legit? request)))))))
+(cant:define-endpoint %endset resources
+ ("resources" . file-path) '()
+ (values (let ((content-type (choose-content-type (last file-path))))
+ (cant:build-response* #:headers `((content-type . ,content-type))))
+ (call-with-input-file
+ (cant:find-resource-file (string-join file-path "/") %resources)
+ bp:get-bytevector-all)))
+(define (run-website daemon->site:read site->daemon:write . args)
+ (define endset
+ (cant:endset
+ #:<- %endset
+ (parameters #:=> (cut append `((,%daemon-read-port . ,daemon->site:read)
+ (,%daemon-write-port . ,site->daemon:write))
+ <>))))
+ (apply cant:run-cantius endset args))
+;;; Local Variables:
+;;; eval: (put 'cant:define-endpoint 'scheme-indent-function 2)
+;;; End:
diff --git a/ctftilde/src/guile/ctftilde/password.scm b/ctftilde/src/guile/ctftilde/password.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3aa7dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ctftilde/src/guile/ctftilde/password.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(define-module (ctftilde password)
+ #:use-module ((srfi srfi-8) #:select (receive))
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 popen) #:prefix po:)
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 textual-ports) #:prefix tp:)
+ #:export (encrypt-password))
+(define (encrypt-password password)
+ (receive (in-port out-port pids)
+ (po:pipeline '(("openssl" "passwd" "-5" "-stdin")))
+ (tp:put-string out-port password)
+ (close-port out-port)
+ (for-each waitpid pids)
+ (let ((pipe-output (tp:get-string-all in-port)))
+ (close-port in-port)
+ (string-trim-right pipe-output))))
diff --git a/ctftilde/src/guile/ctftilde/users.scm b/ctftilde/src/guile/ctftilde/users.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d17362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ctftilde/src/guile/ctftilde/users.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+(define-module (ctftilde users)
+ #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:prefix s1:)
+ #:use-module ((srfi srfi-26) #:select (cut))
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 control) #:select (let/ec))
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 exceptions) #:select
+ (raise-exception with-exception-handler))
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 match) #:select (match))
+ #:use-module ((system repl debug) #:select (terminal-width))
+ #:export (delete-user
+ delete-users-from-dir
+ make-user
+ make-users-from-port
+ make-users-from-dir))
+(define (call-with-lock thunk)
+ (define lockport
+ (open "/var/lock/ctftilde-make-user.lock" (logior O_RDONLY O_CREAT)))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ noop
+ (lambda _
+ (cut flock lockport LOCK_EX)
+ (thunk))
+ (cut close lockport)))
+(define (call-with-backtrace stack-id thunk)
+ (let/ec escape
+ (start-stack stack-id
+ (with-exception-handler (lambda (ex)
+ (terminal-width 80)
+ (let ((err (current-error-port)))
+ (display-backtrace (make-stack #t) err 2)
+ (format err "~%~a~%~%" ex)
+ (escape *unspecified*)))
+ thunk))))
+(define (call-with-files-from-dir path proc)
+ (letrec* ((dir (opendir path))
+ (loop (lambda _
+ (match (readdir dir)
+ ((? eof-object?)
+ *unspecified*)
+ (filename
+ (call-with-backtrace 'call-with-file-from-dir
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((file-path (format #f "~a/~a" path filename)))
+ (unless (file-is-directory? file-path)
+ (proc filename file-path)))))
+ (loop))))))
+ (dynamic-wind noop loop (cut closedir dir))))
+(define (*delete-user username)
+ (let ((creation-file
+ (string-append "/var/db/ctftilde/users/" username))
+ (deletion-file
+ (string-append "/var/db/ctftilde/users-to-delete/" username)))
+ (call-with-output-file deletion-file
+ fsync)
+ (false-if-exception (delete-file creation-file))
+ (system* "userdel" "-rf" username)
+ (system* "rm" "-rf" (string-append "/srv/gemini-users/" username))
+ (system* "rm" "-rf" (string-append "/srv/http-users/" username))
+ (sync)
+ (false-if-exception (delete-file deletion-file))
+ (sync)))
+(define (delete-user . args)
+ (call-with-lock (cut apply *delete-user args)))
+(define (delete-users-from-dir)
+ (call-with-files-from-dir "/var/db/ctftilde/users-to-delete"
+ (lambda (filename _)
+ (delete-user filename))))
+(define %username-regex
+ (make-regexp "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$"))
+(define* (*make-user username encrypted-password #:optional recreated-user-uid)
+ (define (add-user)
+ (when (> (apply system*
+ `("useradd"
+ "--shell" "/run/current-system/profile/bin/bash"
+ "--home-dir" ,(string-append "/home/ctftilde/" username)
+ "--create-home"
+ ,@(or (and=> recreated-user-uid
+ (compose (cut list "--uid" <>)
+ number->string))
+ '())
+ "--gid" "hackers"
+ "-p" ,encrypted-password
+ ,username))
+ 0)
+ (raise-exception "User could not be added.")))
+ (define (add-user-files)
+ (define user
+ (getpwnam username))
+ (define (make-user-file path-format what)
+ (define path
+ (format #f path-format username))
+ (unless (file-exists? path)
+ (match what
+ ('dir
+ (mkdir path #o755))
+ (text
+ (call-with-output-file path
+ (lambda (port)
+ (chmod port #o644)
+ (display text port))))))
+ (chown path (passwd:uid user) (passwd:gid user)))
+ (define files
+ `(("/srv/gemini-users/~a"
+ dir)
+ ("/srv/gemini-users/~a/index.gmi"
+ "This user directory hasn't been configured yet.")
+ ("/srv/http-users/~a"
+ dir)
+ ("/srv/http-users/~a/index.html"
+ "<!DOCTYPE html><link rel='stylesheet' href='/resources/ctftilde.css'>This user directory hasn't been configured yet.")))
+ (apply for-each make-user-file ((compose list s1:unzip2) files))
+ (call-with-output-file (string-append "/var/db/ctftilde/users/" username)
+ (cut write (list username encrypted-password (passwd:uid user)) <>)))
+ (define deletion-file
+ (string-append "/var/db/ctftilde/users-to-delete/" username))
+ (unless (regexp-exec %username-regex username)
+ (raise-exception "Invalid username."))
+ (define unix-user-exists?
+ (false-if-exception (getpw username)))
+ (when (and (not recreated-user-uid)
+ unix-user-exists?)
+ (raise-exception "User exists."))
+ (when (and (not recreated-user-uid)
+ (file-exists? (string-append "/var/db/ctftilde/users/" username)))
+ (raise-exception "User creation already pending. Can be committed with `--users-recreate'."))
+ (unless unix-user-exists?
+ (with-exception-handler (lambda (ex)
+ (call-with-backtrace
+ 'delete-user-when-making-failed
+ (cut delete-user username))
+ (raise-exception ex))
+ (lambda _
+ (call-with-output-file deletion-file
+ fsync)
+ (add-user)
+ (add-user-files)
+ (sync)
+ (delete-file deletion-file)
+ (sync)))))
+(define (make-user out-port . args)
+ (with-exception-handler (lambda (ex)
+ (write '(fail) out-port)
+ (raise-exception ex))
+ (lambda _
+ (call-with-lock (cut apply *make-user args))
+ (write '(ok) out-port))))
+(define (make-users-from-port in-port out-port)
+ (letrec ((loop (lambda _
+ (match (read in-port)
+ ((? eof-object?)
+ *unspecified*)
+ (args
+ (apply make-user out-port args)
+ (loop))))))
+ (loop)))
+(define (make-users-from-dir)
+ (call-with-output-file "/dev/null"
+ (lambda (null-port)
+ (call-with-files-from-dir "/var/db/ctftilde/users"
+ (lambda (_ file-path)
+ (call-with-input-file file-path
+ (cut make-users-from-port <> null-port)))))))
+;;; Local Variables:
+;;; eval: (put 'call-with-backtrace 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+;;; eval: (put 'call-with-files-from-dir 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+;;; End: