#!/bin/python3 import subprocess from os import path, waitpid, unlink, WEXITSTATUS, chown from time import gmtime, strftime, sleep import re from pathlib import Path from pwd import getpwnam import psycopg2 # our own module used by several scripts in the project from ztdnslib import start_db_connection, \ get_default_host_address, get_ztdns_config, log, set_loghour, logfile wrapper = '/var/lib/0tdns/vpn_wrapper.sh' perform_queries = '/var/lib/0tdns/perform_queries.py' lockfile = '/var/lib/0tdns/lockfile' def sync_ovpn_config(cursor, vpn_id, config_path, config_hash): cursor.execute(''' select ovpn_config from user_side_vpn where id = %s and ovpn_config_sha256 = %s ''', (vpn_id, config_hash)) (config_contents,) = cursor.fetchone() with open(config_path, "wb") as config_file: config_file.write(config_contents.tobytes()) def get_vpn_connections(cursor, hour): # return ( # # vpn_id | config_path # (14, "./vpngate_178.254.251.12_udp_1195.ovpn"), # (13, "./vpngate_public-vpn-229.opengw.net_tcp_443.ovpn") # ) cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT v.id, v.ovpn_config_sha256 FROM user_side_queries AS q JOIN user_side_vpn AS v ON v.id = q.vpn_id; ''') return cursor.fetchall() # return True on success and False if lock exists def lock_on_file(): try: with open(lockfile, 'x'): return True except FileExistsError: return False # return True on success and False if lock got removed in the meantime def unlock_on_file(): try: unlink(lockfile) return True except FileNotFoundError: return False address_range_regex = re.compile(r''' ([\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+) # first IPv4 address in the range [\s]*-[\s]* # dash (with optional whitespace around) ([\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+) # last IPv4 address in the range ''', re.VERBOSE) address_regex = re.compile(r'([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.([\d]+)') def ip_address_to_number(address): match = address_regex.match(address) if not match: return None number = 0 for byte in match.groups(): byteval = int(byte) if byteval > 256: return None number = number * 256 + byteval return number def number_to_ip_address(number): byte1 = number % 256 number = number // 256 byte2 = number % 256 number = number // 256 byte3 = number % 256 number = number // 256 byte4 = number % 256 return "{}.{}.{}.{}".format(byte4, byte3, byte2, byte1) # this functions accepts list of IPv4 address ranges like: # [' -', ' -'] # and returns a set of /30 subnetworks; each subnetwork is represented # by a tuple of 2 usable addresses within that subnetwork. # E.g. for subnetwork it would be ('', ''); # Addressess ending with .16 (subnet address) # and .19 (broadcast in the subnet) are considered unusable in this case. # The returned set will contain up to count elements. def get_available_subnetworks(count, address_ranges): available_subnetworks = set() for address_range in address_ranges: match = address_range_regex.match(address_range) ok_flag = True if not match: ok_flag = False if ok_flag: start_addr_number = ip_address_to_number(match.groups()[0]) end_addr_number = ip_address_to_number(match.groups()[1]) if not start_addr_number or not end_addr_number: ok_flag = False if ok_flag: # round so that start_addr is first ip address in a /30 network # and end_addr is last ip address in a /30 network while start_addr_number % 4 != 0: start_addr_number += 1 while end_addr_number % 4 != 3: end_addr_number -= 1 if start_addr_number >= end_addr_number: log("address range '{}' doesn't contain any /30 subnetworks"\ .format(address_range)) else: while len(available_subnetworks) < count and \ start_addr_number < end_addr_number: usable_addr1 = number_to_ip_address(start_addr_number + 1) usable_addr2 = number_to_ip_address(start_addr_number + 2) available_subnetworks.add((usable_addr1, usable_addr2)) start_addr_number += 4 else: log("'{}' is not a valid address range".format(address_range)) return available_subnetworks def do_hourly_work(hour): ztdns_config = get_ztdns_config() if ztdns_config['enabled'] not in ['yes', True]: log('0tdns not enabled in the config - exiting') return connection = start_db_connection(ztdns_config) cursor = connection.cursor() vpns = get_vpn_connections(cursor, hour) handled_vpns = ztdns_config.get('handled_vpns') if handled_vpns: log('Only handling vpns of ids {}'.format(handled_vpns)) vpns = [vpn for vpn in vpns if vpn[0] in handled_vpns] else: # if not specfied in the config, all vpns are handled handled_vpns = [vpn[0] for vpn in vpns] parallel_vpns = ztdns_config['parallel_vpns'] # we need this many subnets subnets = get_available_subnetworks(parallel_vpns, ztdns_config['private_addresses']) if not subnets: log("couldn't get ANY /30 subnet of private" " addresses from the 0tdns config file - exiting"); cursor.close() connection.close() return if len(subnets) < parallel_vpns: log('configuration allows running {0} parallel vpn connections, but' ' provided private ip addresses give only {1} /30 subnets, which' ' limits parallel connections to {1}'\ .format(parallel_vpns, len(subnets))) parallel_vpns = len(subnets) for vpn_id, config_hash in vpns: config_path = "/var/lib/0tdns/{}.ovpn".format(config_hash) if not path.isfile(config_path): log('Syncing config for vpn {} with hash {}'\ .format(vpn_id, config_hash)) sync_ovpn_config(cursor, vpn_id, config_path, config_hash) # map of each wrapper pid to tuple containing id of the vpn it connects to # and subnet (represented as tuple of addresses) it uses for veth device pids_wrappers = {} def wait_for_wrapper_process(): while True: pid, exit_status = waitpid(0, 0) # make sure it's one of our wrapper processes vpn_id, subnet, _ = pids_wrappers.get(pid, (None, None, None)) if subnet: break exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(exit_status) # read man waitpid if wondering if exit_status != 0: if exit_status == 2: # this means our perform_queries.py crashed... not good log('performing queries through vpn {} failed'.format(vpn_id)) result_info = 'internal failure: process_crash' else: # vpn server is probably not responding log('connection to vpn {} failed'.format(vpn_id)) result_info = 'internal failure: vpn_connection_failure' try: cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO user_side_responses (date, result, dns_id, service_id, vpn_id) (SELECT TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE %s, %s, dns_id, service_id, vpn_id FROM user_side_queries WHERE vpn_id = %s); ''', (hour, result_info, vpn_id)) except psycopg2.IntegrityError: log('results already exist for vpn {}'.format(vpn_id)) pids_wrappers.pop(pid) subnets.add(subnet) for vpn_id, config_hash in vpns: if len(pids_wrappers) == parallel_vpns: wait_for_wrapper_process() config_path = "/var/lib/0tdns/{}.ovpn".format(config_hash) physical_ip = get_default_host_address(ztdns_config['host']) subnet = subnets.pop() veth_addr1, veth_addr2 = subnet route_through_veth = ztdns_config['host'] + "/32" command_in_namespace = [perform_queries, hour, str(vpn_id)] log('Running connection for vpn {}'.format(vpn_id)) # see into vpn_wrapper.sh for explaination of its arguments p = subprocess.Popen([wrapper, config_path, physical_ip, veth_addr1, veth_addr2, route_through_veth, str(vpn_id)] + command_in_namespace) # we're not actually using the subprocess object anywhere, but we # put it in the dict regardless to keep a reference to it - otherwise # python would reap the child for us and waitpid(0, 0) would raise # '[Errno 10] No child processes' :c pids_wrappers[p.pid] = (vpn_id, subnet, p) while len(pids_wrappers) > 0: wait_for_wrapper_process() cursor.close() connection.close() def prepare_logging(hour): set_loghour(hour) # log() function will now prepend messages with hour Path(logfile).touch() # ensure logfile exists # enable 0tdns user to write to logfile chown(logfile, getpwnam('0tdns').pw_uid, -1) # round down to an hour - this datetime format is one # of the formats accepted by postgres hour = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00%z', gmtime()) prepare_logging(hour) if not lock_on_file(): log('Failed trying to run for {}; {} exists'.format(hour, lockfile)) else: try: log('Running for {}'.format(hour)) do_hourly_work(hour) finally: if not unlock_on_file(): log("Can't remove lock - {} already deleted!".format(lockfile))