/* * wincecompat.h : wince compatibility header file * * See Copyright for the status of this software. * * javier@tiresiassoft.com * * 17 Sep 2002 created */ #ifndef __WINCECOMPAT_H__ #define __WINCECOMPAT_H__ #include <stdio.h> #include <winbase.h> #define MAX_STRERROR 31 #define O_RDONLY 0x0000 /* open for reading only */ #define O_WRONLY 0x0001 /* open for writing only */ #define O_RDWR 0x0002 /* open for reading and writing */ #define O_APPEND 0x0008 /* writes done at eof */ #define O_CREAT 0x0100 /* create and open file */ #define O_TRUNC 0x0200 /* open and truncate */ #define O_EXCL 0x0400 /* open only if file doesn't already exist */ #define BUFSIZ 4096 extern int errno; /* Prototypes */ int read(int handle, char *buffer, unsigned int len); int write(int handle, const char *buffer, unsigned int len); int open(const char *filename,int oflag, ...); int close(int handle); char *getenv( const char *varname ); char *getcwd( char *buffer, unsigned int size); char *strerror(int errnum); /* Macro'ed nonexistent function names */ #define snprintf _snprintf #define vsnprintf(b,c,f,a) _vsnprintf(b,c,f,a) #define perror(_t) MessageBox(NULL, _T("_t"), _T("Error/Warning"), MB_OK) #endif