* Summary: implementation of XML Schema Datatypes * Description: module providing the XML Schema Datatypes implementation * both definition and validity checking * * Copy: See Copyright for the status of this software. * * Author: Patrick Monnerat <pm@datasphere.ch>, DATASPHERE S.A. /if not defined(XML_SCHEMA_TYPES_H__) /define XML_SCHEMA_TYPES_H__ /include "libxmlrpg/xmlversion" /if defined(LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED) /include "libxmlrpg/xmlTypesC" /include "libxmlrpg/schemasInternals" /include "libxmlrpg/xmlschemas" d xmlSchemaWhitespaceValueType... d s based(######typedef######) d like(xmlCenum) d XML_SCHEMA_WHITESPACE_UNKNOWN... d c 0 d XML_SCHEMA_WHITESPACE_PRESERVE... d c 1 d XML_SCHEMA_WHITESPACE_REPLACE... d c 2 d XML_SCHEMA_WHITESPACE_COLLAPSE... d c 3 d xmlSchemaInitTypes... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaInitTypes') d xmlSchemaCleanupTypes... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaCleanupTypes') d xmlSchemaGetPredefinedType... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaGetPredefinedType') d like(xmlSchemaTypePtr) d name * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d ns * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d xmlSchemaValidatePredefinedType... d pr extproc( d 'xmlSchemaValidatePredefinedType') d like(xmlCint) d type value like(xmlSchemaTypePtr) d value * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d val * value xmlSchemaValPtr * d xmlSchemaValPredefTypeNode... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaValPredefTypeNode') d like(xmlCint) d type value like(xmlSchemaTypePtr) d value * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d val * value xmlSchemaValPtr * d node value like(xmlNodePtr) d xmlSchemaValidateFacet... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaValidateFacet') d like(xmlCint) d base value like(xmlSchemaTypePtr) d facet value like(xmlSchemaFacetPtr) d value * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d val value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d xmlSchemaValidateFacetWhtsp... d pr extproc( d 'xmlSchemaValidateFacetWhtsp') d like(xmlCint) d facet value like(xmlSchemaFacetPtr) d fws value d like(xmlSchemaWhitespaceValueType) d valType value like(xmlSchemaValType) d value * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d val value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d ws value d like(xmlSchemaWhitespaceValueType) d xmlSchemaFreeValue... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaFreeValue') d val value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d xmlSchemaNewFacet... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaNewFacet') d like(xmlSchemaFacetPtr) d xmlSchemaCheckFacet... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaCheckFacet') d like(xmlCint) d facet value like(xmlSchemaFacetPtr) d typeDecl value like(xmlSchemaTypePtr) d ctxt value like(xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr) d name * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d xmlSchemaFreeFacet... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaFreeFacet') d facet value like(xmlSchemaFacetPtr) d xmlSchemaCompareValues... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaCompareValues') d like(xmlCint) d x value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d y value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d xmlSchemaGetBuiltInListSimpleTypeItemType... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaGetBuiltInListSimp- d leTypeItemType') d like(xmlSchemaTypePtr) d type value like(xmlSchemaTypePtr) d xmlSchemaValidateListSimpleTypeFacet... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaValidateListSimple- d TypeFacet') d like(xmlCint) d facet value like(xmlSchemaFacetPtr) d value * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d actualLen value like(xmlCulong) d expectedLen * value unsigned long * d xmlSchemaGetBuiltInType... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaGetBuiltInType') d like(xmlSchemaTypePtr) d type value like(xmlSchemaValType) d xmlSchemaIsBuiltInTypeFacet... d pr extproc( d 'xmlSchemaIsBuiltInTypeFacet') d like(xmlCint) d type value like(xmlSchemaTypePtr) d facetType value like(xmlCint) d xmlSchemaCollapseString... d pr * extproc('xmlSchemaCollapseString') xmlChar * d value * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d xmlSchemaWhiteSpaceReplace... d pr * extproc('xmlSchemaWhiteSpaceReplace')xmlChar * d value * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d xmlSchemaGetFacetValueAsULong... d pr extproc( d 'xmlSchemaGetFacetValueAsULong') d like(xmlCulong) d facet value like(xmlSchemaFacetPtr) d xmlSchemaValidateLengthFacet... d pr extproc( d 'xmlSchemaValidateLengthFacet') d like(xmlCint) d type value like(xmlSchemaTypePtr) d facet value like(xmlSchemaFacetPtr) d value * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d val value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d length like(xmlCulong) d xmlSchemaValidateLengthFacetWhtsp... d pr extproc( d 'xmlSchemaValidateLengthFacetWhtsp') d like(xmlCint) d facet value like(xmlSchemaFacetPtr) d valType value like(xmlSchemaValType) d value * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d val value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d length like(xmlCulong) d ws value d like(xmlSchemaWhitespaceValueType) d xmlSchemaValPredefTypeNodeNoNorm... d pr extproc( d 'xmlSchemaValPredefTypeNodeNoNorm') d like(xmlCint) d type value like(xmlSchemaTypePtr) d value * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d val like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d node value like(xmlNodePtr) d xmlSchemaGetCanonValue... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaGetCanonValue') d like(xmlCint) d val value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d retValue * value const xmlChar * * d xmlSchemaGetCanonValueWhtsp... d pr extproc( d 'xmlSchemaGetCanonValueWhtsp') d like(xmlCint) d val value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d retValue * value const xmlChar * * d ws value d like(xmlSchemaWhitespaceValueType) d xmlSchemaValueAppend... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaValueAppend') d like(xmlCint) d prev value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d cur value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d xmlSchemaValueGetNext... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaValueGetNext') d like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d cur value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d xmlSchemaValueGetAsString... d pr * extproc('xmlSchemaValueGetAsString') const xmlChar * d val value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d xmlSchemaValueGetAsBoolean... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaValueGetAsBoolean') d like(xmlCint) d val value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d xmlSchemaNewStringValue... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaNewStringValue') d like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d type value like(xmlSchemaValType) d value * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d xmlSchemaNewNOTATIONValue... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaNewNOTATIONValue') d like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d name * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d ns * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d xmlSchemaNewQNameValue... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaNewQNameValue') d like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d namespaceName * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d localName * value options(*string) const xmlChar * d xmlSchemaCompareValuesWhtsp... d pr extproc( d 'xmlSchemaCompareValuesWhtsp') d like(xmlCint) d x value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d xws value d like(xmlSchemaWhitespaceValueType) d y value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d yws value d like(xmlSchemaWhitespaceValueType) d xmlSchemaCopyValue... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaCopyValue') d like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d val value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) d xmlSchemaGetValType... d pr extproc('xmlSchemaGetValType') d like(xmlSchemaValType) d val value like(xmlSchemaValPtr) /endif LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENBLD /endif XML_SCHEMA_TYPES_H__