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libxml2 Reference Manual |
xmlunicode - Unicode character APIs
API for the Unicode character APIs This file is automatically generated from the UCS description files of the Unicode Character Database
Author(s): Daniel Veillard
int xmlUCSIsBlockElements (int code); int xmlUCSIsBopomofo (int code); int xmlUCSIsDingbats (int code); int xmlUCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts (int code); int xmlUCSIsCombiningHalfMarks (int code); int xmlUCSIsTibetan (int code); int xmlUCSIsYiRadicals (int code); int xmlUCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols (int code); int xmlUCSIsHangulSyllables (int code); int xmlUCSIsBasicLatin (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatSc (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatSo (int code); int xmlUCSIsLimbu (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatSm (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatSk (int code); int xmlUCSIsKhmerSymbols (int code); int xmlUCSIsMongolian (int code); int xmlUCSIsMalayalam (int code); int xmlUCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols (int code); int xmlUCSIsThaana (int code); int xmlUCSIsMyanmar (int code); int xmlUCSIsTags (int code); int xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs (int code); int xmlUCSIsTelugu (int code); int xmlUCSIsLowSurrogates (int code); int xmlUCSIsOsmanya (int code); int xmlUCSIsSyriac (int code); int xmlUCSIsEthiopic (int code); int xmlUCSIsBoxDrawing (int code); int xmlUCSIsGreekExtended (int code); int xmlUCSIsGreekandCoptic (int code); int xmlUCSIsKannada (int code); int xmlUCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols (int code); int xmlUCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths (int code); int xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatCs (int code); int xmlUCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatCf (int code); int xmlUCSIsSmallFormVariants (int code); int xmlUCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatCc (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatCo (int code); int xmlUCSIsCherokee (int code); int xmlUCSIsGothic (int code); int xmlUCSIsKhmer (int code); int xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols (int code); int xmlUCSIsOgham (int code); int xmlUCSIsOriya (int code); int xmlUCSIsLinearBIdeograms (int code); int xmlUCSIsBlock (int code,
const char * block); int xmlUCSIsBopomofoExtended (int code); int xmlUCSIsHangulJamo (int code); int xmlUCSIsTagbanwa (int code); int xmlUCSIsGeneralPunctuation (int code); int xmlUCSIsCyrillic (int code); int xmlUCSIsArrows (int code); int xmlUCSIsControlPictures (int code); int xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatNl (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatNo (int code); int xmlUCSIsYijingHexagramSymbols (int code); int xmlUCSIsVariationSelectorsSupplement (int code); int xmlUCSIsBengali (int code); int xmlUCSIsPrivateUse (int code); int xmlUCSIsMusicalSymbols (int code); int xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols (int code); int xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibility (int code); int xmlUCSIsAegeanNumbers (int code); int xmlUCSIsDevanagari (int code); int xmlUCSIsSupplementalArrowsA (int code); int xmlUCSIsSupplementalArrowsB (int code); int xmlUCSIsNumberForms (int code); int xmlUCSIsSpacingModifierLetters (int code); int xmlUCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatPc (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatPf (int code); int xmlUCSIsCyrillicSupplement (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatPd (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatPi (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatPo (int code); int xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates (int code); int xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatPs (int code); int xmlUCSIsHighSurrogates (int code); int xmlUCSIsLao (int code); int xmlUCSIsBraillePatterns (int code); int xmlUCSIsDeseret (int code); int xmlUCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics (int code); int xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks (int code); int xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters (int code); int xmlUCSIsPrivateUseArea (int code); int xmlUCSIsCat (int code,
const char * cat); int xmlUCSIsCatLu (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatLt (int code); int xmlUCSIsYiSyllables (int code); int xmlUCSIsShavian (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatLo (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatLm (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatLl (int code); int xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical (int code); int xmlUCSIsUgaritic (int code); int xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement (int code); int xmlUCSIsCypriotSyllabary (int code); int xmlUCSIsTamil (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatC (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatN (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatL (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatM (int code); int xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatS (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatP (int code); int xmlUCSIsSinhala (int code); int xmlUCSIsGeorgian (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatZ (int code); int xmlUCSIsIPAExtensions (int code); int xmlUCSIsKangxiRadicals (int code); int xmlUCSIsGreek (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatPe (int code); int xmlUCSIsHanunoo (int code); int xmlUCSIsArmenian (int code); int xmlUCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB (int code); int xmlUCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA (int code); int xmlUCSIsKatakanaPhoneticExtensions (int code); int xmlUCSIsLetterlikeSymbols (int code); int xmlUCSIsPhoneticExtensions (int code); int xmlUCSIsArabic (int code); int xmlUCSIsHebrew (int code); int xmlUCSIsOldItalic (int code); int xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatZp (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatZs (int code); int xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB (int code); int xmlUCSIsGeometricShapes (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatZl (int code); int xmlUCSIsTagalog (int code); int xmlUCSIsSpecials (int code); int xmlUCSIsGujarati (int code); int xmlUCSIsKatakana (int code); int xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms (int code); int xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedB (int code); int xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedA (int code); int xmlUCSIsBuhid (int code); int xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows (int code); int xmlUCSIsTaiLe (int code); int xmlUCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation (int code); int xmlUCSIsTaiXuanJingSymbols (int code); int xmlUCSIsGurmukhi (int code); int xmlUCSIsMathematicalOperators (int code); int xmlUCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms (int code); int xmlUCSIsCurrencySymbols (int code); int xmlUCSIsSupplementalMathematicalOperators (int code); int xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA (int code); int xmlUCSIsKanbun (int code); int xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB (int code); int xmlUCSIsThai (int code); int xmlUCSIsRunic (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatNd (int code); int xmlUCSIsLatin1Supplement (int code); int xmlUCSIsLinearBSyllabary (int code); int xmlUCSIsHiragana (int code); int xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB (int code); int xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatMn (int code); int xmlUCSIsVariationSelectors (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatMc (int code); int xmlUCSIsCatMe (int code);
xmlUCSIsAegeanNumbers ()
int xmlUCSIsAegeanNumbers (int code)
Check whether the character is part of AegeanNumbers UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms ()
int xmlUCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms (int code)
Check whether the character is part of AlphabeticPresentationForms UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsArabic ()
int xmlUCSIsArabic (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Arabic UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA ()
int xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA (int code)
Check whether the character is part of ArabicPresentationForms-A UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB ()
int xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB (int code)
Check whether the character is part of ArabicPresentationForms-B UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsArmenian ()
int xmlUCSIsArmenian (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Armenian UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsArrows ()
int xmlUCSIsArrows (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Arrows UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsBasicLatin ()
int xmlUCSIsBasicLatin (int code)
Check whether the character is part of BasicLatin UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsBengali ()
int xmlUCSIsBengali (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Bengali UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsBlock ()
int xmlUCSIsBlock (int code,
const char * block)
Check whether the character is part of the UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
block: | UCS block name |
Returns: | 1 if true, 0 if false and -1 on unknown block |
xmlUCSIsBlockElements ()
int xmlUCSIsBlockElements (int code)
Check whether the character is part of BlockElements UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsBopomofo ()
int xmlUCSIsBopomofo (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Bopomofo UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsBopomofoExtended ()
int xmlUCSIsBopomofoExtended (int code)
Check whether the character is part of BopomofoExtended UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsBoxDrawing ()
int xmlUCSIsBoxDrawing (int code)
Check whether the character is part of BoxDrawing UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsBraillePatterns ()
int xmlUCSIsBraillePatterns (int code)
Check whether the character is part of BraillePatterns UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsBuhid ()
int xmlUCSIsBuhid (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Buhid UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols ()
int xmlUCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols (int code)
Check whether the character is part of ByzantineMusicalSymbols UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibility ()
int xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibility (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CJKCompatibility UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms ()
int xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CJKCompatibilityForms UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs ()
int xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CJKCompatibilityIdeographs UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement ()
int xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement ()
int xmlUCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CJKRadicalsSupplement UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation ()
int xmlUCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CJKSymbolsandPunctuation UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs ()
int xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CJKUnifiedIdeographs UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA ()
int xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB ()
int xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCat ()
int xmlUCSIsCat (int code,
const char * cat)
Check whether the character is part of the UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
cat: | UCS Category name |
Returns: | 1 if true, 0 if false and -1 on unknown category |
xmlUCSIsCatC ()
int xmlUCSIsCatC (int code)
Check whether the character is part of C UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatCc ()
int xmlUCSIsCatCc (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Cc UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatCf ()
int xmlUCSIsCatCf (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Cf UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatCo ()
int xmlUCSIsCatCo (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Co UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatCs ()
int xmlUCSIsCatCs (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Cs UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatL ()
int xmlUCSIsCatL (int code)
Check whether the character is part of L UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatLl ()
int xmlUCSIsCatLl (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Ll UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatLm ()
int xmlUCSIsCatLm (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Lm UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatLo ()
int xmlUCSIsCatLo (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Lo UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatLt ()
int xmlUCSIsCatLt (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Lt UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatLu ()
int xmlUCSIsCatLu (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Lu UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatM ()
int xmlUCSIsCatM (int code)
Check whether the character is part of M UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatMc ()
int xmlUCSIsCatMc (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Mc UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatMe ()
int xmlUCSIsCatMe (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Me UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatMn ()
int xmlUCSIsCatMn (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Mn UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatN ()
int xmlUCSIsCatN (int code)
Check whether the character is part of N UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatNd ()
int xmlUCSIsCatNd (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Nd UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatNl ()
int xmlUCSIsCatNl (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Nl UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatNo ()
int xmlUCSIsCatNo (int code)
Check whether the character is part of No UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatP ()
int xmlUCSIsCatP (int code)
Check whether the character is part of P UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatPc ()
int xmlUCSIsCatPc (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Pc UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatPd ()
int xmlUCSIsCatPd (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Pd UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatPe ()
int xmlUCSIsCatPe (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Pe UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatPf ()
int xmlUCSIsCatPf (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Pf UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatPi ()
int xmlUCSIsCatPi (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Pi UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatPo ()
int xmlUCSIsCatPo (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Po UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatPs ()
int xmlUCSIsCatPs (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Ps UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatS ()
int xmlUCSIsCatS (int code)
Check whether the character is part of S UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatSc ()
int xmlUCSIsCatSc (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Sc UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatSk ()
int xmlUCSIsCatSk (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Sk UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatSm ()
int xmlUCSIsCatSm (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Sm UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatSo ()
int xmlUCSIsCatSo (int code)
Check whether the character is part of So UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatZ ()
int xmlUCSIsCatZ (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Z UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatZl ()
int xmlUCSIsCatZl (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Zl UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatZp ()
int xmlUCSIsCatZp (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Zp UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCatZs ()
int xmlUCSIsCatZs (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Zs UCS Category
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCherokee ()
int xmlUCSIsCherokee (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Cherokee UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks ()
int xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CombiningDiacriticalMarks UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols ()
int xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCombiningHalfMarks ()
int xmlUCSIsCombiningHalfMarks (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CombiningHalfMarks UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols ()
int xmlUCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CombiningMarksforSymbols UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsControlPictures ()
int xmlUCSIsControlPictures (int code)
Check whether the character is part of ControlPictures UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCurrencySymbols ()
int xmlUCSIsCurrencySymbols (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CurrencySymbols UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCypriotSyllabary ()
int xmlUCSIsCypriotSyllabary (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CypriotSyllabary UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCyrillic ()
int xmlUCSIsCyrillic (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Cyrillic UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsCyrillicSupplement ()
int xmlUCSIsCyrillicSupplement (int code)
Check whether the character is part of CyrillicSupplement UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsDeseret ()
int xmlUCSIsDeseret (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Deseret UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsDevanagari ()
int xmlUCSIsDevanagari (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Devanagari UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsDingbats ()
int xmlUCSIsDingbats (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Dingbats UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics ()
int xmlUCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics (int code)
Check whether the character is part of EnclosedAlphanumerics UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths ()
int xmlUCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths (int code)
Check whether the character is part of EnclosedCJKLettersandMonths UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsEthiopic ()
int xmlUCSIsEthiopic (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Ethiopic UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsGeneralPunctuation ()
int xmlUCSIsGeneralPunctuation (int code)
Check whether the character is part of GeneralPunctuation UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsGeometricShapes ()
int xmlUCSIsGeometricShapes (int code)
Check whether the character is part of GeometricShapes UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsGeorgian ()
int xmlUCSIsGeorgian (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Georgian UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsGothic ()
int xmlUCSIsGothic (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Gothic UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsGreek ()
int xmlUCSIsGreek (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Greek UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsGreekExtended ()
int xmlUCSIsGreekExtended (int code)
Check whether the character is part of GreekExtended UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsGreekandCoptic ()
int xmlUCSIsGreekandCoptic (int code)
Check whether the character is part of GreekandCoptic UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsGujarati ()
int xmlUCSIsGujarati (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Gujarati UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsGurmukhi ()
int xmlUCSIsGurmukhi (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Gurmukhi UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms ()
int xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms (int code)
Check whether the character is part of HalfwidthandFullwidthForms UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo ()
int xmlUCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo (int code)
Check whether the character is part of HangulCompatibilityJamo UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsHangulJamo ()
int xmlUCSIsHangulJamo (int code)
Check whether the character is part of HangulJamo UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsHangulSyllables ()
int xmlUCSIsHangulSyllables (int code)
Check whether the character is part of HangulSyllables UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsHanunoo ()
int xmlUCSIsHanunoo (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Hanunoo UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsHebrew ()
int xmlUCSIsHebrew (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Hebrew UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates ()
int xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates (int code)
Check whether the character is part of HighPrivateUseSurrogates UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsHighSurrogates ()
int xmlUCSIsHighSurrogates (int code)
Check whether the character is part of HighSurrogates UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsHiragana ()
int xmlUCSIsHiragana (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Hiragana UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsIPAExtensions ()
int xmlUCSIsIPAExtensions (int code)
Check whether the character is part of IPAExtensions UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters ()
int xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters (int code)
Check whether the character is part of IdeographicDescriptionCharacters UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsKanbun ()
int xmlUCSIsKanbun (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Kanbun UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsKangxiRadicals ()
int xmlUCSIsKangxiRadicals (int code)
Check whether the character is part of KangxiRadicals UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsKannada ()
int xmlUCSIsKannada (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Kannada UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsKatakana ()
int xmlUCSIsKatakana (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Katakana UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsKatakanaPhoneticExtensions ()
int xmlUCSIsKatakanaPhoneticExtensions (int code)
Check whether the character is part of KatakanaPhoneticExtensions UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsKhmer ()
int xmlUCSIsKhmer (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Khmer UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsKhmerSymbols ()
int xmlUCSIsKhmerSymbols (int code)
Check whether the character is part of KhmerSymbols UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsLao ()
int xmlUCSIsLao (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Lao UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsLatin1Supplement ()
int xmlUCSIsLatin1Supplement (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Latin-1Supplement UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedA ()
int xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedA (int code)
Check whether the character is part of LatinExtended-A UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional ()
int xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional (int code)
Check whether the character is part of LatinExtendedAdditional UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedB ()
int xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedB (int code)
Check whether the character is part of LatinExtended-B UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsLetterlikeSymbols ()
int xmlUCSIsLetterlikeSymbols (int code)
Check whether the character is part of LetterlikeSymbols UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsLimbu ()
int xmlUCSIsLimbu (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Limbu UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsLinearBIdeograms ()
int xmlUCSIsLinearBIdeograms (int code)
Check whether the character is part of LinearBIdeograms UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsLinearBSyllabary ()
int xmlUCSIsLinearBSyllabary (int code)
Check whether the character is part of LinearBSyllabary UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsLowSurrogates ()
int xmlUCSIsLowSurrogates (int code)
Check whether the character is part of LowSurrogates UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsMalayalam ()
int xmlUCSIsMalayalam (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Malayalam UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols ()
int xmlUCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols (int code)
Check whether the character is part of MathematicalAlphanumericSymbols UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsMathematicalOperators ()
int xmlUCSIsMathematicalOperators (int code)
Check whether the character is part of MathematicalOperators UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA ()
int xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA (int code)
Check whether the character is part of MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-A UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB ()
int xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB (int code)
Check whether the character is part of MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-B UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols ()
int xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols (int code)
Check whether the character is part of MiscellaneousSymbols UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows ()
int xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows (int code)
Check whether the character is part of MiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical ()
int xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical (int code)
Check whether the character is part of MiscellaneousTechnical UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsMongolian ()
int xmlUCSIsMongolian (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Mongolian UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsMusicalSymbols ()
int xmlUCSIsMusicalSymbols (int code)
Check whether the character is part of MusicalSymbols UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsMyanmar ()
int xmlUCSIsMyanmar (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Myanmar UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsNumberForms ()
int xmlUCSIsNumberForms (int code)
Check whether the character is part of NumberForms UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsOgham ()
int xmlUCSIsOgham (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Ogham UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsOldItalic ()
int xmlUCSIsOldItalic (int code)
Check whether the character is part of OldItalic UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition ()
int xmlUCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition (int code)
Check whether the character is part of OpticalCharacterRecognition UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsOriya ()
int xmlUCSIsOriya (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Oriya UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsOsmanya ()
int xmlUCSIsOsmanya (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Osmanya UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsPhoneticExtensions ()
int xmlUCSIsPhoneticExtensions (int code)
Check whether the character is part of PhoneticExtensions UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsPrivateUse ()
int xmlUCSIsPrivateUse (int code)
Check whether the character is part of PrivateUse UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsPrivateUseArea ()
int xmlUCSIsPrivateUseArea (int code)
Check whether the character is part of PrivateUseArea UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsRunic ()
int xmlUCSIsRunic (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Runic UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsShavian ()
int xmlUCSIsShavian (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Shavian UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsSinhala ()
int xmlUCSIsSinhala (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Sinhala UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsSmallFormVariants ()
int xmlUCSIsSmallFormVariants (int code)
Check whether the character is part of SmallFormVariants UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsSpacingModifierLetters ()
int xmlUCSIsSpacingModifierLetters (int code)
Check whether the character is part of SpacingModifierLetters UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsSpecials ()
int xmlUCSIsSpecials (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Specials UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts ()
int xmlUCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts (int code)
Check whether the character is part of SuperscriptsandSubscripts UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsSupplementalArrowsA ()
int xmlUCSIsSupplementalArrowsA (int code)
Check whether the character is part of SupplementalArrows-A UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsSupplementalArrowsB ()
int xmlUCSIsSupplementalArrowsB (int code)
Check whether the character is part of SupplementalArrows-B UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsSupplementalMathematicalOperators ()
int xmlUCSIsSupplementalMathematicalOperators (int code)
Check whether the character is part of SupplementalMathematicalOperators UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA ()
int xmlUCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA (int code)
Check whether the character is part of SupplementaryPrivateUseArea-A UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB ()
int xmlUCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB (int code)
Check whether the character is part of SupplementaryPrivateUseArea-B UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsSyriac ()
int xmlUCSIsSyriac (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Syriac UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsTagalog ()
int xmlUCSIsTagalog (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Tagalog UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsTagbanwa ()
int xmlUCSIsTagbanwa (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Tagbanwa UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsTags ()
int xmlUCSIsTags (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Tags UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsTaiLe ()
int xmlUCSIsTaiLe (int code)
Check whether the character is part of TaiLe UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsTaiXuanJingSymbols ()
int xmlUCSIsTaiXuanJingSymbols (int code)
Check whether the character is part of TaiXuanJingSymbols UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsTamil ()
int xmlUCSIsTamil (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Tamil UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsTelugu ()
int xmlUCSIsTelugu (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Telugu UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsThaana ()
int xmlUCSIsThaana (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Thaana UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsThai ()
int xmlUCSIsThai (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Thai UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsTibetan ()
int xmlUCSIsTibetan (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Tibetan UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsUgaritic ()
int xmlUCSIsUgaritic (int code)
Check whether the character is part of Ugaritic UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics ()
int xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics (int code)
Check whether the character is part of UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsVariationSelectors ()
int xmlUCSIsVariationSelectors (int code)
Check whether the character is part of VariationSelectors UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsVariationSelectorsSupplement ()
int xmlUCSIsVariationSelectorsSupplement (int code)
Check whether the character is part of VariationSelectorsSupplement UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsYiRadicals ()
int xmlUCSIsYiRadicals (int code)
Check whether the character is part of YiRadicals UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsYiSyllables ()
int xmlUCSIsYiSyllables (int code)
Check whether the character is part of YiSyllables UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |
xmlUCSIsYijingHexagramSymbols ()
int xmlUCSIsYijingHexagramSymbols (int code)
Check whether the character is part of YijingHexagramSymbols UCS Block
code: | UCS code point |
Returns: | 1 if true 0 otherwise |