SAX2: SAX2 parser interface used to build the DOM tree


SAX2 - SAX2 parser interface used to build the DOM tree

those are the default SAX2 interfaces used by the library when building DOM tree.

Author(s): Daniel Veillard


void	xmlSAX2EndElementNs		(void * ctx, 
const xmlChar * localname,
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * URI); void xmlSAX2Reference (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * name); void xmlSAX2ElementDecl (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * name,
int type,
xmlElementContentPtr content); void xmlSAX2AttributeDecl (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * elem,
const xmlChar * fullname,
int type,
int def,
const xmlChar * defaultValue,
xmlEnumerationPtr tree); void xmlSAX2Comment (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * value); int xmlSAX2GetColumnNumber (void * ctx); xmlEntityPtr xmlSAX2GetEntity (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * name); void xmlSAX2UnparsedEntityDecl (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * publicId,
const xmlChar * systemId,
const xmlChar * notationName); void xmlSAX2InitDocbDefaultSAXHandler (xmlSAXHandler * hdlr); int xmlSAXVersion (xmlSAXHandler * hdlr,
int version); void xmlSAX2IgnorableWhitespace (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * ch,
int len); void xmlSAX2NotationDecl (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * publicId,
const xmlChar * systemId); void xmlSAX2StartDocument (void * ctx); void xmlSAX2EndElement (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * name); xmlParserInputPtr xmlSAX2ResolveEntity (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * publicId,
const xmlChar * systemId); void xmlSAX2ExternalSubset (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ExternalID,
const xmlChar * SystemID); const xmlChar * xmlSAX2GetPublicId (void * ctx); int xmlSAX2IsStandalone (void * ctx); void xmlSAX2EndDocument (void * ctx); void xmlSAX2ProcessingInstruction (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * target,
const xmlChar * data); void xmlSAX2InternalSubset (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ExternalID,
const xmlChar * SystemID); void xmlSAX2Characters (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * ch,
int len); int xmlSAXDefaultVersion (int version); void xmlSAX2StartElement (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * fullname,
const xmlChar ** atts); void xmlSAX2SetDocumentLocator (void * ctx,
xmlSAXLocatorPtr loc); void xmlSAX2CDataBlock (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * value,
int len); void xmlSAX2StartElementNs (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * localname,
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * URI,
int nb_namespaces,
const xmlChar ** namespaces,
int nb_attributes,
int nb_defaulted,
const xmlChar ** attributes); int xmlSAX2HasExternalSubset (void * ctx); void htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit (void); int xmlSAX2GetLineNumber (void * ctx); int xmlSAX2HasInternalSubset (void * ctx); void xmlSAX2InitHtmlDefaultSAXHandler (xmlSAXHandler * hdlr); void docbDefaultSAXHandlerInit (void); void xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit (void); void xmlSAX2InitDefaultSAXHandler (xmlSAXHandler * hdlr,
int warning); xmlEntityPtr xmlSAX2GetParameterEntity (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * name); const xmlChar * xmlSAX2GetSystemId (void * ctx); void xmlSAX2EntityDecl (void * ctx,
const xmlChar * name,
int type,
const xmlChar * publicId,
const xmlChar * systemId,
xmlChar * content);



xmlSAX2AttributeDecl ()

void	xmlSAX2AttributeDecl		(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * elem,
const xmlChar * fullname,
int type,
int def,
const xmlChar * defaultValue,
xmlEnumerationPtr tree)

An attribute definition has been parsed

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
elem:the name of the element
fullname:the attribute name
type:the attribute type
def:the type of default value
defaultValue:the attribute default value
tree:the tree of enumerated value set

xmlSAX2CDataBlock ()

void	xmlSAX2CDataBlock		(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * value,
int len)

called when a pcdata block has been parsed

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
value:The pcdata content
len:the block length

xmlSAX2Characters ()

void	xmlSAX2Characters		(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * ch,
int len)

receiving some chars from the parser.

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
ch:a xmlChar string
len:the number of xmlChar

xmlSAX2Comment ()

void	xmlSAX2Comment			(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * value)

A xmlSAX2Comment has been parsed.

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
value:the xmlSAX2Comment content

xmlSAX2ElementDecl ()

void	xmlSAX2ElementDecl		(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * name,
int type,
xmlElementContentPtr content)

An element definition has been parsed

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
name:the element name
type:the element type
content:the element value tree

xmlSAX2EndElement ()

void	xmlSAX2EndElement		(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * name)

called when the end of an element has been detected.

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
name:The element name

xmlSAX2EndElementNs ()

void	xmlSAX2EndElementNs		(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * localname,
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * URI)

SAX2 callback when an element end has been detected by the parser. It provides the namespace informations for the element.

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
localname:the local name of the element
prefix:the element namespace prefix if available
URI:the element namespace name if available

xmlSAX2EntityDecl ()

void	xmlSAX2EntityDecl		(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * name,
int type,
const xmlChar * publicId,
const xmlChar * systemId,
xmlChar * content)

An entity definition has been parsed

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
name:the entity name
type:the entity type
publicId:The public ID of the entity
systemId:The system ID of the entity
content:the entity value (without processing).

xmlSAX2ExternalSubset ()

void	xmlSAX2ExternalSubset		(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ExternalID,
const xmlChar * SystemID)

Callback on external subset declaration.

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
name:the root element name
ExternalID:the external ID
SystemID:the SYSTEM ID (e.g. filename or URL)

xmlSAX2GetEntity ()

xmlEntityPtr	xmlSAX2GetEntity	(void * ctx, 
const xmlChar * name)

Get an entity by name

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
name:The entity name
Returns:the xmlEntityPtr if found.

xmlSAX2GetParameterEntity ()

xmlEntityPtr	xmlSAX2GetParameterEntity	(void * ctx, 
const xmlChar * name)

Get a parameter entity by name

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
name:The entity name
Returns:the xmlEntityPtr if found.

xmlSAX2GetPublicId ()

const xmlChar *	xmlSAX2GetPublicId	(void * ctx)

Provides the public ID e.g. "-//SGMLSOURCE//DTD DEMO//EN"

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
Returns:a xmlChar *

xmlSAX2GetSystemId ()

const xmlChar *	xmlSAX2GetSystemId	(void * ctx)

Provides the system ID, basically URL or filename e.g. http://www.sgmlsource.com/dtds/memo.dtd

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
Returns:a xmlChar *

xmlSAX2IgnorableWhitespace ()

void	xmlSAX2IgnorableWhitespace	(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * ch,
int len)

receiving some ignorable whitespaces from the parser. UNUSED: by default the DOM building will use xmlSAX2Characters

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
ch:a xmlChar string
len:the number of xmlChar

xmlSAX2InitDefaultSAXHandler ()

void	xmlSAX2InitDefaultSAXHandler	(xmlSAXHandler * hdlr, 
int warning)

Initialize the default XML SAX2 handler

hdlr:the SAX handler
warning:flag if non-zero sets the handler warning procedure

xmlSAX2InitDocbDefaultSAXHandler ()

void	xmlSAX2InitDocbDefaultSAXHandler	(xmlSAXHandler * hdlr)

Initialize the default DocBook SAX2 handler

hdlr:the SAX handler

xmlSAX2InitHtmlDefaultSAXHandler ()

void	xmlSAX2InitHtmlDefaultSAXHandler	(xmlSAXHandler * hdlr)

Initialize the default HTML SAX2 handler

hdlr:the SAX handler

xmlSAX2InternalSubset ()

void	xmlSAX2InternalSubset		(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * ExternalID,
const xmlChar * SystemID)

Callback on internal subset declaration.

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
name:the root element name
ExternalID:the external ID
SystemID:the SYSTEM ID (e.g. filename or URL)

xmlSAX2NotationDecl ()

void	xmlSAX2NotationDecl		(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * publicId,
const xmlChar * systemId)

What to do when a notation declaration has been parsed.

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
name:The name of the notation
publicId:The public ID of the entity
systemId:The system ID of the entity

xmlSAX2ProcessingInstruction ()

void	xmlSAX2ProcessingInstruction	(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * target,
const xmlChar * data)

A processing instruction has been parsed.

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
target:the target name
data:the PI data's

xmlSAX2Reference ()

void	xmlSAX2Reference		(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * name)

called when an entity xmlSAX2Reference is detected.

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
name:The entity name

xmlSAX2ResolveEntity ()

xmlParserInputPtr	xmlSAX2ResolveEntity	(void * ctx, 
const xmlChar * publicId,
const xmlChar * systemId)

The entity loader, to control the loading of external entities, the application can either: - override this xmlSAX2ResolveEntity() callback in the SAX block - or better use the xmlSetExternalEntityLoader() function to set up it's own entity resolution routine

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
publicId:The public ID of the entity
systemId:The system ID of the entity
Returns:the xmlParserInputPtr if inlined or NULL for DOM behaviour.

xmlSAX2SetDocumentLocator ()

void	xmlSAX2SetDocumentLocator	(void * ctx, 
xmlSAXLocatorPtr loc)

Receive the document locator at startup, actually xmlDefaultSAXLocator Everything is available on the context, so this is useless in our case.

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
loc:A SAX Locator

xmlSAX2StartElement ()

void	xmlSAX2StartElement		(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * fullname,
const xmlChar ** atts)

called when an opening tag has been processed.

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
fullname:The element name, including namespace prefix
atts:An array of name/value attributes pairs, NULL terminated

xmlSAX2StartElementNs ()

void	xmlSAX2StartElementNs		(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * localname,
const xmlChar * prefix,
const xmlChar * URI,
int nb_namespaces,
const xmlChar ** namespaces,
int nb_attributes,
int nb_defaulted,
const xmlChar ** attributes)

SAX2 callback when an element start has been detected by the parser. It provides the namespace informations for the element, as well as the new namespace declarations on the element.

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
localname:the local name of the element
prefix:the element namespace prefix if available
URI:the element namespace name if available
nb_namespaces:number of namespace definitions on that node
namespaces:pointer to the array of prefix/URI pairs namespace definitions
nb_attributes:the number of attributes on that node
nb_defaulted:the number of defaulted attributes.
attributes:pointer to the array of (localname/prefix/URI/value/end) attribute values.

xmlSAX2UnparsedEntityDecl ()

void	xmlSAX2UnparsedEntityDecl	(void * ctx, 
xmlChar * name,
const xmlChar * publicId,
const xmlChar * systemId,
const xmlChar * notationName)

What to do when an unparsed entity declaration is parsed

ctx:the user data (XML parser context)
name:The name of the entity
publicId:The public ID of the entity
systemId:The system ID of the entity
notationName:the name of the notation

xmlSAXVersion ()

int	xmlSAXVersion			(xmlSAXHandler * hdlr, 
int version)

Initialize the default XML SAX handler according to the version

hdlr:the SAX handler
version:the version, 1 or 2
Returns:0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.