// derived from https://github.com/qfox/uglyfuzzer by Peter van der Zee "use strict"; // check both CLI and file modes of nodejs (!). See #1695 for details. and the various settings of uglify. // bin/uglifyjs s.js -c && bin/uglifyjs s.js -c passes=3 && bin/uglifyjs s.js -c passes=3 -m // cat s.js | node && node s.js && bin/uglifyjs s.js -c | node && bin/uglifyjs s.js -c passes=3 | node && bin/uglifyjs s.js -c passes=3 -m | node require("../../tools/exit"); var UglifyJS = require("../.."); var randomBytes = require("crypto").randomBytes; var sandbox = require("../sandbox"); var reduce_test = require("../reduce"); var MAX_GENERATED_TOPLEVELS_PER_RUN = 1; var MAX_GENERATION_RECURSION_DEPTH = 12; var INTERVAL_COUNT = 100; var STMT_ARG_TO_ID = Object.create(null); var STMTS_TO_USE = []; function STMT_(name) { return STMT_ARG_TO_ID[name] = STMTS_TO_USE.push(STMTS_TO_USE.length) - 1; } var STMT_BLOCK = STMT_("block"); var STMT_IF_ELSE = STMT_("ifelse"); var STMT_DO_WHILE = STMT_("dowhile"); var STMT_WHILE = STMT_("while"); var STMT_FOR_LOOP = STMT_("forloop"); var STMT_FOR_IN = STMT_("forin"); var STMT_SEMI = STMT_("semi"); var STMT_EXPR = STMT_("expr"); var STMT_SWITCH = STMT_("switch"); var STMT_VAR = STMT_("var"); var STMT_RETURN_ETC = STMT_("stop"); var STMT_FUNC_EXPR = STMT_("funcexpr"); var STMT_TRY = STMT_("try"); var STMT_C = STMT_("c"); var STMT_FIRST_LEVEL_OVERRIDE = -1; var STMT_SECOND_LEVEL_OVERRIDE = -1; var STMT_COUNT_FROM_GLOBAL = true; // count statement depth from nearest function scope or just global scope? var num_iterations = +process.argv[2] || 1/0; var verbose = false; // log every generated test var verbose_interval = false; // log every 100 generated tests var use_strict = false; var catch_redef = require.main === module; var generate_directive = require.main === module; for (var i = 2; i < process.argv.length; ++i) { switch (process.argv[i]) { case "-v": verbose = true; break; case "-V": verbose_interval = true; break; case "-t": MAX_GENERATED_TOPLEVELS_PER_RUN = +process.argv[++i]; if (!MAX_GENERATED_TOPLEVELS_PER_RUN) throw new Error("Must generate at least one toplevel per run"); break; case "-r": MAX_GENERATION_RECURSION_DEPTH = +process.argv[++i]; if (!MAX_GENERATION_RECURSION_DEPTH) throw new Error("Recursion depth must be at least 1"); break; case "-s1": var name = process.argv[++i]; STMT_FIRST_LEVEL_OVERRIDE = STMT_ARG_TO_ID[name]; if (!(STMT_FIRST_LEVEL_OVERRIDE >= 0)) throw new Error("Unknown statement name; use -? to get a list"); break; case "-s2": var name = process.argv[++i]; STMT_SECOND_LEVEL_OVERRIDE = STMT_ARG_TO_ID[name]; if (!(STMT_SECOND_LEVEL_OVERRIDE >= 0)) throw new Error("Unknown statement name; use -? to get a list"); break; case "--no-catch-redef": catch_redef = false; break; case "--no-directive": generate_directive = false; break; case "--use-strict": use_strict = true; break; case "--stmt-depth-from-func": STMT_COUNT_FROM_GLOBAL = false; break; case "--only-stmt": STMTS_TO_USE = process.argv[++i].split(",").map(function(name) { return STMT_ARG_TO_ID[name]; }); break; case "--without-stmt": // meh. it runs once it's fine. process.argv[++i].split(",").forEach(function(name) { var omit = STMT_ARG_TO_ID[name]; STMTS_TO_USE = STMTS_TO_USE.filter(function(id) { return id !== omit; }); }); break; case "--help": case "-h": case "-?": println("** UglifyJS fuzzer help **"); println("Valid options (optional):"); println(": generate this many cases (if used must be first arg)"); println("-v: print every generated test case"); println("-V: print every 100th generated test case"); println("-t : generate this many toplevels per run (more take longer)"); println("-r : maximum recursion depth for generator (higher takes longer)"); println("-s1 : force the first level statement to be this one (see list below)"); println("-s2 : force the second level statement to be this one (see list below)"); println("--no-catch-redef: do not redefine catch variables"); println("--no-directive: do not generate directives"); println('--use-strict: generate "use strict"'); println("--stmt-depth-from-func: reset statement depth counter at each function, counts from global otherwise"); println("--only-stmt : a comma delimited white list of statements that may be generated"); println("--without-stmt : a comma delimited black list of statements never to generate"); println("List of accepted statement names: " + Object.keys(STMT_ARG_TO_ID)); println("** UglifyJS fuzzer exiting **"); return 0; default: // first arg may be a number. if (i > 2 || !parseInt(process.argv[i], 10)) throw new Error("Unknown argument[" + process.argv[i] + "]; see -h for help"); } } var VALUES = [ '"a"', '"b"', '"c"', '""', "true", "false", " /[a2][^e]+$/ ", "(-1)", "(-2)", "(-3)", "(-4)", "(-5)", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "22", "-0", // 0/-0 !== 0 "23..toString()", "24 .toString()", "25. ", "0x26.toString()", "NaN", "undefined", "Infinity", "null", "[]", "[,0][1]", // an array with elisions... but this is always false "([,0].length === 2)", // an array with elisions... this is always true "({})", // wrapped the object causes too many syntax errors in statements '"foo"', '"bar"', '"undefined"', '"object"', '"number"', '"function"', "this", ]; var BINARY_OPS_NO_COMMA = [ " + ", // spaces needed to disambiguate with ++ cases (could otherwise cause syntax errors) " - ", "/", "*", "&", "|", "^", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "==", "===", "!=", "!==", "<<", ">>", ">>>", "%", "&&", "||", "^" ]; var BINARY_OPS = [","].concat(BINARY_OPS_NO_COMMA); var ASSIGNMENTS = [ "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "+=", "+=", "+=", "+=", "+=", "+=", "+=", "+=", "+=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "&=", "|=", "^=", "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "%=", ]; var UNARY_SAFE = [ "+", "-", "~", "!", "void ", "delete ", ]; var UNARY_POSTFIX = [ "++", "--", ]; var UNARY_PREFIX = UNARY_POSTFIX.concat(UNARY_SAFE); var NO_COMMA = true; var COMMA_OK = false; var MAYBE = true; var MANDATORY = false; var CAN_THROW = true; var CANNOT_THROW = false; var CAN_BREAK = true; var CANNOT_BREAK = false; var CAN_CONTINUE = true; var CANNOT_CONTINUE = false; var CAN_RETURN = false; var CANNOT_RETURN = true; var NO_DEFUN = false; var DEFUN_OK = true; var DONT_STORE = true; var VAR_NAMES = [ "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "b", "c", // prevent redeclaring this, avoid assigning to this "foo", "foo", "bar", "bar", "undefined", "NaN", "Infinity", "arguments", "Math", "parseInt", ]; var INITIAL_NAMES_LEN = VAR_NAMES.length; var TYPEOF_OUTCOMES = [ "function", "undefined", "string", "number", "object", "boolean", "special", "unknown", "symbol", "crap", ]; var unique_vars = []; var loops = 0; var funcs = 0; var called = Object.create(null); var labels = 10000; function rng(max) { var r = randomBytes(2).readUInt16LE(0) / 65536; return Math.floor(max * r); } function strictMode() { return use_strict && rng(4) == 0 ? '"use strict";' : ""; } function createTopLevelCode() { VAR_NAMES.length = INITIAL_NAMES_LEN; // prune any previous names still in the list unique_vars.length = 0; loops = 0; funcs = 0; called = Object.create(null); return [ strictMode(), "var _calls_ = 10, a = 100, b = 10, c = 0;", rng(2) == 0 ? createStatements(3, MAX_GENERATION_RECURSION_DEPTH, CANNOT_THROW, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CANNOT_RETURN, 0) : createFunctions(rng(MAX_GENERATED_TOPLEVELS_PER_RUN) + 1, MAX_GENERATION_RECURSION_DEPTH, DEFUN_OK, CANNOT_THROW, 0), // preceding `null` makes for a cleaner output (empty string still shows up etc) "console.log(null, a, b, c, Infinity, NaN, undefined);" ].join("\n"); } function createFunctions(n, recurmax, allowDefun, canThrow, stmtDepth) { if (--recurmax < 0) { return ";"; } var s = ""; while (n-- > 0) { s += createFunction(recurmax, allowDefun, canThrow, stmtDepth) + "\n"; } return s; } function createParams() { var params = []; for (var n = rng(4); --n >= 0;) { params.push(createVarName(MANDATORY)); } return params.join(", "); } function createArgs(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow) { var args = []; for (var n = rng(4); --n >= 0;) { args.push(rng(2) ? createValue() : createExpression(recurmax - 1, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow)); } return args.join(", "); } function filterDirective(s) { if (!generate_directive && !s[1] && /\("/.test(s[2])) s[2] = ";" + s[2]; return s; } function createFunction(recurmax, allowDefun, canThrow, stmtDepth) { if (--recurmax < 0) { return ";"; } if (!STMT_COUNT_FROM_GLOBAL) stmtDepth = 0; var namesLenBefore = VAR_NAMES.length; var name; if (allowDefun || rng(5) > 0) { name = "f" + funcs++; } else { unique_vars.push("a", "b", "c"); name = createVarName(MANDATORY, !allowDefun); unique_vars.length -= 3; } var s = [ "function " + name + "(" + createParams() + "){", strictMode() ]; if (rng(5) === 0) { // functions with functions. lower the recursion to prevent a mess. s.push(createFunctions(rng(5) + 1, Math.ceil(recurmax * 0.7), DEFUN_OK, canThrow, stmtDepth)); } else { // functions with statements s.push(createStatements(3, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth)); } s.push("}", ""); s = filterDirective(s).join("\n"); VAR_NAMES.length = namesLenBefore; if (!allowDefun) { // avoid "function statements" (decl inside statements) s = "var " + createVarName(MANDATORY) + " = " + s; s += "(" + createArgs(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")"; } else if (!(name in called) || rng(3) > 0) { s += "var " + createVarName(MANDATORY) + " = " + name; s += "(" + createArgs(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")"; } return s + ";"; } function createStatements(n, recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) { if (--recurmax < 0) { return ";"; } var s = ""; while (--n > 0) { s += createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) + "\n"; } return s; } function enableLoopControl(flag, defaultValue) { return Array.isArray(flag) && flag.indexOf("") < 0 ? flag.concat("") : flag || defaultValue; } function createLabel(canBreak, canContinue) { var label; if (rng(10) < 3) { label = ++labels; if (Array.isArray(canBreak)) { canBreak = canBreak.slice(); } else { canBreak = canBreak ? [ "" ] : []; } canBreak.push(label); if (Array.isArray(canContinue)) { canContinue = canContinue.slice(); } else { canContinue = canContinue ? [ "" ] : []; } canContinue.push(label); } return { break: canBreak, continue: canContinue, target: label ? "L" + label + ": " : "" }; } function getLabel(label) { if (!Array.isArray(label)) return ""; label = label[rng(label.length)]; return label && " L" + label; } function createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth, target) { ++stmtDepth; var loop = ++loops; if (--recurmax < 0) { return createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ";"; } // allow to forcefully generate certain structures at first or second recursion level if (target === undefined) { if (stmtDepth === 1 && STMT_FIRST_LEVEL_OVERRIDE >= 0) target = STMT_FIRST_LEVEL_OVERRIDE; else if (stmtDepth === 2 && STMT_SECOND_LEVEL_OVERRIDE >= 0) target = STMT_SECOND_LEVEL_OVERRIDE; else target = STMTS_TO_USE[rng(STMTS_TO_USE.length)]; } switch (target) { case STMT_BLOCK: var label = createLabel(canBreak); return label.target + "{" + createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, label.break, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) + "}"; case STMT_IF_ELSE: return "if (" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")" + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) + (rng(2) === 1 ? " else " + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) : ""); case STMT_DO_WHILE: var label = createLabel(canBreak, canContinue); canBreak = label.break || enableLoopControl(canBreak, CAN_BREAK); canContinue = label.continue || enableLoopControl(canContinue, CAN_CONTINUE); return "{var brake" + loop + " = 5; " + label.target + "do {" + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) + "} while ((" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ") && --brake" + loop + " > 0);}"; case STMT_WHILE: var label = createLabel(canBreak, canContinue); canBreak = label.break || enableLoopControl(canBreak, CAN_BREAK); canContinue = label.continue || enableLoopControl(canContinue, CAN_CONTINUE); return "{var brake" + loop + " = 5; " + label.target + "while ((" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ") && --brake" + loop + " > 0)" + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) + "}"; case STMT_FOR_LOOP: var label = createLabel(canBreak, canContinue); canBreak = label.break || enableLoopControl(canBreak, CAN_BREAK); canContinue = label.continue || enableLoopControl(canContinue, CAN_CONTINUE); return label.target + "for (var brake" + loop + " = 5; (" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ") && brake" + loop + " > 0; --brake" + loop + ")" + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth); case STMT_FOR_IN: var label = createLabel(canBreak, canContinue); canBreak = label.break || enableLoopControl(canBreak, CAN_BREAK); canContinue = label.continue || enableLoopControl(canContinue, CAN_CONTINUE); var optElementVar = ""; if (rng(5) > 1) { optElementVar = "c = 1 + c; var " + createVarName(MANDATORY) + " = expr" + loop + "[key" + loop + "]; "; } return "{var expr" + loop + " = " + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "; " + label.target + " for (var key" + loop + " in expr" + loop + ") {" + optElementVar + createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) + "}}"; case STMT_SEMI: return use_strict && rng(20) === 0 ? '"use strict";' : ";"; case STMT_EXPR: return createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ";"; case STMT_SWITCH: // note: case args are actual expressions // note: default does not _need_ to be last return "switch (" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ") { " + createSwitchParts(recurmax, 4, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) + "}"; case STMT_VAR: switch (rng(3)) { case 0: unique_vars.push("c"); var name = createVarName(MANDATORY); unique_vars.pop(); return "var " + name + ";"; case 1: // initializer can only have one expression unique_vars.push("c"); var name = createVarName(MANDATORY); unique_vars.pop(); return "var " + name + " = " + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ";"; default: // initializer can only have one expression unique_vars.push("c"); var n1 = createVarName(MANDATORY); var n2 = createVarName(MANDATORY); unique_vars.pop(); return "var " + n1 + " = " + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ", " + n2 + " = " + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ";"; } case STMT_RETURN_ETC: switch (rng(8)) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: if (canBreak && rng(5) === 0) return "break" + getLabel(canBreak) + ";"; if (canContinue && rng(5) === 0) return "continue" + getLabel(canContinue) + ";"; if (cannotReturn) return createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ";"; if (rng(3) == 0) return "/*3*/return;"; return "return " + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ";"; case 4: // this is actually more like a parser test, but perhaps it hits some dead code elimination traps // must wrap in curlies to prevent orphaned `else` statement // note: you can't `throw` without an expression so don't put a `throw` option in this case if (cannotReturn) return createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ";"; return "{ /*2*/ return\n" + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "}"; default: // must wrap in curlies to prevent orphaned `else` statement if (canThrow && rng(5) === 0) return "{ throw " + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "}"; if (cannotReturn) return createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ";"; return "{ return " + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "}"; } case STMT_FUNC_EXPR: // "In non-strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level, inside a block, or ..." // (dont both with func decls in `if`; it's only a parser thing because you cant call them without a block) return "{" + createFunction(recurmax, NO_DEFUN, canThrow, stmtDepth) + "}"; case STMT_TRY: // catch var could cause some problems // note: the "blocks" are syntactically mandatory for try/catch/finally var n = rng(3); // 0=only catch, 1=only finally, 2=catch+finally var s = "try {" + createStatement(recurmax, n === 1 ? CANNOT_THROW : CAN_THROW, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) + " }"; if (n !== 1) { // the catch var should only be accessible in the catch clause... // we have to do go through some trouble here to prevent leaking it var nameLenBefore = VAR_NAMES.length; var catchName = createVarName(MANDATORY); var freshCatchName = VAR_NAMES.length !== nameLenBefore; if (!catch_redef) unique_vars.push(catchName); s += " catch (" + catchName + ") { " + createStatements(3, recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) + " }"; // remove catch name if (!catch_redef) unique_vars.pop(); if (freshCatchName) VAR_NAMES.splice(nameLenBefore, 1); } if (n !== 0) s += " finally { " + createStatements(3, recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) + " }"; return s; case STMT_C: return "c = c + 1;"; default: throw "no"; } } function createSwitchParts(recurmax, n, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) { var hadDefault = false; var s = [""]; canBreak = enableLoopControl(canBreak, CAN_BREAK); while (n-- > 0) { //hadDefault = n > 0; // disables weird `default` clause positioning (use when handling destabilizes) if (hadDefault || rng(5) > 0) { s.push( "case " + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ":", createStatements(rng(3) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth), rng(10) > 0 ? " break;" : "/* fall-through */", "" ); } else { hadDefault = true; s.push( "default:", createStatements(rng(3) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth), "" ); } } return s.join("\n"); } function createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) { if (--recurmax < 0) { return "(c = 1 + c, " + createNestedBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")"; // note: should return a simple non-recursing expression value! } // since `a` and `b` are our canaries we want them more frequently than other expressions (1/3rd chance of a canary) switch (rng(6)) { case 0: return "(a++ + (" + _createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "))"; case 1: return "((--b) + (" + _createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "))"; case 2: return "((c = c + 1) + (" + _createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "))"; // c only gets incremented default: return "(" + _createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")"; } } function _createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) { var p = 0; switch (rng(_createExpression.N)) { case p++: case p++: return createUnaryPrefix() + (rng(2) === 1 ? "a" : "b"); case p++: case p++: return (rng(2) === 1 ? "a" : "b") + createUnaryPostfix(); case p++: case p++: // parens needed because assignments aren't valid unless they're the left-most op(s) in an expression return "b " + createAssignment() + " a"; case p++: case p++: return rng(2) + " === 1 ? a : b"; case p++: case p++: return createValue(); case p++: case p++: return getVarName(); case p++: return getVarName() + createAssignment() + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow); case p++: return createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow); case p++: return createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "?" + createExpression(recurmax, NO_COMMA, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ":" + createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow); case p++: case p++: var nameLenBefore = VAR_NAMES.length; unique_vars.push("c"); var name = createVarName(MAYBE); // note: this name is only accessible from _within_ the function. and immutable at that. unique_vars.pop(); var s = []; switch (rng(5)) { case 0: s.push( "(function " + name + "(){", strictMode(), createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth), rng(2) == 0 ? "})" : "})()" ); break; case 1: s.push( "+function " + name + "(){", strictMode(), createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth), "}()" ); break; case 2: s.push( "!function " + name + "(){", strictMode(), createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth), "}()" ); break; case 3: s.push( "void function " + name + "(){", strictMode(), createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth), "}()" ); break; default: var instantiate = rng(4) ? "new " : ""; s.push( instantiate + "function " + name + "(){", strictMode() ); if (instantiate) for (var i = rng(4); --i >= 0;) { if (rng(2)) s.push("this." + getDotKey(true) + createAssignment() + _createBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ";"); else s.push("this[" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "]" + createAssignment() + _createBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ";"); } s.push( createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth), rng(2) == 0 ? "}" : "}()" ); break; } VAR_NAMES.length = nameLenBefore; return filterDirective(s).join("\n"); case p++: case p++: return createTypeofExpr(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow); case p++: case p++: // more like a parser test but perhaps comment nodes mess up the analysis? // note: parens not needed for post-fix (since that's the default when ambiguous) // for prefix ops we need parens to prevent accidental syntax errors. switch (rng(6)) { case 0: return "a/* ignore */++"; case 1: return "b/* ignore */--"; case 2: return "++/* ignore */a"; case 3: return "--/* ignore */b"; case 4: // only groups that wrap a single variable return a "Reference", so this is still valid. // may just be a parser edge case that is invisible to uglify... return "--(b)"; case 5: // classic 0.3-0.1 case; 1-0.1-0.1-0.1 is not 0.7 :) return "b + 1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1"; default: return "--/* ignore */b"; } case p++: case p++: return createNestedBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow); case p++: case p++: return createUnarySafePrefix() + "(" + createNestedBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")"; case p++: return " ((" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ") || a || 3).toString() "; case p++: return " /[abc4]/.test(((" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ") || b || 5).toString()) "; case p++: return " /[abc4]/g.exec(((" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ") || b || 5).toString()) "; case p++: return " ((" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ") || " + rng(10) + ").toString()[" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "] "; case p++: return createArrayLiteral(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow); case p++: return createObjectLiteral(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow); case p++: return createArrayLiteral(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "[" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "]"; case p++: return createObjectLiteral(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "[" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "]"; case p++: return createArrayLiteral(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "." + getDotKey(); case p++: return createObjectLiteral(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "." + getDotKey(); case p++: var name = getVarName(); var s = name + "[" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "]"; return canThrow && rng(8) == 0 ? s : name + " && " + s; case p++: var name = getVarName(); var s = name + "." + getDotKey(); return canThrow && rng(8) == 0 ? s : name + " && " + s; case p++: case p++: var name = getVarName(); var s = name + "." + getDotKey(); s = "typeof " + s + ' == "function" && --_calls_ >= 0 && ' + s + "(" + createArgs(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")"; return canThrow && rng(8) == 0 ? s : name + " && " + s; case p++: case p++: case p++: case p++: var name = rng(3) == 0 ? getVarName() : "f" + rng(funcs + 2); called[name] = true; return "typeof " + name + ' == "function" && --_calls_ >= 0 && ' + name + "(" + createArgs(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")"; } _createExpression.N = p; return _createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow); } function createArrayLiteral(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow) { recurmax--; var arr = "["; for (var i = rng(6); --i >= 0;) { // in rare cases produce an array hole element var element = rng(20) ? createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) : ""; arr += element + ", "; } return arr + "]"; } var SAFE_KEYS = [ "length", "foo", "a", "b", "c", "undefined", "null", "NaN", "Infinity", "in", "var", ]; var KEYS = [ "''", '"\t"', '"-2"', "0", "1.5", "3", ].concat(SAFE_KEYS); function getDotKey(assign) { var key; do { key = SAFE_KEYS[rng(SAFE_KEYS.length)]; } while (assign && key == "length"); return key; } function createAccessor(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow) { var namesLenBefore = VAR_NAMES.length; var s; var prop1 = getDotKey(); if (rng(2) == 0) { s = [ "get " + prop1 + "(){", strictMode(), createStatements(2, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth), createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth, STMT_RETURN_ETC), "}," ]; } else { var prop2; do { prop2 = getDotKey(); } while (prop1 == prop2); s = [ "set " + prop1 + "(" + createVarName(MANDATORY) + "){", strictMode(), createStatements(2, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth), "this." + prop2 + createAssignment() + _createBinaryExpr(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ";", "}," ]; } VAR_NAMES.length = namesLenBefore; return filterDirective(s).join("\n"); } function createObjectLiteral(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow) { recurmax--; var obj = ["({"]; for (var i = rng(6); --i >= 0;) { if (rng(20) == 0) { obj.push(createAccessor(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow)); } else { var key = KEYS[rng(KEYS.length)]; obj.push(key + ":(" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "),"); } } obj.push("})"); return obj.join("\n"); } function createNestedBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) { recurmax = 3; // note that this generates 2^recurmax expression parts... make sure to cap it return _createSimpleBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow); } function _createBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) { return "(" + _createSimpleBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + createBinaryOp(noComma) + _createSimpleBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")"; } function _createSimpleBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) { // intentionally generate more hardcore ops if (--recurmax < 0) return createValue(); var assignee, expr; switch (rng(30)) { case 0: return "(c = c + 1, " + _createSimpleBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")"; case 1: return "(" + createUnarySafePrefix() + "(" + _createSimpleBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "))"; case 2: assignee = getVarName(); return "(" + assignee + createAssignment() + _createBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")"; case 3: assignee = getVarName(); expr = "(" + assignee + "[" + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + "]" + createAssignment() + _createBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")"; return canThrow && rng(10) == 0 ? expr : "(" + assignee + " && " + expr + ")"; case 4: assignee = getVarName(); expr = "(" + assignee + "." + getDotKey(true) + createAssignment() + _createBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")"; return canThrow && rng(10) == 0 ? expr : "(" + assignee + " && " + expr + ")"; default: return _createBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow); } } function createTypeofExpr(recurmax, stmtDepth, canThrow) { switch (rng(8)) { case 0: return "(typeof " + createVarName(MANDATORY, DONT_STORE) + ' === "' + TYPEOF_OUTCOMES[rng(TYPEOF_OUTCOMES.length)] + '")'; case 1: return "(typeof " + createVarName(MANDATORY, DONT_STORE) + ' !== "' + TYPEOF_OUTCOMES[rng(TYPEOF_OUTCOMES.length)] + '")'; case 2: return "(typeof " + createVarName(MANDATORY, DONT_STORE) + ' == "' + TYPEOF_OUTCOMES[rng(TYPEOF_OUTCOMES.length)] + '")'; case 3: return "(typeof " + createVarName(MANDATORY, DONT_STORE) + ' != "' + TYPEOF_OUTCOMES[rng(TYPEOF_OUTCOMES.length)] + '")'; case 4: return "(typeof " + createVarName(MANDATORY, DONT_STORE) + ")"; default: return "(typeof " + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ")"; } } function createValue() { return VALUES[rng(VALUES.length)]; } function createBinaryOp(noComma) { if (noComma) return BINARY_OPS_NO_COMMA[rng(BINARY_OPS_NO_COMMA.length)]; return BINARY_OPS[rng(BINARY_OPS.length)]; } function createAssignment() { return ASSIGNMENTS[rng(ASSIGNMENTS.length)]; } function createUnarySafePrefix() { return UNARY_SAFE[rng(UNARY_SAFE.length)]; } function createUnaryPrefix() { return UNARY_PREFIX[rng(UNARY_PREFIX.length)]; } function createUnaryPostfix() { return UNARY_POSTFIX[rng(UNARY_POSTFIX.length)]; } function getVarName() { // try to get a generated name reachable from current scope. default to just `a` return VAR_NAMES[INITIAL_NAMES_LEN + rng(VAR_NAMES.length - INITIAL_NAMES_LEN)] || "a"; } function createVarName(maybe, dontStore) { if (!maybe || rng(2)) { var suffix = rng(3); var name; do { name = VAR_NAMES[rng(VAR_NAMES.length)]; if (suffix) name += "_" + suffix; } while (unique_vars.indexOf(name) >= 0); if (suffix && !dontStore) VAR_NAMES.push(name); return name; } return ""; } if (require.main !== module) { exports.createTopLevelCode = createTopLevelCode; exports.num_iterations = num_iterations; return; } function writeln(stream, msg) { if (typeof msg != "undefined") { stream.write(typeof msg == "string" ? msg : msg.stack || "" + msg); } stream.write("\n"); } function println(msg) { writeln(process.stdout, msg); } function errorln(msg) { writeln(process.stderr, msg); } function try_beautify(code, toplevel, result, printfn) { var beautified = UglifyJS.minify(code, { compress: false, mangle: false, output: { beautify: true, braces: true, }, }); if (beautified.error) { printfn("// !!! beautify failed !!!"); printfn(beautified.error); } else if (sandbox.same_stdout(sandbox.run_code(beautified.code, toplevel), result)) { printfn("// (beautified)"); printfn(beautified.code); return; } printfn("//"); printfn(code); } var default_options = UglifyJS.default_options(); function log_suspects(minify_options, component) { var options = component in minify_options ? minify_options[component] : true; if (!options) return; if (typeof options != "object") options = {}; var defs = default_options[component]; var toplevel = sandbox.has_toplevel(minify_options); var suspects = Object.keys(defs).filter(function(name) { var flip = name == "keep_fargs"; if (flip !== (name in options ? options : defs)[name]) { var m = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(minify_options)); var o = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(options)); o[name] = flip; m[component] = o; m.validate = true; var result = UglifyJS.minify(original_code, m); if (typeof uglify_code != "string") { return !sandbox.same_stdout(uglify_code, result.error); } else if (result.error) { errorln("Error testing options." + component + "." + name); errorln(result.error); } else { var r = sandbox.run_code(result.code, toplevel); return !sandbox.same_stdout(uglify_result, r); } } }); if (suspects.length > 0) { errorln("Suspicious " + component + " options:"); suspects.forEach(function(name) { errorln(" " + name); }); errorln(); } } function log_suspects_global(options, toplevel) { var suspects = Object.keys(default_options).filter(function(component) { return typeof default_options[component] != "object"; }).filter(function(component) { var m = JSON.parse(options); m[component] = false; m.validate = true; var result = UglifyJS.minify(original_code, m); if (typeof uglify_code != "string") { return !sandbox.same_stdout(uglify_code, result.error); } else if (result.error) { errorln("Error testing options." + component); errorln(result.error); } else { var r = sandbox.run_code(result.code, toplevel); return !sandbox.same_stdout(uglify_result, r); } }); if (suspects.length > 0) { errorln("Suspicious options:"); suspects.forEach(function(name) { errorln(" " + name); }); errorln(); } } function log(options) { var toplevel = sandbox.has_toplevel(JSON.parse(options)); if (!ok) errorln("\n\n\n\n\n\n!!!!!!!!!!\n\n\n"); errorln("//============================================================="); if (!ok) errorln("// !!!!!! Failed... round " + round); errorln("// original code"); var beautified = UglifyJS.minify(original_code, { compress: false, mangle: false, output: { beautify: true, braces: true, }, }); if (beautified.error) { errorln("// !!! beautify failed !!!"); errorln(beautified.error); errorln("//"); errorln(original_code); } else { var uglified = UglifyJS.minify(beautified.code, JSON.parse(options)); var expected, actual; if (typeof uglify_code != "string" || uglified.error) { expected = uglify_code; actual = uglified.error; } else { expected = uglify_result; actual = sandbox.run_code(uglified.code, toplevel); } if (sandbox.same_stdout(expected, actual)) { errorln("// (beautified)"); errorln(beautified.code); } else { errorln("//"); errorln(original_code); } } errorln(); errorln(); errorln("//-------------------------------------------------------------"); if (typeof uglify_code == "string") { errorln("// uglified code"); try_beautify(uglify_code, toplevel, uglify_result, errorln); errorln(); errorln(); errorln("original result:"); errorln(original_result); errorln("uglified result:"); errorln(uglify_result); errorln("//-------------------------------------------------------------"); var reduced = reduce_test(original_code, JSON.parse(options), { verbose: false, }).code; if (reduced) { errorln(); errorln("// reduced test case (output will differ)"); errorln(); errorln(reduced); errorln(); errorln("//-------------------------------------------------------------"); } } else { errorln("// !!! uglify failed !!!"); errorln(uglify_code); if (errored) { errorln(); errorln(); errorln("original stacktrace:"); errorln(original_result); } } errorln("minify(options):"); errorln(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(options), null, 2)); errorln(); if (!ok) { Object.keys(default_options).filter(function(component) { var defs = default_options[component]; return defs && typeof defs == "object"; }).forEach(log_suspects.bind(null, JSON.parse(options))); log_suspects_global(options, toplevel); errorln("!!!!!! Failed... round " + round); } } function fuzzy_match(original, uglified) { uglified = uglified.split(" "); var i = uglified.length; original = original.split(" ", i); while (--i >= 0) { if (original[i] === uglified[i]) continue; var a = +original[i]; var b = +uglified[i]; if (Math.abs((b - a) / a) < 1e-10) continue; return false; } return true; } function skip_infinite_recursion(orig, toplevel) { var code = orig; var tries = []; var offset = 0; var re = /(?:(?:^|[\s{};])try|}\s*catch\s*\(([^)]+)\)|}\s*finally)\s*(?={)/g; var match; while (match = re.exec(code)) { if (/}\s*finally\s*$/.test(match[0])) { tries.shift(); continue; } if (tries.length && tries[0].catch) tries.shift(); var index = match.index + match[0].length + 1; if (/(?:^|[\s{};])try\s*$/.test(match[0])) { tries.unshift({ try: index - offset }); continue; } tries[0].catch = index; var insert = "throw " + match[1] + ".ufuzz_skip || (" + match[1] + ".ufuzz_skip = " + tries[0].try + "), " + match[1] + ";"; var new_code = code.slice(0, index) + insert + code.slice(index); var result = sandbox.run_code(new_code, toplevel); if (typeof result != "object" || typeof result.name != "string" || typeof result.message != "string") { offset += insert.length; code = new_code; } else if (result.name == "RangeError" && result.message == "Maximum call stack size exceeded") { index = result.ufuzz_skip; return orig.slice(0, index) + 'throw new Error("skipping infinite recursion");' + orig.slice(index); } } } var fallback_options = [ JSON.stringify({ compress: false, mangle: false }) ]; var minify_options = require("./options.json").map(JSON.stringify); var sort_globals = [ "Object.keys(this).sort().forEach(function(name) {", " var value = this[name];", " delete this[name];", " this[name] = value;", "});", "", ].join("\n"); var original_code, original_result, errored; var uglify_code, uglify_result, ok; for (var round = 1; round <= num_iterations; round++) { process.stdout.write(round + " of " + num_iterations + "\r"); original_code = createTopLevelCode(); var orig_result = [ sandbox.run_code(original_code) ]; errored = typeof orig_result[0] != "string"; if (!errored) orig_result.push(sandbox.run_code(original_code, true)); (errored ? fallback_options : minify_options).forEach(function(options) { var o = JSON.parse(options); var toplevel = sandbox.has_toplevel(o); o.validate = true; uglify_code = UglifyJS.minify(original_code, o); original_result = orig_result[toplevel ? 1 : 0]; if (!uglify_code.error) { uglify_code = uglify_code.code; uglify_result = sandbox.run_code(uglify_code, toplevel); ok = sandbox.same_stdout(original_result, uglify_result); // ignore declaration order of global variables if (!ok && !toplevel) { ok = sandbox.same_stdout(sandbox.run_code(sort_globals + original_code), sandbox.run_code(sort_globals + uglify_code)); } // ignore numerical imprecision caused by `unsafe_math` if (!ok && typeof uglify_result == "string" && o.compress && o.compress.unsafe_math) { ok = fuzzy_match(original_result, uglify_result); if (!ok) { var fuzzy_result = sandbox.run_code(original_code.replace(/( - 0\.1){3}/g, " - 0.3"), toplevel); ok = sandbox.same_stdout(fuzzy_result, uglify_result); } } // ignore difference in depth of termination caused by infinite recursion if (!ok) { var orig_skipped = skip_infinite_recursion(original_code, toplevel); var uglify_skipped = skip_infinite_recursion(uglify_code, toplevel); if (orig_skipped && uglify_skipped) { ok = sandbox.same_stdout(sandbox.run_code(orig_skipped, toplevel), sandbox.run_code(uglify_skipped, toplevel)); } } } else { uglify_code = uglify_code.error; ok = errored && uglify_code.name == original_result.name; } if (verbose || (verbose_interval && !(round % INTERVAL_COUNT)) || !ok) log(options); else if (errored) { println("//============================================================="); println("// original code"); try_beautify(original_code, toplevel, original_result, println); println(); println(); println("original result:"); println(original_result); println(); } if (!ok && isFinite(num_iterations)) { println(); process.exit(1); } }); } println();