#! /usr/bin/env node var U = require("../tools/node"); var path = require("path"); var fs = require("fs"); var assert = require("assert"); var sys = require("util"); var tests_dir = path.dirname(module.filename); var failures = 0; var failed_files = {}; run_compress_tests(); if (failures) { sys.error("\n!!! Failed " + failures + " test cases."); sys.error("!!! " + Object.keys(failed_files).join(", ")); process.exit(1); } var run_ast_conversion_tests = require("./mozilla-ast"); run_ast_conversion_tests({ iterations: 1000 }); /* -----[ utils ]----- */ function tmpl() { return U.string_template.apply(this, arguments); } function log() { var txt = tmpl.apply(this, arguments); sys.puts(txt); } function log_directory(dir) { log("*** Entering [{dir}]", { dir: dir }); } function log_start_file(file) { log("--- {file}", { file: file }); } function log_test(name) { log(" Running test [{name}]", { name: name }); } function find_test_files(dir) { var files = fs.readdirSync(dir).filter(function(name){ return /\.js$/i.test(name); }); if (process.argv.length > 2) { var x = process.argv.slice(2); files = files.filter(function(f){ return x.indexOf(f) >= 0; }); } return files; } function test_directory(dir) { return path.resolve(tests_dir, dir); } function as_toplevel(input) { if (input instanceof U.AST_BlockStatement) input = input.body; else if (input instanceof U.AST_Statement) input = [ input ]; else throw new Error("Unsupported input syntax"); var toplevel = new U.AST_Toplevel({ body: input }); toplevel.figure_out_scope(); return toplevel; } function run_compress_tests() { var dir = test_directory("compress"); log_directory("compress"); var files = find_test_files(dir); function test_file(file) { log_start_file(file); function test_case(test) { log_test(test.name); var options = U.defaults(test.options, { warnings: false }); var cmp = new U.Compressor(options, true); var expect; if (test.expect) { expect = make_code(as_toplevel(test.expect), false); } else { expect = test.expect_exact; } var input = as_toplevel(test.input); var input_code = make_code(test.input); var output = input.transform(cmp); output.figure_out_scope(); output = make_code(output, false); if (expect != output) { log("!!! failed\n---INPUT---\n{input}\n---OUTPUT---\n{output}\n---EXPECTED---\n{expected}\n\n", { input: input_code, output: output, expected: expect }); failures++; failed_files[file] = 1; } } var tests = parse_test(path.resolve(dir, file)); for (var i in tests) if (tests.hasOwnProperty(i)) { test_case(tests[i]); } } files.forEach(function(file){ test_file(file); }); } function parse_test(file) { var script = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"); var ast = U.parse(script, { filename: file }); var tests = {}; var tw = new U.TreeWalker(function(node, descend){ if (node instanceof U.AST_LabeledStatement && tw.parent() instanceof U.AST_Toplevel) { var name = node.label.name; tests[name] = get_one_test(name, node.body); return true; } if (!(node instanceof U.AST_Toplevel)) croak(node); }); ast.walk(tw); return tests; function croak(node) { throw new Error(tmpl("Can't understand test file {file} [{line},{col}]\n{code}", { file: file, line: node.start.line, col: node.start.col, code: make_code(node, false) })); } function get_one_test(name, block) { var test = { name: name, options: {} }; var tw = new U.TreeWalker(function(node, descend){ if (node instanceof U.AST_Assign) { if (!(node.left instanceof U.AST_SymbolRef)) { croak(node); } var name = node.left.name; test[name] = evaluate(node.right); return true; } if (node instanceof U.AST_LabeledStatement) { assert.ok( node.label.name == "input" || node.label.name == "expect" || node.label.name == "expect_exact", tmpl("Unsupported label {name} [{line},{col}]", { name: node.label.name, line: node.label.start.line, col: node.label.start.col }) ); var stat = node.body; if (stat instanceof U.AST_BlockStatement) { if (stat.body.length == 1) stat = stat.body[0]; else if (stat.body.length == 0) stat = new U.AST_EmptyStatement(); } if (node.label.name === "expect_exact") { if (!(stat.TYPE === "SimpleStatement" && stat.body.TYPE === "String")) { throw new Error( "The value of the expect_exact clause should be a string, " + "like `expect_exact: \"some.exact.javascript;\"`"); } test[node.label.name] = stat.body.start.value } else { test[node.label.name] = stat; } return true; } }); block.walk(tw); return test; }; } function make_code(ast, beautify) { if (arguments.length == 1) beautify = true; var stream = U.OutputStream({ beautify: beautify }); ast.print(stream); return stream.get(); } function evaluate(code) { if (code instanceof U.AST_Node) code = make_code(code); return new Function("return(" + code + ")")(); }