var U = require("./node"); var List = U.List; var run_code = require("./sandbox").run_code; // Reduce a ufuzz-style `console.log` based test case by iteratively replacing // AST nodes with various permutations. Each AST_Statement in the tree is also // speculatively dropped to determine whether it is needed. If the altered // tree and the last known good tree produce the same non-nil error-free output // after being run, then the permutation survives to the next generation and // is the basis for subsequent iterations. The test case is reduced as a // consequence of complex expressions being replaced with simpler ones. // This function assumes that the testcase will not result in a parse or // runtime Error. Note that a reduced test case will have different runtime // output - it is not functionally equivalent to the original. The only criteria // is that once the generated reduced test case is run without minification, it // will produce different output from the code minified with `minify_options`. // Returns a `minify` result object with an additonal boolean property `reduced`. module.exports = function reduce_test(testcase, minify_options, reduce_options) { minify_options = minify_options || { compress: {}, mangle: false }; reduce_options = reduce_options || {}; var timeout = 1500; // start with a low timeout var max_iterations = reduce_options.max_iterations || 1000; var verbose = reduce_options.verbose; var minify_options_json = JSON.stringify(minify_options); var reduced = false; if (testcase instanceof U.AST_Node) testcase = testcase.print_to_string(); // the initial timeout to assess the viability of the test case must be large if (producesDifferentResultWhenMinified(testcase, minify_options, 5000)) { // Replace expressions with constants that will be parsed into // AST_Nodes as required. Each AST_Node has its own permutation count, // so these replacements can't be shared. // Although simpler replacements are generally faster and better, // feel free to experiment with a different replacement set. var REPLACEMENTS = [ // "null", "''", "false", "'foo'", "undefined", "9", "1", "0", ]; // There's a relationship between each node's _permute counter and // REPLACEMENTS.length which is why fractional _permutes were needed. // One could scale all _permute operations by a factor of `steps` // to only deal with integer operations, but this works well enough. var steps = 4; // must be a power of 2 var step = 1 / steps; // 0.25 is exactly representable in floating point var tt = new U.TreeTransformer(function(node, descend, in_list) { if (CHANGED) return; // quick ignores if (node instanceof U.AST_Toplevel) return; if (node instanceof U.AST_Accessor) return; if (node instanceof U.AST_Directive) return; // if (node instanceof U.AST_Var) return; // if (node instanceof U.AST_VarDef) return; var parent = tt.parent(); // ignore call expressions if (parent instanceof U.AST_Call && parent.expression === node) return; // ensure that the _permute prop is a number. // can not use `node.start._permute |= 0;` as it will erase fractional part. if (typeof node.start._permute === "undefined") node.start._permute = 0; // if node reached permutation limit - skip over it. // no structural AST changes before this point. if (node.start._permute >= REPLACEMENTS.length) return; if (parent instanceof U.AST_Assign && parent.left === node || parent instanceof U.AST_Unary && parent.expression === node && ["++", "--", "delete"].indexOf(parent.operator) >= 0) { // ignore lvalues return; } if (parent instanceof U.AST_If && parent.alternative === node) { // retain the if statement and drop its else block node.start._permute++; CHANGED = true; return null; } // node specific permutations with no parent logic if (node instanceof U.AST_Array) { var expr = node.elements[0]; if (expr) { node.start._permute++; CHANGED = true; return expr; } } else if (node instanceof U.AST_Binary) { CHANGED = true; return [ node.left, node.right, ][ ((node.start._permute += step) * steps | 0) % 2 ]; } else if (node instanceof U.AST_Catch || node instanceof U.AST_Finally) { // drop catch or finally block node.start._permute++; CHANGED = true; return null; } else if (node instanceof U.AST_Conditional) { CHANGED = true; return [ node.condition, node.consequent, node.alternative, ][ ((node.start._permute += step) * steps | 0) % 3 ]; } else if (node instanceof U.AST_BlockStatement) { if (in_list) { node.start._permute++; CHANGED = true; return List.splice(node.body); } } else if (node instanceof U.AST_Call) { if (/^console/.test(node.print_to_string())) return node; var expr = [ node.expression, node.args[0], ][ node.start._permute++ % 2 ]; if (expr) { CHANGED = true; return expr; } } else if (node instanceof U.AST_DWLoop) { var expr = [ node.condition, node.body, null, // intentional ][ (node.start._permute * steps | 0) % 3 ]; node.start._permute += step; if (!expr) { if (node.body[0] instanceof U.AST_Break) { if (node instanceof U.AST_Do) { CHANGED = true; return List.skip; } expr = node.condition; // AST_While - fall through } } if (expr) { CHANGED = true; return expr instanceof U.AST_Statement ? expr : new U.AST_SimpleStatement({ body: expr, start: {}, }); } } else if (node instanceof U.AST_PropAccess) { var expr = [ node.expression, instanceof U.AST_Node &&, ][ node.start._permute++ % 2 ]; if (expr) { CHANGED = true; return expr; } } else if (node instanceof U.AST_For) { var expr = [ node.init, node.condition, node.step, node.body, ][ (node.start._permute * steps | 0) % 4 ]; node.start._permute += step; if (expr) { CHANGED = true; return expr instanceof U.AST_Statement ? expr : new U.AST_SimpleStatement({ body: expr, start: {}, }); } } else if (node instanceof U.AST_ForIn) { var expr = [ node.init, node.object, node.body, ][ (node.start._permute * steps | 0) % 3 ]; node.start._permute += step; if (expr) { CHANGED = true; return expr instanceof U.AST_Statement ? expr : new U.AST_SimpleStatement({ body: expr, start: {}, }); } } else if (node instanceof U.AST_If) { var body = [ node.body, node.alternative, ][ (node.start._permute++) % 2 ]; if (body) { // replace if statement with its then block or the else block CHANGED = true; return body; } } else if (node instanceof U.AST_Object) { // first property's value var expr =[0] instanceof U.AST_ObjectKeyVal &&[0].value; if (expr) { node.start._permute++; CHANGED = true; return expr; } } else if (node instanceof U.AST_Switch) { var expr = [ node.expression, // switch expression node.body[0] && node.body[0].expression, // first case expression or undefined node.body[0] && node.body[0].body[0], // first case body statement or undefined ][ (node.start._permute * steps | 0) % 3 ]; node.start._permute += step; if (expr) { CHANGED = true; return expr instanceof U.AST_Statement ? expr : new U.AST_SimpleStatement({ body: expr, start: {}, }); } } else if (node instanceof U.AST_Try) { var body = [ node.body, node.bcatch && node.bcatch.body, node.bfinally && node.bfinally.body, null, // intentional ][ (node.start._permute * steps | 0) % 4 ]; node.start._permute += step; if (body) { // replace try statement with try block, catch block, or finally block CHANGED = true; return new U.AST_BlockStatement({ body: body, start: {}, }); } else { // replace try with a break or return if first in try statement if (node.body[0] instanceof U.AST_Break || node.body[0] instanceof U.AST_Return) { CHANGED = true; return node.body[0]; } } } else if (node instanceof U.AST_Unary) { node.start._permute++; CHANGED = true; return node.expression; } if (in_list) { // special case to drop object properties and switch branches if (parent instanceof U.AST_Object || parent instanceof U.AST_Switch && parent.expression != node) { node.start._permute++; CHANGED = true; return List.skip; } // replace or skip statement if (node instanceof U.AST_Statement) { if (node instanceof U.AST_LabeledStatement && node.body instanceof U.AST_Statement) { // replace labelled statement with its non-labelled body node.start._permute = REPLACEMENTS.length; CHANGED = true; return node.body; } node.start._permute++; CHANGED = true; return List.skip; } } // replace or remove this node depending on whether it's in a list var newNode = new U.parse(REPLACEMENTS[node.start._permute % REPLACEMENTS.length | 0], { expression: true, }); newNode.start._permute = ++node.start._permute; CHANGED = true; return in_list ? List.skip : newNode; }); for (var pass = 1; pass <= 3; ++pass) { var testcase_ast = U.parse(testcase); testcase_ast.walk(new U.TreeWalker(function(node) { // unshare start props to retain visit data between iterations node.start = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(node.start)); node.start._permute = 0; })); for (var c = 0; c < max_iterations; ++c) { if (verbose) { if (pass == 1 && c % 25 == 0) { console.error("// reduce test pass " + pass + ", iteration " + c + ": " + testcase.length + " bytes"); } } var CHANGED = false; var code_ast = testcase_ast.clone(true).transform(tt); if (!CHANGED) break; try { var code = code_ast.print_to_string(); } catch (ex) { // AST is not well formed. // no harm done - just log the error, ignore latest change and continue iterating. console.error("*** Error generating code from AST."); console.error(ex.stack); console.error("*** Discarding permutation and continuing."); } if (code) { var differs = producesDifferentResultWhenMinified(code, minify_options, timeout); if (differs) { if (differs.timed_out) { // can't trust the validity of `code_ast` and `code` when timed out. // no harm done - just ignore latest change and continue iterating. if (timeout < 5000) timeout += 100; } else { // latest permutation is valid, so use it as the basis of new changes testcase_ast = code_ast; testcase = code; var testcase_unminified_result = differs.unminified_result; var testcase_minified_result = differs.minified_result; } } } } if (c == 0) break; if (verbose) { console.error("// reduce test pass " + pass + ": " + testcase.length + " bytes"); } } reduced = true; testcase += "\n// output: " + testcase_unminified_result + "\n// minify: " + testcase_minified_result + "\n// options: " + minify_options_json; } else { // same stdout result produced when minified testcase = "// Can't reproduce test failure with minify options provided:" + "\n// " + minify_options_json; } var result = U.minify(testcase, { compress: false, mangle: false, output: { beautify: true, braces: true, comments: true, } }); result.reduced = reduced; return result; }; function producesDifferentResultWhenMinified(code, minify_options, timeout) { var toplevel = undefined; var unminified_result = run_code(code, toplevel, timeout); if (/timed out/i.test(unminified_result)) return false; if (/^\s*$|Error/.test(unminified_result)) return false; var minified_result = run_code(U.minify(code, minify_options).code, toplevel, timeout); if (/timed out/i.test(minified_result)) return { timed_out: true }; if (/^\s*$/.test(minified_result)) return false; return unminified_result !== minified_result ? { unminified_result: unminified_result, minified_result: minified_result, } : false; } Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity;