var assert = require("assert"); var exec = require("child_process").exec; var uglify = require("../node"); describe("spidermonkey export/import sanity test", function() { it("should produce a functional build when using --self with spidermonkey", function(done) { this.timeout(30000); var uglifyjs = '"' + process.argv[0] + '" bin/uglifyjs'; var command = uglifyjs + " --self -cm --wrap SpiderUglify -o spidermonkey | " + uglifyjs + " -p spidermonkey -cm"; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; eval(stdout); assert.strictEqual(typeof SpiderUglify, "object"); assert.strictEqual(SpiderUglify.minify("foo([true,,2+3]);").code, "foo([!0,,5]);"); done(); }); }); it("Should judge between directives and strings correctly on import", function() { var tests = [ { input: '"use strict";;"use sloppy"', directives: 1, strings: 1 }, { input: ';"use strict"', directives: 0, strings: 1 }, { input: '"use strict"; "use something else";', directives: 2, strings: 0 }, { input: 'function foo() {"use strict";;"use sloppy" }', directives: 1, strings: 1 }, { input: 'function foo() {;"use strict" }', directives: 0, strings: 1 }, { input: 'function foo() {"use strict"; "use something else"; }', directives: 2, strings: 0 }, { input: 'var foo = function() {"use strict";;"use sloppy" }', directives: 1, strings: 1 }, { input: 'var foo = function() {;"use strict" }', directives: 0, strings: 1 }, { input: 'var foo = function() {"use strict"; "use something else"; }', directives: 2, strings: 0 }, { input: '{"use strict";;"use sloppy" }', directives: 0, strings: 2 }, { input: '{;"use strict" }', directives: 0, strings: 1 }, { input: '{"use strict"; "use something else"; }', directives: 0, strings: 2 } ]; var counter_directives; var counter_strings; var checkWalker = new uglify.TreeWalker(function(node, descend) { if (node instanceof uglify.AST_String) { counter_strings++; } else if (node instanceof uglify.AST_Directive) { counter_directives++; } }); for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { counter_directives = 0; counter_strings = 0; var ast = uglify.parse(tests[i].input); var moz_ast = ast.to_mozilla_ast(); var from_moz_ast = uglify.AST_Node.from_mozilla_ast(moz_ast); from_moz_ast.walk(checkWalker); assert.strictEqual(counter_directives, tests[i].directives, "Directives count mismatch for test " + tests[i].input); assert.strictEqual(counter_strings, tests[i].strings, "String count mismatch for test " + tests[i].input); } }); });