var Uglify = require('../../'); var assert = require("assert"); describe("minify", function() { it("Should test basic sanity of minify with default options", function() { var js = 'function foo(bar) { if (bar) return 3; else return 7; var u = not_called(); }'; var result = Uglify.minify(js, {fromString: true}); assert.strictEqual(result.code, 'function foo(n){return n?3:7}'); }); describe("keep_quoted_props", function() { it("Should preserve quotes in object literals", function() { var js = 'var foo = {"x": 1, y: 2, \'z\': 3};'; var result = Uglify.minify(js, { fromString: true, output: { keep_quoted_props: true }}); assert.strictEqual(result.code, 'var foo={"x":1,y:2,"z":3};'); }); it("Should preserve quote styles when quote_style is 3", function() { var js = 'var foo = {"x": 1, y: 2, \'z\': 3};'; var result = Uglify.minify(js, { fromString: true, output: { keep_quoted_props: true, quote_style: 3 }}); assert.strictEqual(result.code, 'var foo={"x":1,y:2,\'z\':3};'); }); it("Should not preserve quotes in object literals when disabled", function() { var js = 'var foo = {"x": 1, y: 2, \'z\': 3};'; var result = Uglify.minify(js, { fromString: true, output: { keep_quoted_props: false, quote_style: 3 }}); assert.strictEqual(result.code, 'var foo={x:1,y:2,z:3};'); }); }); describe("mangleProperties", function() { it("Shouldn't mangle quoted properties", function() { var js = 'a["foo"] = "bar"; a.color = "red"; x = {"bar": 10};'; var result = Uglify.minify(js, { fromString: true, compress: { properties: false }, mangleProperties: { ignore_quoted: true }, output: { keep_quoted_props: true, quote_style: 3 } }); assert.strictEqual(result.code, 'a["foo"]="bar",a.a="red",x={"bar":10};'); }); }); describe("inSourceMap", function() { it("Should read the given string filename correctly when sourceMapIncludeSources is enabled (#1236)", function() { var result = Uglify.minify('./test/input/issue-1236/simple.js', { outSourceMap: "", inSourceMap: "./test/input/issue-1236/", sourceMapIncludeSources: true }); var map = JSON.parse(; assert.equal(map.file, 'simple.min.js'); assert.equal(map.sourcesContent.length, 1); assert.equal(map.sourcesContent[0], 'let foo = x => "foo " + x;\nconsole.log(foo("bar"));'); }); }); describe("sourceMapInline", function() { it("should append source map to output js when sourceMapInline is enabled", function() { var result = Uglify.minify('var a = function(foo) { return foo; };', { fromString: true, sourceMapInline: true }); var code = result.code; assert.strictEqual(code, "var a=function(n){return n};\n" + "//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbIj8iXSwibmFtZXMiOlsiYSIsImZvbyJdLCJtYXBwaW5ncyI6IkFBQUEsR0FBSUEsR0FBSSxTQUFTQyxHQUFPLE1BQU9BIn0="); }); it("should not append source map to output js when sourceMapInline is not enabled", function() { var result = Uglify.minify('var a = function(foo) { return foo; };', { fromString: true }); var code = result.code; assert.strictEqual(code, "var a=function(n){return n};"); }); }); });