var assert = require("assert"); var readFileSync = require("fs").readFileSync; var run_code = require("../sandbox").run_code; var UglifyJS = require("../../"); function read(path) { return readFileSync(path, "utf8"); } describe("minify", function() { it("Should test basic sanity of minify with default options", function() { var js = "function foo(bar) { if (bar) return 3; else return 7; var u = not_called(); }"; var result = UglifyJS.minify(js); if (result.error) throw result.error; assert.strictEqual(result.code, "function foo(n){return n?3:7}"); }); it("Should not mutate minify `options`", function() { var options = { compress: true, mangle: false, output: {}, }; var value = JSON.stringify(options); var result = UglifyJS.minify("print(6 * 7);", options); if (result.error) throw result.error; assert.strictEqual(result.code, "print(42);"); assert.strictEqual(JSON.stringify(options), value); }) it("Should skip inherited keys from `files`", function() { var files = Object.create({ skip: this }); files[0] = "alert(1 + 1)"; var result = UglifyJS.minify(files); if (result.error) throw result.error; assert.strictEqual(result.code, "alert(2);"); }); it("Should work with mangle.cache", function() { var cache = {}; var original = ""; var compressed = ""; [ "bar.es5", "baz.es5", "foo.es5", "qux.js", ].forEach(function(file) { var code = read("test/input/issue-1242/" + file); var result = UglifyJS.minify(code, { mangle: { cache: cache, toplevel: true } }); if (result.error) throw result.error; original += code; compressed += result.code; }); assert.strictEqual(JSON.stringify(cache).slice(0, 10), '{"props":{'); assert.strictEqual(compressed, [ "function n(n){return 3*n}", "function r(n){return n/2}", "var c=console.log.bind(console);", 'function o(o){c("Foo:",2*o)}', "var a=n(3),b=r(12);", 'c("qux",a,b),o(11);', ].join("")); assert.strictEqual(run_code(compressed, true), run_code(original, true)); }); it("Should work with nameCache", function() { var cache = {}; var original = ""; var compressed = ""; [ "bar.es5", "baz.es5", "foo.es5", "qux.js", ].forEach(function(file) { var code = read("test/input/issue-1242/" + file); var result = UglifyJS.minify(code, { mangle: { toplevel: true }, nameCache: cache }); if (result.error) throw result.error; original += code; compressed += result.code; }); assert.strictEqual(JSON.stringify(cache).slice(0, 18), '{"vars":{"props":{'); assert.strictEqual(compressed, [ "function n(n){return 3*n}", "function r(n){return n/2}", "var c=console.log.bind(console);", 'function o(o){c("Foo:",2*o)}', "var a=n(3),b=r(12);", 'c("qux",a,b),o(11);', ].join("")); assert.strictEqual(run_code(compressed, true), run_code(original, true)); }); it("Should avoid cached names when mangling top-level variables", function() { var cache = {}; var original = ""; var compressed = ""; [ '"xxxyy";var i={s:1};', '"xxyyy";var j={t:2,u:3},k=4;', 'console.log(i.s,j.t,j.u,k);', ].forEach(function(code) { var result = UglifyJS.minify(code, { compress: false, mangle: { properties: true, toplevel: true }, nameCache: cache }); if (result.error) throw result.error; original += code; compressed += result.code; }); assert.strictEqual(compressed, [ '"xxxyy";var x={x:1};', '"xxyyy";var y={y:2,a:3},a=4;', 'console.log(x.x,y.y,y.a,a);', ].join("")); assert.strictEqual(run_code(compressed, true), run_code(original, true)); }); it("Should avoid cached names when mangling inner-scoped variables", function() { var cache = {}; var original = ""; var compressed = ""; [ 'var extend = function(a, b) { console.log("extend"); a(); b(); }; function A() { console.log("A"); };', 'var B = function(A) { function B() { console.log("B") }; extend(B, A); return B; }(A);', ].forEach(function(code) { var result = UglifyJS.minify(code, { compress: false, nameCache: cache, toplevel: true, }); if (result.error) throw result.error; original += code; compressed += result.code; }); assert.strictEqual(compressed, [ 'var o=function(o,n){console.log("extend");o();n()};function n(){console.log("A")}', 'var e=function(n){function e(){console.log("B")}o(e,n);return e}(n);', ].join("")); assert.strictEqual(run_code(compressed, true), run_code(original, true)); }); it("Should not parse invalid use of reserved words", function() { assert.strictEqual(UglifyJS.minify("function enum(){}").error, undefined); assert.strictEqual(UglifyJS.minify("function static(){}").error, undefined); assert.strictEqual(UglifyJS.minify("function this(){}").error.message, "Unexpected token: name «this»"); }); describe("keep_quoted_props", function() { it("Should preserve quotes in object literals", function() { var js = 'var foo = {"x": 1, y: 2, \'z\': 3};'; var result = UglifyJS.minify(js, { output: { keep_quoted_props: true }}); assert.strictEqual(result.code, 'var foo={"x":1,y:2,"z":3};'); }); it("Should preserve quote styles when quote_style is 3", function() { var js = 'var foo = {"x": 1, y: 2, \'z\': 3};'; var result = UglifyJS.minify(js, { output: { keep_quoted_props: true, quote_style: 3 }}); assert.strictEqual(result.code, 'var foo={"x":1,y:2,\'z\':3};'); }); it("Should not preserve quotes in object literals when disabled", function() { var js = 'var foo = {"x": 1, y: 2, \'z\': 3};'; var result = UglifyJS.minify(js, { output: { keep_quoted_props: false, quote_style: 3 }}); assert.strictEqual(result.code, 'var foo={x:1,y:2,z:3};'); }); }); describe("mangleProperties", function() { it("Shouldn't mangle quoted properties", function() { var js = 'a["foo"] = "bar"; a.color = "red"; x = {"bar": 10};'; var result = UglifyJS.minify(js, { compress: { properties: false }, mangle: { properties: { keep_quoted: true } }, output: { keep_quoted_props: true, quote_style: 3 } }); assert.strictEqual(result.code, 'a["foo"]="bar",a.a="red",x={"bar":10};'); }); it("Should not mangle quoted property within dead code", function() { var result = UglifyJS.minify('({ "keep": 1 }); g.keep = g.change;', { mangle: { properties: { keep_quoted: true } } }); if (result.error) throw result.error; assert.strictEqual(result.code, "g.keep=g.g;"); }); }); describe("#__PURE__", function() { it("Should drop #__PURE__ hint after use", function() { var result = UglifyJS.minify('//@__PURE__ comment1 #__PURE__ comment2\n foo(), bar();', { output: { comments: "all", beautify: false, } }); var code = result.code; assert.strictEqual(code, "// comment1 comment2\nbar();"); }); it("Should drop #__PURE__ hint if function is retained", function() { var result = UglifyJS.minify("var a = /*#__PURE__*/(function(){ foo(); })();", { output: { comments: "all", beautify: false, } }); var code = result.code; assert.strictEqual(code, "var a=/* */function(){foo()}();"); }) }); describe("JS_Parse_Error", function() { it("Should return syntax error", function() { var result = UglifyJS.minify("function f(a{}"); var err = result.error; assert.ok(err instanceof Error); assert.strictEqual(err.stack.split(/\n/)[0], "SyntaxError: Unexpected token: punc «{», expected: punc «,»"); assert.strictEqual(err.filename, "0"); assert.strictEqual(err.line, 1); assert.strictEqual(err.col, 12); }); it("Should reject duplicated label name", function() { var result = UglifyJS.minify("L:{L:{}}"); var err = result.error; assert.ok(err instanceof Error); assert.strictEqual(err.stack.split(/\n/)[0], "SyntaxError: Label L defined twice"); assert.strictEqual(err.filename, "0"); assert.strictEqual(err.line, 1); assert.strictEqual(err.col, 4); }); }); describe("global_defs", function() { it("Should throw for non-trivial expressions", function() { var result = UglifyJS.minify("alert(42);", { compress: { global_defs: { "@alert": "debugger" } } }); var err = result.error; assert.ok(err instanceof Error); assert.strictEqual(err.stack.split(/\n/)[0], "SyntaxError: Unexpected token: keyword «debugger»"); }); it("Should skip inherited properties", function() { var foo = Object.create({ skip: this }); = 42; var result = UglifyJS.minify("alert(FOO);", { compress: { global_defs: { FOO: foo } } }); assert.strictEqual(result.code, "alert({bar:42});"); }); }); describe("collapse_vars", function() { it("Should not produce invalid AST", function() { var code = [ "function f(a) {", " a = x();", " return a;", "}", "f();", ].join("\n"); var ast = UglifyJS.minify(code, { compress: false, mangle: false, output: { ast: true }, }).ast; assert.strictEqual(ast.TYPE, "Toplevel"); assert.strictEqual(ast.body.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(ast.body[0].TYPE, "Defun"); assert.strictEqual(ast.body[0].body.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(ast.body[0].body[0].TYPE, "SimpleStatement"); var stat = ast.body[0].body[0]; UglifyJS.minify(ast, { compress: { sequences: false }, mangle: false }); assert.ok(stat.body); assert.strictEqual(stat.print_to_string(), "a=x()"); }); }); describe("rename", function() { it("Should be repeatable", function() { var code = "!function(x){return x(x)}(y);"; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { assert.strictEqual(UglifyJS.minify(code, { compress: { toplevel: true, }, rename: true, }).code, "var a;(a=y)(a);"); } }); }); describe("enclose", function() { var code = read("test/input/enclose/input.js"); it("Should work with true", function() { var result = UglifyJS.minify(code, { compress: false, enclose: true, mangle: false, }); if (result.error) throw result.error; assert.strictEqual(result.code, '(function(){function enclose(){console.log("test enclose")}enclose()})();'); }); it("Should work with arg", function() { var result = UglifyJS.minify(code, { compress: false, enclose: 'undefined', mangle: false, }); if (result.error) throw result.error; assert.strictEqual(result.code, '(function(undefined){function enclose(){console.log("test enclose")}enclose()})();'); }); it("Should work with arg:value", function() { var result = UglifyJS.minify(code, { compress: false, enclose: 'window,undefined:window', mangle: false, }); if (result.error) throw result.error; assert.strictEqual(result.code, '(function(window,undefined){function enclose(){console.log("test enclose")}enclose()})(window);'); }); it("Should work alongside wrap", function() { var result = UglifyJS.minify(code, { compress: false, enclose: 'window,undefined:window', mangle: false, wrap: 'exports', }); if (result.error) throw result.error; assert.strictEqual(result.code, '(function(exports){(function(window,undefined){function enclose(){console.log("test enclose")}enclose()})(window)})(typeof exports=="undefined"?exports={}:exports);'); }); }); });