var Uglify = require('../../'); var assert = require("assert"); var SourceMapConsumer = require("source-map").SourceMapConsumer; describe("input sourcemaps", function() { var transpilemap, map; function getMap() { return { "version": 3, "sources": ["index.js"], "names": [], "mappings": ";;AAAA,IAAI,MAAM,SAAN,GAAM;AAAA,SAAK,SAAS,CAAd;AAAA,CAAV;AACA,QAAQ,GAAR,CAAY,IAAI,KAAJ,CAAZ", "file": "bundle.js", "sourcesContent": ["let foo = x => \"foo \" + x;\nconsole.log(foo(\"bar\"));"] }; } function prepareMap(sourceMap) { var transpiled = '"use strict";\n\n' + 'var foo = function foo(x) {\n return "foo " + x;\n};\n' + 'console.log(foo("bar"));\n\n' + '//#'; transpilemap = sourceMap || getMap(); var result = Uglify.minify(transpiled, { fromString: true, inSourceMap: transpilemap, outSourceMap: true }); map = new SourceMapConsumer(; } beforeEach(function () { prepareMap(); }); it("Should copy over original sourcesContent", function() { assert.equal(map.sourceContentFor("index.js"), transpilemap.sourcesContent[0]); }); it("Should copy sourcesContent if sources are relative", function () { var relativeMap = getMap(); relativeMap.sources = ['./index.js']; prepareMap(relativeMap); assert.notEqual(map.sourcesContent, null); assert.equal(map.sourcesContent.length, 1); assert.equal(map.sourceContentFor("index.js"), transpilemap.sourcesContent[0]); }); it("Final sourcemap should not have invalid mappings from inputSourceMap (issue #882)", function() { // The original source has only 2 lines, check that mappings don't have more lines var msg = "Mapping should not have higher line number than the original file had"; map.eachMapping(function(mapping) { assert.ok(mapping.originalLine <= 2, msg) }); map.allGeneratedPositionsFor({source: "index.js", line: 1, column: 1}).forEach(function(pos) { assert.ok(pos.line <= 2, msg); }) }); }); 332c380f3dc45f228b4b9aec60718b76dafc4e&showmsg=1'>Expand)