var UglifyJS = require('../../'); var assert = require("assert"); describe("comment filters", function() { it("Should be able to filter comments by passing regex", function() { var ast = UglifyJS.parse("/*!test1*/\n/*test2*/\n//!test3\n//test4\ntest7\n-->!test8"); assert.strictEqual(ast.print_to_string({comments: /^!/}), "/*!test1*/\n//!test3\n//!test6\n//!test8\n"); }); it("Should be able to filter comments by passing a function", function() { var ast = UglifyJS.parse("/*TEST 123*/\n//An other comment\n//8 chars."); var f = function(node, comment) { return comment.value.length === 8; }; assert.strictEqual(ast.print_to_string({comments: f}), "/*TEST 123*/\n//8 chars.\n"); }); it("Should be able to get the comment and comment type when using a function", function() { var ast = UglifyJS.parse("/*!test1*/\n/*test2*/\n//!test3\n//test4\ntest7\n-->!test8"); var f = function(node, comment) { return comment.type == "comment1" || comment.type == "comment3"; }; assert.strictEqual(ast.print_to_string({comments: f}), "//!test3\n//test4\n//test5\n//!test6\n"); }); it("Should be able to filter comments by passing a boolean", function() { var ast = UglifyJS.parse("/*!test1*/\n/*test2*/\n//!test3\n//test4\ntest7\n-->!test8"); assert.strictEqual(ast.print_to_string({comments: true}), "/*!test1*/\n/*test2*/\n//!test3\n//test4\n//test5\n//!test6\n//test7\n//!test8\n"); assert.strictEqual(ast.print_to_string({comments: false}), ""); }); it("Should never be able to filter comment5 (shebangs)", function() { var ast = UglifyJS.parse("#!Random comment\n//test1\n/*test2*/"); var f = function(node, comment) { assert.strictEqual(comment.type === "comment5", false); return true; }; assert.strictEqual(ast.print_to_string({comments: f}), "#!Random comment\n//test1\n/*test2*/\n"); }); });