var assert = require("assert"); var exec = require("child_process").exec; var fs = require("fs"); var run_code = require("../sandbox").run_code; var to_ascii = require("../node").to_ascii; function read(path) { return fs.readFileSync(path, "utf8"); } describe("bin/uglifyjs", function() { var uglifyjscmd = '"' + process.argv[0] + '" bin/uglifyjs'; it("Should produce a functional build when using --self", function(done) { this.timeout(30000); var command = uglifyjscmd + ' --self -cm --wrap WrappedUglifyJS'; exec(command, { maxBuffer: 1048576 }, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; eval(stdout); assert.strictEqual(typeof WrappedUglifyJS, "object"); var result = WrappedUglifyJS.minify("foo([true,,2+3]);"); assert.strictEqual(result.error, undefined); assert.strictEqual(result.code, "foo([!0,,5]);"); done(); }); }); it("Should be able to filter comments correctly with `--comments all`", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + ' test/input/comments/filter.js --comments all'; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "// foo\n/*@preserve*/\n// bar\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should be able to filter comments correctly with `--comment `", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + ' test/input/comments/filter.js --comments /r/'; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "/*@preserve*/\n// bar\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should be able to filter comments correctly with just `--comment`", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + ' test/input/comments/filter.js --comments'; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "/*@preserve*/\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should work with --source-map names=true", function(done) { exec([ uglifyjscmd, "--beautify", "--source-map", [ "names=true", "url=inline", ].join(), ].join(" "), function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; var expected = [ "var obj = {", " p: a,", " q: b", "};", "//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,", ].join("\n") assert.strictEqual(stdout.slice(0, expected.length), expected); var map = JSON.parse(to_ascii(stdout.slice(expected.length).trim())); assert.deepEqual(map.names, [ "obj", "p", "a", "q", "b" ]); done(); }).stdin.end([ "var obj = {", " p: a,", " q: b", "};", ].join("\n")); }); it("Should work with --source-map names=false", function(done) { exec([ uglifyjscmd, "--beautify", "--source-map", [ "names=false", "url=inline", ].join(), ].join(" "), function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; var expected = [ "var obj = {", " p: a,", " q: b", "};", "//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,", ].join("\n") assert.strictEqual(stdout.slice(0, expected.length), expected); var map = JSON.parse(to_ascii(stdout.slice(expected.length).trim())); assert.deepEqual(map.names, []); done(); }).stdin.end([ "var obj = {", " p: a,", " q: b", "};", ].join("\n")); }); it("Should give sensible error against invalid input source map", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/mocha.js --source-map content=blah,url=inline --verbose"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.deepEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 2), [ "INFO: Using input source map: blah", "ERROR: invalid input source map: blah", ]); done(); }); }); it("Should append source map to output when using --source-map url=inline", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/issue-1323/sample.js --source-map url=inline"; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, [ "var bar=function(){function foo(bar){return bar}return foo}();", "//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbInRlc3QvaW5wdXQvaXNzdWUtMTMyMy9zYW1wbGUuanMiXSwibmFtZXMiOlsiYmFyIiwiZm9vIl0sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiQUFBQSxJQUFJQSxJQUFNLFdBQ04sU0FBU0MsSUFBS0QsS0FDVixPQUFPQSxJQUdYLE9BQU9DLElBTEQifQ==", "", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should not append source map to output when not using --source-map url=inline", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + ' test/input/issue-1323/sample.js'; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "var bar=function(){function foo(bar){return bar}return foo}();\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should not consider source map file content as source map file name (issue #2082)", function(done) { var command = [ uglifyjscmd, "test/input/issue-2082/sample.js", "--source-map", "content=test/input/issue-2082/", "--source-map", "url=inline", "--verbose", ].join(" "); exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) throw err; var stderrLines = stderr.split("\n"); assert.strictEqual(stderrLines[0], "INFO: Using input source map: test/input/issue-2082/"); assert.notStrictEqual(stderrLines[1], 'INFO: Using input source map: {"version": 3,"sources": ["index.js"],"mappings": ";"}'); done(); }); }); it("Should not load source map before finish reading from STDIN", function(done) { var mapFile = "tmp/"; try { fs.mkdirSync("./tmp"); } catch (e) { if (e.code != "EEXIST") throw e; } try { fs.unlinkSync(mapFile); } catch (e) { if (e.code != "ENOENT") throw e; } var command = [ uglifyjscmd, "--beautify", "--source-map", [ "content=" + mapFile, "includeSources", "url=inline", ].join(), ].join(" "); var child = exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, read("test/input/issue-3040/expect.js")); done(); }); setTimeout(function() { fs.writeFileSync(mapFile, read("test/input/issue-3040/")); child.stdin.end(read("test/input/issue-3040/input.js")); }, 1000); }); it("Should work with --keep-fnames (mangle only)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + ' test/input/issue-1431/sample.js --keep-fnames -m'; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "function f(r){return function(){function n(n){return n*n}return r(n)}}function g(n){return n(1)+n(2)}console.log(f(g)()==5);\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should work with --keep-fnames (mangle & compress)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + ' test/input/issue-1431/sample.js --keep-fnames -m -c unused=false'; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "function f(r){return function(){function n(n){return n*n}return r(n)}}function g(n){return n(1)+n(2)}console.log(5==f(g)());\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should work with keep_fnames under mangler options", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + ' test/input/issue-1431/sample.js -m keep_fnames=true'; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "function f(r){return function(){function n(n){return n*n}return r(n)}}function g(n){return n(1)+n(2)}console.log(f(g)()==5);\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should work with --define (simple)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + ' test/input/global_defs/simple.js --define D=5 -c'; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "console.log(5);\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should work with --define (nested)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + ' test/input/global_defs/nested.js --define C.D=5,C.V=3 -c'; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "console.log(3,5);\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should work with --define (AST_Node)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + ' test/input/global_defs/simple.js --define console.log=stdout.println -c'; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "stdout.println(D);\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should work with `--beautify`", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + ' test/input/issue-1482/input.js -b'; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, read("test/input/issue-1482/beautify.js")); done(); }); }); it("Should work with `--beautify braces`", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + ' test/input/issue-1482/input.js -b braces'; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, read("test/input/issue-1482/braces.js")); done(); }); }); it("Should work with `--output-opts`", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + ' test/input/issue-1482/input.js -O ascii_only'; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, read("test/input/issue-1482/default.js")); done(); }); }); it("Should fail when both --beautify & --output-opts are specified", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/issue-520/input.js -bO ascii_only"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stderr, "ERROR: --beautify cannot be used with --output-opts\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should process inline source map", function(done) { var command = [ uglifyjscmd, "test/input/issue-520/input.js", "-mc", "toplevel", "--source-map", "content=inline", "--source-map", "includeSources=true", "--source-map", "url=inline", ].join(" "); exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, read("test/input/issue-520/output.js")); done(); }); }); it("Should warn for missing inline source map", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/issue-1323/sample.js --source-map content=inline,url=inline --warn"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, [ "var bar=function(){function foo(bar){return bar}return foo}();", "//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbInRlc3QvaW5wdXQvaXNzdWUtMTMyMy9zYW1wbGUuanMiXSwibmFtZXMiOlsiYmFyIiwiZm9vIl0sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiQUFBQSxJQUFJQSxJQUFNLFdBQ04sU0FBU0MsSUFBS0QsS0FDVixPQUFPQSxJQUdYLE9BQU9DLElBTEQifQ==", "", ].join("\n")); var stderrLines = stderr.split("\n"); assert.strictEqual(stderrLines[0], "WARN: inline source map not found: test/input/issue-1323/sample.js"); done(); }); }); it("Should handle multiple input and inline source map", function(done) { var command = [ uglifyjscmd, "test/input/issue-520/input.js", "test/input/issue-1323/sample.js", "--source-map", "content=inline,url=inline", "--warn", ].join(" "); exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, [ "var Foo=function Foo(){console.log(1+2)};new Foo;var bar=function(){function foo(bar){return bar}return foo}();", "//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbInN0ZGluIiwidGVzdC9pbnB1dC9pc3N1ZS0xMzIzL3NhbXBsZS5qcyJdLCJuYW1lcyI6WyJGb28iLCJjb25zb2xlIiwibG9nIiwiYmFyIiwiZm9vIl0sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiQUFBQSxJQUFNQSxJQUFJLFNBQUVBLE1BQWNDLFFBQVFDLElBQUksRUFBRSxJQUFPLElBQUlGLElDQW5ELElBQUlHLElBQU0sV0FDTixTQUFTQyxJQUFLRCxLQUNWLE9BQU9BLElBR1gsT0FBT0MsSUFMRCJ9", "", ].join("\n")); var stderrLines = stderr.split("\n"); assert.strictEqual(stderrLines[0], "WARN: inline source map not found: test/input/issue-1323/sample.js"); done(); }); }); it("Should fail with acorn and inline source map", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/issue-520/input.js --source-map content=inline,url=inline -p acorn"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stderr, "ERROR: inline source map only works with built-in parser\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should fail with SpiderMonkey and inline source map", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/issue-520/input.js --source-map content=inline,url=inline -p spidermonkey"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stderr, "ERROR: inline source map only works with built-in parser\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should fail with invalid syntax", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/simple.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/simple.js:1,12", "function f(a{}", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected token: punc «{», expected: punc «,»", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should fail with correct marking of tabs", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/tab.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/tab.js:1,12", "\t\tfoo(\txyz, 0abc);", "\t\t \t ^", "ERROR: Invalid syntax: 0abc", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should fail with correct marking at start of line", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/eof.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/eof.js:2,0", "foo, bar(", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected token: eof", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should fail with a missing loop body", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/loop-no-body.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/loop-no-body.js:2,0", "for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++) ", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected token: eof", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (5--)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/assign_1.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/assign_1.js:1,18", "console.log(1 || 5--);", " ^", "ERROR: Invalid use of -- operator", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (Math.random() /= 2)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/assign_2.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/assign_2.js:1,32", "console.log(2 || (Math.random() /= 2));", " ^", "ERROR: Invalid assignment", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (++this)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/assign_3.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/assign_3.js:1,17", "console.log(3 || ++this);", " ^", "ERROR: Invalid use of ++ operator", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (null = 4)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/assign_4.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/assign_4.js:1,23", "console.log(4 || (null = 4));", " ^", "ERROR: Invalid assignment", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error ([]?.length ^= 5)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/assign_5.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/assign_5.js:1,29", "console.log(5 || ([]?.length ^= 5));", " ^", "ERROR: Invalid assignment", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (a.=)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/dot_1.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/dot_1.js:1,2", "a.=", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected token: operator «=», expected: name", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (%.a)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/dot_2.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/dot_2.js:1,0", "%.a;", "^", "ERROR: Unexpected token: operator «%»", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (a./();)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/dot_3.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/dot_3.js:1,2", "a./();", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected token: operator «/», expected: name", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error ({%: 1})", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/object.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/object.js:1,13", "console.log({%: 1});", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected token: operator «%»", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (delete x)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/delete.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/delete.js:13,11", " delete x;", " ^", "ERROR: Calling delete on expression not allowed in strict mode", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (function g(arguments))", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/function_1.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/function_1.js:4,11", "function g(arguments) {", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected arguments in strict mode", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (function eval())", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/function_2.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/function_2.js:4,9", "function eval() {", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected eval in strict mode", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (iife arguments())", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/function_3.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/function_3.js:4,10", "!function arguments() {", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected arguments in strict mode", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (catch (eval))", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/try.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/try.js:7,18", " try {} catch (eval) {}", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected eval in strict mode", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (var eval)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/var.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/var.js:7,8", " var eval;", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected eval in strict mode", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (var { eval })", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/destructured_var.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/destructured_var.js:7,10", " var { eval } = 42;", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected eval in strict mode", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (else)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/else.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/else.js:1,7", "if (0) else 1;", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected token: keyword «else»", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (return)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/return.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/return.js:1,0", "return 42;", "^", "ERROR: 'return' outside of function", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (for-in init)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/for-in_1.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/for-in_1.js:2,5", "for (1, 2, a in b) {", " ^", "ERROR: Invalid left-hand side in loop", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (for-in var)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/for-in_2.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/for-in_2.js:2,5", "for (var a, b in c) {", " ^", "ERROR: Only one variable declaration allowed in loop", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (for-of init)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/for-of_1.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/for-of_1.js:2,5", "for (b = 2 of a)", " ^", "ERROR: Invalid left-hand side in loop", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (for-of var)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/for-of_2.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/for-of_2.js:2,13", "for (var b = 2 of a)", " ^", "ERROR: No initializers allowed in for..of loop", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (for-await)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/for-await.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/for-await.js:1,11", "for await (; console.log(42););", " ^", "ERROR: Unexpected token: punc «;»", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (switch defaults)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/switch.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/switch.js:3,2", " default:", " ^", "ERROR: More than one default clause in switch statement", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should throw syntax error (console?.log``)", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/invalid/optional-template.js"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr.split(/\n/).slice(0, 4).join("\n"), [ "Parse error at test/input/invalid/optional-template.js:1,12", "console?.log``;", " ^", "ERROR: Invalid template on optional chain", ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should handle literal string as source map input", function(done) { var command = [ uglifyjscmd, "test/input/issue-1236/simple.js", "--source-map", 'content="' + read_map() + '",url=inline' ].join(" "); exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, [ '"use strict";var foo=function foo(x){return"foo "+x};console.log(foo("bar"));', "//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbImluZGV4LmpzIl0sIm5hbWVzIjpbImZvbyIsIngiLCJjb25zb2xlIiwibG9nIl0sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiYUFBQSxJQUFJQSxJQUFNLFNBQU5BLElBQU1DLEdBQUEsTUFBSyxPQUFTQSxHQUN4QkMsUUFBUUMsSUFBSUgsSUFBSSJ9", "" ].join("\n")); done(); }); function read_map() { var map = JSON.parse(read("test/input/issue-1236/")); delete map.sourcesContent; return JSON.stringify(map).replace(/"/g, '\\"'); } }); it("Should include function calls in source map", function(done) { var command = [ uglifyjscmd, "test/input/issue-2310/input.js", "-c", "--source-map", "url=inline", ].join(" "); exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, [ 'function foo(){return function(){console.log("PASS")}}foo()();', "//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbInRlc3QvaW5wdXQvaXNzdWUtMjMxMC9pbnB1dC5qcyJdLCJuYW1lcyI6WyJmb28iLCJjb25zb2xlIiwibG9nIiwiZiJdLCJtYXBwaW5ncyI6IkFBQUEsU0FBU0EsTUFDTCxPQUFPLFdBQ0hDLFFBQVFDLElBQUksU0FLUkYsS0FDUkcifQ==", "" ].join("\n")); done(); }); }); it("Should dump AST as JSON", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/global_defs/simple.js -mco ast"; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; var ast = JSON.parse(stdout); assert.strictEqual(ast._class, "AST_Toplevel"); assert.ok(Array.isArray(ast.body)); done(); }); }); it("Should print supported options on invalid option syntax", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/comments/filter.js -b ascii-only"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.ok(/^Supported options:\n[\s\S]*?\nERROR: `ascii-only` is not a supported option/.test(stderr), stderr); done(); }); }); it("Should work with --mangle reserved=[]", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/issue-505/input.js -m reserved=[callback]"; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, 'function test(callback){"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";callback(err,data);callback(err,data)}\n'); done(); }); }); it("Should work with --mangle reserved=false", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/issue-505/input.js -m reserved=false"; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, 'function test(a){"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";a(err,data);a(err,data)}\n'); done(); }); }); it("Should fail with --mangle-props reserved=[in]", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/issue-505/input.js --mangle-props reserved=[in]"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.ok(/^Supported options:\n[\s\S]*?\nERROR: `reserved=\[in]` is not a supported option/.test(stderr), stderr); done(); }); }); it("Should work with from --config-file", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/issue-3315/input.js --config-file test/input/issue-3315/config.json"; exec(command, function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, 'function f(){"aaaaaaaaaa";var a={prop:1,t:2};return a.prop+a.t}\n'); done(); }); }); it("Should fail with --define a-b", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/issue-505/input.js --define a-b"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ""); assert.strictEqual(stderr, "ERROR: cannot parse arguments for 'define': a-b\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should work with explicit --rename", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/rename/input.js --rename"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "function f(a){return b(a);function b(c){return c+c}}\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should work with explicit --no-rename", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/rename/input.js -mc passes=2 --no-rename"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "function f(n){return function(n){return n+n}(n)}\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should work with implicit --rename", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/rename/input.js -mc passes=2"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "function f(n){return n+n}\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should work with implicit --no-rename", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/rename/input.js -c passes=2"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, "function f(x){return function(x){return x+x}(x)}\n"); done(); }); }); it("Should work with --enclose", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/enclose/input.js --enclose"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, '(function(){function enclose(){console.log("test enclose")}enclose()})();\n'); done(); }); }); it("Should work with --enclose arg", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/enclose/input.js --enclose undefined"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, '(function(undefined){function enclose(){console.log("test enclose")}enclose()})();\n'); done(); }); }); it("Should work with --enclose arg:value", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/enclose/input.js --enclose window,undefined:window"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, '(function(window,undefined){function enclose(){console.log("test enclose")}enclose()})(window);\n'); done(); }); }); it("Should work with --enclose & --wrap", function(done) { var command = uglifyjscmd + " test/input/enclose/input.js --enclose window,undefined:window --wrap exports"; exec(command, function(err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, '(function(exports){(function(window,undefined){function enclose(){console.log("test enclose")}enclose()})(window)})(typeof exports=="undefined"?exports={}:exports);\n'); done(); }); }); it("Should compress swarm of unused variables with reasonable performance", function(done) { var code = [ "console.log(function() {", ]; for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { code.push("var obj" + i + " = {p: " + i + "};"); } code.push("var map = {"); for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { code.push("obj" + i + ": obj" + i + ","); } code = code.concat([ "};", "return obj25.p + obj121.p + obj1024.p;", "}());", ]).join("\n"); exec(uglifyjscmd + " -mc", function(err, stdout) { if (err) throw err; assert.strictEqual(stdout, [ "console.log(function(){", "var p={p:25},n={p:121},o={p:1024};", "return p.p+n.p+o.p", "}());\n", ].join("")); assert.strictEqual(run_code(stdout), run_code(code)); done(); }).stdin.end(code); }); });