#! /usr/bin/env node // -*- js -*- "use strict"; var site = "http://browserbench.org/JetStream"; if (typeof phantom == "undefined") { require("../tools/exit"); var args = process.argv.slice(2); var debug = args.indexOf("--debug"); if (debug >= 0) { args.splice(debug, 1); debug = true; } else { debug = false; } if (!args.length) { args.push("-mcb", "beautify=false,webkit"); } args.push("--timings"); var child_process = require("child_process"); var fetch = require("./fetch"); var http = require("http"); var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) { request.resume(); var url = site + request.url; fetch(url, function(err, res) { if (err) throw err; response.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": { css: "text/css", js: "application/javascript", png: "image/png" }[url.slice(url.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)] || "text/html; charset=utf-8" }); if (/\.js$/.test(url)) { var stderr = ""; var uglifyjs = child_process.fork("bin/uglifyjs", args, { silent: true }).on("exit", function(code) { console.log("uglifyjs", url.slice(site.length + 1), args.join(" ")); console.log(stderr); if (code) throw new Error("uglifyjs failed with code " + code); }); uglifyjs.stderr.on("data", function(data) { stderr += data; }).setEncoding("utf8"); uglifyjs.stdout.pipe(response); res.pipe(uglifyjs.stdin); } else { res.pipe(response); } }); }).listen(); server.on("listening", function() { var port = server.address().port; if (debug) { console.log("http://localhost:" + port + "/"); } else { child_process.exec("npm install phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.14 --no-save", function(error) { if (error) throw error; var program = require("phantomjs-prebuilt").exec(process.argv[1], port); program.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); program.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); program.on("exit", function(code) { server.close(); if (code) throw new Error("JetStream failed!"); console.log("JetStream completed successfully."); process.exit(0); }); }); } }); server.timeout = 0; } else { var page = require("webpage").create(); page.onError = function(msg, trace) { var body = [ msg ]; if (trace) trace.forEach(function(t) { body.push(" " + (t.function || "Anonymous function") + " (" + t.file + ":" + t.line + ")"); }); console.error(body.join("\n")); phantom.exit(1); }; var url = "http://localhost:" + require("system").args[1] + "/"; page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) { if (/Error:/i.test(msg)) { console.error(msg); phantom.exit(1); } console.log(msg); if (~msg.indexOf("Raw results:")) { phantom.exit(); } }; page.open(url, function(status) { if (status != "success") phantom.exit(1); page.evaluate(function() { JetStream.switchToQuick(); JetStream.start(); }); }); } mail@cbaines.net>. * tests/cpio.scm (%test-file): New variable. ("file->cpio-header + write-cpio-header + read-cpio-header"): Use it. Skip test when the inode number of %TEST-FILE is too big. Ludovic Courtès