"use strict";
function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread();
function _nonIterableSpread() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {
if (!o) return;
if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1);
if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name;
if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(n);
if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
function _iterableToArray(iter) {
if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter);
function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {
if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr);
function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length;
for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) {
arr2[i] = arr[i];
return arr2;
var _require = require("bar"), foo = _require.foo;
var _require2 = require("world"), hello = _require2.hello;
foo.x.apply(foo, _toConsumableArray(foo.y(hello.z)));
//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,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
Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2020-09-16 | repl: Look for script files in (getcwd)....Fixes <https://bugs.gnu.org/43331>.
* guix/scripts/repl.scm (guix-repl): Replace "." by (getcwd)
* tests/guix-repl.sh: Add test.
Co-authored-by: Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
| Konrad Hinsen |
2020-06-14 | guix repl: Add script execution....* guix/scripts/repl.scm: Add filename options for script execution.
* doc/guix.texi (Invoking guix repl): Document it.
* tests/guix-repl.sh: Test it.
* Makefile.am: (SH_TESTS): Add it.
Signed-off-by: Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
| Konrad Hinsen |