collapse_vars_side_effects_1: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true, reduce_vars:true } input: { function f1() { var e = 7; var s = "abcdef"; var i = 2; var log = console.log.bind(console); var x = s.charAt(i++); var y = s.charAt(i++); var z = s.charAt(i++); log(x, y, z, e); } function f2() { var e = 7; var log = console.log.bind(console); var s = "abcdef"; var i = 2; var x = s.charAt(i++); var y = s.charAt(i++); var z = s.charAt(i++); log(x, i, y, z, e); } function f3() { var e = 7; var s = "abcdef"; var i = 2; var log = console.log.bind(console); var x = s.charAt(i++); var y = s.charAt(i++); var z = s.charAt(i++); log(x, z, y, e); } function f4() { var log = console.log.bind(console), i = 10, x = i += 2, y = i += 3, z = i += 4; log(x, z, y, i); } f1(), f2(), f3(), f4(); } expect: { function f1() { var s = "abcdef", i = 2; console.log.bind(console)(s.charAt(i++), s.charAt(i++), s.charAt(i++), 7); } function f2() { var log = console.log.bind(console), s = "abcdef", i = 2, x = s.charAt(i++), y = s.charAt(i++), z = s.charAt(i++); log(x, i, y, z, 7); } function f3() { var s = "abcdef", i = 2, log = console.log.bind(console), x = s.charAt(i++), y = s.charAt(i++); log(x, s.charAt(i++), y, 7); } function f4() { var i = 10, x = i += 2, y = i += 3; console.log.bind(console)(x, i += 4, y, i); } f1(), f2(), f3(), f4(); } expect_stdout: true } collapse_vars_side_effects_2: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { function fn(x) { return console.log(x), x; } function p1() { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return a + b + c; } function p2() { var a = foo(), c = bar(), b = baz(); return a + b + c; } function p3() { var b = foo(), a = bar(), c = baz(); return a + b + c; } function p4() { var b = foo(), c = bar(), a = baz(); return a + b + c; } function p5() { var c = foo(), a = bar(), b = baz(); return a + b + c; } function p6() { var c = foo(), b = bar(), a = baz(); return a + b + c; } function q1() { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return fn(a + b + c); } function q2() { var a = foo(), c = bar(), b = baz(); return fn(a + b + c); } function q3() { var b = foo(), a = bar(), c = baz(); return fn(a + b + c); } function q4() { var b = foo(), c = bar(), a = baz(); return fn(a + b + c); } function q5() { var c = foo(), a = bar(), b = baz(); return fn(a + b + c); } function q6() { var c = foo(), b = bar(), a = baz(); return fn(a + b + c); } function r1() { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return fn(a) + fn(b) + fn(c); } function r2() { var a = foo(), c = bar(), b = baz(); return fn(a) + fn(b) + fn(c); } function r3() { var b = foo(), a = bar(), c = baz(); return fn(a) + fn(b) + fn(c); } function r4() { var b = foo(), c = bar(), a = baz(); return fn(a) + fn(b) + fn(c); } function r5() { var c = foo(), a = bar(), b = baz(); return fn(a) + fn(b) + fn(c); } function r6() { var c = foo(), b = bar(), a = baz(); return fn(a) + fn(b) + fn(c); } function s1() { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return g(a + b + c); } function s6() { var c = foo(), b = bar(), a = baz(); return g(a + b + c); } function t1() { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return g(a) + g(b) + g(c); } function t6() { var c = foo(), b = bar(), a = baz(); return g(a) + g(b) + g(c); } } expect: { function fn(x) { return console.log(x), x; } function p1() { return foo() + bar() + baz(); } function p2() { var a = foo(), c = bar(); return a + baz() + c; } function p3() { var b = foo(); return bar() + b + baz(); } function p4() { var b = foo(), c = bar(); return baz() + b + c; } function p5() { var c = foo(); return bar() + baz() + c; } function p6() { var c = foo(), b = bar(); return baz() + b + c; } function q1() { return fn(foo() + bar() + baz()); } function q2() { var a = foo(), c = bar(); return fn(a + baz() + c); } function q3() { var b = foo(); return fn(bar() + b + baz()); } function q4() { var b = foo(), c = bar(); return fn(baz() + b + c); } function q5() { var c = foo(); return fn(bar() + baz() + c); } function q6() { var c = foo(), b = bar(); return fn(baz() + b + c); } function r1() { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return fn(a) + fn(b) + fn(c); } function r2() { var a = foo(), c = bar(), b = baz(); return fn(a) + fn(b) + fn(c); } function r3() { var b = foo(), a = bar(), c = baz(); return fn(a) + fn(b) + fn(c); } function r4() { var b = foo(), c = bar(); return fn(baz()) + fn(b) + fn(c); } function r5() { var c = foo(), a = bar(), b = baz(); return fn(a) + fn(b) + fn(c); } function r6() { var c = foo(), b = bar(); return fn(baz()) + fn(b) + fn(c); } function s1() { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return g(a + b + c); } function s6() { var c = foo(), b = bar(), a = baz(); return g(a + b + c); } function t1() { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return g(a) + g(b) + g(c); } function t6() { var c = foo(), b = bar(), a = baz(); return g(a) + g(b) + g(c); } } } collapse_vars_issue_721: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true, reduce_vars:true } input: { define(["require", "exports", 'handlebars'], function (require, exports, hb) { var win = window; var _hb = win.Handlebars = hb; return _hb; }); def(function (hb) { var win = window; var prop = 'Handlebars'; var _hb = win[prop] = hb; return _hb; }); def(function (hb) { var prop = 'Handlebars'; var win = window; var _hb = win[prop] = hb; return _hb; }); def(function (hb) { var prop = 'Handlebars'; var win = g(); var _hb = win[prop] = hb; return _hb; }); def(function (hb) { var prop = g1(); var win = g2(); var _hb = win[prop] = hb; return _hb; }); def(function (hb) { var win = g2(); var prop = g1(); var _hb = win[prop] = hb; return _hb; }); } expect: { define([ "require", "exports", "handlebars" ], function(require, exports, hb) { return window.Handlebars = hb; }), def(function(hb) { return window.Handlebars = hb; }), def(function(hb) { return window.Handlebars = hb; }), def(function (hb) { return g().Handlebars = hb; }), def(function (hb) { var prop = g1(); return g2()[prop] = hb; }), def(function (hb) { return g2()[g1()] = hb; }); } } collapse_vars_properties: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true, reduce_vars:true } input: { function f1(obj) { var prop = 'LiteralProperty'; return !!-+obj[prop]; } function f2(obj) { var prop1 = 'One'; var prop2 = 'Two'; return ~!!-+obj[prop1 + prop2]; } } expect: { function f1(obj) { return !!-+obj.LiteralProperty; } function f2(obj) { return ~!!-+obj.OneTwo; } } } collapse_vars_if: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true, reduce_vars:true } input: { function f1() { var not_used = sideeffect(), x = g1 + g2; var y = x / 4, z = 'Bar' + y; if ('x' != z) { return g9; } else return g5; } function f2() { var x = g1 + g2, not_used = sideeffect(); var y = x / 4 var z = 'Bar' + y; if ('x' != z) { return g9; } else return g5; } function f3(x) { if (x) { var a = 1; return a; } else { var b = 2; return b; } } } expect: { function f1() { sideeffect(); return "x" != "Bar" + (g1 + g2) / 4 ? g9 : g5; } function f2() { var x = g1 + g2; sideeffect(); return "x" != "Bar" + x / 4 ? g9 : g5; } function f3(x) { if (x) { return 1; } return 2; } } } collapse_vars_while: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:false, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true, reduce_vars:true } input: { function f1(y) { // Neither the non-constant while condition `c` will be // replaced, nor the non-constant `x` in the body. var x = y, c = 3 - y; while (c) { return x; } var z = y * y; return z; } function f2(y) { // The constant `x` will be replaced in the while body. var x = 7; while (y) { return x; } var z = y * y; return z; } function f3(y) { // The non-constant `n` will not be replaced in the while body. var n = 5 - y; while (y) { return n; } var z = y * y; return z; } } expect: { function f1(y) { var x = y, c = 3 - y; while (c) return x; return y * y; } function f2(y) { while (y) return 7; return y * y } function f3(y) { var n = 5 - y; while (y) return n; return y * y; } } } collapse_vars_do_while: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:false, loops:false, unused:"keep_assign", hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { function f1(y) { // The constant do-while condition `c` will not be replaced. var c = 9; do {} while (c === 77); } function f2(y) { // The non-constant do-while condition `c` will not be replaced. var c = 5 - y; do { } while (c); } function f3(y) { // The constant `x` will be replaced in the do loop body. function fn(n) { console.log(n); } var a = 2, x = 7; do { fn(a = x); break; } while (y); } function f4(y) { // The non-constant `a` will not be replaced in the do loop body. var a = y / 4; do { return a; } while (y); } function f5(y) { function p(x) { console.log(x); } do { // The non-constant `a` will be replaced in p(a) // because it is declared in same block. var a = y - 3; p(a); } while (--y); } } expect: { function f1(y) { var c = 9; do ; while (77 === c); } function f2(y) { var c = 5 - y; do ; while (c); } function f3(y) { function fn(n) { console.log(n); } var a = 2, x = 7; do { fn(a = x); break; } while (y); } function f4(y) { var a = y / 4; do return a; while (y); } function f5(y) { function p(x) { console.log(x); } do { p(y - 3); } while (--y); } } } collapse_vars_do_while_drop_assign: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:false, loops:false, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { function f1(y) { // The constant do-while condition `c` will be not replaced. var c = 9; do {} while (c === 77); } function f2(y) { // The non-constant do-while condition `c` will not be replaced. var c = 5 - y; do { } while (c); } function f3(y) { // The constant `x` will be replaced in the do loop body. function fn(n) { console.log(n); } var a = 2, x = 7; do { fn(a = x); break; } while (y); } function f4(y) { // The non-constant `a` will not be replaced in the do loop body. var a = y / 4; do { return a; } while (y); } function f5(y) { function p(x) { console.log(x); } do { // The non-constant `a` will be replaced in p(a) // because it is declared in same block. var a = y - 3; p(a); } while (--y); } } expect: { function f1(y) { var c = 9; do ; while (77 === c); } function f2(y) { var c = 5 - y; do ; while (c); } function f3(y) { function fn(n) { console.log(n); } var x = 7; do { fn(x); break; } while (y); } function f4(y) { var a = y / 4; do return a; while (y); } function f5(y) { function p(x) { console.log(x); } do { p(y - 3); } while (--y); } } } collapse_vars_seq: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { var f1 = function(x, y) { var a, b, r = x + y, q = r * r, z = q - r; a = z, b = 7; return a + b; }; } expect: { var f1 = function(x, y) { var a, b, r = x + y; return a = r * r - r, b = 7, a + b }; } } collapse_vars_throw: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { var f1 = function(x, y) { var a, b, r = x + y, q = r * r, z = q - r; a = z, b = 7; throw a + b; }; } expect: { var f1 = function(x, y) { var a, b, r = x + y; throw a = r * r - r, b = 7, a + b }; } } collapse_vars_switch: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { function f1() { var not_used = sideeffect(), x = g1 + g2; var y = x / 4, z = 'Bar' + y; switch (z) { case 0: return g9; } } function f2() { var x = g1 + g2, not_used = sideeffect(); var y = x / 4 var z = 'Bar' + y; switch (z) { case 0: return g9; } } function f3(x) { switch(x) { case 1: var a = 3 - x; return a; } } } expect: { function f1() { sideeffect(); switch ("Bar" + (g1 + g2) / 4) { case 0: return g9 } } function f2() { var x = g1 + g2; sideeffect(); switch ("Bar" + x / 4) { case 0: return g9 } } function f3(x) { // verify no extraneous semicolon in case block before return // when the var definition was eliminated switch(x) { case 1: return 3 - x; } } } } collapse_vars_assignment: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { function log(x) { return console.log(x), x; } function f0(c) { var a = 3 / c; return a = a; } function f1(c) { var a = 3 / c; var b = 1 - a; return b; } function f2(c) { var a = 3 / c; var b = a - 7; return log(c = b); } function f3(c) { var a = 3 / c; var b = a - 7; return log(c |= b); } function f4(c) { var a = 3 / c; var b = 2; return log(b += a); } function f5(c) { var b = 2; var a = 3 / c; return log(b += a); } function f6(c) { var b = g(); var a = 3 / c; return log(b += a); } } expect: { function log(x) { return console.log(x), x; } function f0(c) { var a = 3 / c; return a = a; } function f1(c) { return 1 - 3 / c } function f2(c) { return log(c = 3 / c - 7); } function f3(c) { return log(c |= 3 / c - 7); } function f4(c) { var b = 2; return log(b += 3 / c); } function f5(c) { var b = 2; return log(b += 3 / c); } function f6(c) { var b = g(); return log(b += 3 / c); } } } collapse_vars_lvalues: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:"keep_assign", hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { function f0(x) { var i = ++x; return x += i; } function f1(x) { var a = (x -= 3); return x += a; } function f2(x) { var z = x, a = ++z; return z += a; } function f3(x) { var a = (x -= 3), b = x + a; return b; } function f4(x) { var a = (x -= 3); return x + a; } function f5(x) { var w = e1(), v = e2(), c = v = --x, b = w = x; return b - c; } function f6(x) { var w = e1(), v = e2(), c = v = --x, b = w = x; return c - b; } function f7(x) { var w = e1(), v = e2(), c = v - x, b = w = x; return b - c; } function f8(x) { var w = e1(), v = e2(), b = w = x, c = v - x; return b - c; } function f9(x) { var w = e1(), v = e2(), b = w = x, c = v - x; return c - b; } } expect: { function f0(x) { var i = ++x; return x += i; } function f1(x) { var a = (x -= 3); return x += a; } function f2(x) { var z = x, a = ++z; return z += a; } function f3(x) { var a = (x -= 3); return x + a; } function f4(x) { var a = (x -= 3); return x + a; } function f5(x) { var w = e1(), v = e2(), c = v = --x; return (w = x) - c; } function f6(x) { var w = e1(), v = e2(); return (v = --x) - (w = x); } function f7(x) { var w = e1(); return (w = x) - (e2() - x); } function f8(x) { var w = e1(); return (w = x) - (e2() - x); } function f9(x) { var w = e1(); return e2() - x - (w = x); } } } collapse_vars_lvalues_drop_assign: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { function f0(x) { var i = ++x; return x += i; } function f1(x) { var a = (x -= 3); return x += a; } function f2(x) { var z = x, a = ++z; return z += a; } function f3(x) { var a = (x -= 3), b = x + a; return b; } function f4(x) { var a = (x -= 3); return x + a; } function f5(x) { var w = e1(), v = e2(), c = v = --x, b = w = x; return b - c; } function f6(x) { var w = e1(), v = e2(), c = v = --x, b = w = x; return c - b; } function f7(x) { var w = e1(), v = e2(), c = v - x, b = w = x; return b - c; } function f8(x) { var w = e1(), v = e2(), b = w = x, c = v - x; return b - c; } function f9(x) { var w = e1(), v = e2(), b = w = x, c = v - x; return c - b; } } expect: { function f0(x) { var i = ++x; return x += i; } function f1(x) { var a = (x -= 3); return x += a; } function f2(x) { var z = x, a = ++z; return z += a; } function f3(x) { var a = (x -= 3); return x + a; } function f4(x) { var a = (x -= 3); return x + a; } function f5(x) { e1(); var v = e2(), c = v = --x; return x - c; } function f6(x) { e1(), e2(); return --x - x; } function f7(x) { e1(); return x - (e2() - x); } function f8(x) { e1(); return x - (e2() - x); } function f9(x) { e1(); return e2() - x - x; } } } collapse_vars_misc1: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true, reduce_vars:true } input: { function f0(o, a, h) { var b = 3 - a; var obj = o; var seven = 7; var prop = 'run'; var t = obj[prop](b)[seven] = h; return t; } function f1(x) { var y = 5 - x; return y; } function f2(x) { var z = foo(), y = z / (5 - x); return y; } function f3(x) { var z = foo(), y = (5 - x) / z; return y; } function f4(x) { var z = foo(), y = (5 - u) / z; return y; } function f5(x) { var z = foo(), y = (5 - window.x) / z; return y; } function f6() { var b = window.a * window.z; return b && zap(); } function f7() { var b = window.a * window.z; return b + b; } function f8() { var b = window.a * window.z; var c = b + 5; return b + c; } function f9() { var b = window.a * window.z; return bar() || b; } function f10(x) { var a = 5, b = 3; return a += b; } function f11(x) { var a = 5, b = 3; return a += --b; } } expect: { function f0(o, a, h) { var b = 3 - a; return[7] = h; } function f1(x) { return 5 - x } function f2(x) { return foo() / (5 - x) } function f3(x) { return (5 - x) / foo() } function f4(x) { var z = foo(); return (5 - u) / z } function f5(x) { var z = foo(); return (5 - window.x) / z } function f6() { return window.a * window.z && zap() } function f7() { var b = window.a * window.z; return b + b } function f8() { var b = window.a * window.z; return b + (b + 5) } function f9() { var b = window.a * window.z; return bar() || b } function f10(x) { var a = 5; return a += 3; } function f11(x) { var a = 5, b = 3; return a += --b; } } } collapse_vars_self_reference: { options = { collapse_vars:true, unused:false, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { // avoid bug in self-referential declaration. function f1() { var self = { inner: function() { return self; } }; } function f2() { var self = { inner: self }; } } expect: { // note: `unused` option is false function f1() { var self = { inner: function() { return self } }; } function f2() { var self = { inner: self }; } } } collapse_vars_repeated: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true, reduce_vars:true } input: { function f1() { var dummy = 3, a = 5, unused = 2, a = 1, a = 3; return -a; } function f2(x) { var a = 3, a = x; return a; } (function(x){ var a = "GOOD" + x, e = "BAD", k = "!", e = a; console.log(e + k); })("!"), (function(x){ var a = "GOOD" + x, e = "BAD" + x, k = "!", e = a; console.log(e + k); })("!"); } expect: { function f1() { return -3; } function f2(x) { return x; } (function(x){ console.log("GOOD!!"); })(), (function(x){ console.log("GOOD!!"); })(); } expect_stdout: true } collapse_vars_closures: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true, reduce_vars:true } input: { function constant_vars_can_be_replaced_in_any_scope() { var outer = 3; return function() { return outer; } } function non_constant_vars_can_only_be_replace_in_same_scope(x) { var outer = x; return function() { return outer; } } } expect: { function constant_vars_can_be_replaced_in_any_scope() { return function() { return 3 } } function non_constant_vars_can_only_be_replace_in_same_scope(x) { var outer = x return function() { return outer } } } } collapse_vars_unary: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { function f0(o, p) { var x = o[p]; return delete x; } function f1(n) { var k = !!n; return n > +k; } function f2(n) { // test unary with constant var k = 7; return k--; } function f3(n) { // test unary with constant var k = 7; return ++k; } function f4(n) { // test unary with non-constant var k = 8 - n; return k--; } function f5(n) { // test unary with non-constant var k = 9 - n; return ++k; } } expect: { function f0(o, p) { var x = o[p]; return delete x; } function f1(n) { return n > +!!n } function f2(n) { var k = 7; return k-- } function f3(n) { var k = 7; return ++k } function f4(n) { var k = 8 - n; return k--; } function f5(n) { var k = 9 - n; return ++k; } } } collapse_vars_try: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true, reduce_vars:true } input: { function f1() { try { var a = 1; return a; } catch (ex) { var b = 2; return b; } finally { var c = 3; return c; } } function f2() { var t = could_throw(); // shouldn't be replaced in try block try { return t + might_throw(); } catch (ex) { return 3; } } } expect: { function f1() { try { return 1; } catch (ex) { return 2; } finally { return 3; } } function f2() { var t = could_throw(); try { return t + might_throw(); } catch (ex) { return 3; } } } } collapse_vars_array: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { function f1(x, y) { var z = x + y; return [z]; } function f2(x, y) { var z = x + y; return [x, side_effect(), z]; } function f3(x, y) { var z = f(x + y); return [ [3], [z, x, y], [g()] ]; } } expect: { function f1(x, y) { return [x + y] } function f2(x, y) { var z = x + y return [x, side_effect(), z] } function f3(x, y) { return [ [3], [f(x + y), x, y], [g()] ] } } } collapse_vars_object: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { function f0(x, y) { var z = x + y; return { get b() { return 7; }, r: z }; } function f1(x, y) { var z = x + y; return { r: z, get b() { return 7; } }; } function f2(x, y) { var z = x + y; var k = x - y; return { q: k, r: g(x), s: z }; } function f3(x, y) { var z = f(x + y); return [{ a: {q: x, r: y, s: z}, b: g() }]; } } expect: { function f0(x, y) { return { get b() { return 7; }, r: x + y }; } function f1(x, y) { return { r: x + y, get b() { return 7; } }; } function f2(x, y) { var z = x + y; return { q: x - y, r: g(x), s: z }; } function f3(x, y) { return [{ a: {q: x, r: y, s: f(x + y)}, b: g() }]; } } } collapse_vars_eval_and_with: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:false, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { // Don't attempt to collapse vars in presence of eval() or with statement. (function f0() { var a = 2; console.log(a - 5); eval("console.log(a);"); })(); (function f1() { var o = {a: 1}, a = 2; with (o) console.log(a); })(); (function f2() { var o = {a: 1}, a = 2; return function() { with (o) console.log(a) }; })()(); } expect: { (function f0() { var a = 2; console.log(a - 5); eval("console.log(a);"); })(); (function f1() { var o = {a: 1}, a = 2; with(o) console.log(a); })(); (function f2() { var o = {a: 1}, a = 2; return function() { with (o) console.log(a) }; })()(); } expect_stdout: true } collapse_vars_constants: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true, reduce_vars:true } input: { function f1(x) { var a = 4, b = x.prop, c = 5, d = sideeffect1(), e = sideeffect2(); return b + (function() { return d - a * e - c; })(); } function f2(x) { var a = 4, b = x.prop, c = 5, not_used = sideeffect1(), e = sideeffect2(); return b + (function() { return -a * e - c; })(); } function f3(x) { var a = 4, b = x.prop, c = 5, not_used = sideeffect1(); return b + (function() { return -a - c; })(); } } expect: { function f1(x) { var b = x.prop, d = sideeffect1(), e = sideeffect2(); return b + (function() { return d - 4 * e - 5; })(); } function f2(x) { var b = x.prop, e = (sideeffect1(), sideeffect2()); return b + (function() { return -4 * e - 5; })(); } function f3(x) { var b = x.prop; sideeffect1(); return b + (function() { return -9; })(); } } } collapse_vars_arguments: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true, toplevel:true, reduce_vars:true } input: { var outer = function() { // Do not replace `arguments` but do replace the constant `k` before it. var k = 7, arguments = 5, inner = function() { console.log(arguments); } inner(k, 1); } outer(); } expect: { (function() { (function(){console.log(arguments);})(7, 1); })(); } expect_stdout: true } collapse_vars_short_circuit: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { function f0(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return b || x; } function f1(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return b && x; } function f2(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return x && a && b; } function f3(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return a && x; } function f4(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return a && x && b; } function f5(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return x || a || b; } function f6(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return a || x || b; } function f7(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return a && b && x; } function f8(x,y) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return (x || a) && (y || b); } function f9(x,y) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return (x && a) || (y && b); } function f10(x,y) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return (x - a) || (y - b); } function f11(x,y) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return (x - b) || (y - a); } function f12(x,y) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return (x - y) || (b - a); } function f13(x,y) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return (a - b) || (x - y); } function f14(x,y) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return (b - a) || (x - y); } } expect: { function f0(x) { foo(); return bar() || x; } function f1(x) { foo(); return bar() && x; } function f2(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return x && a && b; } function f3(x) { var a = foo(); bar(); return a && x; } function f4(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return a && x && b; } function f5(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return x || a || b; } function f6(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return a || x || b; } function f7(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return a && b && x; } function f8(x,y) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return (x || a) && (y || b); } function f9(x,y) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return (x && a) || (y && b); } function f10(x,y) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return (x - a) || (y - b); } function f11(x,y) { var a = foo(); return (x - bar()) || (y - a); } function f12(x,y) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return (x - y) || (b - a); } function f13(x,y) { return (foo() - bar()) || (x - y); } function f14(x,y) { var a = foo(); return (bar() - a) || (x - y); } } } collapse_vars_short_circuited_conditions: { options = { collapse_vars: true, sequences: false, dead_code: true, conditionals: false, comparisons: false, evaluate: true, booleans: true, loops: true, unused: true, hoist_funs: true, keep_fargs: true, if_return: false, join_vars: true, cascade: true, side_effects: true, } input: { function c1(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return a ? b : c; } function c2(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return a ? c : b; } function c3(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return b ? a : c; } function c4(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return b ? c : a; } function c5(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return c ? a : b; } function c6(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return c ? b : a; } function i1(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); if (a) return b; else return c; } function i2(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); if (a) return c; else return b; } function i3(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); if (b) return a; else return c; } function i4(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); if (b) return c; else return a; } function i5(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); if (c) return a; else return b; } function i6(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); if (c) return b; else return a; } } expect: { function c1(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return a ? b : c; } function c2(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return a ? c : b; } function c3(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return b ? a : c; } function c4(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); return b ? c : a; } function c5(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return baz() ? a : b; } function c6(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); return baz() ? b : a; } function i1(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); if (a) return b; else return c; } function i2(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); if (a) return c; else return b; } function i3(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); if (b) return a; else return c; } function i4(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(), c = baz(); if (b) return c; else return a; } function i5(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); if (baz()) return a; else return b; } function i6(x) { var a = foo(), b = bar(); if (baz()) return b; else return a; } } } collapse_vars_regexp: { options = { booleans: true, cascade: true, collapse_vars: true, comparisons: true, conditionals: true, dead_code: true, evaluate: true, if_return: true, join_vars: true, hoist_funs: true, keep_fargs: true, loops: false, reduce_vars: true, side_effects: true, unused: true, } input: { function f1() { var k = 9; var rx = /[A-Z]+/; return [rx, k]; } function f2() { var rx = /ab*/g; return function(s) { return rx.exec(s); }; } (function() { var result; var s = 'acdabcdeabbb'; var rx = /ab*/g; while (result = rx.exec(s)) { console.log(result[0]); } })(); (function() { var result; var s = 'acdabcdeabbb'; var rx = f2(); while (result = rx(s)) { console.log(result[0]); } })(); } expect: { function f1() { return [/[A-Z]+/, 9]; } function f2() { var rx = /ab*/g; return function(s) { return rx.exec(s); }; } (function() { var result, rx = /ab*/g; while (result = rx.exec("acdabcdeabbb")) console.log(result[0]); })(); (function() { var result, rx = f2(); while (result = rx("acdabcdeabbb")) console.log(result[0]); })(); } expect_stdout: true } issue_1537: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var k = ''; for (k in {prop: 'val'}){} } expect: { var k = ''; for (k in {prop: 'val'}); } } issue_1562: { options = { collapse_vars: true, evaluate: true, reduce_vars: true, toplevel: true, unused: true, } input: { var v = 1, B = 2; for (v in objs) f(B); var x = 3, C = 10; while(x + 2) bar(C); var y = 4, D = 20; do bar(D); while(y + 2); var z = 5, E = 30; for (; f(z + 2) ;) bar(E); } expect: { var v = 1; for (v in objs) f(2); while(5) bar(10); do bar(20); while(6); for (; f(7) ;) bar(30); } } issue_1605_1: { options = { collapse_vars: true, toplevel: false, } input: { function foo(x) { var y = x; return y; } var o = new Object; o.p = 1; } expect: { function foo(x) { return x; } var o = new Object; o.p = 1; } } issue_1605_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, toplevel: "vars", } input: { function foo(x) { var y = x; return y; } var o = new Object; o.p = 1; } expect: { function foo(x) { return x; } (new Object).p = 1; } } issue_1631_1: { options = { cascade: true, collapse_vars: true, hoist_funs: true, join_vars: true, sequences: true, side_effects: true, } input: { var pc = 0; function f(x) { pc = 200; return 100; } function x() { var t = f(); pc += t; return pc; } console.log(x()); } expect: { function f(x) { return pc = 200, 100; } function x() { var t = f(); return pc += t; } var pc = 0; console.log(x()); } expect_stdout: "300" } issue_1631_2: { options = { cascade: true, collapse_vars: true, hoist_funs: true, join_vars: true, sequences: true, side_effects: true, } input: { var a = 0, b = 1; function f() { a = 2; return 4; } function g() { var t = f(); b = a + t; return b; } console.log(g()); } expect: { function f() { return a = 2, 4; } function g() { var t = f(); return b = a + t; } var a = 0, b = 1; console.log(g()); } expect_stdout: "6" } issue_1631_3: { options = { cascade: true, collapse_vars: true, hoist_funs: true, join_vars: true, sequences: true, side_effects: true, } input: { function g() { var a = 0, b = 1; function f() { a = 2; return 4; } var t = f(); b = a + t; return b; } console.log(g()); } expect: { function g() { function f() { return a = 2, 4; } var a = 0, b = 1, t = f(); return b = a + t; } console.log(g()); } expect_stdout: "6" } var_side_effects_1: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var print = console.log.bind(console); function foo(x) { var twice = x * 2; print('Foo:', twice); } foo(10); } expect: { var print = console.log.bind(console); function foo(x) { print('Foo:', 2 * x); } foo(10); } expect_stdout: true } var_side_effects_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var print = console.log.bind(console); function foo(x) { var twice = x.y * 2; print('Foo:', twice); } foo({ y: 10 }); } expect: { var print = console.log.bind(console); function foo(x) { var twice = 2 * x.y; print('Foo:', twice); } foo({ y: 10 }); } expect_stdout: true } var_side_effects_3: { options = { collapse_vars: true, pure_getters: true, unsafe: true, } input: { var print = console.log.bind(console); function foo(x) { var twice = x.y * 2; print('Foo:', twice); } foo({ y: 10 }); } expect: { var print = console.log.bind(console); function foo(x) { print('Foo:', 2 * x.y); } foo({ y: 10 }); } expect_stdout: true } reduce_vars_assign: { options = { collapse_vars: true, reduce_vars: true, } input: { !function() { var a = 1; a = [].length, console.log(a); }(); } expect: { !function() { var a = 1; a = [].length, console.log(a); }(); } expect_stdout: "0" } iife_1: { options = { collapse_vars: true, reduce_vars: true, toplevel: true, unused: true, } input: { var log = function(x) { console.log(x); }, foo = bar(); log(foo); } expect: { (function(x) { console.log(x); })(bar()); } } iife_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, reduce_vars: false, toplevel: true, unused: false, } input: { var foo = bar(); !function(x) { console.log(x); }(foo); } expect: { !function(x) { console.log(x); }(bar()); } } var_defs: { options = { collapse_vars:true, sequences:true, properties:true, dead_code:true, conditionals:true, comparisons:true, evaluate:true, booleans:true, loops:true, unused:true, hoist_funs:true, keep_fargs:true, if_return:true, join_vars:true, cascade:true, side_effects:true } input: { var f1 = function(x, y) { var a, b, r = x + y, q = r * r, z = q - r, a = z, b = 7; console.log(a + b); }; f1("1", 0); } expect: { var f1 = function(x, y) { var r = x + y, a = r * r - r, b = 7; console.log(a + b); }; f1("1", 0); } expect_stdout: "97" } assignment: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { function f() { var a; a = x; return a; } } expect: { function f() { return x; } } } for_init: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { function f(x, y) { var a = x; var b = y; for (a; b;); } } expect: { function f(x, y) { var b = y; for (x; b;); } } } switch_case: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { function f(x, y, z) { var a = x(); var b = y(); var c = z; switch (a) { default: d(); case b: e(); case c: f(); } } } expect: { function f(x, y, z) { var c = z; switch (x()) { default: d(); case y(): e(); case c: f(); } } } } issue_27: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { (function(jQuery) { var $; $ = jQuery; $("body").addClass("foo"); })(jQuery); } expect: { (function(jQuery) { jQuery("body").addClass("foo"); })(jQuery); } } modified: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { function f1(b) { var a = b; return b + a; } function f2(b) { var a = b; return b++ + a; } function f3(b) { var a = b++; return b + a; } function f4(b) { var a = b++; return b++ + a; } function f5(b) { var a = function() { return b; }(); return b++ + a; } console.log(f1(1), f2(1), f3(1), f4(1), f5(1)); } expect: { function f1(b) { return b + b; } function f2(b) { var a = b; return b++ + a; } function f3(b) { var a = b++; return b + a; } function f4(b) { var a = b++; return b++ + a; } function f5(b) { var a = function() { return b; }(); return b++ + a; } console.log(f1(1), f2(1), f3(1), f4(1), f5(1)); } expect_stdout: "2 2 3 3 2" } issue_1858: { options = { collapse_vars: true, pure_getters: true, unused: true, } input: { console.log(function(x) { var a = {}, b = a.b = x; return a.b + b; }(1)); } expect: { console.log(function(x) { var a = {}, b = a.b = 1; return a.b + b; }()); } expect_stdout: "2" } anonymous_function: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { console.log(function f(a) { f ^= 0; return f * a; }(1)); } expect: { console.log(function f(a) { f ^= 0; return f * a; }(1)); } expect_stdout: true } side_effects_property: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var a = []; var b = 0; a[b++] = function() { return 42;}; var c = a[b++](); console.log(c); } expect: { var a = []; var b = 0; a[b++] = function() { return 42;}; var c = a[b++](); console.log(c); } expect_stdout: true } undeclared: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { function f(x, y) { var a; a = x; b = y; return b + a; } } expect: { function f(x, y) { var a; a = x; b = y; return b + a; } } } ref_scope: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { console.log(function() { var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3; var a = c++, b = b /= a; return function() { return a; }() + b; }()); } expect: { console.log(function() { var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3; b = b /= a = c++; return function() { return a; }() + b; }()); } expect_stdout: true } chained_1: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var a = 2; var a = 3 / a; console.log(a); } expect: { var a = 3 / (a = 2); console.log(a); } expect_stdout: true } chained_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var a; var a = 2; a = 3 / a; console.log(a); } expect: { var a; a = 3 / (a = 2); console.log(a); } expect_stdout: true } chained_3: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { console.log(function(a, b) { var c = a, c = b; b++; return c; }(1, 2)); } expect: { console.log(function(a, b) { var c = 1, c = b; b++; return c; }(0, 2)); } expect_stdout: "2" } boolean_binary_1: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var a = 1; a++; (function() {} || a || 3).toString(); console.log(a); } expect: { var a = 1; a++; (function() {} || a || 3).toString(); console.log(a); } expect_stdout: true } boolean_binary_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var c = 0; c += 1; (function() { c = 1 + c; } || 9).toString(); console.log(c); } expect: { var c = 0; c += 1; (function() { c = 1 + c; } || 9).toString(); console.log(c); } expect_stdout: true } inner_lvalues: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { var a, b = 10; var a = (--b || a || 3).toString(), c = --b + -a; console.log(null, a, b); } expect: { var b = 10; var a = (--b || a || 3).toString(), c = --b + -a; console.log(null, a, b); } expect_stdout: true } double_def: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var a = x, a = a && y; a(); } expect: { var a = x; (a = a && y)(); } } toplevel_single_reference: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var a; for (var b in x) { var a = b; b(a); } } expect: { var a; for (var b in x) b(a = b); } } unused_orig: { options = { collapse_vars: true, passes: 2, reduce_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { var a = 1; console.log(function(b) { var a; var c = b; for (var d in c) { var a = c[0]; return --b + a; } try { } catch (e) { --b + a; } a && a.NaN; }([2]), a); } expect: { var a = 1; console.log(function(b) { var c = b; for (var d in c) { var a = c[0]; return --b + a; } a && a.NaN; }([2]), a); } expect_stdout: "3 1" } issue_315: { options = { collapse_vars: true, evaluate: true, keep_fargs: false, reduce_vars: true, sequences: true, unused: true, } input: { console.log(function(s) { var w, _i, _len, _ref, _results; _ref = s.trim().split(" "); _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { w = _ref[_i]; _results.push(w.toLowerCase()); } return _results; }("test")); } expect: { console.log(function() { var w, _i, _len, _ref, _results; for (_results = [], _i = 0, _len = (_ref = "test".trim().split(" ")).length; _i < _len ; _i++) w = _ref[_i], _results.push(w.toLowerCase()); return _results; }()); } expect_stdout: true } lvalues_def: { options = { collapse_vars: true, side_effects: true, unused: true, } input: { var a = 0, b = 1; var a = b++, b = +function() {}(); a && a[a++]; console.log(a, b); } expect: { var a = 0, b = 1; var a = b++, b = +void 0; a && a[a++]; console.log(a, b); } expect_stdout: true } compound_assignment: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var a; a = 1; a += a + 2; console.log(a); } expect: { var a; a = 1; a += a + 2; console.log(a); } expect_stdout: "4" } issue_2187_1: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { var a = 1; !function(foo) { foo(); var a = 2; console.log(a); }(function() { console.log(a); }); } expect: { var a = 1; !function(foo) { foo(); var a = 2; console.log(a); }(function() { console.log(a); }); } expect_stdout: [ "1", "2", ] } issue_2187_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { var b = 1; console.log(function(a) { return a && ++b; }(b--)); } expect: { var b = 1; console.log(function(a) { return b-- && ++b; }()); } expect_stdout: "1" } issue_2187_3: { options = { collapse_vars: true, inline: true, unused: true, } input: { var b = 1; console.log(function(a) { return a && ++b; }(b--)); } expect: { var b = 1; console.log(b-- && ++b); } expect_stdout: "1" } issue_2203_1: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { a = "FAIL"; console.log({ a: "PASS", b: function() { return function(c) { return c.a; }((String, (Object, this))); } }.b()); } expect: { a = "FAIL"; console.log({ a: "PASS", b: function() { return function(c) { return c.a; }((String, (Object, this))); } }.b()); } expect_stdout: "PASS" } issue_2203_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { a = "PASS"; console.log({ a: "FAIL", b: function() { return function(c) { return c.a; }((String, (Object, function() { return this; }()))); } }.b()); } expect: { a = "PASS"; console.log({ a: "FAIL", b: function() { return function(c) { return (String, (Object, function() { return this; }())).a; }(); } }.b()); } expect_stdout: "PASS" } duplicate_argname: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { function f() { return "PASS"; } console.log(function(a, a) { f++; return a; }("FAIL", f())); } expect: { function f() { return "PASS"; } console.log(function(a, a) { f++; return a; }("FAIL", f())); } expect_stdout: "PASS" } issue_2298: { options = { collapse_vars: true, reduce_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { !function() { function f() { var a = undefined; var undefined = a++; try { !function g(b) { b[1] = "foo"; }(); console.log("FAIL"); } catch (e) { console.log("PASS"); } } f(); }(); } expect: { !function() { (function() { var a = undefined; var undefined = a++; try { !function(b) { (void 0)[1] = "foo"; }(); console.log("FAIL"); } catch (e) { console.log("PASS"); } })(); }(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" } issue_2313_1: { options = { collapse_vars: true, conditionals: true, } input: { var a = 0, b = 0; var foo = { get c() { a++; return 42; }, set c(c) { b++; }, d: function() { this.c++; if (this.c) console.log(a, b); } } foo.d(); } expect: { var a = 0, b = 0; var foo = { get c() { a++; return 42; }, set c(c) { b++; }, d: function() { this.c++; this.c && console.log(a, b); } } foo.d(); } expect_stdout: "2 1" } issue_2313_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var c = 0; !function a() { a && c++; var a = 0; a && c++; }(); console.log(c); } expect: { var c = 0; !function a() { a && c++; var a = 0; a && c++; }(); console.log(c); } expect_stdout: "0" } issue_2319_1: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { console.log(function(a) { return a; }(!function() { return this; }())); } expect: { console.log(function(a) { return !function() { return this; }(); }()); } expect_stdout: "false" } issue_2319_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { console.log(function(a) { "use strict"; return a; }(!function() { return this; }())); } expect: { console.log(function(a) { "use strict"; return a; }(!function() { return this; }())); } expect_stdout: "false" } issue_2319_3: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { "use strict"; console.log(function(a) { return a; }(!function() { return this; }())); } expect: { "use strict"; console.log(function(a) { return !function() { return this; }(); }()); } expect_stdout: "true" } issue_2365: { options = { collapse_vars: true, pure_getters: true, } input: { console.log(function(a) { var b = a.f; a.f++; return b; }({ f: 1 })); console.log(function() { var a = { f: 1 }, b = a.f; a.f++; return b; }()); console.log({ f: 1, g: function() { var b = this.f; this.f++; return b; } }.g()); } expect: { console.log(function(a) { var b = a.f; a.f++; return b; }({ f: 1 })); console.log(function() { var a = { f: 1 }, b = a.f; a.f++; return b; }()); console.log({ f: 1, g: function() { var b = this.f; this.f++; return b; } }.g()); } expect_stdout: [ "1", "1", "1", ] } issue_2364_1: { options = { collapse_vars: true, pure_getters: true, } input: { function inc(obj) { return obj.count++; } function foo() { var first = arguments[0]; var result = inc(first); return foo.amount = first.count, result; } var data = { count: 0, }; var answer = foo(data); console.log(foo.amount, answer); } expect: { function inc(obj) { return obj.count++; } function foo() { var first = arguments[0]; var result = inc(first); return foo.amount = first.count, result; } var data = { count: 0 }; var answer = foo(data); console.log(foo.amount, answer); } expect_stdout: "1 0" } issue_2364_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, pure_getters: true, } input: { function callValidate() { var validate = compilation.validate; var result = validate.apply(null, arguments); return callValidate.errors = validate.errors, result; } } expect: { function callValidate() { var validate = compilation.validate; var result = validate.apply(null, arguments); return callValidate.errors = validate.errors, result; } } } issue_2364_3: { options = { collapse_vars: true, pure_getters: true, } input: { function inc(obj) { return obj.count++; } function foo(bar) { var result = inc(bar); return foo.amount = bar.count, result; } var data = { count: 0, }; var answer = foo(data); console.log(foo.amount, answer); } expect: { function inc(obj) { return obj.count++; } function foo(bar) { var result = inc(bar); return foo.amount = bar.count, result; } var data = { count: 0, }; var answer = foo(data); console.log(foo.amount, answer); } expect_stdout: "1 0" } issue_2364_4: { options = { collapse_vars: true, pure_getters: true, } input: { function inc(obj) { return obj.count++; } function foo(bar, baz) { var result = inc(bar); return foo.amount = baz.count, result; } var data = { count: 0, }; var answer = foo(data, data); console.log(foo.amount, answer); } expect: { function inc(obj) { return obj.count++; } function foo(bar, baz) { var result = inc(bar); return foo.amount = baz.count, result; } var data = { count: 0, }; var answer = foo(data, data); console.log(foo.amount, answer); } expect_stdout: "1 0" } issue_2364_5: { options = { collapse_vars: true, evaluate: true, pure_getters: true, properties: true, reduce_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { function f0(o, a, h) { var b = 3 - a; var obj = o; var seven = 7; var prop = 'run'; var t = obj[prop](b)[seven] = h; return t; } } expect: { function f0(o, a, h) { return - a)[7] = h; } } } issue_2364_6: { options = { collapse_vars: true, pure_getters: true, } input: { function f(a, b) { var c = a.p; b.p = "FAIL"; return c; } var o = { p: "PASS" } console.log(f(o, o)); } expect: { function f(a, b) { var c = a.p; b.p = "FAIL"; return c; } var o = { p: "PASS" } console.log(f(o, o)); } expect_stdout: "PASS" } issue_2364_7: { options = { collapse_vars: true, pure_getters: true, } input: { function f(a, b) { var c = a.p; b.f(); return c; } var o = { p: "PASS", f: function() { this.p = "FAIL"; } } console.log(f(o, o)); } expect: { function f(a, b) { var c = a.p; b.f(); return c; } var o = { p: "PASS", f: function() { this.p = "FAIL"; } } console.log(f(o, o)); } expect_stdout: "PASS" } issue_2364_8: { options = { collapse_vars: true, pure_getters: true, } input: { function f(a, b, c) { var d = a[b.f = function() { return "PASS"; }]; return c.f(d); } var o = { f: function() { return "FAIL"; } }; console.log(f({}, o, o)); } expect: { function f(a, b, c) { var d = a[b.f = function() { return "PASS"; }]; return c.f(d); } var o = { f: function() { return "FAIL"; } }; console.log(f({}, o, o)); } expect_stdout: "PASS" } issue_2364_9: { options = { collapse_vars: true, pure_getters: true, } input: { function f(a, b) { var d = a(); return b.f(d); } var o = { f: function() { return "FAIL"; } }; console.log(f(function() { o.f = function() { return "PASS"; }; }, o)); } expect: { function f(a, b) { var d = a(); return b.f(d); } var o = { f: function() { return "FAIL"; } }; console.log(f(function() { o.f = function() { return "PASS"; }; }, o)); } expect_stdout: "PASS" } pure_getters_chain: { options = { collapse_vars: true, pure_getters: true, } input: { function o(t, r) { var a = t[1], s = t[2], o = t[3], i = t[5]; return a <= 23 && s <= 59 && o <= 59 && (!r || i); } console.log(o([ , 23, 59, 59, , 42], 1)); } expect: { function o(t, r) { return t[1] <= 23 && t[2] <= 59 && t[3] <= 59 && (!r || t[5]); } console.log(o([ , 23, 59, 59, , 42], 1)); } expect_stdout: "42" } conditional_1: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { function f(a, b) { var c = ""; var d = b ? ">" : "<"; if (a) c += "="; return c += d; } console.log(f(0, 0), f(0, 1), f(1, 0), f(1, 1)); } expect: { function f(a, b) { var c = ""; if (a) c += "="; return c += b ? ">" : "<"; } console.log(f(0, 0), f(0, 1), f(1, 0), f(1, 1)); } expect_stdout: "< > =< =>" } conditional_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { function f(a, b) { var c = a + 1, d = a + 2; return b ? c : d; } console.log(f(3, 0), f(4, 1)); } expect: { function f(a, b) { return b ? a + 1 : a + 2; } console.log(f(3, 0), f(4, 1)); } expect_stdout: "5 5" } issue_2425_1: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { var a = 8; (function(b) { b.toString(); })(--a, a |= 10); console.log(a); } expect: { var a = 8; (function(b) { b.toString(); })(--a, a |= 10); console.log(a); } expect_stdout: "15" } issue_2425_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { var a = 8; (function(b, c) { b.toString(); })(--a, a |= 10); console.log(a); } expect: { var a = 8; (function(b, c) { b.toString(); })(--a, a |= 10); console.log(a); } expect_stdout: "15" } issue_2425_3: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { var a = 8; (function(b, b) { b.toString(); })(--a, a |= 10); console.log(a); } expect: { var a = 8; (function(b, b) { (a |= 10).toString(); })(--a); console.log(a); } expect_stdout: "15" }