asm_mixed: { options = { assignments: true, booleans: true, comparisons: true, conditionals: true, dead_code: true, drop_debugger: true, evaluate: true, hoist_funs: true, hoist_vars: true, if_return: true, join_vars: true, keep_fargs: true, keep_fnames: false, loops: true, negate_iife: true, properties: true, sequences: true, side_effects: true, unused: true, } input: { // adapted from function asm_GeometricMean(stdlib, foreign, buffer) { "use asm"; var exp = stdlib.Math.exp; var log = stdlib.Math.log; var values = new stdlib.Float64Array(buffer); function logSum(start, end) { start = start|0; end = end|0; var sum = 0.0, p = 0, q = 0; // asm.js forces byte addressing of the heap by requiring shifting by 3 for (p = start << 3, q = end << 3; (p|0) < (q|0); p = (p + 8)|0) { sum = sum + +log(values[p>>3]); } return +sum; } function geometricMean(start, end) { start = start|0; end = end|0; return +exp(+logSum(start, end) / +((end - start)|0)); } return { geometricMean: geometricMean }; } function no_asm_GeometricMean(stdlib, foreign, buffer) { var exp = stdlib.Math.exp; var log = stdlib.Math.log; var values = new stdlib.Float64Array(buffer); function logSum(start, end) { start = start|0; end = end|0; var sum = 0.0, p = 0, q = 0; // asm.js forces byte addressing of the heap by requiring shifting by 3 for (p = start << 3, q = end << 3; (p|0) < (q|0); p = (p + 8)|0) { sum = sum + +log(values[p>>3]); } return +sum; } function geometricMean(start, end) { start = start|0; end = end|0; return +exp(+logSum(start, end) / +((end - start)|0)); } return { geometricMean: geometricMean }; } } expect: { function asm_GeometricMean(stdlib, foreign, buffer) { "use asm"; var exp = stdlib.Math.exp; var log = stdlib.Math.log; var values = new stdlib.Float64Array(buffer); function logSum(start, end) { start = start | 0; end = end | 0; var sum = 0.0, p = 0, q = 0; for (p = start << 3, q = end << 3; (p | 0) < (q | 0); p = p + 8 | 0) { sum = sum + +log(values[p >> 3]); } return +sum; } function geometricMean(start, end) { start = start | 0; end = end | 0; return +exp(+logSum(start, end) / +(end - start | 0)); } return { geometricMean: geometricMean }; } function no_asm_GeometricMean(stdlib, foreign, buffer) { function logSum(start, end) { start |= 0, end |= 0; for (var sum = 0, p = 0, q = 0, p = start << 3, q = end << 3; (0 | p) < (0 | q); p = p + 8 | 0) sum += +log(values[p >> 3]); return +sum; } function geometricMean(start, end) { return start |= 0, end |= 0, +exp(+logSum(start, end) / (end - start | 0)); } var exp = stdlib.Math.exp, log = stdlib.Math.log, values = new stdlib.Float64Array(buffer); return { geometricMean: geometricMean }; } } } asm_toplevel: { options = {} input: { "use asm"; 0.0; function f() { 0.0; (function(){ 0.0; }); } 0.0; } expect_exact: '"use asm";0.0;function f(){0.0;(function(){0.0})}0.0;' } asm_function_expression: { options = {} input: { 0.0; var a = function() { "use asm"; 0.0; } function f() { 0.0; return function(){ "use asm"; 0.0; } 0.0; } 0.0; } expect_exact: '0;var a=function(){"use asm";0.0};function f(){0;return function(){"use asm";0.0};0}0;' } asm_nested_functions: { options = {} input: { 0.0; function a() { "use asm"; 0.0; } 0.0; function b() { 0.0; function c(){ "use asm"; 0.0; } 0.0; function d(){ 0.0; } 0.0; } 0.0; } expect_exact: '0;function a(){"use asm";0.0}0;function b(){0;function c(){"use asm";0.0}0;function d(){0}0}0;' } issue_3636_1: { mangle = {} input: { function n(stdlib, foreign, buffer) { "use asm"; function add(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x + y | 0; } return { add: add }; } console.log(new n().add("foo", 42)); } expect: { function n(o, e, u) { "use asm"; function d(n, o) { n = n | 0; o = o | 0; return n + o | 0; } return { add: d }; } console.log(new n().add("foo", 42)); } expect_stdout: "42" } issue_3636_2: { mangle = {} input: { var n = function(stdlib, foreign, buffer) { "use asm"; function add(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x + y | 0; } return { add: add }; }; console.log(new n().add("foo", 42)); } expect: { var n = function(n, o, e) { "use asm"; function r(n, o) { n = n | 0; o = o | 0; return n + o | 0; } return { add: r }; }; console.log(new n().add("foo", 42)); } expect_stdout: "42" }