function DEFNODE(type, props, methods, base) { if (arguments.length < 4) base = AST_Node; if (!props) props = []; else props = props.split(/\s+/); if (base && base.PROPS) props = props.concat(base.PROPS); var code = "return function AST_" + type + "(props){ if (props) { "; for (var i = props.length; --i >= 0;) { code += "this." + props[i] + " = props." + props[i] + ";"; } if (methods && methods.initialize) code += "this.initialize();" code += " } }"; var ctor = new Function(code)(); if (base) { ctor.prototype = new base; } ctor.prototype.CTOR = ctor; ctor.PROPS = props || null; if (type) { ctor.prototype.TYPE = ctor.TYPE = type; } if (methods) for (i in methods) if (HOP(methods, i)) { ctor.prototype[i] = methods[i]; } return ctor; }; var AST_Token = DEFNODE("Token", "type value line col pos endpos nlb comments_before", { }, null); var AST_Node = DEFNODE("Node", "start end", { clone: function() { return new this.CTOR(this); }, // XXX: what was this for? // renew: function(args) { // var ctor = this.CTOR, props = ctor.props; // for (var i in props) if (!HOP(args, i)) args[i] = this[i]; // return new ctor(args); // }, walk: function(w) { w._visit(this); } }, null); var AST_Directive = DEFNODE("Directive", "value", { print: function(output) { output.string(this.value); } }); var AST_Debugger = DEFNODE("Debugger", null, { print: function(output) { output.print("debugger"); } }); var AST_Parenthesized = DEFNODE("Parenthesized", "expression", { $documentation: "Represents an expression which is always parenthesized. Used for the \ conditions in IF/WHILE/DO and expression in SWITCH/WITH.", walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.expression.walk(w); }); } }); var AST_Bracketed = DEFNODE("Bracketed", "body", { $documentation: "Represents a block of statements that are always included in brackets. \ Used for bodies of FUNCTION/TRY/CATCH/THROW/SWITCH.", walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.body.forEach(function(stat){ stat.walk(w); }); }); } }); /* -----[ loops ]----- */ var AST_Statement = DEFNODE("Statement", "label body", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ if (this.label) this.label.walk(w); if (this.body) { if (this.body instanceof AST_Node) this.body.walk(w); else this.walk_array(w); } }); }, walk_array: AST_Bracketed.prototype.walk }); var AST_SimpleStatement = DEFNODE("SimpleStatement", null, { }, AST_Statement); var AST_BlockStatement = DEFNODE("BlockStatement", null, { }, AST_Statement); var AST_EmptyStatement = DEFNODE("EmptyStatement", null, { }, AST_Statement); var AST_Do = DEFNODE("Do", "condition", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.condition.walk(w);, w); }); } }, AST_Statement); var AST_While = DEFNODE("While", "condition", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.condition.walk(w);, w); }); } }, AST_Statement); var AST_For = DEFNODE("For", "init condition step", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ if (this.init) this.init.walk(w); if (this.condition) this.condition.walk(w); if (this.step) this.step.walk(w);, w); }); } }, AST_Statement); var AST_ForIn = DEFNODE("ForIn", "init name object", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ if (this.init) this.init.walk(w); this.object.walk(w);, w); }); } }, AST_Statement); var AST_With = DEFNODE("With", "expression", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.expression.walk(w);, w); }); } }, AST_Statement); /* -----[ functions ]----- */ var AST_Scope = DEFNODE("Scope", "identifiers", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ if (this.identifiers) this.identifiers.forEach(function(el){ el.walk(w); });, w); }); } }, AST_Statement); var AST_Toplevel = DEFNODE("Toplevel", null, { }, AST_Scope); var AST_Lambda = DEFNODE("Lambda", "name argnames", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ if (; this.argnames.forEach(function(el){ el.walk(w); });, w); }); } }, AST_Scope); var AST_Function = DEFNODE("Function", null, { }, AST_Lambda); var AST_Defun = DEFNODE("Defun", null, { }, AST_Function); /* -----[ JUMPS ]----- */ var AST_Jump = DEFNODE("Jump", null, { }); var AST_Exit = DEFNODE("Exit", "value", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ if (this.value) this.value.walk(w); }); } }, AST_Jump); var AST_Return = DEFNODE("Return", null, { }, AST_Exit); var AST_Throw = DEFNODE("Throw", null, { }, AST_Exit); var AST_LoopControl = DEFNODE("LoopControl", "label", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ if (this.label) this.label.walk(w); }); } }, AST_Jump); var AST_Break = DEFNODE("Break", null, { }, AST_LoopControl); var AST_Continue = DEFNODE("Continue", null, { }, AST_LoopControl); /* -----[ IF ]----- */ var AST_If = DEFNODE("If", "condition consequent alternative", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.condition.walk(w); this.consequent.walk(w); if (this.alternative) this.alternative.walk(w); }); } }); /* -----[ SWITCH ]----- */ var AST_Switch = DEFNODE("Switch", "expression", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.expression.walk(w);, w); }); } }, AST_Statement); var AST_SwitchBlock = DEFNODE("SwitchBlock", null, { walk : AST_Statement.prototype.walk, walk_array : AST_Bracketed.prototype.walk }, AST_Bracketed); var AST_SwitchBranch = DEFNODE("SwitchBranch", "body", { walk : AST_Statement.prototype.walk, walk_array : AST_Bracketed.prototype.walk }); var AST_Default = DEFNODE("Default", null, { }, AST_SwitchBranch); var AST_Case = DEFNODE("Case", "expression", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.expression.walk(w);, w); }); } }, AST_SwitchBranch); /* -----[ EXCEPTIONS ]----- */ var AST_Try = DEFNODE("Try", "btry bcatch bfinally", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.btry.walk(w); if (this.bcatch) this.bcatch.walk(w); if (this.bfinally) this.bfinally.walk(w); }); } }); var AST_Catch = DEFNODE("Catch", "argname body", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.argname.walk(w); this.body.walk(w); }); } }); var AST_Finally = DEFNODE("Finally", null, { }, AST_Bracketed); /* -----[ VAR/CONST ]----- */ var AST_Definitions = DEFNODE("Definitions", "definitions", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.definitions.forEach(function(el){ el.walk(w); }); }); } }); var AST_Var = DEFNODE("Var", null, { }, AST_Definitions); var AST_Const = DEFNODE("Const", null, { }, AST_Definitions); var AST_VarDef = DEFNODE("VarDef", "name value", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){; if (this.value) this.value.walk(w); }); } }); /* -----[ OTHER ]----- */ var AST_Call = DEFNODE("Call", "expression args", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.expression.walk(w); this.args.forEach(function(el){ el.walk(w); }); }); } }); var AST_New = DEFNODE("New", null, { }, AST_Call); var AST_Seq = DEFNODE("Seq", "first second", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.first.walk(w); this.second.walk(w); }); } }); var AST_PropAccess = DEFNODE("PropAccess", "expression property", { }); var AST_Dot = DEFNODE("Dot", null, { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.expression.walk(w); }); } }, AST_PropAccess); var AST_Sub = DEFNODE("Sub", null, { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.expression.walk(w);; }); } }, AST_PropAccess); var AST_Unary = DEFNODE("Unary", "operator expression", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.expression.walk(w); }); } }); var AST_UnaryPrefix = DEFNODE("UnaryPrefix", null, { }, AST_Unary); var AST_UnaryPostfix = DEFNODE("UnaryPostfix", null, { }, AST_Unary); var AST_Binary = DEFNODE("Binary", "left operator right", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.left.walk(w); this.right.walk(w); }); } }); var AST_Conditional = DEFNODE("Conditional", "condition consequent alternative", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.condition.walk(w); this.consequent.walk(w); this.alternative.walk(w); }); } }); var AST_Assign = DEFNODE("Assign", null, { }, AST_Binary); /* -----[ LITERALS ]----- */ var AST_Array = DEFNODE("Array", "elements", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.elements.forEach(function(el){ el.walk(w); }); }); } }); var AST_Object = DEFNODE("Object", "properties", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){{ prop.walk(w); }); }); } }); var AST_ObjectProperty = DEFNODE("ObjectProperty"); var AST_ObjectKeyVal = DEFNODE("ObjectKeyval", "key value", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.value.walk(w); }); } }, AST_ObjectProperty); var AST_ObjectSetter = DEFNODE("ObjectSetter", "name func", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.func.walk(w); }); } }, AST_ObjectProperty); var AST_ObjectGetter = DEFNODE("ObjectGetter", "name func", { walk: function(w) { w._visit(this, function(){ this.func.walk(w); }); } }, AST_ObjectProperty); var AST_Symbol = DEFNODE("Symbol", "name", { }); var AST_This = DEFNODE("This", null, { }, AST_Symbol); var AST_SymbolRef = DEFNODE("SymbolRef", "scope symbol", { }, AST_Symbol); var AST_Label = DEFNODE("Label", null, { }, AST_SymbolRef); var AST_Constant = DEFNODE("Constant", null, { getValue: function() { return this.value; } }); var AST_String = DEFNODE("String", "value", { }, AST_Constant); var AST_Number = DEFNODE("Number", "value", { }, AST_Constant); var AST_RegExp = DEFNODE("Regexp", "pattern mods", { initialize: function() { this.value = new RegExp(this.pattern, this.mods); } }, AST_Constant); var AST_Atom = DEFNODE("Atom", null, { }, AST_Constant); var AST_Null = DEFNODE("Null", null, { value: null }, AST_Atom); var AST_Undefined = DEFNODE("Undefined", null, { value: (function(){}()) }, AST_Atom); var AST_False = DEFNODE("False", null, { value: false }, AST_Atom); var AST_True = DEFNODE("True", null, { value: true }, AST_Atom); /* -----[ Walker ]----- */ function TreeWalker(visitor) { this.stack = []; if (visitor) this.visit = visitor; }; TreeWalker.prototype = { visit: function(node){}, parent: function(n) { if (n == null) n = 1; return this.stack[this.stack.length - n]; }, find_parent: function(type) { for (var a = this.stack, i = a.length; --i >= 0;) if (a[i] instanceof type) return a[i]; return null; }, _visit: function(node, descend) { this.visit(node); if (descend) { this.stack.push(node);; this.stack.pop(); } } };