#! /usr/bin/env node // -*- js -*- var UglifyJS = require("../tools/node"); var sys = require("util"); var optimist = require("optimist"); var fs = require("fs"); var ARGS = optimist .usage("uglifyjs2 [options] input1.js [input2.js ...]\n\ Maximum compression settings are on by default.\n\ Use a single dash to read input from the standard input.\ ") .describe("source-map", "Specify an output file where to generate source map") .describe("source-map-root", "The root of the original source to be included in the source map") .describe("p", "Skip prefix for original filenames that appear in source maps") .describe("o", "Output file (default STDOUT)") .describe("stats", "Display operations run time on STDERR") .describe("v", "Verbose") .describe("b", "Beautify output") .alias("p", "prefix") .alias("o", "output") .alias("v", "verbose") .alias("b", "beautify") .boolean("b") .boolean("v") .argv ; for (var i in ARGS) if (ARGS.hasOwnProperty(i) && /-/.test(i)) { ARGS[i.replace(/-/g, "_")] = ARGS[i]; } if (ARGS.h || ARGS.help) { sys.puts(optimist.help()); process.exit(0); } var files = ARGS._.slice(); if (files.length == 0) { sys.error("ERROR: No input files."); sys.puts(optimist.help()); process.exit(1); } if (files.indexOf("-") >= 0 && ARGS.source_map) { sys.error("ERROR: Source map doesn't work with input from STDIN"); process.exit(1); } if (files.filter(function(el){ return el == "-" }).length > 1) { sys.error("ERROR: Can read a single file from STDIN (two or more dashes specified)"); process.exit(1); } var STATS = {}; var OUTPUT_FILE = ARGS.o; var SOURCE_MAP = ARGS.source_map ? UglifyJS.SourceMap({ file: output, root: ARGS.source_map_root }) : null; var output = UglifyJS.OutputStream({ beautify: ARGS.b, source_map: SOURCE_MAP }); files.forEach(do_file); output = output.get(); if (SOURCE_MAP) { fs.writeFileSync(ARGS.source_map, SOURCE_MAP, "utf8"); output += "\n//@ sourceMappingURL=" + ARGS.source_map; } if (OUTPUT_FILE) { fs.writeFileSync(OUTPUT_FILE, output, "utf8"); } else { sys.print(output); sys.error("\n"); } if (ARGS.stats) { sys.error(UglifyJS.string_template("Timing information (compressed {count} files):", { count: files.length })); for (var i in STATS) if (STATS.hasOwnProperty(i)) { sys.error(UglifyJS.string_template("- {name}: {time}s", { name: i, time: (STATS[i] / 1000).toFixed(3) })); } } /* -----[ functions ]----- */ function do_file(file) { if (ARGS.v) { sys.error("Compressing " + file); } var code = read_whole_file(file); var ast; time_it("parse", function(){ ast = UglifyJS.parse(code); }); time_it("scope", function(){ ast.figure_out_scope(); }); time_it("mangle", function(){ ast.mangle_names(); }); time_it("squeeze", function(){ var compressor = UglifyJS.Compressor({}); ast = ast.squeeze(compressor); }); time_it("generate", function(){ if (SOURCE_MAP) { if (ARGS.p != null) { file = file.replace(/^\/+/, "").split(/\/+/).slice(ARGS.p).join("/"); } SOURCE_MAP.set_source(file); } ast.print(output); }); } function read_whole_file(filename) { if (filename == "-") { // XXX: this sucks. How does one read the whole STDIN // synchronously? filename = "/dev/stdin"; } try { return fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf8"); } catch(ex) { sys.error("ERROR: can't read file: " + filename); process.exit(1); } } function time_it(name, cont) { var t1 = new Date().getTime(); var ret = cont(); if (ARGS.stats) { var spent = new Date().getTime() - t1; if (STATS[name]) STATS[name] += spent; else STATS[name] = spent; } return ret; };