path: root/tools
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-03-18Add --reserve-domprops along with a default exclusion list in tools/domprops....Mihai Bazon
2015-03-18Support multiple --reserved-file argsMihai Bazon
2015-03-17tools/props.html: use try/catch in a few more placesMihai Bazon
2015-03-17Add tool to list DOM properties/methodsMihai Bazon
2015-03-17Export readNameCache / writeNameCacheMihai Bazon
2015-03-14Add property name mangler...We only touch properties that are present in an object literal, or which are assigned to. Example: x = { foo: 1 }; x.bar = 2; x["baz"] = 3; x[cond ? "qwe" : "asd"] = 4; console.log(x.stuff); The names "foo", "bar", "baz", "qwe" and "asd" will be mangled, and the resulting mangled names will be used for the same properties throughout the code. The "stuff" will not be, since it's just referenced but never assigned to. This *will* break most of the code out there, but could work on carefully written code: do not use eval, do not define methods or properties by walking an array of names, etc. Also, a comprehensive list of exclusions needs to be passed, to avoid mangling properties that are standard in JavaScript, DOM, used in external libraries etc. Mihai Bazon
2015-01-26Make empty source map values more reasonable in .minify()...`"null"` isn't a very usable value. `JSON.parse(null)` also gives `null`, which makes this fully backwards compatible. Closes #616 Richard van Velzen
2015-01-05Pass mangle options to `figure_out_scope` and `compute_char_frequence`...Fix #219. Because the options were not set and `toplevel` is `false` by default, some toplevel names would sometimes not be mangled correctly. Richard van Velzen
2015-01-04Resolve the relative path to lib files last...This allows usage of UglifyJS on build systems which have a flat (or non-matching relative) directory structure for source files.truiken
2015-01-04passes in references to process and Buffer to silence ReferenceErrorsachingbrain
2014-04-13add sourceMappingUrl to output in node module...If options.outSourceMap is specified the sourceMappingURL comment should be appended to the output stream OiNutter
2014-04-13Fix sourceMapIncludeSources exception in Node API...https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/459ebednarz
2014-01-09added hasOwnProperty check to avoid warningsArtemy Tregubenko
2014-01-09Added support for sourcesContent property of source mapArtemy Tregubenko
2014-01-07Support SpiderMonkey AST in UglifyJS.minify. Fix #393.Mihai Bazon
2013-06-28Reset the base54 counters every time minify is called....Close #229 Mihai Bazon
2013-02-10Allow inSourceMap to be a generated JSON source map instead of just a file nameDevon Govett
2013-01-04Support `output`, `mangle` and `compress` options to `UglifyJS.minify`....Close #57 Close #86 Close #33 Mihai Bazon
2012-11-05discard the hack that worked around the deprecation warning...(since the source-map module no longer uses require.js) refs #9 Mihai Bazon
2012-10-25test for fs.existsSyncMihai Bazon
2012-10-20Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mishoo/UglifyJS2Mihai Bazon
2012-10-20alternate hack to disable deprecation warning...ref #9, close #20 Mihai Bazon
2012-10-19Add sourceRoot option to minifySergej Tatarincev
2012-10-18add fromString argument to `UglifyJS.minify` (allows to pass the source...code, instead of file names, as first argument). close #17 Mihai Bazon
2012-10-11disable warnings by default in `minify` (pass warnings: true to enable)...close #11 Mihai Bazon
2012-10-09add `--ast-help`...displays a rather cruel description of the AST classes, derived directly from the node definitions. Mihai Bazon
2012-10-09Fix nodejs minify without inSourceMap exception...When inSourceMap is omitted fs.readFile throws exception. Fixed version calls fs.readFile only when inSourceMap argument is present Sergej Tatarincev
2012-10-08fix `inSourceMap` in `minify` (should read the file)Mihai Bazon
2012-10-08add simple API wrapper: UglifyJS.minify...(refs #7) Mihai Bazon
2012-10-08added --self to easily get a browser-runnable version of UglifyJSMihai Bazon
2012-10-03define AST_Node.from_mozilla_ast(ast)...returns an UglifyJS2 AST given a Mozilla AST. Still needs some work to do (need to create specific nodes like AST_SymbolRef, AST_SymbolLambda etc. instead of base AST_Symbol, in order for the mangler/compressor to work properly) Mihai Bazon
2012-10-02discard annoying nodejs warningMihai Bazon
2012-09-22tree transformer api (WIP)Mihai Bazon
2012-09-07always keep declarations found in unreachable code...a few more tests and some cleanups. Mihai Bazon
2012-08-29started support for generating source maps (WIP)...plugged in @fitzgen's source-map library Mihai Bazon
2012-08-22wrote more of the compressor and added some testsMihai Bazon
2012-08-21cleaned up some mess and started the actual compressorMihai Bazon
2012-08-21some reorganization...(moved pretty much everything that relates to scope in scope.js, added a module for NodeJS that can be used with require() and exports everything.) Mihai Bazon