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1 files changed, 8 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/test/ufuzz.js b/test/ufuzz.js
index 12c62651..48e33f73 100644
--- a/test/ufuzz.js
+++ b/test/ufuzz.js
@@ -513,7 +513,6 @@ function createStatement(recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn
// we have to do go through some trouble here to prevent leaking it
var nameLenBefore = VAR_NAMES.length;
var catchName = createVarName(MANDATORY);
- if (catchName == 'this') catchName = 'a';
var freshCatchName = VAR_NAMES.length !== nameLenBefore;
s += ' catch (' + catchName + ') { ' + createStatements(3, recurmax, canThrow, canBreak, canContinue, cannotReturn, stmtDepth) + ' }';
if (freshCatchName) VAR_NAMES.splice(nameLenBefore, 1); // remove catch name
@@ -631,13 +630,16 @@ function _createExpression(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) {
- if (rng(4) == 0) s.push('function ' + name + '(){');
- else {
- VAR_NAMES.push('this');
- s.push('new function ' + name + '(){');
+ var instantiate = rng(4) ? 'new ' : '';
+ s.push(
+ instantiate + 'function ' + name + '(){',
+ strictMode()
+ );
+ if (instantiate) for (var i = rng(4); --i >= 0;) {
+ if (rng(2)) s.push('this.' + getDotKey() + createAssignment() + _createBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ';');
+ else s.push('this[' + createExpression(recurmax, COMMA_OK, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ']' + createAssignment() + _createBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ';');
- strictMode(),
createStatements(rng(5) + 1, recurmax, canThrow, CANNOT_BREAK, CANNOT_CONTINUE, CAN_RETURN, stmtDepth),
@@ -777,7 +779,6 @@ function _createSimpleBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) {
return '(' + createUnarySafePrefix() + '(' + _createSimpleBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + '))';
case 2:
assignee = getVarName();
- if (assignee == 'this') assignee = 'a';
return '(' + assignee + createAssignment() + _createBinaryExpr(recurmax, noComma, stmtDepth, canThrow) + ')';
case 3:
assignee = getVarName();