diff options
authorMihai Bazon <mihai@bazon.net>2012-08-21 15:45:05 +0300
committerMihai Bazon <mihai@bazon.net>2012-08-21 16:14:43 +0300
commitffe58a9961ced012b40c16b93f9fe2370293431b (patch)
parent7ae1c600a24e2f43feb839c5fd1625f6261751b5 (diff)
cleaned up some mess and started the actual compressor
7 files changed, 315 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ast.js b/lib/ast.js
index bb2a07c0..1b75bd64 100644
--- a/lib/ast.js
+++ b/lib/ast.js
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ var AST_Token = DEFNODE("Token", "type value line col pos endpos nlb comments_be
}, null);
var AST_Node = DEFNODE("Node", "start end", {
+ clone: function() {
+ return new this.CTOR(this);
+ },
$documentation: "Base class of all AST nodes",
_walk: function(visitor) {
return visitor._visit(this);
@@ -44,9 +47,10 @@ var AST_Node = DEFNODE("Node", "start end", {
}, null);
-AST_Node.warn_function = noop;
+AST_Node.warn_function = null;
AST_Node.warn = function(txt, props) {
- AST_Node.warn_function(string_template(txt, props));
+ if (AST_Node.warn_function)
+ AST_Node.warn_function(string_template(txt, props));
var AST_Debugger = DEFNODE("Debugger", null, {
@@ -86,10 +90,9 @@ var AST_BlockStatement = DEFNODE("BlockStatement", null, {
$documentation: "A block statement.",
_walk: function(visitor) {
return visitor._visit(this, function(){
- var a = this.body, i = 0, n = a.length;
- while (i < n) {
- a[i++]._walk(visitor);
- }
+ this.body.forEach(function(stat){
+ stat._walk(visitor);
+ });
}, AST_Statement);
@@ -135,9 +138,8 @@ var AST_ForIn = DEFNODE("ForIn", "init name object", {
$documentation: "A `for ... in` statement",
_walk: function(visitor) {
return visitor._visit(this, function(){
- if (this.init) this.init._walk(visitor);
- else if (this.name) this.name._walk(visitor);
- if (this.object) this.object._walk(visitor);
+ this.init._walk(visitor);
+ this.object._walk(visitor);
@@ -295,7 +297,7 @@ var AST_Try = DEFNODE("Try", "btry bcatch bfinally", {
// IE which simply introduces the name in the surrounding scope. If
// we ever want to fix this then AST_Catch should inherit from
// AST_Scope.
-var AST_Catch = DEFNODE("Catch", "argname", {
+var AST_Catch = DEFNODE("Catch", "argname body", {
$documentation: "A `catch` node; only makes sense as part of a `try` statement",
_walk: function(visitor) {
return visitor._visit(this, function(){
@@ -303,11 +305,16 @@ var AST_Catch = DEFNODE("Catch", "argname", {
-}, AST_BlockStatement);
-var AST_Finally = DEFNODE("Finally", null, {
- $documentation: "A `finally` node; only makes sense as part of a `try` statement"
-}, AST_BlockStatement);
+var AST_Finally = DEFNODE("Finally", "body", {
+ $documentation: "A `finally` node; only makes sense as part of a `try` statement",
+ _walk: function(visitor) {
+ return visitor._visit(this, function(){
+ this.body._walk(visitor);
+ });
+ }
/* -----[ VAR/CONST ]----- */
diff --git a/lib/compress.js b/lib/compress.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..025c262d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compress.js
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+// The layout of the compressor follows the code generator (see
+// output.js). Basically each node will have a "squeeze" method
+// that will apply all known compression rules for that node, and
+// return a new node (or the original node if there was no
+// compression). We can't quite use the TreeWalker for this
+// because it's too simplistic.
+// The Compressor object is for storing the options and for
+// maintaining various internal state that might be useful for
+// squeezing nodes.
+function Compressor(options) {
+ options = defaults(options, {
+ sequences : true,
+ dead_code : true,
+ keep_comps : true,
+ drop_debugger : true,
+ unsafe : true
+ });
+ var stack = [];
+ return {
+ option : function(key) { return options[key] },
+ push_node : function(node) { stack.push(node) },
+ pop_node : function() { return stack.pop() },
+ stack : function() { return stack },
+ parent : function(n) {
+ return stack[stack.length - 2 - (n || 0)];
+ }
+ };
+ AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("squeeze", function(){
+ return this;
+ });
+ AST_Token.DEFMETHOD("squeeze", function(){
+ return this;
+ });
+ function SQUEEZE(nodetype, squeeze) {
+ nodetype.DEFMETHOD("squeeze", function(compressor){
+ compressor.push_node(this);
+ var new_node = squeeze(this, compressor);
+ compressor.pop_node();
+ return new_node || this;
+ });
+ };
+ function do_list(array, compressor) {
+ return MAP(array, function(node){
+ if (node instanceof Array) {
+ sys.debug(node.map(function(node){
+ return node.TYPE;
+ }).join("\n"));
+ }
+ return node.squeeze(compressor);
+ });
+ };
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Debugger, function(self, compressor){
+ if (compressor.option("drop_debugger"))
+ return new AST_EmptyStatement(self);
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_LabeledStatement, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.statement = self.statement.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self.label.references.length == 0 ? self.statement : self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Statement, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.body = self.body.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_BlockStatement, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.body = do_list(self.body, compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_EmptyStatement, function(self, compressor){
+ if (compressor.parent() instanceof AST_BlockStatement)
+ return MAP.skip;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_DWLoop, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.condition = self.condition.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.body = self.body.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_For, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ if (self.init) self.init = self.init.squeeze(compressor);
+ if (self.condition) self.condition = self.condition.squeeze(compressor);
+ if (self.step) self.step = self.step.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.body = self.body.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_ForIn, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.init = self.init.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.object = self.object.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.body = self.body.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_With, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.expression = self.expression.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.body = self.body.squeeze(compressor);
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Exit, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ if (self.value) self.value = self.value.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_LoopControl, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ if (self.label) self.label = self.label.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_If, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.condition = self.condition.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.consequent = self.consequent.squeeze(compressor);
+ if (self.alternative)
+ self.alternative = self.alternative.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Switch, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.expression = self.expression.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.body = self.body.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Case, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.expression = self.expression.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.body = do_list(self.body, compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Try, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.btry = self.btry.squeeze(compressor);
+ if (self.bcatch) self.bcatch = self.bcatch.squeeze(compressor);
+ if (self.bfinally) self.bfinally = self.bfinally.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Definitions, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.definitions = do_list(self.definitions, compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_VarDef, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ if (self.value) self.value = self.value.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Lambda, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ if (self.name) self.name = self.name.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.argnames = do_list(self.argnames, compressor);
+ self.body = self.body.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Call, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.expression = self.expression.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.args = do_list(self.args, compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Seq, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.first = self.first.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.second = self.second.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Dot, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.expression = self.expression.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Sub, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.expression = self.expression.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.property = self.property.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Unary, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.expression = self.expression.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Binary, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.left = self.left.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.right = self.right.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Conditional, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.condition = self.condition.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.consequent = self.consequent.squeeze(compressor);
+ self.alternative = self.alternative.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Array, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.elements = do_list(self.elements, compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_Object, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.properties = do_list(self.properties, compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
+ SQUEEZE(AST_ObjectProperty, function(self, compressor){
+ self = self.clone();
+ self.value = self.value.squeeze(compressor);
+ return self;
+ });
diff --git a/lib/output.js b/lib/output.js
index bd38f9d5..61524239 100644
--- a/lib/output.js
+++ b/lib/output.js
@@ -444,11 +444,7 @@ function OutputStream(options) {
- if (self.init) {
- self.init.print(output);
- } else {
- self.name.print(output);
- }
+ self.init.print(output);
diff --git a/lib/parse.js b/lib/parse.js
index 78b8bb7c..7f144295 100644
--- a/lib/parse.js
+++ b/lib/parse.js
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ function parse($TEXT, exigent_mode) {
case "punc":
switch (S.token.value) {
case "{":
- return new AST_BlockStatement({ body: block_() });
+ return block_();
case "[":
case "(":
return simple_statement();
@@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ function parse($TEXT, exigent_mode) {
S.in_loop = loop;
S.labels = labels;
- return new AST_BlockStatement({ body: a });
+ return a;
@@ -961,19 +961,25 @@ function parse($TEXT, exigent_mode) {
function block_() {
+ var start = S.token;
var a = [];
while (!is("punc", "}")) {
if (is("eof")) unexpected();
+ var end = S.token;
- return a;
+ return new AST_BlockStatement({
+ start : start,
+ body : a,
+ end : end
+ });
var switch_block_ = embed_tokens(curry(in_loop, function(){
- var a = [], cur = null, branch = null;
+ var a = [], cur = null, branch = null, start = S.token;
while (!is("punc", "}")) {
if (is("eof")) unexpected();
if (is("keyword", "case")) {
@@ -1002,16 +1008,17 @@ function parse($TEXT, exigent_mode) {
if (branch) branch.end = prev();
+ var end = S.token;
- return new AST_SwitchBlock({ body: a });
+ return new AST_SwitchBlock({
+ start : start,
+ body : a,
+ end : end
+ });
function try_() {
- var body = new AST_BlockStatement({
- start : S.token,
- body : block_(),
- end : prev()
- }), bcatch = null, bfinally = null;
+ var body = block_(), bcatch = null, bfinally = null;
if (is("keyword", "catch")) {
var start = S.token;
@@ -1021,11 +1028,7 @@ function parse($TEXT, exigent_mode) {
bcatch = new AST_Catch({
start : start,
argname : name,
- body : new AST_BlockStatement({
- start : S.token,
- body : block_(),
- end : prev()
- }),
+ body : block_(),
end : prev()
@@ -1034,11 +1037,7 @@ function parse($TEXT, exigent_mode) {
bfinally = new AST_Finally({
start : start,
- body : new AST_BlockStatement({
- start : S.token,
- body : block_(),
- end : prev()
- }),
+ body : block_(),
end : prev()
diff --git a/lib/scope.js b/lib/scope.js
index 0ac797e0..05585fe0 100644
--- a/lib/scope.js
+++ b/lib/scope.js
@@ -138,19 +138,24 @@ AST_Toplevel.DEFMETHOD("scope_warnings", function(options){
col: node.start.col
- if (options.assign_to_global
- && node instanceof AST_Assign
- && node.left instanceof AST_SymbolRef
- && (node.left.undeclared
- || (node.left.symbol.global
- && node.left.scope !== node.left.symbol.scope)))
+ if (options.assign_to_global)
- AST_Node.warn("{msg}: {name} [{line},{col}]", {
- msg: node.left.undeclared ? "Accidental global?" : "Assignment to global",
- name: node.left.name,
- line: node.start.line,
- col: node.start.col
- });
+ var sym = null;
+ if (node instanceof AST_Assign && node.left instanceof AST_SymbolRef)
+ sym = node.left;
+ else if (node instanceof AST_ForIn && node.init instanceof AST_SymbolRef)
+ sym = node.init;
+ if (sym
+ && (sym.undeclared
+ || (sym.symbol.global
+ && sym.scope !== sym.symbol.scope))) {
+ AST_Node.warn("{msg}: {name} [{line},{col}]", {
+ msg: sym.undeclared ? "Accidental global?" : "Assignment to global",
+ name: sym.name,
+ line: sym.start.line,
+ col: sym.start.col
+ });
+ }
if (options.eval
&& node instanceof AST_SymbolRef
diff --git a/tmp/test-node.js b/tmp/test-node.js
index 01716ad6..8b1251bb 100755
--- a/tmp/test-node.js
+++ b/tmp/test-node.js
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ time_it("scope", function(){
time_it("mangle", function(){
+time_it("compress", function(){
+ var compressor = new UglifyJS.Compressor({
+ });
+ ast = ast.squeeze(compressor);
time_it("generate", function(){
diff --git a/tools/node.js b/tools/node.js
index bb8ed7ae..b533e419 100644
--- a/tools/node.js
+++ b/tools/node.js
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ var vm = require("vm");
var sys = require("util");
var path = require("path");
-var UglifyJS = vm.createContext({});
+var UglifyJS = vm.createContext({
+ sys: sys
function load_global(file) {
file = path.resolve(path.dirname(module.filename), file);