async_arrow: { input: { (async a => console.log(a))("PASS"); console.log(typeof (async () => 42)()); } expect_exact: '(async a=>console.log(a))("PASS");console.log(typeof(async()=>42)());' expect_stdout: [ "PASS", "object", ] node_version: ">=8" } async_label: { input: { (async function() { async: console.log("PASS"); })(); } expect_exact: '(async function(){async:console.log("PASS")})();' expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } await_await: { options = { awaits: true, side_effects: true, } input: { (async function() { await await { then(resolve) { resolve({ then() { console.log("PASS"); }, }); }, }; })(); } expect: { (async function() { await { then(resolve) { resolve({ then() { console.log("PASS"); }, }); }, }; })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } defun_name: { input: { async function await() { console.log("PASS"); } await(); } expect: { async function await() { console.log("PASS"); } await(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } drop_fname: { rename = true options = { reduce_vars: true, toplevel: true, unused: true, } mangle = { toplevel: true, } input: { async function await() { console.log("PASS"); } await(); } expect: { (async function() { console.log("PASS"); })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } keep_fname: { options = { keep_fnames: true, reduce_vars: true, toplevel: true, unused: true, } input: { async function await() { console.log("PASS"); } await(); } expect: { async function await() { console.log("PASS"); } await(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } nested_await: { input: { (async function() { console.log(function(await) { return await; }("PASS")); })(); } expect: { (async function() { console.log(function(await) { return await; }("PASS")); })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } reduce_single_use_defun: { options = { reduce_vars: true, toplevel: true, unused: true, } input: { async function f(a) { console.log(a); } f("PASS"); } expect: { (async function(a) { console.log(a); })("PASS"); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } dont_inline: { options = { inline: true, } input: { (async function() { A; })().catch(function() {}); console.log("PASS"); } expect: { (async function() { A; })().catch(function() {}); console.log("PASS"); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } inline_await_1: { options = { awaits: true, inline: true, reduce_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { (async function() { async function f() { await 42; } return await f(); })(); console.log("PASS"); } expect: { (async function() { return await void await 42; })(); console.log("PASS"); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } inline_await_1_trim: { options = { awaits: true, if_return: true, inline: true, reduce_vars: true, side_effects: true, unused: true, } input: { (async function() { async function f() { await 42; } return await f(); })(); console.log("PASS"); } expect: { 0; console.log("PASS"); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } inline_await_2: { options = { awaits: true, inline: true, reduce_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { (async function() { async function f(a) { await a; } return await f(console); })(); console.log("PASS"); } expect: { (async function() { return await void await console; })(); console.log("PASS"); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } inline_await_2_trim: { options = { awaits: true, if_return: true, inline: true, reduce_vars: true, side_effects: true, unused: true, } input: { (async function() { async function f(a) { await a.log; } return await f(console); })(); console.log("PASS"); } expect: { (async function() { await console.log; })(); console.log("PASS"); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } inline_await_3: { options = { awaits: true, inline: true, reduce_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { (async function() { async function f(a, b) { return await b(a); } return await f("PASS", console.log); })(); } expect: { (async function() { return await (a = "PASS", b = console.log, await b(a)); var a, b; })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } inline_await_3_trim: { options = { awaits: true, inline: true, reduce_vars: true, sequences: true, side_effects: true, unused: true, } input: { (async function() { async function f(a, b) { return await b(a); } return await f("PASS", console.log); })(); } expect: { (async function() { return a = "PASS", b = console.log, b(a); var a, b; })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } await_unary: { options = { awaits: true, side_effects: true, } input: { var a; (async function() { a = "PASS"; await delete a.p; a = "FAIL"; })(); console.log(a); } expect: { var a; (async function() { a = "PASS"; await delete a.p; a = "FAIL"; })(); console.log(a); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } await_void: { options = { awaits: true, if_return: true, sequences: true, side_effects: true, } input: { (async function() { console.log("PASS"); return await void 42; })(); } expect: { (async function() { await console.log("PASS"); })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } evaluate: { options = { evaluate: true, reduce_vars: true, toplevel: true, unused: true, } input: { var a = async function() {}(); console.log(typeof a); } expect: { var a = async function() {}(); console.log(typeof a); } expect_stdout: "object" node_version: ">=8" } negate: { options = { side_effects: true, } input: { console && async function() {} && console.log("PASS"); } expect: { console && async function() {} && console.log("PASS"); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } negate_iife: { options = { negate_iife: true, } input: { (async function() { console.log("PASS"); })(); } expect: { !async function() { console.log("PASS"); }(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } object_function: { options = { properties: true, side_effects: true, } input: { ({ async f() { console.log("PASS"); }, }).f(); } expect: { (async function() { console.log("PASS"); })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } collapse_vars_1: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var a = "FAIL"; (async function() { a = "PASS"; await 42; return "PASS"; })(); console.log(a); } expect: { var a = "FAIL"; (async function() { a = "PASS"; await 42; return "PASS"; })(); console.log(a); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } collapse_vars_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var a = "FAIL"; (async function() { await (a = "PASS"); return "PASS"; })(); console.log(a); } expect: { var a = "FAIL"; (async function() { await (a = "PASS"); return "PASS"; })(); console.log(a); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } collapse_vars_3: { options = { collapse_vars: true, } input: { var a = "FAIL"; (async function() { await (a = "PASS", 42); return "PASS"; })(); console.log(a); } expect: { var a = "FAIL"; (async function() { await (a = "PASS", 42); return "PASS"; })(); console.log(a); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } collapse_property_lambda: { options = { collapse_vars: true, pure_getters: "strict", } input: { (async function f() { f.g = () => 42; return f.g(); })().then(console.log); } expect: { (async function f() { return (f.g = () => 42)(); })().then(console.log); } expect_stdout: "42" node_version: ">=8" } drop_async_1: { options = { awaits: true, inline: true, side_effects: true, } input: { console.log(function(a) { (async function() { a *= 7; })(); return a; }(6)); } expect: { console.log(function(a) { a *= 7; return a; }(6)); } expect_stdout: "42" node_version: ">=8" } drop_async_2: { options = { awaits: true, collapse_vars: true, evaluate: true, inline: true, side_effects: true, } input: { console.log(function(a) { (async b => await (a *= b))(7); return a; }(6)); } expect: { console.log(42); } expect_stdout: "42" node_version: ">=8" } drop_return: { options = { side_effects: true, } input: { (async function(a) { while (!console); return !console.log(a); })(42); } expect: { (async function(a) { while (!console); console.log(a); })(42); } expect_stdout: "42" node_version: ">=8" } functions: { options = { functions: true, reduce_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { !async function() { var a = async function a() { return a && "a"; }; var b = async function x() { return !!x; }; var c = async function(c) { return c; }; if (await c(await b(await a()))) { var d = async function() {}; var e = async function y() { return typeof y; }; var f = async function(f) { return f; }; console.log(await a(await d()), await b(await e()), await c(await f(42)), typeof d, await e(), typeof f); } }(); } expect: { !async function() { async function a() { return a && "a"; } async function b() { return !!b; } async function c(c) { return c; } if (await c(await b(await a()))) { var d = async function() {}; var e = async function y() { return typeof y; }; var f = async function(f) { return f; }; console.log(await a(await d()), await b(await e()), await c(await f(42)), typeof d, await e(), typeof f); } }(); } expect_stdout: "a true 42 function function function" node_version: ">=8" } functions_use_strict: { options = { functions: true, reduce_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { "use strict"; !async function() { var a = async function a() { return a && "a"; }; var b = async function x() { return !!x; }; var c = async function(c) { return c; }; if (await c(await b(await a()))) { var d = async function() {}; var e = async function y() { return typeof y; }; var f = async function(f) { return f; }; console.log(await a(await d()), await b(await e()), await c(await f(42)), typeof d, await e(), typeof f); } }(); } expect: { "use strict"; !async function() { async function a() { return a && "a"; } async function b() { return !!b; } async function c(c) { return c; } if (await c(await b(await a()))) { var d = async function() {}; var e = async function y() { return typeof y; }; var f = async function(f) { return f; }; console.log(await a(await d()), await b(await e()), await c(await f(42)), typeof d, await e(), typeof f); } }(); } expect_stdout: "a true 42 function function function" node_version: ">=8" } functions_anonymous: { options = { functions: true, reduce_vars: true, toplevel: true, unused: true, } input: { var await = async function() { console.log("PASS"); }; await(await); } expect: { async function await() { console.log("PASS"); } await(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } functions_inner_var: { options = { functions: true, reduce_vars: true, toplevel: true, unused: true, } input: { var await = function a() { var a; console.log(a, a); }; await(await); } expect: { function await() { var a; console.log(a, a); } await(); } expect_stdout: "undefined undefined" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4335_1: { options = { inline: true, } input: { var await = "PASS"; (async function() { console.log(function() { return await; }()); })(); } expect: { var await = "PASS"; (async function() { console.log(function() { return await; }()); })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4335_2: { options = { inline: true, } input: { (async function() { console.log(function() { function await() {} return "PASS"; }()); })(); } expect: { (async function() { console.log(function() { function await() {} return "PASS"; }()); })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4337: { options = { reduce_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { (function(a) { a(); })(async function() { console.log("PASS"); }); } expect: { (function(a) { (async function() { console.log("PASS"); })(); })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4340: { options = { evaluate: true, reduce_vars: true, } input: { (async function a(a) { console.log(a || "PASS"); })(); } expect: { (async function a(a) { console.log(a || "PASS"); })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } call_expression: { input: { console.log(typeof async function(log) { (await log)("foo"); }(console.log).then); console.log("bar"); } expect_exact: 'console.log(typeof async function(log){(await log)("foo")}(console.log).then);console.log("bar");' expect_stdout: [ "function", "bar", "foo", ] node_version: ">=8" } property_access_expression: { input: { console.log(typeof async function(con) { (await con).log("foo"); }(console).then); console.log("bar"); } expect_exact: 'console.log(typeof async function(con){(await con).log("foo")}(console).then);console.log("bar");' expect_stdout: [ "function", "bar", "foo", ] node_version: ">=8" } reduce_iife_1: { options = { evaluate: true, keep_fargs: false, reduce_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { (async function(a) { console.log(a + a); })(21); } expect: { (async function() { console.log(42); })(); } expect_stdout: "42" node_version: ">=8" } reduce_iife_2: { options = { evaluate: true, reduce_vars: true, toplevel: true, unused: true, } input: { var a = 21; (async function() { console.log(a + a); })(); } expect: { (async function() { console.log(42); })(); } expect_stdout: "42" node_version: ">=8" } reduce_iife_3: { options = { evaluate: true, reduce_vars: true, side_effects: true, toplevel: true, unused: true, } input: { var a = "foo"; (async function() { console.log(a, await a, a, await a); })(); a = "bar"; } expect: { var a = "foo"; (async function() { console.log(a, await a, a, await a); })(); a = "bar"; } expect_stdout: "foo foo bar bar" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4347_1: { options = { evaluate: true, reduce_vars: true, toplevel: true, unused: true, } input: { var a = "foo"; f(); a = "bar"; f(); async function f() { console.log(a); } } expect: { var a = "foo"; f(); a = "bar"; f(); async function f() { console.log(a); } } expect_stdout: [ "foo", "bar", ] node_version: ">=8" } issue_4347_2: { options = { evaluate: true, reduce_vars: true, toplevel: true, unused: true, } input: { var a = "PASS"; (async function() { throw 42; a = "FAIL"; })(); console.log(a); } expect: { var a = "PASS"; (async function() { throw 42; a = "FAIL"; })(); console.log(a); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4349_1: { input: { console.log(typeof async function() { await /abc/; }().then); } expect_exact: "console.log(typeof async function(){await/abc/}().then);" expect_stdout: "function" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4349_2: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { console.log(typeof async function() { (function(a) { this[a]; }(await 0)); }().then); } expect: { console.log(typeof async function() { (function(a) { this[a]; }(await 0)); }().then); } expect_stdout: "function" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4349_3: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { console.log(typeof function(await) { return async function(a) { this[a]; }(await); }(this).then); } expect: { console.log(typeof function(await) { return async function(a) { this[a]; }(await); }(this).then); } expect_stdout: "function" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4359: { options = { collapse_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { try { (async function(a) { return a; })(A); } catch (e) { console.log("PASS"); } } expect: { try { (async function(a) { return a; })(A); } catch (e) { console.log("PASS"); } } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4377: { options = { dead_code: true, inline: true, side_effects: true, } input: { console.log(typeof function() { return function() { f; async function f() {} return f(); }(); }().then); } expect: { console.log(typeof function() { return f(); async function f() {} }().then); } expect_stdout: "function" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4406: { options = { merge_vars: true, } input: { A = "PASS"; B = "FAIL"; (function() { var a, b; a = A; (async function({ [console.log(a)]: {}, }) {})((b = B) && { undefined: b }); })(); } expect: { A = "PASS"; B = "FAIL"; (function() { var a, b; a = A; (async function({ [console.log(a)]: {}, }) {})((b = B) && { undefined: b }); })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4417: { options = { inline: true, } input: { (async function() { console.log(function() { return await => 0; }().prototype); })(); } expect: { (async function() { console.log(function() { return await => 0; }().prototype); })(); } expect_stdout: "undefined" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4454_1: { rename = false options = { merge_vars: true, } input: { function f(a) { (async function(b = console.log(a)) {})(); var await = 42..toString(); console.log(await); } f("PASS"); } expect: { function f(a) { (async function(b = console.log(a)) {})(); var await = 42..toString(); console.log(await); } f("PASS"); } expect_stdout: [ "PASS", "42", ] node_version: ">=8" } issue_4454_2: { rename = true options = { merge_vars: true, } input: { function f(a) { (async function(b = console.log(a)) {})(); var await = 42..toString(); console.log(await); } f("PASS"); } expect: { function f(b) { (async function(c = console.log(b)) {})(); var b = 42..toString(); console.log(b); } f("PASS"); } expect_stdout: [ "PASS", "42", ] node_version: ">=8" } issue_4534: { options = { arguments: true, } input: { (function(await) { (async () => console.log(arguments[0]))(); })("PASS"); } expect: { (function(await) { (async () => console.log(arguments[0]))(); })("PASS"); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4581: { options = { evaluate: true, reduce_vars: true, toplevel: true, unused: true, } input: { var a = "PASS"; (async () => (A, a = "FAIL"))(); console.log(a); } expect: { var a = "PASS"; (async () => (A, a = "FAIL"))(); console.log(a); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4595: { options = { awaits: true, inline: true, } input: { (async function() { await async function f() { console.log(f.length); }(); })(); } expect: { (async function() { await async function f() { console.log(f.length); }(); })(); } expect_stdout: "0" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4598: { options = { conditionals: true, } input: { if (console.log("PASS")) { async function f() {} } } expect: { async function f() {} console.log("PASS"); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4618: { options = { functions: true, reduce_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { console.log(typeof function() { var await = async function f() { console || f(); }; console.log; return await; }()); } expect: { console.log(typeof function() { var await = async function f() { console || f(); }; console.log; return await; }()); } expect_stdout: "function" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4717: { options = { inline: true, reduce_vars: true, sequences: true, side_effects: true, unused: true, } input: { (function() { async function f() { var a = function() { await; }(); return "FAIL"; } return f(); })().then(console.log).catch(function() { console.log("PASS"); }); } expect: { (async function() { return function() { await; }(), "FAIL"; })().then(console.log).catch(function() { console.log("PASS"); }); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4738_1: { options = { awaits: true, side_effects: true, } input: { (async function() { await { then() { console.log("PASS"); }, }; })(); } expect: { (async function() { await { then() { console.log("PASS"); }, }; })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4738_2: { options = { awaits: true, side_effects: true, } input: { (async function() { await { get then() { console.log("PASS"); }, }; })(); } expect: { (async function() { await { get then() { console.log("PASS"); }, }; })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4738_3: { options = { awaits: true, side_effects: true, } input: { (async function() { await { then: function() { console.log("PASS"); }, }; })(); } expect: { (async function() { await { then: function() { console.log("PASS"); }, }; })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4747: { options = { collapse_vars: true, reduce_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { console.log(function(a) { async function f() { a = "PASS"; null.p += "PASS"; } f(); return a; }("FAIL")); } expect: { console.log(function(a) { (async function() { a = "PASS"; null.p += "PASS"; })(); return a; }("FAIL")); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4764_1: { options = { side_effects: true, } input: { (async function() { return { then() { console.log("PASS"); }, }; })(); } expect: { (async function() { return { then() { console.log("PASS"); }, }; })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4764_2: { options = { arrows: true, side_effects: true, } input: { (async () => ({ get then() { console.log("PASS"); }, }))(); } expect: { (async () => ({ get then() { console.log("PASS"); }, }))(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4764_3: { options = { side_effects: true, } input: { (async function(o) { return o; })({ then() { console.log("PASS"); }, }); } expect: { (async function(o) { return o; })({ then() { console.log("PASS"); }, }); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4972_1: { options = { awaits: true, side_effects: true, } input: { console.log("foo"); (async function() { try { return await "bar"; } finally { console.log("baz"); } })().then(console.log); console.log("moo"); } expect: { console.log("foo"); (async function() { try { return await "bar"; } finally { console.log("baz"); } })().then(console.log); console.log("moo"); } expect_stdout: [ "foo", "moo", "baz", "bar", ] node_version: ">=8" } issue_4972_2: { options = { awaits: true, side_effects: true, } input: { console.log("foo"); (async function() { try { console.log("bar"); } finally { return await "baz"; } })().then(console.log); console.log("moo"); } expect: { console.log("foo"); (async function() { try { console.log("bar"); } finally { return "baz"; } })().then(console.log); console.log("moo"); } expect_stdout: [ "foo", "bar", "moo", "baz", ] node_version: ">=8" } issue_4972_3: { options = { awaits: true, side_effects: true, } input: { console.log("foo"); try { (async function() { return await "bar"; })().then(console.log); } finally { console.log("baz"); } console.log("moo"); } expect: { console.log("foo"); try { (async function() { return "bar"; })().then(console.log); } finally { console.log("baz"); } console.log("moo"); } expect_stdout: [ "foo", "baz", "moo", "bar", ] node_version: ">=8" } issue_4974: { options = { awaits: true, side_effects: true, } input: { (async function f() { return 42 in f(); })(); console.log("PASS"); } expect: { (async function f() { return 42 in f(); })(); console.log("PASS"); } expect_stdout: true node_version: ">=8" } issue_4975: { options = { awaits: true, side_effects: true, } input: { (async function f(a) { try { if (a) console.log(typeof f()); } catch (e) {} })(42); } expect: { (async function f(a) { try { if (a) console.log(typeof f()); } catch (e) {} })(42); } expect_stdout: "object" node_version: ">=8" } issue_4987: { options = { awaits: true, side_effects: true, } input: { (async function() { try { await 42; } finally { console.log("foo"); } })(); console.log("bar"); } expect: { (async function() { try { await 0; } finally { console.log("foo"); } })(); console.log("bar"); } expect_stdout: [ "bar", "foo", ] node_version: ">=8" } issue_5001: { options = { awaits: true, inline: true, side_effects: true, } input: { var a = 0; (async function() { a++ | await 42; })(); console.log(a ? "PASS" : "FAIL"); } expect: { var a = 0; a++; console.log(a ? "PASS" : "FAIL"); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_5019_1: { options = { dead_code: true, } input: { (function(a) { (async function() { await 42; console.log(a); })(); a = "PASS"; })("FAIL"); } expect: { (function(a) { (async function() { await 42; console.log(a); })(); a = "PASS"; })("FAIL"); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_5019_2: { options = { dead_code: true, } input: { console.log("sync", function(a) { (async function() { console.log(await "async", a); })(); return a = "PASS"; }("FAIL")); } expect: { console.log("sync", function(a) { (async function() { console.log(await "async", a); })(); return a = "PASS"; }("FAIL")); } expect_stdout: [ "sync PASS", "async PASS", ] node_version: ">=8" } issue_5019_3: { options = { inline: true, toplevel: true, } input: { for (var i in "foo") { (function(a) { (async function() { console.log(await "async", a); })(); })(i); console.log("sync", i); } } expect: { for (var i in "foo") { (function(a) { (async function() { console.log(await "async", a); })(); })(i); console.log("sync", i); } } expect_stdout: [ "sync 0", "sync 1", "sync 2", "async 0", "async 1", "async 2", ] node_version: ">=8" } issue_5023_1: { options = { awaits: true, reduce_vars: true, side_effects: true, } input: { (async function() { let a = a; })(); console.log("PASS"); } expect: { (async function() { let a = a; })(); console.log("PASS"); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_5023_2: { options = { awaits: true, reduce_vars: true, side_effects: true, } input: { (async function() { let a; a = a; })(); console.log("PASS"); } expect: { (function() { let a; a = a; })(); console.log("PASS"); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_5032_normal: { options = { merge_vars: true, webkit: false, } input: { function log(value) { console.log(value); return value; } async function f(a) { var b = log(a), c = b; log(b); log(c); } f("PASS"); } expect: { function log(value) { console.log(value); return value; } async function f(c) { var b = log(c), c = b; log(b); log(c); } f("PASS"); } expect_stdout: [ "PASS", "PASS", "PASS", ] node_version: ">=8" } issue_5032_webkit: { options = { merge_vars: true, webkit: true, } input: { function log(value) { console.log(value); return value; } async function f(a) { var b = log(a), c = b; log(b); log(c); } f("PASS"); } expect: { function log(value) { console.log(value); return value; } async function f(a) { var b = log(a), c = b; log(b); log(c); } f("PASS"); } expect_stdout: [ "PASS", "PASS", "PASS", ] node_version: ">=8" } issue_5034: { options = { functions: true, reduce_vars: true, unused: true, } input: { (function() { var await = function f() { return async function() { return f; }; }; await()().then(function(value) { console.log(value === await ? "PASS" : "FAIL"); }); })(); } expect: { (function() { var await = function f() { return async function() { return f; }; }; await()().then(function(value) { console.log(value === await ? "PASS" : "FAIL"); }); })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=8" } issue_5070: { options = { awaits: true, side_effects: true, } input: { (async function() { try { for await (var a of console.log("PASS")); } catch (e) {} })(); } expect: { (async function() { try { for await (var a of console.log("PASS")); } catch (e) {} })(); } expect_stdout: "PASS" node_version: ">=10" }