// // VMime library (http://www.vmime.org) // Copyright (C) 2002 Vincent Richard // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making // a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of // the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. // #include "vmime/config.hpp" #if VMIME_CHARSETCONV_LIB_IS_WIN #include "vmime/charsetConverter_win.hpp" #include "vmime/exception.hpp" #include "vmime/utility/stringUtils.hpp" #include "vmime/utility/inputStreamStringAdapter.hpp" #include "vmime/utility/outputStreamStringAdapter.hpp" #include #include #if (_WIN32 || _WIN64 || WIN32 || WIN64) #include #include "vmime/platforms/windows/windowsCodepages.hpp" #else #error Please use VMIME_CHARSETCONV_LIB_IS_WIN only on Windows! #endif #define CP_UNICODE 1200 namespace vmime { // static shared_ptr charsetConverter::createGenericConverter( const charset& source, const charset& dest, const charsetConverterOptions& opts ) { return make_shared (source, dest, opts); } charsetConverter_win::charsetConverter_win( const charset& source, const charset& dest, const charsetConverterOptions& opts ) : m_source(source), m_dest(dest), m_options(opts) { } void charsetConverter_win::convert( utility::inputStream& in, utility::outputStream& out, status* st ) { if (st) { new (st) status(); } byte_t buffer[32768]; string inStr, outStr; while (!in.eof()) { const size_t len = in.read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); utility::stringUtils::appendBytesToString(inStr, buffer, len); } convert(inStr, outStr, st); out.write(outStr.data(), outStr.length()); } void charsetConverter_win::convert(const string& in, string& out, status* st) { if (st) { new (st) status(); } const int sourceCodePage = getCodePage(m_source.getName().c_str()); const int destCodePage = getCodePage(m_dest.getName().c_str()); // Convert from source charset to Unicode std::vector unicodeBuffer; const WCHAR* unicodePtr = NULL; size_t unicodeLen = 0; if (sourceCodePage == CP_UNICODE) { unicodePtr = reinterpret_cast (in.c_str()); unicodeLen = in.length() / 2; } else { const size_t bufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar( sourceCodePage, 0, in.c_str(), static_cast (in.length()), NULL, 0 ) * sizeof(WCHAR); // in wide characters unicodeBuffer.resize(bufferSize); DWORD flags = 0; if (!m_options.silentlyReplaceInvalidSequences) { flags |= MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS; } unicodePtr = reinterpret_cast (&unicodeBuffer[0]); unicodeLen = MultiByteToWideChar( sourceCodePage, 0, in.c_str(), static_cast (in.length()), reinterpret_cast (&unicodeBuffer[0]), static_cast (bufferSize) ); if (unicodeLen == 0) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION) { throw exceptions::illegal_byte_sequence_for_charset(); } else { throw exceptions::charset_conv_error( "MultiByteToWideChar() failed when converting to Unicode from " + m_source.getName() ); } } } // Convert from Unicode to destination charset if (destCodePage == CP_UNICODE) { out.assign(reinterpret_cast (unicodePtr), unicodeLen * 2); } else { const size_t bufferSize = WideCharToMultiByte( destCodePage, 0, unicodePtr, static_cast (unicodeLen), NULL, 0, 0, NULL ); // in multibyte characters std::vector buffer; buffer.resize(bufferSize); const size_t len = WideCharToMultiByte( destCodePage, 0, unicodePtr, static_cast (unicodeLen), &buffer[0], static_cast (bufferSize), 0, NULL ); if (len == 0) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION) { throw exceptions::illegal_byte_sequence_for_charset(); } else { throw exceptions::charset_conv_error( "WideCharToMultiByte() failed when converting from Unicode to " + m_source.getName() ); } } out.assign(&buffer[0], len); } } // static int charsetConverter_win::getCodePage(const char* name) { if (_stricmp(name, charsets::UTF_16) == 0) { // wchar_t is UTF-16 on Windows return CP_UNICODE; } // "cp1252" --> return 1252 if ((name[0] == 'c' || name[0] == 'C') && (name[1] == 'p' || name[1] == 'P')) { return atoi(name + 2); } return vmime::platforms::windows::windowsCodepages::getByName(name); // throws } shared_ptr charsetConverter_win::getFilteredOutputStream( utility::outputStream& /* os */, const charsetConverterOptions& /* opts */ ) { // TODO: implement me! return null; } } // vmime #endif // VMIME_CHARSETCONV_LIB_IS_WIN