 * Copyright 2013-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License").  You may not use
 * this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
 * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
 * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html

#include "internal/cryptlib.h"
#include <openssl/asn1t.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/x509v3.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/cms.h>
#include <openssl/aes.h>
#include "cms_lcl.h"
#include "internal/asn1_int.h"

/* Key Agreement Recipient Info (KARI) routines */

int CMS_RecipientInfo_kari_get0_alg(CMS_RecipientInfo *ri,
                                    X509_ALGOR **palg,
                                    ASN1_OCTET_STRING **pukm)
    if (ri->type != CMS_RECIPINFO_AGREE) {
        return 0;
    if (palg)
        *palg = ri->d.kari->keyEncryptionAlgorithm;
    if (pukm)
        *pukm = ri->d.kari->ukm;
    return 1;

/* Retrieve recipient encrypted keys from a kari */

*CMS_RecipientInfo_kari_get0_reks(CMS_RecipientInfo *ri)
    if (ri->type != CMS_RECIPINFO_AGREE) {
        return NULL;
    return ri->d.kari->recipientEncryptedKeys;

int CMS_RecipientInfo_kari_get0_orig_id(CMS_RecipientInfo *ri,
                                        X509_ALGOR **pubalg,
                                        ASN1_BIT_STRING **pubkey,
                                        ASN1_OCTET_STRING **keyid,
                                        X509_NAME **issuer,
                                        ASN1_INTEGER **sno)
    CMS_OriginatorIdentifierOrKey *oik;
    if (ri->type != CMS_RECIPINFO_AGREE) {
        return 0;
    oik = ri->d.kari->originator;
    if (issuer)
        *issuer = NULL;
    if (sno)
        *sno = NULL;
    if (keyid)
        *keyid = NULL;
    if (pubalg)
        *pubalg = NULL;
    if (pubkey)
        *pubkey = NULL;
    if (oik->type == CMS_OIK_ISSUER_SERIAL) {
        if (issuer)
            *issuer = oik->d.issuerAndSerialNumber->issuer;
        if (sno)
            *sno = oik->d.issuerAndSerialNumber->serialNumber;
    } else if (oik->type == CMS_OIK_KEYIDENTIFIER) {
        if (keyid)
            *keyid = oik->d.subjectKeyIdentifier;
    } else if (oik->type == CMS_OIK_PUBKEY) {
        if (pubalg)
            *pubalg = oik->d.originatorKey->algorithm;
        if (pubkey)
            *pubkey = oik->d.originatorKey->publicKey;
    } else
        return 0;
    return 1;

int CMS_RecipientInfo_kari_orig_id_cmp(CMS_RecipientInfo *ri, X509 *cert)
    CMS_OriginatorIdentifierOrKey *oik;
    if (ri->type != CMS_RECIPINFO_AGREE) {
        return -2;
    oik = ri->d.kari->originator;
    if (oik->type == CMS_OIK_ISSUER_SERIAL)
        return cms_ias_cert_cmp(oik->d.issuerAndSerialNumber, cert);
    else if (oik->type == CMS_OIK_KEYIDENTIFIER)
        return cms_keyid_cert_cmp(oik->d.subjectKeyIdentifier, cert);
    return -1;

int CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey_get0_id(CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey *rek,
                                      ASN1_OCTET_STRING **keyid,
                                      ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME **tm,
                                      CMS_OtherKeyAttribute **other,
                                      X509_NAME **issuer, ASN1_INTEGER **sno)
    CMS_KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier *rid = rek->rid;
    if (rid->type == CMS_REK_ISSUER_SERIAL) {
        if (issuer)
            *issuer = rid->d.issuerAndSerialNumber->issuer;
        if (sno)
            *sno = rid->d.issuerAndSerialNumber->serialNumber;
        if (keyid)
            *keyid = NULL;
        if (tm)
            *tm = NULL;
        if (other)
            *other = NULL;
    } else if (rid->type == CMS_REK_KEYIDENTIFIER) {
        if (keyid)
            *keyid = rid->d.rKeyId->subjectKeyIdentifier;
        if (tm)
            *tm = rid->d.rKeyId->date;
        if (other)
            *other = rid->d.rKeyId->other;
        if (issuer)
            *issuer = NULL;
        if (sno)
            *sno = NULL;
    } else
        return 0;
    return 1;

int CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey_cert_cmp(CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey *rek,
                                       X509 *cert)
    CMS_KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier *rid = rek->rid;
    if (rid->type == CMS_REK_ISSUER_SERIAL)
        return cms_ias_cert_cmp(rid->d.issuerAndSerialNumber, cert);
    else if (rid->type == CMS_REK_KEYIDENTIFIER)
        return cms_keyid_cert_cmp(rid->d.rKeyId->subjectKeyIdentifier, cert);
        return -1;

int CMS_RecipientInfo_kari_set0_pkey(CMS_RecipientInfo *ri, EVP_PKEY *pk)
    EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx;
    CMS_KeyAgreeRecipientInfo *kari = ri->d.kari;

    kari->pctx = NULL;
    if (!pk)
        return 1;
    pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(pk, NULL);
    if (!pctx || !EVP_PKEY_derive_init(pctx))
        goto err;
    kari->pctx = pctx;
    return 1;
    return 0;

EVP_CIPHER_CTX *CMS_RecipientInfo_kari_get0_ctx(CMS_RecipientInfo *ri)
    if (ri->type == CMS_RECIPINFO_AGREE)
        return ri->d.kari->ctx;
    return NULL;

 * Derive KEK and decrypt/encrypt with it to produce either the original CEK
 * or the encrypted CEK.

static int cms_kek_cipher(unsigned char **pout, size_t *poutlen,
                          const unsigned char *in, size_t inlen,
                          CMS_KeyAgreeRecipientInfo *kari, int enc)
    /* Key encryption key */
    unsigned char kek[EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH];
    size_t keklen;
    int rv = 0;
    unsigned char *out = NULL;
    int outlen;
    keklen = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_key_length(kari->ctx);
    if (keklen > EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH)
        return 0;
    /* Derive KEK */
    if (EVP_PKEY_derive(kari->pctx, kek, &keklen) <= 0)
        goto err;
    /* Set KEK in context */
    if (!EVP_CipherInit_ex(kari->ctx, NULL, NULL, kek, NULL, enc))
        goto err;
    /* obtain output length of ciphered key */
    if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(kari->ctx, NULL, &outlen, in, inlen))
        goto err;
    out = OPENSSL_malloc(outlen);
    if (out == NULL)
        goto err;
    if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(kari->ctx, out, &outlen, in, inlen))
        goto err;
    *pout = out;
    *poutlen = (size_t)outlen;
    rv = 1;

    OPENSSL_cleanse(kek, keklen);
    if (!rv)
    /* FIXME: WHY IS kari->pctx freed here?  /RL */
    kari->pctx = NULL;
    return rv;

int CMS_RecipientInfo_kari_decrypt(CMS_ContentInfo *cms,
                                   CMS_RecipientInfo *ri,
                                   CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey *rek)
    int rv = 0;
    unsigned char *enckey = NULL, *cek = NULL;
    size_t enckeylen;
    size_t ceklen;
    CMS_EncryptedContentInfo *ec;
    enckeylen = rek->encryptedKey->length;
    enckey = rek->encryptedKey->data;
    /* Setup all parameters to derive KEK */
    if (!cms_env_asn1_ctrl(ri, 1))
        goto err;
    /* Attempt to decrypt CEK */
    if (!cms_kek_cipher(&cek, &ceklen, enckey, enckeylen, ri->d.kari, 0))
        goto err;
    ec = cms->d.envelopedData->encryptedContentInfo;
    OPENSSL_clear_free(ec->key, ec->keylen);
    ec->key = cek;
    ec->keylen = ceklen;
    cek = NULL;
    rv = 1;
    return rv;

/* Create ephemeral key and initialise context based on it */
static int cms_kari_create_ephemeral_key(CMS_KeyAgreeRecipientInfo *kari,
                                         EVP_PKEY *pk)
    EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx = NULL;
    EVP_PKEY *ekey = NULL;
    int rv = 0;
    pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(pk, NULL);
    if (!pctx)
        goto err;
    if (EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(pctx) <= 0)
        goto err;
    if (EVP_PKEY_keygen(pctx, &ekey) <= 0)
        goto err;
    pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(ekey, NULL);
    if (!pctx)
        goto err;
    if (EVP_PKEY_derive_init(pctx) <= 0)
        goto err;
    kari->pctx = pctx;
    rv = 1;
    if (!rv)
    return rv;

/* Initialise a ktri based on passed certificate and key */

int cms_RecipientInfo_kari_init(CMS_RecipientInfo *ri, X509 *recip,
                                EVP_PKEY *pk, unsigned int flags)
    CMS_KeyAgreeRecipientInfo *kari;
    CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey *rek = NULL;

    ri->d.kari = M_ASN1_new_of(CMS_KeyAgreeRecipientInfo);
    if (!ri->d.kari)
        return 0;
    ri->type = CMS_RECIPINFO_AGREE;

    kari = ri->d.kari;
    kari->version = 3;

    rek = M_ASN1_new_of(CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey);
    if (!sk_CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey_push(kari->recipientEncryptedKeys, rek)) {
        M_ASN1_free_of(rek, CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey);
        return 0;

    if (flags & CMS_USE_KEYID) {
        rek->rid->type = CMS_REK_KEYIDENTIFIER;
        rek->rid->d.rKeyId = M_ASN1_new_of(CMS_RecipientKeyIdentifier);
        if (rek->rid->d.rKeyId == NULL)
            return 0;
        if (!cms_set1_keyid(&rek->rid->d.rKeyId->subjectKeyIdentifier, recip))
            return 0;
    } else {
        rek->rid->type = CMS_REK_ISSUER_SERIAL;
        if (!cms_set1_ias(&rek->rid->d.issuerAndSerialNumber, recip))
            return 0;

    /* Create ephemeral key */
    if (!cms_kari_create_ephemeral_key(kari, pk))
        return 0;

    rek->pkey = pk;
    return 1;

static int cms_wrap_init(CMS_KeyAgreeRecipientInfo *kari,
                         const EVP_CIPHER *cipher)
    EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx = kari->ctx;
    const EVP_CIPHER *kekcipher;
    int keylen = EVP_CIPHER_key_length(cipher);
    /* If a suitable wrap algorithm is already set nothing to do */
    kekcipher = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cipher(ctx);

    if (kekcipher) {
        if (EVP_CIPHER_CTX_mode(ctx) != EVP_CIPH_WRAP_MODE)
            return 0;
        return 1;
     * Pick a cipher based on content encryption cipher. If it is DES3 use
     * DES3 wrap otherwise use AES wrap similar to key size.
    if (EVP_CIPHER_type(cipher) == NID_des_ede3_cbc)
        kekcipher = EVP_des_ede3_wrap();
    if (keylen <= 16)
        kekcipher = EVP_aes_128_wrap();
    else if (keylen <= 24)
        kekcipher = EVP_aes_192_wrap();
        kekcipher = EVP_aes_256_wrap();
    return EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, kekcipher, NULL, NULL, NULL);

/* Encrypt content key in key agreement recipient info */

int cms_RecipientInfo_kari_encrypt(CMS_ContentInfo *cms,
                                   CMS_RecipientInfo *ri)
    CMS_KeyAgreeRecipientInfo *kari;
    CMS_EncryptedContentInfo *ec;
    CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey *rek;
    STACK_OF(CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey) *reks;
    int i;

    if (ri->type != CMS_RECIPINFO_AGREE) {
        return 0;
    kari = ri->d.kari;
    reks = kari->recipientEncryptedKeys;
    ec = cms->d.envelopedData->encryptedContentInfo;
    /* Initialise wrap algorithm parameters */
    if (!cms_wrap_init(kari, ec->cipher))
        return 0;
     * If no originator key set up initialise for ephemeral key the public key
     * ASN1 structure will set the actual public key value.
    if (kari->originator->type == -1) {
        CMS_OriginatorIdentifierOrKey *oik = kari->originator;
        oik->type = CMS_OIK_PUBKEY;
        oik->d.originatorKey = M_ASN1_new_of(CMS_OriginatorPublicKey);
        if (!oik->d.originatorKey)
            return 0;
    /* Initialise KDF algorithm */
    if (!cms_env_asn1_ctrl(ri, 0))
        return 0;
    /* For each rek, derive KEK, encrypt CEK */
    for (i = 0; i < sk_CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey_num(reks); i++) {
        unsigned char *enckey;
        size_t enckeylen;
        rek = sk_CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey_value(reks, i);
        if (EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer(kari->pctx, rek->pkey) <= 0)
            return 0;
        if (!cms_kek_cipher(&enckey, &enckeylen, ec->key, ec->keylen,
                            kari, 1))
            return 0;
        ASN1_STRING_set0(rek->encryptedKey, enckey, enckeylen);

    return 1;
