{# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 koszko.org website CV page (english). Copyright (C) 2021,2022 Wojtek Kosior #} {% extends "cv.html.jinja" %} {% block lisp_entry_text %} Lisp (bits from various dialects) {% endblock %} {% block assembly_link_text %} assembly (ARM, x86 in Intel syntax) {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% call section() %} {% call aside() %} The formal, PDF version of the Curriculum Vitae can be found {{ link('/static/cv-formal-en.pdf', 'here') }}. {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call section('edu') %} {{ header(2, 'Education') }} {% call descriptions() %} {{ desc_term('2017-2021') }} {% call desc_desc() -%} Informatics, stationary studies, {{ link('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGH_University_of_Science_and_Technology', 'AGH') }} in Kraków, IEiT faculty {%- endcall %} {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call section('achievements') %} {{ header(2, 'Achievements') }} {% call descriptions() %} {{ desc_term('2014') }} {% call desc_desc() %} {{ link('https://omj.edu.pl/laureaci-ix', 'Laureate') }} of the 9th {% call link('https://om.edu.pl/omg/') -%} Math Olympics for Secondary School Students {%- endcall %} {% endcall %} {{ desc_term('2017') }} {% call desc_desc() %} {{ link('https://www.kgof.edu.pl/archiwum/66/of66-3-laureaci.pdf', 'Laureate') }} of the 66th {{ link('https://www.kgof.edu.pl/', 'Physics Olympics') }} {% endcall %} {{ desc_term('2017') }} {% call desc_desc() %} {{ link('https://om.mimuw.edu.pl/previous_olympiads/68', 'Finalist') }} of the 68th {{ link('https://om.edu.pl/', 'Math Olympics') }} {% endcall %} {{ desc_term('2021') }} {% call desc_desc() %} {{ link('https://www.gnu.org/education/how-i-fought-to-graduate-without-using-non-free-software.html', 'Fight') }} for the ability to study using libre software, concluded with successful BSc thesis defence with a "very good" final grade {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call section('skills') %} {{ header(2, 'Knowledge of technologies') }} {% call para() %} Speaks (best learned towards the top) {% endcall %} {{ speaks_list() }} {% call para() %} I can also learn almost any programming language in ~20 minutes {{ unicode(128521) }} {% endcall %} {% call para() %} I am experienced in {% endcall %} {% call unordered_list() %} {% call list_entry() %} administering UNIX-like systems (e.g. Debian GNU/Linux) {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} low-level programming, bare-metal, embedded systems{{ gitlink(*embeds_project_ids)}} {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} networking facilities offered by the Linux kernel{{ gitlink(*networking_project_ids) }} {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} Make tool{{ gitlink(*make_project_ids) }} {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} Git tool {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} practical applications of cryptographic tools {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} crafting of lightweight, ethical websites {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} libre software licenses {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} cross-compilation{{ gitlink(*xcc_project_ids) }} {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call section('rest') %} {{ header(2, 'Others') }} {% call unordered_list() %} {% call list_entry() %} english language at level C1 {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} polish language (native) {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call section('freesw-only') %} {{ header(2, 'Libre software at work') }} {% call para() %} I am open for ethical contracts and job offers that do not involve proprietary software development nor a non-disclosure agreement. In case of doubt {{ link('mailto:koszko@koszko.org', 'I am answering questions') }}. {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call section('contact') %} {{ header(2, 'Contact') }} {{ contact_info() }} {% endcall %} {% endblock %}