#!/bin/bash set -e -x if [ -z "${TRAVIS_TAG}" ]; then # Not a release exit 0 fi PACKAGE_VERSION=$(python ".ci/package-version.py") PYPI_VERSION=$(python ".ci/pypi-check.py" "${PYMODULE}") if [ "${PACKAGE_VERSION}" == "${PYPI_VERSION}" ]; then echo "${PYMODULE}-${PACKAGE_VERSION} is already published on PyPI" exit 0 fi # Check if all expected wheels have been built and uploaded. release_platforms=( "macosx_10_??_x86_64" "manylinux1_i686" "manylinux1_x86_64" "win32" "win_amd64" ) P="${PYMODULE}-${PACKAGE_VERSION}" expected_wheels=() for pyver in ${RELEASE_PYTHON_VERSIONS}; do abitag=$(python -c \ "print('cp{maj}{min}-cp{maj}{min}{s}'.format( \ maj='${pyver}'.split('.')[0], \ min='${pyver}'.split('.')[1], s='m' if tuple('${pyver}'.split('.')) < ('3', '8') else ''))") for plat in "${release_platforms[@]}"; do expected_wheels+=("${P}-${abitag}-${plat}.whl") done done rm -rf dist/*.whl dist/*.tar.* python setup.py sdist python ".ci/s3-download-release.py" --destdir=dist/ "${P}" _file_exists() { [[ -f $1 ]]; } for distfile in "${expected_wheels[@]}"; do if ! _file_exists dist/${distfile}; then echo "Expected wheel ${distfile} not found." exit 1 fi done python -m twine upload dist/*.whl dist/*.tar.*