path: root/tests
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-04-03Make Map a subclass of collecitons.abc.MappingYury Selivanov
2018-04-03Change Map.delete(key): raise a KeyError if key is not in the mapYury Selivanov
2018-04-02Add pure Python implementation (compatible with PyPy)Yury Selivanov
2018-04-01Implement Map.__hash__Yury Selivanov
2018-04-01Implement __repr__Yury Selivanov
2018-03-31immutables v0.2v0.2Elvis Pranskevichus
2018-03-30Do not use f-strings for Python 3.5 compatibilityElvis Pranskevichus
2018-03-30Initial commitYury Selivanov