{# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR CC-BY-SA-4.0 Website main page. This file is part of Hydrilla&Haketilo website. Copyright (C) 2022 Wojtek Kosior Dual licensed under * GNU General Public License v3.0 or later and * Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International. You can choose to use either of these licenses or both. I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this file's licenses. Although I request that you do not make use of this code in a proprietary work, I am not going to enforce this in court. #} {% extends "website_base.html.jinja" %} {% block title %} {{ _('index.title') }} {% endblock %} {% block style %} {{ super() }} img#haketilo-web { display: block; margin: 20px; max-height: 300px; max-width: 100%; margin: auto; } {% endblock %} {% set here_url = url_for('main') %} {% set site_git_url = 'https://git.koszko.org/hydrilla-website/' %} {% set nav_links_data = [ ('', here_url ~ '#', 'Home'), ('about', here_url ~ '#about', 'About'), ('manual', here_url ~ '#manual', 'Manual'), (none, url_for('downloads') ~ '#', 'Downloads'), ('get-involved', here_url ~ '#get-involved', 'Get involved'), (none, site_git_url, 'Website sources') ] %} {% block body %} {% call subpage('') %} Haketilo hatchet stabbed into the Web

{{ _('index.h_big.taking_back_the_web') }}

{% endcall %} {% call subpage('about') %}


Haketilo is a tool that facilitates viewing websites with their original JavaScript replaced by user-provided scripts. It combines the functionalities of content blocker and user script manager. It can be used with its script repository, Hydrilla.

One of Haketilo's aims is to address the issues raised in "The JavaScript trap". It is being developed with hope that it will make more user-controlled "Web" browsing possible.

Haketilo is a free/libre software, SSl-enabled HTTP proxy. As such, it can be used with multiple web browsers, regardless of their native support for some particular addon format.

A browser extension variant of Haketilo also exists and is compatible with Firefox- and Chromium-based browsers that support the Manifest V2 WebExtension format. The browser extension is currently in maintenance mode and does not receive new features.

Available packages

Haketilo can be used both for simple script-blocking and for altering the ways websites are viewed. Its official Hydrilla repository provides a collection of freely-licensed packages that can make several websites viewable again after their original JavaScript is blocked from executing.


Those who knowingly or unknowingly helped the project in some way, receive special thanks. {% call unordered_list() %} {% call list_entry() %} the NLnet Foundation with the NGI0 Programme for funding the development of Haketilo in 2021 and 2022 {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} Jahoti for contributions in the early stages of Haketilo browser extension {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} Nicholas Johnson for preparing a presentation about Haketilo for LibrePlanet 2022 {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} David Lyons for his Hatchet graphic that is being used in Haketilo {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} the creators of mitmproxy which serves as a base for Haketilo proxy {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} the the Pallets Projects for creating Flask and other tools that are used extensively in this very website as well as in Haketilo&Hydrilla {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% call subpage('manual') %}

User manual

Information about installation, running and some technical aspects of Haketilo operation can be found on project's Redmine-powered wiki. Additional help is provided by Haketilo proxy's builtin documentation which can be viewed from the tool itself.

The documentation of Hydrilla repository server for use with Haketilo can be found on on project's wiki.

{% endcall %} {% call subpage('get-involved') %}

Get involved

Haketilo development currently occurs on project's Redmine instance. Individuals and groups are more than welcome to

{% call unordered_list() %} {% call list_entry() %} provide feedback and suggestions, {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} make bug reports, {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} share custom scripts for websites, {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} provide translations and {% endcall %} {% call list_entry() %} contribute code to Haketilo and Hydrilla. {% endcall %} {% endcall %}

One can also email the maintainer of Haketilo, Wojtek Kosior, directly at koszko@koszko.org.

{% endcall %} {% endblock %}